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Custom Chat Channels


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Not sure where to put this, so this seemed like a fine place.


In other games you could create custom chat channels. These would be good for multiple guilds to stay in contact or a guild larger than the guild cap to have one common channel. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to create one in this game. Does anyone know?

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Here you go!


/create [channelname] [password]- Create an Channel and an optional password

/cjoin [channelname] [password] - Join an already made channel also including a password if needed

/cleave [channelname] [password] - Leave a custom channel also including a password if needed

/lock [channelname] - Allow only invited players to join the channel

/unlock [channelname] - Allow all players to join the custom channel

/cinvite [channelname] [player] - Invite someone to the custom channel

/password [channelname] [password] - Set a password for the channel

/password [channelname] - Clear a password from a channel

/ckick [channelname] [player] - Kick a player from the channel

/ban [channelname] [player] - Ban a player from the channel

/unban [channelname] [player] - Unban a player from a channel

/mod [channelname] [player] - Give a player the moderator status in the channel

/unmod [channelname] [player] - Remove mod status from a player

/mute [channelname] [player] - Remove the ability to send messages on the channel

/unmute [channelname] [player] - Grant the ability to send messages on the channel

/moderate [channelname] - Set the custom channel to only let moderators speak

/unmoderate [channelname]- Set the custom channel to let anyone speak

/channellist - List all custom channels you are on

/list [channelname] - List the players on the custom channel

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Here you go!


/create [channelname] [password]- Create an Channel and an optional password

/cjoin [channelname] [password] - Join an already made channel also including a password if needed

/cleave [channelname] [password] - Leave a custom channel also including a password if needed

/lock [channelname] - Allow only invited players to join the channel

/unlock [channelname] - Allow all players to join the custom channel

/cinvite [channelname] [player] - Invite someone to the custom channel

/password [channelname] [password] - Set a password for the channel

/password [channelname] - Clear a password from a channel

/ckick [channelname] [player] - Kick a player from the channel

/ban [channelname] [player] - Ban a player from the channel

/unban [channelname] [player] - Unban a player from a channel

/mod [channelname] [player] - Give a player the moderator status in the channel

/unmod [channelname] [player] - Remove mod status from a player

/mute [channelname] [player] - Remove the ability to send messages on the channel

/unmute [channelname] [player] - Grant the ability to send messages on the channel

/moderate [channelname] - Set the custom channel to only let moderators speak

/unmoderate [channelname]- Set the custom channel to let anyone speak

/channellist - List all custom channels you are on

/list [channelname] - List the players on the custom channel


Sir/Ma'am...probably sir, I want to thank you and praise you from the highest mountains!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
id like to join the general chat of the fleet, but i guess thats not possible...


You are not beable to join "System Created" channel unless you are in the zone.


I am assuming you want to join fleet general to join flashpoints. What my server did was create an lfg channel by typing /cjoin lfg that way its a global channel. The trick is getting people to use it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
I know this seems like a "silly" question, but how the heck to do you chat in the Custom Channel once you make one, for the life of me nothing makes it work, and I have it showing in a new chat tab that is set to only show the custom channel. Thanks in advance.
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I know this seems like a "silly" question, but how the heck to do you chat in the Custom Channel once you make one, for the life of me nothing makes it work, and I have it showing in a new chat tab that is set to only show the custom channel. Thanks in advance.


There is an icon on the left of the window you type in. You should be able to click it and see available channels to you. From there, you should see all channels you are in and select them from there. Please let me know if this does not solve your issue if no one else responds. I'm not home to use the correct terminology but would be happy to come back to this post once home.


Again, should be able to click an icon left of where you type to see available channels.

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Thanks Master_Nate, that helped point me in the right direction. I had created a unique tab to show only the custom channel, guild and system information. I created the channel as a spot for my guild to RP so it felt more private and didn't muck up guild chat. Turns out to talk in it I just had to figure out what number is was associated with, which for some reason meant I had to have at least one other person in the channel for it to show up. Thanks again though for the point in the right direction. :D
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  • 1 month later...

Anyone experienced any difficulty with the functionality of commands?


Such commands as /cinvite, /ckick, etc. do not seem to be working for me or my fellow alliance members who utilize a custom chat channel to communicate.

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