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Marauders not wanted for hard mode?


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it's like this in every game, some idiots says something dumb to another idiot and that idiot believes it and contaminates more idiots so now they think they are right and so, a class gets shutdown because a whole group of idiots think they are smart and they say they prefer another class because of "utility"? How dumb can they be really?
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However, this is very disturbing because it reflects upon the general attitude towards marauders. What was BW excuse for nerfing biochem again? Something along the lines of guilds and raid groups requiring it? Now instead we have an entire class being locked out of raid and flash point groups.

They nerfed Biochem?

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well tell me how you based that theory since there is no DM meter in this game lol.



to the OP

if that true, your guild leader need a slap on the face, must be an horrible horrible person in RL...just up your middle finger and quit.


well the Devs have ALL the information and they have stated teh 2 highest DPS classes are snipers (when they do not have to move) and Marauders. Now i'm sure you are arrogant enough to believe that the people who built the game do not know anything about it. However the reality of it is they know more about the game then you could ever dream of.

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TBH, I can see where they are coming from. Marauder is an extremely gear-dependent class, and tough to play. When first hitting 50, it can be a little rough -- especially since our gear is not carried in the commendation scheme.


However, this is very disturbing because it reflects upon the general attitude towards marauders. What was BW excuse for nerfing biochem again? Something along the lines of guilds and raid groups requiring it? Now instead we have an entire class being locked out of raid and flash point groups.


That said, if I were to organize a raid, I would want two marauders in my group for one skill: Bloodthirst. It's hard to argue against 30 seconds of +15% extra damage on a boss fight for the entire raid group. That could mean the difference between hitting the enrage timer or not.


This shows how clueless you are, the class is fine its not the classes fault you try to pick up terrible players, and Biochem is not getting a nerf. Biochem is getting a fix as the medpack is a near 9k heal right now which is brokenly OP. Only an ignorant person sees a balance change a nerf, no good player wants to see thing as being over powered.

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This shows how clueless you are, the class is fine its not the classes fault you try to pick up terrible players, and Biochem is not getting a nerf. Biochem is getting a fix as the medpack is a near 9k heal right now which is brokenly OP. Only an ignorant person sees a balance change a nerf, no good player wants to see thing as being over powered.


I think you got the wrong quote there buddy, cause your comment makes no sense with what you're quoting :p

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The hate comes from people that rtead the forums and dont play the class.



If you join a guild and they wont take you to raid for no other reason then your class find a new giuld cause they are clearly clueless as to what a Mara can bring to the table.




It never fails to surprise me how elietest peopel can get with stuff they dont understand. I am not going to sit hear and claim this class has no flauts it does but in a raid or group content is not the place this class fails in fact is one of the area it is the best in.


When the mara class as a whole any spec is let to DPS with uncheck incoming damage we will and do simply tear up any single target. End of story. Now if your pulling aggro and taking damage then your fail if not a mara in your group is ownage.



Your Guild and the GL below the OP thats just as clueless need to L2P.

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cba reading through the whole topic,but if your guild leader think marauders is useless,tbh go look for another guild,in hard/nightmare modes progression,you need marauder bloodthirst to get by the enrage timer,and its only class that bring 15% healing/damage increase for 15s and on most fights can be used twice. obfuscate..boss enraged ,np use it on boss,and have 6s extra before boss start one shotting everyone. speed boost through predation,healing through berserk if you're annihlation specced, got 3-4(depending on spec) defensive cd's to survive aoe /enrage damage phases....


people who say marauders dont bring utility,are those who didnt bother reading about the class,as marauder simply the single most advanced class that got most utility.


am a marauder,and i am in every hardmode/nightmare mode raid for my guild.

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well the Devs have ALL the information and they have stated teh 2 highest DPS classes are snipers (when they do not have to move) and Marauders. Now i'm sure you are arrogant enough to believe that the people who built the game do not know anything about it. However the reality of it is they know more about the game then you could ever dream of.


Is that true? like to see the link to where they said that as i dont believe they would say there is a top class or even second best class as this goes against their whole game engine/system of no classes being better than other and each class being able to beat another class.


On topic though, leave your guild they sound like idiots if they are using those kind of excuses, any guild that doesnt allow players to join their flashpoints because of the class they picked are morons, defeats the whole point of a guild ie getting together with friends and enjoying the game, if they believe what they read about our class they need to go elsewhere.:cool:

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This shows how clueless you are, the class is fine its not the classes fault you try to pick up terrible players, and Biochem is not getting a nerf. Biochem is getting a fix as the medpack is a near 9k heal right now which is brokenly OP. Only an ignorant person sees a balance change a nerf, no good player wants to see thing as being over powered.




To make worse or weaken, usually in the context of weakening something in order to balance out a game.


You're welcome

Edited by mastersloup
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I'm a guild leader on Black Vulkars and we don't take Marauders for hard modes either. When all classes do comparable damage, we have to bring the ones that bring utility.


Marauder's problems are in PvP, not PvE.


I ran hardmode EV and in teh fight where everyone has to kill their own boss I was always the first one to kill my boss, even if i fought the tank or the boss with the most HP.


Bloodthirst was also the only reason my group beat the enrages on 2 bosses.


Marauders are fine in PvE. We lack PvP tools.

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When people come here what do they see? Massive QQ about how the class is "terrible" and a very small amount of people saying the class is fine.


People generally don't read into any of the conversations if they've already made up their mind and the fact is in late beta Marauders didn't have the Fury mechanic; that's very new. Without being aware of abilities like Predation and Bloodthirst and being oblivious to the fact we have Obfuscate makes raid/guild leaders able to easily disregard us.


We're absolutely fine in PvE and we bring utility other classes don't. We need work on mobility, survivability and control in PvP. That's about it.


Long story short, any "high-end" guild that says they don't want Marauders isn't "high-end," no matter how much content they've cleared. There are many, many people talking about actually stacking Marauders because chaining Bloodthirst would be so powerful. The people saying we're useless probably never raided Sunwell where Shaman were swapped in and out of groups to chain Bloodlust when it only affected the people in your group, not your raid.


If they don't want a Marauder you don't want them because they have no idea what they're doing.

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  • 3 months later...
HAHAHA. comparing a marauder to sorc and assasin... My guild uses 3 Marauders on every HM, and we always finish them. With speed buffs, Healing buffs, self healing, and damage, and defense buffs. Topped with constant bleed attacks for Annihilation tree makes marauders some of the best Dps for any HM Raid, and in the Game. If your actually sittin there and cutting out your marauder Guild members from running HM's than you're just a ******e. Ya douche


Why in the heck are you reviving a dead thread from january?


You're a real winner...

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HAHAHA. comparing a marauder to sorc and assasin... My guild uses 3 Marauders on every HM, and we always finish them. With speed buffs, Healing buffs, self healing, and damage, and defense buffs. Topped with constant bleed attacks for Annihilation tree makes marauders some of the best Dps for any HM Raid, and in the Game. If your actually sittin there and cutting out your marauder Guild members from running HM's than you're just a ******e. Ya douche


Heeeeeeeeere's your sign...

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Join a guild that has a clue. We have done HM with 3x Sentinels (yeah we are republic :p) and everyone was constantly saying 'wow' at how fast things was dying. It is pretty obvious in practice and by parses on dummies that Sentinels/Marauders are a fair bit above everyone else in DPS atm. I cannot see any 'utility' being worth sacrificing dps for.

And for the guild leader who does not bring marauders. Read up the ability called 'Bloodthirst' and imagine 4x dps classes coordinating adrenals/relics alongside Bloodthirst and any burst abilities they have. This makes burn phases on SOA and Denova's end boss almost trivial.


EDIT, didnt read final responses so did not realise it was a necropost bah

Edited by Ainianu
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Can you imagine? Back in January, people said Marauders were underpowered. Nowadays everyone's crying nerf and saying they're too useful and overpowered when almost nothing about them changed. Oh wow, Ravage got a buff and Rage is now useful... NERF NAO.



yeah MMO communitys are a wondrous thing

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Indeed i also thought Marauders were great before they are amazing now. Still, good job to revive this thread the guild leader who said they do not take Marauders in raids gave me a big chuckle.
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I would have to agree when some says we don't take this class or that just means they havd no clue. For Pug raids I understand why they prefer to take range dps or melee since some fights require melee to get in and out fast while still managing to do sustained dps but for a guild raid I prefer players who don't suck and know their class. To the original post either your raid leader has no clue or he is just trying to be nice and not tell you he doesn't want you in the raid because you aren't that good. Edited by Traxv
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