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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Very tired of premades !!


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I log in and enjoy PVP. I mostly solo the warzones but 80% am thrown against premades being annihilated, getting less valor and generally logging in to provide others the joy of entertainment at my expense, figuratively and literally.


I have nothing against premades vs premades but honestly, I don't like to say I'll quit over the issue but I did quit Warhammer after two years because of the issue, which alot actually felt the same way.


No, I shouldn't have to join a guild if I am not ready just to enjoy the game and most times I am in the top 5 damage and kills but when the wz is lost, 600 valor after 15 minutes of getting pulled, stunned, chain blasted, focused and punted is less than fun.

Edited by silvercgull
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OP, prepared to get told to "L2P" and "go make a premade of your own" along with the timeless classics of "Go back to (insert whatever game they got hurt by/owned in most)" and "Carebear! PVP isn't supposed to be about balance!"


Long and short of it, bioware copied tried and tested design decisions from other games and probably wont change much.


"Pvpers" like easy wins as it helps them farm gear faster.


Have fun !

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Wait, people grouping together in a multiplayer game is a problem? le gasp!


Soloing them is you problem. If you join a Warzone solo then you have to fully accept the fact that there are other people out there capable of making friends and wanting to play with them.


100% this. Many people play the game to play with their friends, either PVP or PVE.

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OMG friends playing together in an MMO, shocking! How can devs keep making the mistake of allowing that? If you join WZ solo it seems you are making the same mistake over and over not the devs.


The stupidity of people on this forum amazes me every time...

If there is so many people playing in groups and thats the only way to play why do the devs make a separate que for you? Oh right because then you will have to wait longer and actually get some opposition and cant just roll over everything...


Since Bioware allows people to que up alone then its their responsibility to make the game enjoyable for them aswell not just for you.

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the biggest problem is the fact that every 10 seconds another person starts a new thread complaining about something that is being complained about 4 posts down.

we understand you think you are special and deserve to be heard but so does everyone else.


it is a MMO. especially with these BGs forming pre-mades and objectively targeting the BG is widely encouraged.


honestly i solo que 90% of the time i que. always seem to do just fine but then again i stick with the group most of the time and play smart.



(edit) oh and for those that say no other game at all has a system that forces pre-mades to play against other pre-mades, look into LoL (league of legends)

it absolutely forces teams of 2,3,4 to go against teams with as many people which is why ques could take a bit longer.

Edited by Redderic
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I don't see why it has to be one or the other. They just need to implement a smarter queue system. There can be the best of both worlds. There is room for a premade on both sides and then the rest with pugs. They can make it so that if you queue up with a premade it will try to match you up with a premade on the other side, and then fill in the rest. If there are no premades or the sizes don't match up, then it just does the best it can to get the match played.


Some people enjoy winning, even it is no challenge. Some people just like playing with their friends, or an organized combat atmosphere. Some people don't want to have to organize a group and just want to push a button and play. Some people just don't care for other people or have their friends on. Everyone can be happy with a little brains.

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Wait, people grouping together in a multiplayer game is a problem? le gasp!


Soloing them is you problem. If you join a Warzone solo then you have to fully accept the fact that there are other people out there capable of making friends and wanting to play with them.


I could argue that you are limiting yourself by restricting yourself to few people whereas others are open for social contacts whereas the others are much more open to group with new people which is much more mmo like.


But let's be honest, the majority of premades simply exists because people like to grind pugs and try to avoid a challenge. The best example therefore provided WoW. It was nearly comedy gold when premades sent in one "spotter" to check out if it is another premade (then the rest of the group wouldn't accept the battleground invite).


So please, do not even try to get the moral highground here.



Belief it or not, the ones who spend the most money on the game are the casual players, not the hardcore ones. Sorry, hardcore is relative because the queue lines for premade WZs would be infinite if they existed. I wonder why... /chuckle


Oh and btw, I have tried the premade stuff now and then. I cannot get any entertainment out of it by steamrolling pugs. The only fun part is getting equal organized groups as opponents.

Edited by Desgarden
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  • 10 months later...
funny how every person, that obviously joins only premades is always against premade only que system. "But it would take too ,long..cry cry waa waa. " Alot of people like the game just to play the game, they dont have any friends that play the game so they go it alone. Enjoyable pvp should not be for the hardcore premaders only. Premade only que's, solve a lot of problems, and hey if you want faster que times SOLO QUE.
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funny how every person, that obviously joins only premades is always against premade only que system. "But it would take too ,long..cry cry waa waa. " Alot of people like the game just to play the game, they dont have any friends that play the game so they go it alone. Enjoyable pvp should not be for the hardcore premaders only. Premade only que's, solve a lot of problems, and hey if you want faster que times SOLO QUE.


How hard is it to find someone in this game and ask them if they want to group.....I mean, its not like you have to hold hands and share a toothbrush, am I the only one that thinks that people who go to play on an MMO and find people grouping up for ques, is completely normal.


and a lot of people like to mindlessly pew pew, and hate any kind of objective play, which is why you lose objectives, which in turns makes you lose match. If you want a more competitve team, GO GROUP WITH ONE

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I am tired of forums posts in which individuals treat an MMO like a classic FPS-Multiplayer experience.


And apparently it is impossible to play as a pre-made in SWTOR for fun and without malice.


You were destroyed by a Pre-Made...join the club.


God forbid you try to work with the team you spawn with, set up a plan before the shields go down, and work like a team in a team based PVP enviornment.


Of course, that would never work.

Edited by -IceHawk-
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I solo que all the time,so does many in the guild i am in and guess what i have all WH gear etc 91 Valor too.


Premades does not always equate to a win,saw it today a guild that i shall not name had four people in the WZ i joined and we lost,what i see far too often among many wz's is lack of teamwork.

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On my pubs, I mostly solo Q. It's more challenging - and yeah, more frustrating.


On my imps, I almost always premade and it's great to play with my friends, but stomping random pugs does get boring. I much prefer close matches. We get them sometimes but they are more rare.


The problem is, there seems to be little in-between these two playstyles. A smarter Q system is needed I would say.

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Meh im tired of premades too. Its gotten so bad on our server that I know when the guilds that premade do it and have the times writen down. In between those times that they arent queing i pvp, when they are out premadeing ill do all my dailies on my lvl 50's and when the dailies are done i will lvl on an alt.


If it doesnt change and i run out of dailies / alts to lvl i will just read a book. The sad thing is BW must see all the folks complaining about the premades and will not act to change them. pvp is what i like to do but when it becomes no longer fun to que people start to leave and all this F2P stuff that they are trying to do to get more players will be for not.


If i was a F2Per and payed for the unlock and my experiance was bad i would not pay for another unlock and if i wanted to just pvp i would move on to greener pastures.

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I do premades Because I have a guild that's interested in pvp we que for rated and if it doesn't pop we go to normals

And this may shock some people but if there's another premade running we will be matched against them in normals

Crazy I know right.

Edited by denpic
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The stupidity of people on this forum amazes me every time...

If there is so many people playing in groups and thats the only way to play why do the devs make a separate que for you? Oh right because then you will have to wait longer and actually get some opposition and cant just roll over everything...


Since Bioware allows people to que up alone then its their responsibility to make the game enjoyable for them aswell not just for you.


Well said. The fact that this game is an MMO is no reason to force your players to dance around other people's schedules to avoid a frustrating game experience. Look I am in one of the most active PvP guilds on my server, have a friends list close to 15+, and still only manage premades around 60% of the time due to time schedules, logging on when people have full groups, people quitting due to the overwhelmingly poor PvP experience, no interest at the time for PvP and instead them running PvE; despite all this I still DO NOT enjoy having to dance around everyone and their mother's schedule to play in a fair or semi sufferable environment.


The vast (and I mean vast) majority of the player base is composed of casual, PUG minded individuals, the overwhelmingly small minority are people that find it reasonable for PUG Vs Premade Warzones to exist. Do the math please. If Bioware keeps this system, the game will kill itself and the majority of the frustrated player base that for whatever reason does not have access to a premade 100% of the time, will quit. PUG Vs Premade needs to be phased out completely the second the population/matchmaking pool can handle it. We need Cross Realm Function, Adequate Matchmaking and Split Queues, desperately; it makes for a far more solid, versatile, and fair system for both PUGs and premades a like at the cost of only losing one aspect of the game: PUG Vs Premade, which is pure gold for the cost of a grossly unwanted, worthless and disgusting game play flaw (PUG Vs Premade).

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For the Solo queuers and QQers COD is that way-------> enjoy your single player game.


Have you ever even played Call of Duty?


Also, I think its hilarious that BW gave TOR a system for competive ranked play and that nobody uses it - because the elite hardcore pvp guilds would rather go into a regular warzone and stroke their epeens playing against uncoordinated pugs.

Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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Have you ever even played Call of Duty?


Also, I think its hilarious that BW gave TOR a system for competive ranked play and that nobody uses it - because the elite hardcore pvp guilds would rather go into a regular warzone and stroke their epeens playing against uncoordinated pugs.


I participate in ranked war zones every night you're just dribbling ***t from your mouth

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