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Why do some moves not cast.. or double clutch.


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If you are reading this you know what I am talking about. These are just some of the worst offenders. Have talked to several Marauders on my server, some have even approached me about it. My latency is fine, super PC so no graphic or fps issues.


Force Choke- Gives the animation as if you are casting, but does not really cast, making you push it again.


Battering Assault- The absolute worst, it is like 35% chance this skill works on first cast in pvp. Which sucks as it is our #1 Rage builder. It does this stupid thing where you pull your sabers back.. then fails to cast. This needs to be fixed immediately.


Berserk- Will give no animation sometimes when cast, have to look at your bar for the buff.


Rupture-Does a half leap, you think you got them.. but wait.. nope it is still up and not on CD even though you just wasted a global casting it once already.



My question is how is this fixed, is there a setting that makes this better or less prevalent. Maybe action que time? ( although I have tried them all). Getting really frustrating when I force leap to someone and have to waste the whole stun time trying to get Battering Assault off.


Any other skills that have these problems we can discuss as well, this is just off the top of my head.

Edited by xAJx
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Level 50 Marauder here and I have had those exact same issues. Also I have been noticing lately that disrupt has a lag to the cast. You press disrupt hotkey (tried multiple hotkeys as to make sure it wasnt a mouse hotkey issue) and it triggers global cooldown for all my abilities yet doesnt cast.


Same thing has happened numerous times with force charge, annihilate, vicious throw, deadly throw all activate global cool down but yet the ability never goes off, putting us in an almost animation lock for 1.5 seconds at least before we can act again.


The worse is force choke and ravage putting us in that 3 second cast only to not actually activate the ability but use the animation of the ability.

Edited by Mimnock
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There's nothing we can do, just wait for this game to come out of beta




I'm a Jedi Knight and I have the same problem. The simplest answer is:


The Hero engine is a broken piece of sssss-... shizzbang!


We can't do anything to fix this. We just have to wait, as mentioned above, wait for the game to come out of beta. I believe many played this game in the beta and they'll all agree when I say, that the "final" build is the beta build of November 25. So yes, all we can do is wait, weep and hope.




Skills JK has problems with are Hilt Strike, Pummel, Force Sweep, Force Push, Force Stasis, Slash and Bladestorm. Atleast these are the only ones I noticed the trouble with. Half the repertoire of a tank's rotation, mind you. Imagine the horror.

Edited by Isharel
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Level 50 Marauder here and I have had those exact same issues. Also I have been noticing lately that disrupt has a lag to the cast. You press disrupt hotkey (tried multiple hotkeys as to make sure it wasnt a mouse hotkey issue) and it triggers global cooldown for all my abilities yet doesnt cast.


Same thing has happened numerous times with force charge, annihilate, vicious throw, deadly throw all activate global cool down but yet the ability never goes off, putting us in an almost animation lock for 1.5 seconds at least before we can act again.


The worse is force choke and ravage putting us in that 3 second cast only to not actually activate the ability but use the animation of the ability.


Yeah I am lvl 50 as well, I feel these glitches (failures in programing) really keep our class out of being actually decent in pvp. I am 57lvl valor and usually end up top in damage in kills, I can't imagine if these issues were actually fixed....

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They made a lot of rapid changes towards the end of beta. we told them this was a bad move we were told to basically shut up and eat our crow. They would make changes as they saw fit and we are just there to test the changes they made.


Perhaps they will listen to us now that there is money involved. If they ignore their player base we will cancel, even if its bioware and star wars.

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The ability lag really kills me sometimes. Like literally gets my killed.


I seem to have the most trouble with certain spells that are supposed to be off the GCD but still get caught in GCD lag. Disrupt and Berserk are the biggest offenders in my experience.

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My favorite is Unleash giving me "Not Facing Target" spam when I try to use it in PvP. Usually takes 3 or 4 activations and by then, the CC is about up anyway.


But the absolute worst problem of the animation delay is Smash. After you've overcome the crappy positioning that Force LEap and Obliterate give you (usually 3 to 5 meters away formt he target by the time you land) you catch that bastich and BAM SMASH FTW....yet apparently he isn't there anymore so nothing hits him. It really seems like the best defense against a Rage warrior is to just keep moving, none of our gap closers or finishers can hit a moving target. No other class in the game has as broken a system of PRIMARY insta-cast spells that are completely broken.

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I strictly PvE and have experienced many of the problems the OP stated.


I know it's pretty well known besides the general responsiveness that Marauder got some glitchy animations. For the most part they've been tolerable solo, but when you're in a time-sensitive situation, far from it.


I'm surprised I've encountered as many bugs as I have, specifically with animations, on my Marauder. Don't think I had as many on Sorcerer, though it has its share as well.

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If you are reading this you know what I am talking about. These are just some of the worst offenders. Have talked to several Marauders on my server, some have even approached me about it. My latency is fine, super PC so no graphic or fps issues.


Force Choke- Gives the animation as if you are casting, but does not really cast, making you push it again.


Battering Assault- The absolute worst, it is like 35% chance this skill works on first cast in pvp. Which sucks as it is our #1 Rage builder. It does this stupid thing where you pull your sabers back.. then fails to cast. This needs to be fixed immediately.


Berserk- Will give no animation sometimes when cast, have to look at your bar for the buff.


Rupture-Does a half leap, you think you got them.. but wait.. nope it is still up and not on CD even though you just wasted a global casting it once already.



My question is how is this fixed, is there a setting that makes this better or less prevalent. Maybe action que time? ( although I have tried them all). Getting really frustrating when I force leap to someone and have to waste the whole stun time trying to get Battering Assault off.


Any other skills that have these problems we can discuss as well, this is just off the top of my head.


You forgot the Ravage bug, your rooted, your stuck casting it, but no damage, no CD, and your opponent can literally get a /lol at you off before you can even finish.


I CANT wait to see the first balance patch released and marauders finally get some love.

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If you are reading this you know what I am talking about. These are just some of the worst offenders. Have talked to several Marauders on my server, some have even approached me about it. My latency is fine, super PC so no graphic or fps issues.


Force Choke- Gives the animation as if you are casting, but does not really cast, making you push it again.


Battering Assault- The absolute worst, it is like 35% chance this skill works on first cast in pvp. Which sucks as it is our #1 Rage builder. It does this stupid thing where you pull your sabers back.. then fails to cast. This needs to be fixed immediately.


Berserk- Will give no animation sometimes when cast, have to look at your bar for the buff.


Rupture-Does a half leap, you think you got them.. but wait.. nope it is still up and not on CD even though you just wasted a global casting it once already.



My question is how is this fixed, is there a setting that makes this better or less prevalent. Maybe action que time? ( although I have tried them all). Getting really frustrating when I force leap to someone and have to waste the whole stun time trying to get Battering Assault off.


Any other skills that have these problems we can discuss as well, this is just off the top of my head.




Please fix this Bioware

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You forgot the Ravage bug, your rooted, your stuck casting it, but no damage, no CD, and your opponent can literally get a /lol at you off before you can even finish.


I CANT wait to see the first balance patch released and marauders finally get some love.


LMAO, I actually saw a fellow mara do ravage on me an I did just that to them

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