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Tank companions are useless.


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M1-4X has better gear than my commando and less damage reduction. I'm in mostly greens and he's in mostly blues because I know cybertech. Hitpoints are virtually the same. If it's a weak hit he might be able to take one more hit than me, but even that is unlikely. What kind of "tank" has the same HP and less armor than a healer/DPS class with worse gear?! I get that tank companions were OP in beta, but that doesn't mean they needed to make them completely worthless.
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M1-4X has better gear than my commando and less damage reduction. I'm in mostly greens and he's in mostly blues because I know cybertech. Hitpoints are virtually the same. If it's a weak hit he might be able to take one more hit than me, but even that is unlikely. What kind of "tank" has the same HP and less armor than a healer/DPS class with worse gear?! I get that tank companions were OP in beta, but that doesn't mean they needed to make them completely worthless.


This. If there is one issue about this game that really hits home with me, it is how Aric Jorgan (ranged dps companion) is a better than thant M1-4X = Droid made of solid metal awesomeness.

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I retired that bucket of bolts. I run with Elara, heals + dps = goodness.

My healer doesn't need or want a healer. What I need is a tank and I can't get one. What they gave me is a sub-par DPS with an agro bonus. That's like a tank's healer companion only being able to use hammer shot.


Edit: Seriously, in what twisted bizarroworld alternte dimension is it okay for tanks to be less capable of tanking than their healer? I don't want a workaround. It's a ridiculous situation and I want a fix.

Edited by Game_Hermit
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khem val disagrees

Khem Val probably has less armor than me too.


Corso and I do pretty well. He tanks and I heal. I could use the Wookie but it seems like Corso does more damage and that Harpoon shot is great.

The fact that I can technically make it work spamming advanced medical probe in overcharge mode does not make it okay. Did you not read the post or something? My TANK companion has LESS ARMOR than my HEALER commando. He'd have less HP too if he wasn't in better gear than me. Even way better geared he only has marginally more HP. MAYBE 1 hit worth if it's a DOT tick or something. Explain to me how that situation is anywhere near acceptable.

Edited by Game_Hermit
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my issue is healing companion, as a shadow tank ive started to get really pissed at my companion not healing me despite being on healing stance and my life sub 30%, he just shoots at mobs...


starting to consider manually using his healing skills, just unsure how to direct his heals to me

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I think you pretty much just described a classic MMO tank.

No I mean they gave me a useless creature with the damage of a tank and the armor of a DPS. Essentially he's a mage with taunt and a permanent -50% damage debuff. Since when do traditional MMO tanks have less armor than undergeared healers?

Edited by Game_Hermit
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my issue is healing companion, as a shadow tank ive started to get really pissed at my companion not healing me despite being on healing stance and my life sub 30%, he just shoots at mobs...


starting to consider manually using his healing skills, just unsure how to direct his heals to me


you can fix that by turning off all their offensive abilities ya know

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Tank Companions are not meant to replace Tank players.


That said they do wonders for single player content at even level.


Its when you push over your level or try to use then in 2+ and 4 heroics as a replacement for a real tank that they start to fall flat.

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I take it back, he doesn't have less damage reduction than me. I forgot I made him a could more blues. Now he has exactly 1.48% more damage reduction than me, woohoo! :rolleyes: Oh, and about 600 HP more, which is like 1 hit from a strong. /wrists



Tank Companions are not meant to replace Tank players.

I never said I wanted him to replace player tanks. My complaint is that the only difference between my tank companion and my DPS companion is that my tank has a taunt and does about half the damage. His armor and HP are exactly the same as Aric's with equal gear and actually worse than a player healer or DPS trooper with equal gear.

Edited by Game_Hermit
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Tank Companions are not meant to replace Tank players.


That said they do wonders for single player content at even level.


Its when you push over your level or try to use then in 2+ and 4 heroics as a replacement for a real tank that they start to fall flat.


Exactly. I have made epic lvl 50 armor for both Khem Val and my husbands Jugger, the player tank has so much better stats while using the same armor which is as it should be. But by putting epic gear on khem Val he can easily tank any solo content without breaking a sweat, which keeps him happy so he has less a desire to eat me, win win. Companion gear makes a huge difference.

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Exactly. I have made epic lvl 50 armor for both Khem Val and my husbands Jugger, the player tank has so much better stats while using the same armor which is as it should be. But by putting epic gear on khem Val he can easily tank any solo content without breaking a sweat, which keeps him happy so he has less a desire to eat me, win win. Companion gear makes a huge difference.


Again, my complaint isn't that he's not as good as a player tank. Of course he isn't. That's just fine. My complain is that he's a worse tank than my healer. The only difference between my tank and DPS companion is that the tank does less damage. What's the point of a tank with LESS ARMOR THAN A HEALER. Not a player tank. A freakin HEALER.


Only fix right now would be to up your presence stat any way you can. That single stat has far more affect on your companions stats then any gear you equip on them.

You're telling me to fix my companion by completely gimping myself in flashpoints. Yeah, that's a great idea.

Edited by Game_Hermit
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M1-4X has better gear than my commando and less damage reduction. I'm in mostly greens and he's in mostly blues because I know cybertech. Hitpoints are virtually the same. If it's a weak hit he might be able to take one more hit than me, but even that is unlikely. What kind of "tank" has the same HP and less armor than a healer/DPS class with worse gear?! I get that tank companions were OP in beta, but that doesn't mean they needed to make them completely worthless.


Man, as soon as my commando got M1-4X i decked him out in the best gear possible. I have four crafters and made him all fullset of blue prototype level mods and gear. i thought man this is gonna be a cakewalk with this guy tanking and me gunning everything else down. then i go out to play and M1's HP are dropping like a stone in every fight.


i benched him soon after and just Elara cause at least she's hot.

Edited by Gilbara
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Tank Companions are not meant to replace Tank players.


That said they do wonders for single player content at even level.


Its when you push over your level or try to use then in 2+ and 4 heroics as a replacement for a real tank that they start to fall flat.


As a trooper, Aric Jorgan is a better party choice than the 2 tanks I am given because Jorgan does more damage and doesnt die in 3 hits.

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Let me put this another way since apparently people are having trouble understanding what I thought was plain English. Healer companion > tank player at healing. DPS companion > tank player at DPS. Tank companion < healer player at tanking. You guys seriously can't see the discrepancy here? In that case I'll add a little more. DPS companion > tank companion at DPS. DPS companion = Tank companion at tanking.


Man, as soon as my commando got M1-4X i decked him out in the best gear possible. I have four crafters and made him all fullset of blue prototype level mods and gear. i thought man this is gonna be a cakewalk with this guy tanking and me gunning everything else down. then i go out to play and M1's HP are dropping like a stone in every fight.


i benched him soon after and just Elara cause at least she's hot.

Finally, someone who isn't a massive fanboy.

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Level 50 sage reporting in.


I kid you not and i stand by this vehemently, as I have done nearly ever heroic thats come my way and every flashpoint:


Qyzen Fess, geared with just mission reward gear, tanks better than 95% of all tanks I've ever grouped with.


Dead serious. If I have him out and with a group, I've very rarely ever had to heal anyone else. On rare occasion would I do a heroic 4 with 4 people. I'd usually find 2 dps guys and after searching futility for a tank, pull out qyzen. Of the tanks I've grouped with though, its a mess. I end up healing everyone and wipe more because they cant hold aggro. There is only one exception to this, and I friended the player immediately.


But there it is. I couldnt disagree more with the OP. I would like to add that even with cybertech, droids are tougher to equip well, and commandos are amazing in dps, decent in healing, and wear heavy armor. You are not going to see your companions do much better than you in anything , much less tanking.

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Level 50 sage reporting in.


I kid you not and i stand by this vehemently, as I have done nearly ever heroic thats come my way and every flashpoint:


Qyzen Fess, geared with just mission reward gear, tanks better than 95% of all tanks I've ever grouped with.


Dead serious. If I have him out and with a group, I've very rarely ever had to heal anyone else. On rare occasion would I do a heroic 4 with 4 people. I'd usually find 2 dps guys and after searching futility for a tank, pull out qyzen. Of the tanks I've grouped with though, its a mess. I end up healing everyone and wipe more because they cant hold aggro. There is only one exception to this, and I friended the player immediately.


But there it is. I couldnt disagree more with the OP. I would like to add that even with cybertech, droids are tougher to equip well, and commandos are amazing in dps, decent in healing, and wear heavy armor. You are not going to see your companions do much better than you in anything , much less tanking.


Why don't you post pictures instead? I'll go first.


Companion: http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/9175/npcc.jpg 24.25% damage reduction. Only slot he's missing is the implant and I'm pretty sure those don't give armor anyway.


Me: http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/7590/playerf.jpg 22.77% damage reduction. Worse gear.


My tank only has 1.48% better damage reduction than my healer character and only because he has better gear. If gear was equal mine would actually be better. It was better yesterday, but I crafted him another couple of blue pieces before bed. Where's your proof that Qyzen is better than healers at tanking, much less tanks? I'd love to see it. It would give me hope for the future. Please show it to me.

Edited by Sejia
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Why don't you post pictures instead? I'll go first.


Companion: http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/9175/npcc.jpg 24.25% damage reduction. Only slot he's missing is the implant and I'm pretty sure those don't give armor anyway.


Me: http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/7590/playerf.jpg 22.77% damage reduction. Worse gear.


My tank only has 1.48% better damage reduction than my healer character and only because he has better gear. If gear was equal mine would actually be better. It was better yesterday, but I crafted him another couple of blue pieces before bed. Where's your proof that Qyzen is better than healers at tanking, much less tanks? I'd love to see it. It would give me hope for the future. Please show it to me.


What I see is M1 with 25% shield chance with 20% reduction, and a better armor rating than you, and having better damage reduction.


Youve dismantled your entire argument in those two pictures. If you dont think hes tanking well, it probably means he hasnt unlocked enough taunts yet. At 50, Qyzen has 2 aoe taunts and a single target taunt, all at roughly 30 sec CD.

Edited by Sejia
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In beta, all tank companions used to get a 60% armor buff as a component of the guard stance. In all honesty it made them pretty overpowered. Soloing heroic 4s without realizing it was a regular occurrence.


Then Bioware realized they needed adjusting, so instead of reducing the buff, they removed it completely and replaced it with that ****** on-hit 20% armor proc and now all tank companions have terrible mitigationas a reward for their rock-bottom DPS.


And to whomever mentioned putting their Khem in all epics...if you have to put a character in all purples just to be baseline competitive, that's a problem. Companions ought to be able to handle the solo PVE part of the game with average solo PVE equip.


In leveling my now 50 Operative, I quickly learned to loathe Kaliyo (our first tank companion) and use Vector, a melee DPS.

Edited by marshalleck
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my issue is healing companion, as a shadow tank ive started to get really pissed at my companion not healing me despite being on healing stance and my life sub 30%, he just shoots at mobs...


starting to consider manually using his healing skills, just unsure how to direct his heals to me



Untick his attack skills to take them out of his rotation.

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