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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How to fix PvP in 10 easy steps:


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1. Don't charge subscription fees on the 20th. Offer everyone a month free as an apology.


2. Remove expertise. Alternatively, bracket expertise rigorously into their own queues: 0, under 100, 100-200, 200-400, 400+ The latter option, of course, would just make PvPers quit in even larger numbers than the former because of queue times.


3. Limit consumable use in PvP to ones bought for commendations or given as rewards. Period.


4. Allow people to queue for the warzones they want to queue for.


5. Add way more medals for healing. There should be at least 5 that a starting healer can earn, and probably 7 in total. Remember that even the best healers rarely drop more than 75k damage. They need every medal they can get.


6. Add medals for objective points beside defending.


7. Fix bolstering so it works better. I won't bother providing suggestions, but here's an easy one: instead of PvP gear providing expertise, have it made available through bolstering alone.


8. Ilum. Seriously guys I know you got forced to release on EA's schedule, but honestly it's just embarrassing. You would have been better served to not release it at all until it was ready. The entire planet, I mean. Alterac Valley in Vanilla is the ideal (with balanced terrain, of course).


9. This game actually has a premise for a real team deathmatch. Why not do it? Again, with queues you can choose there would only be people playing it that want to play it.


10. Don't be afraid of losing your PVE crowd. They're not going anywhere. You can't get rid of them. PvP, on the other hand, is always looking for the freshest blood. GW2 is coming. You've got to get it straight fast.

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1. Don't charge subscription fees on the 20th. Offer everyone a month free as an apology. BioWare/EA never admits that it did something wrong. Especially when it costs them money to admit it.


2. Remove expertise. Alternatively, bracket expertise rigorously into their own queues: 0, under 100, 100-200, 200-400, 400+ The latter option, of course, would just make PvPers quit in even larger numbers than the former because of queue times. WoW has it, therefore SWTOR needs it, amirite?


3. Limit consumable use in PvP to ones bought for commendations or given as rewards. Period. No word on fixing biochem, but good news they are nerfing Cybertech grenades, because everyone uses them apparently (I have never seen a cybertech grenade used in PvP).


4. Allow people to queue for the warzones they want to queue for. agreed


5. Add way more medals for healing. There should be at least 5 that a starting healer can earn, and probably 7 in total. Remember that even the best healers rarely drop more than 75k damage. They need every medal they can get. yep


6. Add medals for objective points beside defending. righto


7. Fix bolstering so it works better. I won't bother providing suggestions, but here's an easy one: instead of PvP gear providing expertise, have it made available through bolstering alone. Bolstering has always been hard to balance.


8. Ilum. Seriously guys I know you got forced to release on EA's schedule, but honestly it's just embarrassing. You would have been better served to not release it at all until it was ready. The entire planet, I mean. Alterac Valley in Vanilla is the ideal (with balanced terrain, of course). I have given up on world PvP in this game


9. This game actually has a premise for a real team deathmatch. Why not do it? Again, with queues you can choose there would only be people playing it that want to play it. Deathmatch would be cool.


10. Don't be afraid of losing your PVE crowd. They're not going anywhere. You can't get rid of them. PvP, on the other hand, is always looking for the freshest blood. GW2 is coming. You've got to get it straight fast.




Edited by DarthDartheous
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1. Lol


2. Noob, expertise is not a big deal, what is a big deal is a lvl 46 using lvl 40 blues vs a lvl 50 using lvl 50 epics. Pve epics arent that much worse than pvp epics, having had both in pvp, the problem is your ****** low level quest gear thats outdated vs top of the line pvp gear. I'm tired of noobs going on about expertise, it's perfectly fine. Level brackets are what you want.


3. Yes


4. Meh


5. Yes


6. Yes


7. This is what I was talking about in point 2, the problem isn't expertise, nor is it bolstering, its your ****** quest gear. An armourtech who levels up and makes himself epic gear the whole way up will find himself pwning people higher than him, and even fresh 50s.


8. yup


9. No opinion


10. Lol, pve needs more work than pvp, as a pvper. Actually scratch that, I'd just like to do any pveing at all, but without dual spec I can't so pvp it is.


11. Fix responsiveness, this is more important than anything you said.

Edited by Jabbb
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Speaking as a 50 PT in full Champ gear with 400 Biochem -


1. Agreed. They released this game earlier than it should have been (props for hiding it pretty well though, mostly hard to notice until level 50). They won't do it though, because as somebody else already said, they can never be wrong in their world. Only in everybody else's.


2. Agreed. Remember what gear I'm in as I say this. Alternatively, halve the effectiveness of expertise and stop adding useless PvE stats like Accuracy to PvP gear and start putting useful stats on it instead.


3. Disagree, I prefer the nerf to consumables they are giving to BC. Allow them to be used just make them nowhere near powerful enough to be an I-Win button on a short CD. Also, buff all other crafting professions to be useful in pvp! BoP epic expertise gear, ect. Why should only 1 crewskill be useful at endgame? Crafting in general is a wreck at endgame.


4. Yes.


5. Yes.


6. Yes.


7. Brackets should fix this for the most part. But still yes.


8. Agree entirely. Illum is a wreck and shameful. SHAME. FULL. FULL OF SHAME.


9. Yes.


10. Yes.

Edited by Mhak
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1. Lol


2. Noob, expertise is not a big deal, what is a big deal is a lvl 46 using lvl 40 blues vs a lvl 50 using lvl 50 epics. Pve epics arent that much worse than pvp epics, having had both in pvp, the problem is your ****** low level quest gear thats outdated vs top of the line pvp gear. I'm tired of noobs going on about expertise, it's perfectly fine. Level brackets are what you want.


3. Yes


4. Meh


5. Yes


6. Yes


7. This is what I was talking about in point 2, the problem isn't expertise, nor is it bolstering, its your ****** quest gear. An armourtech who levels up and makes himself epic gear the whole way up will find himself pwning people higher than him, and even fresh 50s.


8. yup


9. No opinion


10. Lol, pve needs more work than pvp, as a pvper. Actually scratch that, I'd just like to do any pveing at all, but without dual spec I can't so pvp it is.


11. Fix responsiveness, this is more important than anything you said.


Regarding #2 :


This game has been out less than 30 days, so it is safe to say everyone, including YOU and me, are all NOOBS...so go throw your slang elsewhere...


And why they put expertise on that god aweful fugly looking gear is beyond me...someone was def smoking crack when that idea was implemented and those costumes designed...

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1. Don't charge subscription fees on the 20th. Offer everyone a month free as an apology.good luck


2. Remove expertise. Alternatively, bracket expertise rigorously into their own queues: 0, under 100, 100-200, 200-400, 400+ The latter option, of course, would just make PvPers quit in even larger numbers than the former because of queue times.meh


3. Limit consumable use in PvP to ones bought for commendations or given as rewards. Period.why? if i can bring none pvp armour shouldn't i be able to bring consumables??


4. Allow people to queue for the warzones they want to queue for.yes please


5. Add way more medals for healing. There should be at least 5 that a starting healer can earn, and probably 7 in total. Remember that even the best healers rarely drop more than 75k damage. They need every medal they can get.this isnt a fix your just making a statement


6. Add medals for objective points beside defending.you mean huttball? have you ever stayed at your goal line? you do get get medals for defending


7. Fix bolstering so it works better. I won't bother providing suggestions, but here's an easy one: instead of PvP gear providing expertise, have it made available through bolstering alone.nothing more then a statement


8. Ilum. Seriously guys I know you got forced to release on EA's schedule, but honestly it's just embarrassing. You would have been better served to not release it at all until it was ready. The entire planet, I mean. Alterac Valley in Vanilla is the ideal (with balanced terrain, of course).


9. This game actually has a premise for a real team deathmatch. Why not do it? Again, with queues you can choose there would only be people playing it that want to play it.would be nice


10. Don't be afraid of losing your PVE crowd. They're not going anywhere. You can't get rid of them. PvP, on the other hand, is always looking for the freshest blood. GW2 is coming. You've got to get it straight fast. don't worry about the pvp crowd they just like to whine about everyone but them being OP and blame there failing on being broken



ok there you go. you should change the title to...this is what i think...as it has not one fix in it

Edited by tindin
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1. Don't charge subscription fees on the 20th. Offer everyone a month free as an apology. Don't see a reason.



2. Remove expertise. Alternatively, bracket expertise rigorously into their own queues: 0, under 100, 100-200, 200-400, 400+ The latter option, of course, would just make PvPers quit in even larger numbers than the former because of queue times. No



3. Limit consumable use in PvP to ones bought for commendations or given as rewards. Period. Sure


4. Allow people to queue for the warzones they want to queue for. Eh, no. Unless they want to remove the limitations off factions facing factions on some maps. Otherwise it will just make queues suck.


5. Add way more medals for healing. There should be at least 5 that a starting healer can earn, and probably 7 in total. Remember that even the best healers rarely drop more than 75k damage. They need every medal they can get. Agreed.


6. Add medals for objective points beside defending. Agreed


7. Fix bolstering so it works better. I won't bother providing suggestions, but here's an easy one: instead of PvP gear providing expertise, have it made available through bolstering alone. Bolstering is fine.


8. Ilum. Seriously guys I know you got forced to release on EA's schedule, but honestly it's just embarrassing. You would have been better served to not release it at all until it was ready. The entire planet, I mean. Alterac Valley in Vanilla is the ideal (with balanced terrain, of course). They're working on it. But world PvP is pretty much destined to suck in this game w/ the faction imbalance.


9. This game actually has a premise for a real team deathmatch. Why not do it? Again, with queues you can choose there would only be people playing it that want to play it. I always wanted to see how one of these atleast played out in an MMO setting. I don't like the idea of making it a choosable match, because like FPSes, it would probably kill every other objective type map.


10. Don't be afraid of losing your PVE crowd. They're not going anywhere. You can't get rid of them. PvP, on the other hand, is always looking for the freshest blood. GW2 is coming. You've got to get it straight fast. This is false, PvEers are just as fickle as PvPers if not more-so



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