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What color combo lightsabers do you use


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Red/red ofcourse.



I'm a sucker for the classics.



All the pvp-ers running around flaunting their *fabulous* and sparkly purples make me chuckle.


You can't mod the champion sabers. Even so, I'd still run around with my purple saber. Btw, that's my wallet you have there; Yes, the one that says bad mother****er on it.

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Main - orange

off - Blue


I hope to get a yellow and purple combo at some point.


Purple and Purple because I dont have a choice.


They need to change current color crystals to be something like "power cyrstals" leave the stat take the color off. Then make a color slot with NO STATS.

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I've black armor and red lightsabers.


I'm real creative. Honestly, I'd probably do the same if I ever went with a Republic char, all blue.


I personally see that quite boring. In the videos, pictures, games, movies, cartoons, etc you almost always see a Sith with a red LS and a Jedi with a blue or green LS. It is partially that I like to be different, but I like to see a variety in colors, especially since one can do it themselves. I definitely regret going Dark Side with my SW because I could never use green or blue (I actually was able to use blue but I think it was a small bug :p) and had to be stuck with red and yellow. I think it's cool to see a SW, especially a marauder using dual LS that are blue or green while the Republic's mirrored class is using red and/or yellow LS.


Endgame gear kind of sucks though since you are stuck with using ONLY the red, black-red, and/or purple. I mean you can go ahead and slot in other color crystals but their stats don't add up high enough.

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