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Everything posted by Calcifar

  1. Untick his attack skills to take them out of his rotation.
  2. I played the Consular (shadow) all the way through and I must say, alltogether, this song describes my feelings about this character (and the voice acting) best : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opmkFdMyiTc Given, there is one plottwist at least, but the companions and horribly disconnected voice acting of my char, just didnt help.
  3. A worthwhile and sensible post, I like the points you try to raise and agree with your reasoning. Special PvP stats were never a good idea for a competative and vibrant PvP scene, for quite a few reasons. Remove Expertise or reduce it greatly I say, there is absolutely no need for such nonsense.
  4. I used to play SWTOR like you, then I took an entertaining Troll to the knee. +1 Watching your troll ism ore fun than this game.
  5. Stealth class stacked with a dozen different buffs from WZ and Crewskill, outfitted in High end PvP gear, wastes newborn 50s and lowbies. Who would have thought... Check out some of the Sentinel/ Marauders who stack Adrenals etc. Or Sniper / Gunslingers specced marksman. Really, Operaive and Scoundrals are absolutely fine the way they are in terms of balance, its this stacking of buffs that needs to be adressed. Here a Video of a comparibly geared Scoundral doing PvP WITHOUT BUFF STACKING : Hardly seems OP to me.
  6. MMO Forum is filled with Trolls and adult Children who presume to be good at game design. News at 11. Aside from the whining for the nerf bat, do you people even try to understand classes like scoundrel and Operative and such nerf implications ? Nerf Consumables heavily I say. If then, Scoundrel/Op burst i still over the top, adjust them accordingly. That means, no not nerf but lower the burst, grant them more tools for in- combat and stronger sustain ( both dmg and defense wise). But one doesnt see those kind of requests, it would require some sort of effort and brain energy. Nice one Kutsy and funny to see you here instead of the Rift forums, reminds of the warrior nerf cries... ps. I play a Shadow and still think op/scoundrels are fine after being mushed by some dozens of times, becausei ts all they can do, they are bleh in group play.
  7. I agree, this should have been equalized a long time ago and I strongly hope it is in the next patch notes. 40+ Shadow.
  8. Wait, you open up with shadow strike, then mix in smth else and shadow strike again? thats alot of fail there. Shadow strike has got terrible force to damage ratio unless you proc find weakness, thism ight be the reason you feel force starved.
  9. The prolems you point out are true for any melee class and most classes overall, just that most dont have stealth and over- the- top burst dmg. I disagree with your opinion on this balancing out the operative and scoundrals dmg.
  10. Cute. All those years? let me guess, your first MMO was WoW ? Oh and no, rebooting people is absolute rubbish. Sorry guys, I cant finish this instance now, my "parental control boot" is up in 5 minutes. ps. Ive been stuck i nthe queue for 2 hours now.
  11. Yes, snipers are so cool, sith are so cool, black cloth are cool and random music with it , wow just wow, so cool. your so creative and the music, i never heard it before. im impressed. Not.
  12. Received an E-Mail from Origin informing me of my Pre-Order being cancelled, yay.
  13. So I check my Mail for a potential invite today and find a "your pre order was cancelled" Mail from the Origin store. It basicly states that the store did not recieve payment within 3 days of the order etc. so there, cancelled. Phoned up my Credit Card company, verified that they authenticated the payment though Ea Origin didnt go through with it. So thisi s basicly a system error or smth of that nature, will I still be able to play Early access or at least at launch once Ive gone through with this with the support ? This https://helporigin.secure.force.com/CpHomePage?showhome=true&appcontext=browser is where im at right now and of course, all advisors are super busy and no ETa on it. Anyone else had their Pre Order cancelled like that? What to do now ? Man this sucks.
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