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how long between waves?


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I know I wont get in for several days, not a surprise to me.


The whole system seems rather silly tho, especially now that its even longer (7 days), Im not looking forward to having to create some random name because everything normal is already taken... at least in Star Wars being named Zbraaakdorfstilkin sorta makes sense, because thats all thats going to be left by the time launch rolls around.

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But consider, that is already 7pm in Europe and most people are at home now and servers are still pretty empty. ^^


That's cause they didn't separate US and EU waves and on the 21st, most EU didn't see the pre-order announcement or like me, didn't get the code from the retailer.

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SWTORThe Old Republic

Another batch of emails has gone out. Good news, this one was a bonus wave, we still have one more to go today!




maybe they are responding to all the QQ after all?


I will not applaud any of these announcements. From what I have seen as far as dates i will be playing in the next wave or tomorrow, but I still will not applaud Bioware for the way this is being handled. Someone who pre-ordered a week ago will still have paid the same amount for the pre-order as me and should get the same amount of time in early play. They ran a 'stress' test beta, they know what to expect.

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I will not applaud any of these announcements. From what I have seen as far as dates i will be playing in the next wave or tomorrow, but I still will not applaud Bioware for the way this is being handled. Someone who pre-ordered a week ago will still have paid the same amount for the pre-order as me and should get the same amount of time in early play. They ran a 'stress' test beta, they know what to expect.


You fail to see the sarcasim in my /golfclap :o

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My apologies, I am too irate with bioware to see sarcasm right now


HAHA no worries a lot of people are mad, me personally I would love to be in game right now but can't be because of this wave thing, it's not going to end my world or anything, I will just be really mad if my names are taken

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Facebook is useless at working out how long ago something was posted. If it says 'about 1h ago', hover over that and it gives you the exact time. Until it hits 2h, it will continue to say about 1h.


So yea I was going by twitter I can't even keep up with the facebook rages so I am looking at twitter

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Expect them to be. Then if you do get them, you'll be pleasantly surprised :D Plenty of people have been out of luck and their names are taken.


All I have to say is it better not be a trainwreck like it is to name alts/mains on new servers in WoW that will make me rage beyond no belief, It is insanity trying to name new toons on that game sometimes it takes me an hour to an hour and a half to come up with a name and then you end up with someting really bad and you end up using the randomizer and the randomizer fails worse than your attempts at naming

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I used the randomiser during beta and it wasn't all that bad.


Yea but you have to figure with all these people getting in a lot of people are going to be going BAM RANDOMIZE I don't know how well the randomizer is here, but if it's anything like wow's you will have to hit it about 238942 times until you get a name that isn't taken

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Hah I actually preordered in july, but forgot to enter my code till november :rolleyes:


**** happens.. I waited so long, so those extra few days dont matter. ;)


preorder on 21th of July, thanks to EA my code came on Aug 8th even though I sent them a friendly (no sarcasm! :p) email asking why I didn't get my code with the preorder confirm email


Now don't get me wrong, I don't care if I can't play today. I was actually able to finish a lot of work thanks to no EA for me. Just pointing some fail out ;)

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