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how you guys enjoying the game so far?


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I enjoy the game and all the classes are fun and exciting to play,...just wish there were more people on my server to group with. This game offers so much...very well done but there are things that need work


I got over a dozen alts started and exploring everything...getting my monies worth as they say. Actually I think they should raise subscription price to 30 dollars a month because the quality of this game is far beyond that of mmo games like WoW which charge same price


It's insulting to me,...that I pay same monthly sub price as other mmo's when it is quite clear this game is so much better

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Alot of shared opinions here which is good to see :)


Can someone give me an example of one the classes storylines? without ruining any of the spoilers of course :D


Without spoiling too much, imperial agent for example is about securing the stability of the empire by stopping terrorists and threats from within. It's kind of like a spy movie with betrayal and double agents, that kind of thing.


The smuggler on the other hand starts out getting his/her ship stolen and has to get it back.


The class quests are really very different in flavor, and some are a lot better than others if you ask me. I didn't have much fun with the consular class quests for example, but I didn't get very far with them either.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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If you play a few hours a week and your a SW fan you'll enjoy it.

If your looking for a good MMO game to eat up some long hours you'll soon be bored of it.


If you want an easy mode game that holds you by the hand and guides you through it, then this is the game for you.

If your looking for a challenging game or something that makes you want to go off the beaten track to explore the world and find things for yourself, then your going to be disappointed.


Bioware make pretty good single player games and this game really boarders on being one.


Heading to the FTP shelf, without a doubt in my mind.

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If you play a few hours a week and your a SW fan you'll enjoy it.

If your looking for a good MMO game to eat up some long hours you'll soon be bored of it.


If you want an easy mode game that holds you by the hand and guides you through it, then this is the game for you.

If your looking for a challenging game or something that makes you want to go off the beaten track to explore the world and find things for yourself, then your going to be disappointed.


Bioware make pretty good single player games and this game really boarders on being one.


Heading to the FTP shelf, without a doubt in my mind.


Normally I wouldn't respond to something like this. But you seem to be forgetting or ignoring any plans Bioware has in store to expand and improve the game. If the game remained static and unchanged this year then you MIGHT have a chance of being right. I think you should prepare to be very wrong.


See, we all have opinions and can make predictions.

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I predict that if swtor doesnt finish downloading soon i will go on a killing spree.


A watched pot never boils :p



It's worth the wait in my opinion. I love the game. Played a few months of beta and been playing live since early access.


I won't tell you it's perfect, but it's fun to me. I believe any imperfections it has will be ironed out in due time.

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Normally I wouldn't respond to something like this. But you seem to be forgetting or ignoring any plans Bioware has in store to expand and improve the game. If the game remained static and unchanged this year then you MIGHT have a chance of being right. I think you should prepare to be very wrong.


See, we all have opinions and can make predictions.


Im not ignoring plans by BW for the future of this game. The OP asked for opinions of the game so far and thats what I gave, my opinion and thats all it is.


First impressions last and Bioware has shown what its capable of regards making an MMO so im not going to hold my breath for the possibilty of them improving the game.


My son hit the nail on the head when he told me he had unsubscribed because "its like .. come sit down and let me tell you a story..... but where the bloody game play?" I laughed and continued playing while I was still enjoying it. It soon took its toll and I unsubscribed 5 days later and so have a few of my friends and family.


The mission cut scenes are great but the missions lack any kind challenge or variety. They should have spent more time on developing the mission itself than the cut scene to immerse you in the game play as well as the story.


I hope I am wrong in my prediction for those that really enjoy it. The again they might be delighted when they dont have to pay a subscription to play it until they realize how thin the actual game play content is.

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I'm having a great time. I play since early access and are level 35 with my first character. Just completed Act I of the story. Great to know that there are 21 acts left! (two for this class and 3 for every other) :D I'll be busy for years!


This. I'm in the exact same boat.

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It's okay. The game is decent.


My main gripe at this point is trying to form groups is simply ridiculous on my server. Not enough players Republic side.


My advice? To get the best enjoyment out of this game go for whatever server says the populations are full.


Might not be as bad if you plan on going Empire to get on a lesser populated one but stay the heck away from those if you plan on going Republic.


Outside of finding people for 4 mans the game is alright. The class story line is cool and it is a nice change of pace genre wise to play an mmo that doesn't revolve around medievel fantasy.

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It was good until you finish your story when you realize it's really where ALL their resources went. I won't stick around for more than 3 or 4 months to wait for them to add basic features because I won't pay to log and do dailies and raid once a week.


This game needs THINGS to do and they need to add most of the good features of SWG and other stuff like:

- housing like in SWG with every item of the game being droppable and movable anywhere in the house

- complete ship customization like in Galaxies (interior and exterior)

- real space combat (with atmospheric)

- city PvP raid

- PvP perks and bases

- social things in cantina like pazaak, sabacc and casino on Nar Shaddaa

- complete racing setup on many planets with vehicle tuning and customization

- complete character customization including post creation

- appearance tab with clothing over the armor with dyes, etc

- swimming

- day/night cycle

- add life to the world by giving adding hundreds of NPC in the cities and give them movements and animation instead of the current awful 24/7 frozen empty worlds

- redo cinematics so they aren't so stiff, laughable, awful and poorly made

- reason to go back and stuff to do on the previous planets

- guild emblem on armor, identification, ship (with complete customization like SWG)

- environment interaction

- more diverse skills like in Champions Online with skills interacting with other skills

- GM event, dynamic event and RP tools like in SWG


They have a lot to do because at this moment, the game is too shallow.

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I almost want to renew my WoW sub for the first time after a years hiatus. Very unlikely Ill pay monthly for this.


Haha, I know that feeling. Was clean from that addiction since March of last year and SWTOR made me realize how good the game was/is and makes me want to resubscribe... I've never leveled a paladin, hmmm.

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so im just casually sitting here in front my computer hating life and crying coz my swtor downloads too slow. wonder how you guys are enjoying the game and what class i should be. so how are you guys enjoying the game? (i have 10gb more to download i hope)


You will find out when you get in game whether you like it or not. Don't expect much. I know you are, many of us were. To me its shaping up to be another AoC <shrug>

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To me its shaping up to be another AoC <shrug>


I don't know how you can say that. Granted this game has its issues but to say this is on the same level as AoC or even in the same ballpark is simply unfair.


Did you play that game at launch? It was a complete fiasco. On so many levels it wasn't even funny.

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