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  • Location
    Best city in the world Chicago.
  • Interests
    Working out, competitive play, trash talk, sports and wooping ***.
  • Occupation
    Real estate investor
  1. Endar -Black Vulkars pvp server Damage Primary: 718-860 Damage Secondary: 199-299 Bonus Damage: 434.3 Accuracy: 99.88 Crit Chance: 33.28 Crit Multiplier: 77.53 Str: 1665 Endurance: 1603 Power: 350 ~Self Buffed~ High Crits: 5.5k Anihilation Average Solo WZ Damage: 350k-400k
  2. All the QQ is understandable, I in fact do love the idea of this game, the essence per say. I love my marauder as of right now I have no real alts. I am lvl 50, tier 2 pvE gear and almost 58 valor. I dominate in pvp, and I am frustrated in every WZ by character responsiveness and our flat out squishy-ness. If you are looking for information on those topics, read any of the other threads in this section. I am an end game elite PvP player in many mmo's (everquest, aion, DAoC). This class needs, a ton of work.... a ton. However that being said.. played correctly it can still do work. I made this thread to give examples that we can be decent, but man I wish they would give us some attention. Proof is in the pudding http://imageshack.us/g/811/270h.png/
  3. Yeah I am lvl 50 as well, I feel these glitches (failures in programing) really keep our class out of being actually decent in pvp. I am 57lvl valor and usually end up top in damage in kills, I can't imagine if these issues were actually fixed....
  4. If you are reading this you know what I am talking about. These are just some of the worst offenders. Have talked to several Marauders on my server, some have even approached me about it. My latency is fine, super PC so no graphic or fps issues. Force Choke- Gives the animation as if you are casting, but does not really cast, making you push it again. Battering Assault- The absolute worst, it is like 35% chance this skill works on first cast in pvp. Which sucks as it is our #1 Rage builder. It does this stupid thing where you pull your sabers back.. then fails to cast. This needs to be fixed immediately. Berserk- Will give no animation sometimes when cast, have to look at your bar for the buff. Rupture-Does a half leap, you think you got them.. but wait.. nope it is still up and not on CD even though you just wasted a global casting it once already. My question is how is this fixed, is there a setting that makes this better or less prevalent. Maybe action que time? ( although I have tried them all). Getting really frustrating when I force leap to someone and have to waste the whole stun time trying to get Battering Assault off. Any other skills that have these problems we can discuss as well, this is just off the top of my head.
  5. Also having this problem, can not do any hard modes. I don't remember what my last good instance was. This sucks.
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