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I'm afraid to continue my Republic character


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I play Republic on Fatman server. I would say it is one of the most heavy Republic pvp servers around. Peak times for Republic fleet will have 100-145 players. This is due too many of the guilds are former rivals from Bloodfin server for Star wars Galaxies. Imp fleet has about 200 peak time player when I log on a low lvl alt. We do good in Warzones I say about a 40% win ratio at the right time of day. I feel like when i pvp Imp side i loose a lot more mainly since i solo que against organized imp hutt ball teams. It must be really tough for most of the pvp servers for the Rep. side if they did not have a lot of organized pvp guilds roll on there.


Thanks for the input. This isn't really about warzone win/loss rates at all, but I appreciate your contribution to the discussion :)

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Edited to say Im a Vanguard. I was jumping behind the Bounty hunter and Interrupting the sorc.


When you interrupt force lightning in this game Sorcerors just seem to stand still in disbelief.


This is funny because it's true. I am a Scoundrel and I always save Distraction for Force Lightning. It adds a 4 second cooldown period and I'll have the Imp just stand there turning for 4 seconds until it comes up again.


Herp de Derp.

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I haven't had a prob with my Rep toons. I play on Jekk'Jekk Tarr and Ajunta Pall and they both have pretty high rep pops. I norm see 150+ on the rep Fleet at almost anytime. The pops are kinda smaller at low times but even then I don't think I've even logged on and seen less then 60 people on the fleet.
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I haven't had a prob with my Rep toons. I play on Jekk'Jekk Tarr and Ajunta Pall and they both have pretty high rep pops. I norm see 150+ on the rep Fleet at almost anytime. The pops are kinda smaller at low times but even then I don't think I've even logged on and seen less then 60 people on the fleet.


just cause of curiosity, ever checked out the imperial side for numbers? just curious.

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One MMO I know of, while its not an MMORPG, actually turns up the "queue" and "spawn" rate for a side that is overpopulated. This works because its a war simulation rather than an MMO, but a similar idea could be implemented.


They could increase the respawn timers for the overpopulated side.

Decrease the amount of commendations per kill for the overpopulated side.


Or something else along those lines.



You could either make it based on server wide population, or just the local planet population.


If one side is significantly overpop'd on the server, then that side would receive an increase in spawn times in warzones.

If one side is significantly overpop'd on a planet, then that side would receive an increase in PvP spawn times. (that is, if killed by another player, then their time is increased)

Edited by Zekkau
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One MMO I know of, while its not an MMORPG, actually turns up the "queue" and "spawn" rate for a side that is overpopulated. This works because its a war simulation rather than an MMO, but a similar idea could be implemented.


They could increase the respawn timers for the overpopulated side.

Decrease the amount of commendations per kill for the overpopulated side.


Or something else along those lines.



You could either make it based on server wide population, or just the local planet population.


If one side is significantly overpop'd on the server, then that side would receive an increase in spawn times in warzones.

If one side is significantly overpop'd on a planet, then that side would receive an increase in PvP spawn times. (that is, if killed by another player, then their time is increased)


a pop limit to enter would work, like tol barad.

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Eh, don't worry too much about Ilum. If it gets too bad for Republic, we'll honestly probably just stop going. The endless waterfall of tears coming from Empire not being able to get their Ilum dailies done will fuel our boycott.


The Galactic Market does suck though. Finding basic class pieces is impossible unless you're a force user. Still haven't seen one Blue quality shield generator for a Trooper on there since release. And there's a solid number of Republic on my server (as solid as Republic numbers can be anyway).


I have noticed people not being able to find groups in a timely manner for flashpoints lately though. Unfortunate.

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They could also add a buff in Warzones if one side is pretty far ahead, such as in the overall points in Alderaan, or in the Huttball points.


The losing side could receive a "Rally" buff to help possibly even the odds, whereas the winning side could receive a "Overconfidence" "buff" that would somewhat decrease stats temporarily.


However it would only serve to decrease the gap, not even it out. (like if Republic is still at 300 on Alderaan, and Imperials are only at 150, it would give Imps a buff to help, and the Repubs a buff to hurt)

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People who are serious about PvP roll Republic. Because A- you get more than just Huttball. and B- it's more of a challenge to win when you're outnumbered.


Yea, no. It's actually the exact opposite. Serious PvPers A- generally go where there is an advantage in them playing, and B- go where they know they'll find the most PvPers. It's a cycle clearly seen in WoW and one going strong here too.

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They could also add a buff in Warzones if one side is pretty far ahead, such as in the overall points in Alderaan, or in the Huttball points.


The losing side could receive a "Rally" buff to help possibly even the odds, whereas the winning side could receive a "Overconfidence" "buff" that would somewhat decrease stats temporarily.


However it would only serve to decrease the gap, not even it out. (like if Republic is still at 300 on Alderaan, and Imperials are only at 150, it would give Imps a buff to help, and the Repubs a buff to hurt)


a buff won't suffice, number in swtor mean more than they did in WoW (you could easily cheese kills in WoW, not so in SWTOR due to how combat is balanced). a 2v1 with three equally skilled opponents wont end well for the lone wolf.


I'm still waiting from a word from bioware - they are the only ones who know what they are willing to do

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Here's where you don't understand:




What is so hard to grasp about this. And for the record, I started a sage on the same server as my Jugg and I'm doing just fine at level 14. Will be doing even better once 50 bracket hits. Stop QQ'ing and go *********** play already, you might actually level up and get some gear if you spent half the time in game as you do here.


Exactly, these people do not understand the fact that we are playing the imperial side... because we like playing the imperials not because we can just zerg republic all day on illum. I played imperial because i always liked empire, in the movies i always wanted empire to win. In other games like kotor 1 and 2 never made a good side character, always bad and did bad endings, because i liked it better, if i was forced to play a jedi in this game because of faction inbalance, i probably wouldn't play the game at all. I am paying to play what i want, not being forced to play republic. I created an imperial without even knowing about the faction inbalance, and the inbalance has nothing to do with me making an imperial, if it was the other way around i would still be playing imperial.

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not allow any more Imperials rolls in a IMP overpopulated server but allow REP.


Soooo, if i like imperials and hate republic, and i want all of my alts to be imperial , i have to go to a different server to put my alts and not be able to play with my friends or guild? sorry but that is stupid no one should be forced to do anything i shouldnt be able to do what i want because your faction is outnumbered.

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Soooo, if i like imperials and hate republic, and i want all of my alts to be imperial , i have to go to a different server to put my alts and not be able to play with my friends or guild? sorry but that is stupid no one should be forced to do anything i shouldnt be able to do what i want because your faction is outnumbered.


There are MANY players who rolled imperial solely due to gear, story preference, animations, population, "empire is for pvp" sentiment, "empire is mature" sentiment, and many other reasons. These people would have stayed on republic if it weren't for the flaws inherent in how Bioware designed the faction.


In short, this thread has nothing to do with trueblood empire players. It has to do with those who wouldn't mind being on either faction if both were as appealing for their own unique reasons.


Hopefully you understand that. If you don't, then a discussion can't be had with you. That's fine, as I prefer this discussion be continued by Bioware itself, as they have a lot to say about the subject I'm sure (as Empire players themselves).

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The groundwork for this imbalance was laid down right from the beginning because whether aware of it or not, the story writers for the game were simply more enthusiastic about the potential for telling tales about the Sith.


This was especially true of Daniel Erickson who, as lead writer, would be highly influential on the entire game consciously or otherwise.


I honestly don't think they do see it or see the potential problems it's going to cause or they wouldn't think more same faction WZs was a good idea and speaking for myself (Republic player) I'll quit before I reroll.

Edited by Rykko
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The groundwork for this imbalance was laid down right from the beginning because whether aware of it or not, the story writers for the game were simply more enthusiastic about the potential for telling tales about the Sith.


This was especially true of Daniel Erickson who, as lead writer, would be highly influential on the entire game consciously or otherwise.


I honestly don't think they do see it or see the potential problems it's going to cause or they wouldn't think more same faction WZs was a good idea and speaking for myself (Republic player) I'll quit before I reroll.


All it takes is a little love for the Republic faction from Bioware. Currently it seems they have very little, as the devs don't even play Republic.

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I think this expresses what I was about to post very well:


it's called communicating with your customers. You keep your customers in the loop and make them feel that they are listened to, that their constant reporting and feedback has some bearing on the quality of the product.


The way things are going on here on the forums, people start endless threads about exploits, bugs, issues, problems of all kinds and not a single community representative makes themselves known to say "We will forward your information to the development team", or a simple "We are aware of that particular issue and are working on resolving it". Nope, they only make themselves known to us when some thread needs to be locked or deleted.


What kind of customer service is that? In LOB (Line of Business) applications if your customer kept submitting support tickets and sending your client services email upon email and all they got is silence treatement, they would show up with their legal team to discuss their SLA and breach their contract due to noncompliance or something.


There is no excuse for being lazy and they can win by starting to be more upfront with us and by communicating instead of hiding behind invisible wall of forum mods.

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Exactly, these people do not understand the fact that we are playing the imperial side... because we like playing the imperials not because we can just zerg republic all day on illum. I played imperial because i always liked empire, in the movies i always wanted empire to win. In other games like kotor 1 and 2 never made a good side character, always bad and did bad endings, because i liked it better, if i was forced to play a jedi in this game because of faction inbalance, i probably wouldn't play the game at all. I am paying to play what i want, not being forced to play republic. I created an imperial without even knowing about the faction inbalance, and the inbalance has nothing to do with me making an imperial, if it was the other way around i would still be playing imperial.




The one factor that led to the imbalance we see is that the Empire has an infinitely more interesting history than the Republic. The Sith mythos has been perpetuated in nearly every star wars product since the original trilogy. The republic, not so much.

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The one factor that led to the imbalance we see is that the Empire has an infinitely more interesting history than the Republic. The Sith mythos has been perpetuated in nearly every star wars product since the original trilogy. The republic, not so much.


With all of the storytelling in SWTOR, Bioware could've pulled their weight and developed the Republic mythos. This is a huge game after all.


But nope, they shunned the republic faction. Can't blame them - they don't play the republic.

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