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Marauders and Huttball


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Wow you are an idiot. So many classes carry the ball better. However, it is nice to be carrying the ball pop Undying Rage and walk through all the fire while everyone else is just standing there..... kinda funny and its the only laugh you get out of huttball.


Then you get pulled back and die! True story.

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I think I like the idea of having immunity from knockback after charging, even if it is only 5 seconds or so. That gives me enough time to do some damage before "LOL KNOCKBACK"


They will probably add this to Juggernaut since, you know, Juggernauts are struggling and marauders are perfectly fine. According to them.

Edited by Luxidenstore
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Begin petition:

If you give us Mara's a force knock back like our juggy counterparts, we promise to not exploit it every half a minute like everyone else does in huttball.




I'd exploit it like a lunatic. Combined with a snare I'd show other classes how it is to be knocked into fire/acid all the time.

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SWTOR has a sniper, who has force charge and cc immunity.


Ok with me, change Undying Rage from 99% damage reduction (for 50% hp? really?) to 5 sec cc immunity.

I charge in, and have at least 5 sec uninterrupted every 90 secs, when I can have a laugh and use my skills.


And not "run up to the target to save on force charge for the knockback".


Juggernaut gets mobility fixes. Reading the devs post I was thinking, does he know, at all, that marauder has even worse mobility problems?

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Admittedly, I don't like the idea of giving us knockbacks or pulls. I think the lack of those things makes our gameplay that much different. Now, some sort of anchor ability- that would be sweet.


At this point, a geared Level 50 Marauder can do wonders with the ball through lucky Resolve tics, Saber Ward, Force Charge, Predation, and Undying Rage. I'm not sure if this will be the same once the gear is fairly equal all 'round.

Edited by memoriesofprey
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SWTOR has a sniper, who has force charge and cc immunity.


Ok with me, change Undying Rage from 99% damage reduction (for 50% hp? really?) to 5 sec cc immunity.

I charge in, and have at least 5 sec uninterrupted every 90 secs, when I can have a laugh and use my skills.


And not "run up to the target to save on force charge for the knockback".


Juggernaut gets mobility fixes. Reading the devs post I was thinking, does he know, at all, that marauder has even worse mobility problems?


I don't know who is in charge of these fixes but apparently we are working as intended.

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less push more pull plz


I wouldn't mind having some kind of pull myself either, in fact it probably makes more sense for our class to have a pull since we are a melee class. Then I could stand near the green pool/fire and troll pull people into and watch them die :) MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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solo run cap with marauder in carnage. not like I couldnt do this alot, but still, we have powerful tools. Just wait until you die without ever touching the ground, while getting knocked back, pushed, yanked and choked :p


I just chock that up to being popular :p

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solo run cap with marauder in carnage. not like I couldnt do this alot, but still, we have powerful tools. Just wait until you die without ever touching the ground, while getting knocked back, pushed, yanked and choked :p


I just chock that up to being popular :p


I do this aalllll the time.


Like I always say: we can use some tweaks but we really are fine. Not amazing, not underpowered. Just fine.

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I do this aalllll the time.


Like I always say: we can use some tweaks but we really are fine. Not amazing, not underpowered. Just fine.


Compared to some classes that are "amazing" its not "fine" ;p


Getting Tracer spammed whilst my charge is on cd makes me rage!!! Dispise how easy other classes are. I actually make it a mini-crusade to **** any player just spamming their classes OP ability and camp them all WZ just to make myself feel better.

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Vid of running support as ball carrier, but the video codec I used (despite it saying that it was widescreen high def) made it look like I was recording through a toilet paper tube, lol


But yea, we are very strong in huttball, but as a solo "ganker" we are not suited for. Currently anyways.

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Compared to some classes that are "amazing" its not "fine" ;p


Getting Tracer spammed whilst my charge is on cd makes me rage!!! Dispise how easy other classes are. I actually make it a mini-crusade to **** any player just spamming their classes OP ability and camp them all WZ just to make myself feel better.


oh god, yea I do that as well, I especially hunt down ops and scoundrels, lol. Having homing missle kill me in the air on air vents gets on my nerves as well, I get that they have travel time, but so does my vicous throw, an it never gets anyone mid air, lol

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I wouldn't want to be any other class in huttball. When you spec into predation in anni you can basically mount with the ball and UR through the fire. You can also jump into the pit on purpose and charge the next rez wave and UR across the line. There really isn't a better class for huttball I really don't know what you people are complaining about.
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oh god, yea I do that as well, I especially hunt down ops and scoundrels, lol. Having homing missle kill me in the air on air vents gets on my nerves as well, I get that they have travel time, but so does my vicous throw, an it never gets anyone mid air, lol


My Vicious Throw just bugs and I run round spining my light saber around my hand like a dam cheer leader twizzling that dam stick thing!! ;p

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I think I like the idea of having immunity from knockback after charging, even if it is only 5 seconds or so. That gives me enough time to do some damage before "LOL KNOCKBACK"


either this or a re-charge move. something where you can get a "finishes cooldown" on charge ability

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Getting Tracer spammed whilst my charge is on cd makes me rage!!!


Is vanish on cd? Do you have nearby LOS? Do you have 30stacks of fury for predation, to get out of range? Do you have frenzy up to get 30 stacks? Are you carnage traited, can you snare the merc to get back in range, or obfuscate from range? Are you rage traited, do you have obliterate up? Did you have CoP/saber ward up to mitigate the damage?


I actually ran out of cooldowns last night in a huttball match, it amazed me. I almost always have *something* to pop when in trouble.


I'd prefer a knockback immunity before a knockback. And a pull before a knockback, if immunity is too much. I do not understand why people want a knockback on a melee class.

Edited by Sayc
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I wouldn't want to be any other class in huttball. When you spec into predation in anni you can basically mount with the ball and UR through the fire. You can also jump into the pit on purpose and charge the next rez wave and UR across the line. There really isn't a better class for huttball I really don't know what you people are complaining about.



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IMHO the people crying about marauder in huttball are the epitome of L2P. Marauder is one of the best ball carrying classes. I can pick up from mid and score faster then any other class. All in all, huttball is a zone that marauders excel at unless you're simply getting facerolled. In which case, what class is going to change anything?


You are totally full of it. No class can score faster than Assassin or Sorc. They have knockbacks, stuns, SPRINT. And their sprint is far faster than we run with predation up. Sorc can even pull friendly ball carriers to them.


Marauders are garbage in huttball compared to other classes. This is another Elite Lamer post by someone who wants to claim they are better than everyone else.


You spend a lot of your time running to attack people because you ahve to save your force charge for the inevitable knockback. Then you just get knocked back or pulled again. I know everyone gets knocked back on this map.


I just want to be able to do something too.

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oh god, yea I do that as well, I especially hunt down ops and scoundrels, lol. Having homing missle kill me in the air on air vents gets on my nerves as well, I get that they have travel time, but so does my vicous throw, an it never gets anyone mid air, lol


my vicious throw gets loads of people midair. That is not our issue.

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