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Is This Game Dying?


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Just take a look at the servers on a saturday night....remember how they used to be all FULL....not anymore and during the day all servers in europe and north america are ghost towns


The mad rush has disappeared to be filled in with lost hope and despair as a mass exodus has taken place. Merge servers before you lose more people. There is a reason why people leave you know....reasons...what are they?....read the forums


Word on the street....and it is spreading fast....this is a theme park mmo.....also went to Tatooine and 100yds out of town I hit an exhaustion zone and started to die...had to turn back...lol..unbelieveable. I will take the wide expanse of SWG any day


Hopefully Bioware will extend the boundary limitations further but maybe because of the engine,..they can't?


ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!? Like mostly everybody has been saying repeatedly over n over...this is a single player mmo,...okay with me,....it's just that the mmo crowd is intelligent to know the difference and we are insulted to think you (Bioware), thought otherwise


Don't get me wrong...I LOVE THIS GAME! and hope it succeeds,...just making an observation is all. So much about the game I really like,..but other parts not so well. I've said nothing but good things about this game until today.....I was on my speeder and hit a exhaustion zone not far from out of town in a desert!!!


That is wrong,...and I think that has to do with the large number of people who have left

Edited by Jetsunz
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Just take a look at the servers on a saturday night....remember how they used to be all FULL....not anymore and during the day all servers in europe and north america are ghost towns


The mad rush has disappeared to be filled in with lost hope and despair as a mass exodus has taken place. Merge servers before you lose more people. There is a reason why people leave you know....reasons...what are they?....read the forums


Word on the street....and it is spreading fast....this is a theme park mmo.....also went to Tatooine and 100yds out of town I hit an exhaustion zone and started to die...had to turn back...lol..unbelieveable. I will take the wide expanse of SWG any day


Hopefully Bioware will extend the boundary limitations further but maybe because of the engine,..they can't?


ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!? Like mostly everybody has been saying repeatedly over n over...this is a single player mmo,...okay with me,....it's just that the mmo crowd is intelligent to know the difference and we are insulted to think you (Bioware), thought otherwise


Can someone explain to me how its a single player MMO?


People are only saying that because it feels like a single player story because of voice acting. You solo your way to level cap in every other MMO too.... NOt different at all.


Its as multiplayer as you want it to be. So its a BAD thing that solo leveling is voice acted and as fun as playing a single player game that is story driven? Wha?


There is nothing stopping anyone from running flashpoints and heroics at all.


People are so stupid.

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no is not the voice acting is like he say all this walls i play swg and i can go anywhere then again the bio-ware fanboys/girls will come in here and say stuff like you dont need to go anywhere wish is why this game will go free to play and die cuz ones you finish this game story i dont think you want to keep playing it is not a mmorpg even know they say it is is NOT i dont think bio-ware know what a MMORPG is


all this game is is a Online rpg for a rpg this game is big put for a mmo even if is 27gig SO WHAT 20GIG OUT OF THE 24/27GIG IS VOICE SCENES wish is why the game is so big is not the game world the game world feal big cuz they have you walking all over then they give you speeders the move slow like hell give Any player in this game a mount like wow a 150 mount or a flightin mount the flight at 300% speed and we go from wall to wall


I will say we need







AND I WILL TELL YOU RIGHT NOW IF STAR WARS GALAXIES WAS NOT SHUT DOWN ALLOT AND I MEAN 70% OF EVERYONE HERE WILL HAVE QUIT THIS RPG AND GONE BACK TO A MMORPG hate it or love it swg and wow feal like a mmorpg even rift this is that only so call mmorpg the feal like mass effec 2 online WISH I THINK WAS WHAT THEY WHERE GOING FOR


sorry for my spelling

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Just take a look at the servers on a saturday night...



That's because server caps were raised Einstein.


The capacity is now higher so they no longer "appear" FULL.


Think of it like this. If you take a glass that can hold a liter and fill it up with a liter of water, it's full.


Take a 2 liter glass and dump the contents of the first glass into it. Now what do you have?


Same principle.


Capacity at launch was lower because they wanted to make sure what kind of loads the servers could handle. Most servers at their peak times read Standard, which is better than full, it means server populations spread out instead of condensing on just a few servers making lag and gameplay hell for everyone.

Edited by HavenAE
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no is not the voice acting is like he say all this walls i play swg and i can go anywhere then again the bio-ware fanboys/girls will come in here and say stuff like you dont need to go anywhere wish is why this game will go free to play and die cuz ones you finish this game story i dont think you want to keep playing it is not a mmorpg even know they say it is is NOT i dont think bio-ware know what a MMORPG is


all this game is is a Online rpg for a rpg this game is big put for a mmo even if is 27gig SO WHAT 20GIG OUT OF THE 24/27GIG IS VOICE SCENES wish is why the game is so big is not the game world the game world feal big cuz they have you walking all over then they give you speeders the move slow like hell give Any player in this game a mount like wow a 150 mount or a flightin mount the flight at 300% speed and we go from wall to wall


I will say we need







AND I WILL TELL YOU RIGHT NOW IF STAR WARS GALAXIES WAS NOT SHUT DOWN ALLOT AND I MEAN 70% OF EVERYONE HERE WILL HAVE QUIT THIS RPG AND GONE BACK TO A MMORPG hate it or love it swg and wow feal like a mmorpg even rift this is that only so call mmorpg the feal like mass effec 2 online WISH I THINK WAS WHAT THEY WHERE GOING FOR


sorry for my spelling


LOL! no.

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I hope you are wrong about the dying part, but when i quest i rarly see another player, ive made a ticket that from lv 25+ the mobs seem to b harder to kill if your not 2 to 3 lvls higher then them, they replyd we want the game to b about buddy questing, hard to do when like you say planets are ghost towns.


Its taking the fun abit out of the game for me; go to that building and kill 5 mill mobs to get to the quest objective (mobs dont give good exp), when you finnaly killed the elite, turn around go back to the quest giver and kill the mobs again, they may need to merge some servers idk.


I dont have the feeling im beeing a part of a big empire either, its all so stationary, like you have to go kill mobs just outside a empire controlled camp, and the defenders just stand there, big heavy guns could wipe them out but they dont shoot, i have the feeling im allone in this war.


I guess ppl expected to much from this game, or give it time it wil get way better.

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i dont know i wasnt there at bioware hq..


i also dont know how these technical things work..


but i think they said they raised the server cap so it says Standard when it might have said Very High a few weeks ago idk how it works someone help me.....

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I just resubbed to wow, and omg it feels so good. It's been a good six months or more since I've played, but wow is it a breath of fresh air after swtor. It feels and looks so crisp and smooth, and I have a very high end computer, gtx480 sli 3.8ghz i7, but i was one of many people with low frames/gpu usage. Wow just looks so much more vibrant and alive, it has an actual flavor. I would encourage people to make a free account and just look and see how much smoother it feels.


I'm afraid to say it but bioware was just too far off the mark, most of the complaints people have will not be fixed. I have serious doubts that they will fix the combat lag, since it mostly stems from design decisions that they'd have to completely rework. I highly doubt they will fix underperformance on high end systems, because they've already said it doesn't exist. Linear world design and perpetual hallways will always be in this game, its too late to change that now.

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Hardly think its dying.. People are back to school now as well as server cap being raised. Also game is not for everyone. All MMOs lose people in the first month. Nothing to be alarmed about, still see tons of people in the start zones-end zones.
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I just resubbed to wow, and omg it feels so good. It's been a good six months or more since I've played, but wow is it a breath of fresh air after swtor. It feels and looks so crisp and smooth, and I have a very high end computer, gtx480 sli 3.8ghz i7, but i was one of many people with low frames/gpu usage. Wow just looks so much more vibrant and alive, it has an actual flavor. I would encourage people to make a free account and just look and see how much smoother it feels.


I'm afraid to say it but bioware was just too far off the mark, most of the complaints people have will not be fixed. I have serious doubts that they will fix the combat lag, since it mostly stems from design decisions that they'd have to completely rework. I highly doubt they will fix underperformance on high end systems, because they've already said it doesn't exist. Linear world design and perpetual hallways will always be in this game, its too late to change that now.


It's horses for courses. After playing SWTOR through beta, I couldn't find the will to even log in to WoW, and when I did I was bored to tears. There were tons of threads around on the boards that agreed with how I felt too.


You might not like it, but others do. Believe it or not, there are some people that never enjoyed WoW.

Edited by Mandrax
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It's horses for courses. After playing SWTOR through beta, I couldn't find the will to even log in to WoW, and when I did I was bored to tears.


Different strokes for different folks, but if you play for game mechanics I just don't see how theres any comparison. If you've played for more years then you'd like to admit then fair enough everything gets old. But newness aside, there just doesn't seem to be anything that swtor does better, and thats even including story for me. I'm a flippin huge star wars fan too, but i'd honestly rather play out my story than passively watch it in cut scenes.

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Just take a look at the servers on a saturday night....remember how they used to be all FULL....not anymore and during the day all servers in europe and north america are ghost towns


The mad rush has disappeared to be filled in with lost hope and despair as a mass exodus has taken place. Merge servers before you lose more people. There is a reason why people leave you know....reasons...what are they?....read the forums


Word on the street....and it is spreading fast....this is a theme park mmo.....also went to Tatooine and 100yds out of town I hit an exhaustion zone and started to die...had to turn back...lol..unbelieveable. I will take the wide expanse of SWG any day


Hopefully Bioware will extend the boundary limitations further but maybe because of the engine,..they can't?


ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!? Like mostly everybody has been saying repeatedly over n over...this is a single player mmo,...okay with me,....it's just that the mmo crowd is intelligent to know the difference and we are insulted to think you (Bioware), thought otherwise


On my server there are more and more people playing. Dont know about any other servers tho.

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Just take a look at the servers on a saturday night....remember how they used to be all FULL....not anymore and during the day all servers in europe and north america are ghost towns



I must have imagined that queue I was in last night and the long list of HEAVY servers I was sorta jealous of because at least they weren't FULL. :rolleyes:

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Can someone explain to me how its a single player MMO?


People are only saying that because it feels like a single player story because of voice acting. You solo your way to level cap in every other MMO too.... NOt different at all.

No, it's not just the voice acting. The layout of zones is also very "single player". It lacks the size and seamless transition from one part of the world to another. It feels more like a pack of walled-in zones patchworked together.


I always feel like I'm in a "level" in a solo player game, I never feel like I'm part of a big world.

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Don't get me wrong...I LOVE THIS GAME! and hope it succeeds,...just making an observation is all. So much about the game I really like,..but other parts not so well. I've said nothing but good things about this game until today.....I was on my speeder and hit a exhaustion zone not far from out of town in a desert!!!


That is wrong,...and I think that has to do with the large number of people who have left

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Different strokes for different folks, but if you play for game mechanics I just don't see how theres any comparison. If you've played for more years then you'd like to admit then fair enough everything gets old. But newness aside, there just doesn't seem to be anything that swtor does better, and thats even including story for me. I'm a flippin huge star wars fan too, but i'd honestly rather play out my story than passively watch it in cut scenes.


Let's just say that the game WoW is now, bears no resemblance to the game it once was. Though I continued to play right up until February 2011, the game died for me at the end of The Burning Crusade. The only reason I stayed subbed was to keep in touch with friends, and due to the lack of anything else to play.


SWTOR is something different that I find an enormous amount of fun. All the while the fun factor is there, I'll keep paying my 9 quid per month.

Edited by Mandrax
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I just resubbed to wow, and omg it feels so good. It's been a good six months or more since I've played, but wow is it a breath of fresh air after swtor. It feels and looks so crisp and smooth, and I have a very high end computer, gtx480 sli 3.8ghz i7, but i was one of many people with low frames/gpu usage. Wow just looks so much more vibrant and alive, it has an actual flavor. I would encourage people to make a free account and just look and see how much smoother it feels.


I'm afraid to say it but bioware was just too far off the mark, most of the complaints people have will not be fixed. I have serious doubts that they will fix the combat lag, since it mostly stems from design decisions that they'd have to completely rework. I highly doubt they will fix underperformance on high end systems, because they've already said it doesn't exist. Linear world design and perpetual hallways will always be in this game, its too late to change that now.


I actually logged into WoW aswell just a little while ago, since I had a few days left on my subscription - mainly to just look around a little. And my conclusion is that I will never be back again. Mainly because I'm having more fun in TOR than I ever did in WoW, but there was something else aswell. Not sure what and why, but I can't stand the game anymore. Enjoyed WoW, but it's over for good. Even if I would cancel TOR, which seems very, very unlikely right now.

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WoW players are the scourge of all communities including they're own. I mean no disrespect to the more maturer WoW players but it seems like where ever WoW players end up the mass QQ follows, people have become so accustom to how things work over at WoW they cannot seem to realise it's not the same elsewhere.


The moment they leave after trying out this game the sooner the community can improve. I for one cannot personally wait for these people to trot back over to the game they've spent the last [insert months] bashing.

Edited by Berazad
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I remember back a year or so...Bioware saying they only needed 300k subs to make a profit. Personally I donot care how many subs they have as long as it is above that number. I am really enjoying the game a lot and that is what matters to me. Not public opinion.
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How could anyone possibly think WoWs blocky cartoon player models are better than this games models?


The textures are muddy outside of cut scenes, but the pure model resolution difference is staggering.


In wow your characters face is locked into place. Its that bad.


Not to mention, who the crap sits around zoomed in on their character outside of cut scenes admiring how cool you look? Play the game.


This game isnt dying.


The same 5 people keep posting over and over trying to make it seem that way.

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WoW players are the scourge of all communities including they're own. I mean no disrespect to the more maturer WoW players but it seems like where ever WoW players end up the mass QQ follows, people have become so accustom to how things work over at WoW they cannot seem to realise it's not the same elsewhere.


The moment they leave after trying out this game the sooner the community can improve. I for one cannot personally wait for these people to trot back over to the game they've spent the last [insert months] bashing.


Yes well making a game that is essentially the same overall but fundementally worse in almost every conceivable way is not exactly going to coax people to stay. Bioware has two choices, make a completely different and new experience, or combine aspects of different games in a new way to provide a new experience, and with this they could get some leeway with polish and playability. Or they can copy the competition verbatim, but theres a major caveat, it absolutely must be on the level or better then that competition.


I do truly beleive you will get your wish tho, many people will be leaving this game, whether its to wow or nothing, doesn't really matter in the end.

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no is not the voice acting is like he say all this walls i play swg and i can go anywhere then again the bio-ware fanboys/girls will come in here and say stuff like you dont need to go anywhere wish is why this game will go free to play and die cuz ones you finish this game story i dont think you want to keep playing it is not a mmorpg even know they say it is is NOT i dont think bio-ware know what a MMORPG is


all this game is is a Online rpg for a rpg this game is big put for a mmo even if is 27gig SO WHAT 20GIG OUT OF THE 24/27GIG IS VOICE SCENES wish is why the game is so big is not the game world the game world feal big cuz they have you walking all over then they give you speeders the move slow like hell give Any player in this game a mount like wow a 150 mount or a flightin mount the flight at 300% speed and we go from wall to wall


I will say we need







AND I WILL TELL YOU RIGHT NOW IF STAR WARS GALAXIES WAS NOT SHUT DOWN ALLOT AND I MEAN 70% OF EVERYONE HERE WILL HAVE QUIT THIS RPG AND GONE BACK TO A MMORPG hate it or love it swg and wow feal like a mmorpg even rift this is that only so call mmorpg the feal like mass effec 2 online WISH I THINK WAS WHAT THEY WHERE GOING FOR


sorry for my spelling


I hate punctuation too

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