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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Orbital Stations Must Die!


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Ha you fanboy. Installing TOR to a SSD does nothing.


Never once did I mention it did. The comment was directed at people who consider a blank screen a loading screen which from my end...NOT INSTALLED ON A SSD..only takes 1 second tops then they either have a garbage hard drive or not enough ram.


But please continue with the personal attacks. Mr Classy poster.

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they are not on each planet they are on some planets.


And no it really does not bother me all that much.

Please name me a planet which there are not!


For slow comps it takes forever to load, some up to 2 min and it's a kille when they must go from planet to planet to help friends.

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Please name me a planet which there are not!


For slow comps it takes forever to load, some up to 2 min and it's a kille when they must go from planet to planet to help friends.


It'd be better to say they are on most planets.


However, in terms of planets w/o Orbital Station interludes, look to the planets with actual spaceports. The Capitals, Nar Shaddaa (Imp), and Tatooine come to mind.

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Not sure which brain dead dev or his line manager actualy thought that players would see the excessive gateing (loading screens) would add to the enjoyment of this game.



one of the huge things that drew players from everquest (loading screen between every thing) to wow was how seamless it was. you didnt have a loading screen unless you entered a dungeon or changed continents.


people dont like to wait...and they especially dont like to wait, then run 100ft then wait some more...

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Absolutely useless, and no they don't add to immersion, what they add is another 2 load screens and another corridor to run down.


I haven't played WoW for a long time, but being able to run from one end of a continent to the other was immersion. SWTOR would put 15 black load screens to do that, and don't give me BS about "Elevators", they're load screens, they aren't seamless, they're useless.



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Unfortunately orbital stations contain class quest NPCs and other questline NPCs. In order to remove them cut scenes would have to be created for ship landings. All quest texts that say goto orbital station X and talk to X would have to be changed. All NPC's would have to be relocated in the game world. I'm sure there is a hundred other things I'm not thinking of. Bottom line is with the other game breaking bugs currently unfixed, removing orbital stations is not cost effective. This shipped content will never get that kind of overhaul like cataclysm did. It's better to move on and provide new content and fix engine bugs that will persist in content updates and expansions. Hopefully they don't include any orbital station type zones in the first expansion. Edited by carboncope
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Then they need to add in a quick travel to ships. Again, I don't mind running places if it is an interesting run, but orbital stations are not. Even better would be the ability to land at different landing pads on a planet, sort of like how they have shuttles to the imperial fleet scattered around some planets.



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Yep-- this has annoyed me from day one. Traveling from one zone to another was already bound to be a little more disjointed than is the norm for an MMO, since the world couldn't be seamless (can't walk from one planet to another). But adding orbital stations, airlocks, etc. is just bizarre and makes travel actually annoying.


And on top of that, it's completely inconsistent. Some planets have orbital stations, others do not. The method of travel should be completely consistent.


Personally, I think the entire process of traveling between planets needs to be revised, as it's nonsensical and feels tacked together.


For instance, when you get in your ship, you immediately launch into space. You can't just get in your ship. I can't think of the last time I got in my car and drove onto the freeway, then considered where I was going to go.


When you arrive in orbit around a new planet, you run to the door and actually use it, THEN see your ship approach the planet/station. It's like your crew decided to leave you outside on a spacewalk while they went for icecream.


It really ought to go something like this:


1. Enter your ship hanger on Planet A

2. Enter ship

3. Choose travel destination

4. See ship exit the hanger and leave the planet

5. Zone into new planet

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I would agree.


I just want to get to the next planet and quest, group. I am running on a low end laptop at the moment and just to get to the next planet takes roughly 10 min. I have started investing in fleet passes just to shorten the load times (journey).


As of now, the only temp solution I see right now is to allow people to turn off the flight cut scenes.



True fix:


When you zone into your instance (hanger) it should load your ship interior as well.


1) Right clicking will bring up an option menu - Board ship (Your still on the planet in your instance) zero transition time or Galaxy Map (setting a destination will then show your ship leaving, auto loading the next hangar as your ship leaves then hyperjumps and then landing on the next planet. Hitting spacebar will skip all of that and you'll watch the lading screen instead).


2) After the loading screen, you will be inside your ship. Exiting your ship will be instant and you can proceed out of your hanger (instance). One last loading screen to for the planet and your done.


3) Optional in settings - Preload next area ( Would allow those with powerful gaming rigs to preload small parts in the background before they get there).

Edited by adultprodigy
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Unfortunately orbital stations contain class quest NPCs and other questline NPCs. In order to remove them cut scenes would have to be created for ship landings. All quest texts that say goto orbital station X and talk to X would have to be changed. All NPC's would have to be relocated in the game world. I'm sure there is a hundred other things I'm not thinking of. Bottom line is with the other game breaking bugs currently unfixed, removing orbital stations is not cost effective. This shipped content will never get that kind of overhaul like cataclysm did. It's better to move on and provide new content and fix engine bugs that will persist in content updates and expansions. Hopefully they don't include any orbital station type zones in the first expansion.


Nah, there's an easy solution. When you exit your ship (or from the planet, click on the shuttle), it gives you a pop-up like you get with elevators, do you want to go to the orbital station or planetside (or orbital station/ship). Except for the first trip, the first time to visit, you should go through the orbital station, after that you get the level choice. Then they should add class trainers, crew skill vendors, crew skill trainers, shuttles to flashpoints, and commendation vendors to the orbital stations to make them useful.


There is way, way too much running in this game. And too many loadings.

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Orbital Stations are simply a case of something that sounded good in theory ending up being awful in practice. Complete waste of time.


I don't know how they ever could have sounded good in theory. "You know what would be really cool? If before getting to a planet a player had to go from their ship to an orbital station then take a shuttle down to the planet."


I just don't get anything about them.

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absolutely no reason for orbital stations and airlocks. they need to go. why do I even need to take an elevator to my ship? why can't it just be in a room behind the green barrier?


Some people will come along and say that all the loading screens and running around adds to immersion. Those people are dumb.

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Nah, there's an easy solution. When you exit your ship (or from the planet, click on the shuttle), it gives you a pop-up like you get with elevators, do you want to go to the orbital station or planetside (or orbital station/ship). Except for the first trip, the first time to visit, you should go through the orbital station, after that you get the level choice. Then they should add class trainers, crew skill vendors, crew skill trainers, shuttles to flashpoints, and commendation vendors to the orbital stations to make them useful.


There is way, way too much running in this game. And too many loadings.


Nice! That way they can keep the content intact but give people who have done it a way to skip it. Bumped for a Bioware mod to see.

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Nah, there's an easy solution. When you exit your ship (or from the planet, click on the shuttle), it gives you a pop-up like you get with elevators, do you want to go to the orbital station or planetside (or orbital station/ship). Except for the first trip, the first time to visit, you should go through the orbital station, after that you get the level choice. Then they should add class trainers, crew skill vendors, crew skill trainers, shuttles to flashpoints, and commendation vendors to the orbital stations to make them useful.


There is way, way too much running in this game. And too many loadings.


Good idea!


Why doesn't BW and EA listen to their customer base with these ideas? Instead of the whole silent treatment and us getting the feeling of them saying "No, our way is better".

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