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how long between waves?


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Holy crap, two waves of invites and many servers are at Medium pop and a few at Full!??


That list doesn't coincide with what the in game server status shows. A friend got in on second wave and he and I are talking in ventrilo, he looked at the populations and the in game one only shows 2 servers at standard and the rest were light at the time, and I was looking at the website version and told him that like 9 were showing full.

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My friend got in on first wave and doing the /who thing shows only 30-40 people on tython atm.


Many times those /who's have the results capped so you won't get all the results. Otherwise the polling of information could slow the server down if you had a few people doing it.

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Sure, but there should be middle ground between 46 players on a whole starting planet (Ord Mantell right now on my guilds' server) and thousand people at once. ^^


Yehh i guess your right, Lets be honest though i think mos of us could play with 10 or 10000 on a server right now and we'd just be happy for an invite.


I did my code 12th September so least mines probably only Wednesday Thursday or something. 21st Birthday Thursday so hoping for a little present from bioware haha

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Ugh, this waiting game is killing me :( I didn't preorder till October so I'm guessing I won't be playing today/tomorrow at all.


I don't understand why I as a player have to wait extra days just because I didn't preorder as early as some other people :| Like, I'm sorry I waited for the official Mists of Pandaria announcement to preorder, but I'd like to play the game I paid for >_<


EDIT: To be fair, I was part of the Rift pre-launch and that was a fiasco, but mostly because they didn't have enough servers. You'd think with all the people they had on the servers during the stress test weekends, they'd have a little more faith in the servers than to just release this stuff in a trickle. Oh well, guess it's time to put another twenty hours into Skyrim :|

Edited by Beslley
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I pre-ordered about 2 weeks ago. That makes for a very relaxing few days, enjoying myself with reading the rants of those that refresh their mailbox every 2 mins :)
You mean, people who didn't find the option to auto-update their mailbox every minute or so, something every mail client has? :D
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Ugh, this waiting game is killing me :( I didn't preorder till October so I'm guessing I won't be playing today/tomorrow at all.


I don't understand why I as a player have to wait extra days just because I didn't preorder as early as some other people :| Like, I'm sorry I waited for the official Mists of Pandaria announcement to preorder, but I'd like to play the game I paid for >_<


You paid for the release date. You pre-ordered for early access. Some early access. Even 10 seconds fulfills their promise.


Noone is entitled to anything really. You didn't pay for access today, tomorrow, or any date before the 20th (formerly 22th).

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Have you bothered to look at the Server Status List?




I see all the West Coast servers having a population...


From what I see the populations seem to be thriving in those servers that are up, but I wonder if they lowered the pop cap for them to make sure they were stable


IE normal server can support idk 40k people (just guessing)

ATM normal server cap is 5 or 10k until they are sure it's going to be stable


It makes a lot of sense to me, run them at a nerfed high capacity to ensure that things are working right then increase the number of people that can be on it until it reaches its high end cap


Kind of like in the winter when you go out to go to work or class you start your car 5-10 minutes ahead of time to make de-icing easier and to make it warm inside the car so it's not such a blast to the face going outside.....ahhh snow and ice I don't miss you at all!

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Yea the high end gear back in vanilla and BC meant that you did something and worked something and worked hard to get something.


Kara was pretty freebie gear, but tbh I think it's one of the best raids they did (except AQ 40)


While they made the fights really easy with a lot of the content WOTLK on they sure didn't nerf the rep grinds >< 40 exalted reps still takes forever even with the buff to the amount of rep you get it's still a grind.


Man you should see 4.3 honestly first night we had only like 2 people from my guild who were in the PTR we went 4/8 the first night one shotting everything It's sad, I remember back in the day new content was meant to be excitement! Now new content = Easy sauce fights where maybe just maybe you have to move once or twice.


I can't wiat for the stories and all the stuff that this game has to offer, I feel like I did when beta vanilla/vanilla came out, I just hope that Bioware doesn't follow Blizzard and make everything stupid easy, people play games to have fun and a challenge, those who don't want a challenge can go play farmville



With you on that, I hope that end content in this stays difficult and Items cannot be bought just by getting badges off bosses. Where you may have to run 5-6 times just to have a shot at one Item. I also agree this is the most excited I have been since vanilla WoW. But what I liked more in this Beta it showed me its not a reanimation of every MMO the stories have points to them and continue with you through the whole game. They have grind quests but those are what pop up as bonus objectives while you are say fixing some satillites or trying to locate items for our faction.

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Ugh, this waiting game is killing me :( I didn't preorder till October so I'm guessing I won't be playing today/tomorrow at all.


I don't understand why I as a player have to wait extra days just because I didn't preorder as early as some other people :| Like, I'm sorry I waited for the official Mists of Pandaria announcement to preorder, but I'd like to play the game I paid for >_<


EDIT: To be fair, I was part of the Rift pre-launch and that was a fiasco, but mostly because they didn't have enough servers. You'd think with all the people they had on the servers during the stress test weekends, they'd have a little more faith in the servers than to just release this stuff in a trickle. Oh well, guess it's time to put another twenty hours into Skyrim :|


You paid for the game on Dec 20th, with early access, thats exactly what you will get.

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You paid for the release date. You pre-ordered for early access. Some early access. Even 10 seconds fulfills their promise.


Noone is entitled to anything really. You didn't pay for access today, tomorrow, or any date before the 20th (formerly 22th).


True, but iirc they never said "Well if you preordered REALLY early, you get to play earlier than the other folks who preordered". When I did so, I just assumed that everyone would get in at once. I guess that was an error on my part.


I just don't get why "all preorders are equal price but not really some of you are more equal than others because you had lots of money mid summer". -shrug-

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i got up at 7 am why? a total waste of time, this waiting game is ridiculous :rolleyes:


I got up at 7am because I couldn't sleep :rolleyes:


I was waking up every hour on the hour last night and will prolly do so until I get my EGA and then I won't sleep for like 2-3 days and then I will crash and burn for about 12 hours :D

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If they let everyone in @ once it would be 1 giant cluster complaint about Quest respawns not being good enough, terrible lag, griefing, so on and so forth and it would STILL get labeled as worst mmo launch (just like almost every other MMO)
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True, but iirc they never said "Well if you preordered REALLY early, you get to play earlier than the other folks who preordered". When I did so, I just assumed that everyone would get in at once. I guess that was an error on my part.


I just don't get why "all preorders are equal price but not really some of you are more equal than others because you had lots of money mid summer". -shrug-


lrn to read its all i can say to u

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