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Perfect 10/10 With these changes to SWTOR


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I compiled an overall list of changes that would make this mmorg even more amazing than it already is.


1) Space combat 3D movement (Xwing vs Tie fighter?) & a few spacecraft maneuvers like roll, strafe etc. *Space multiplayer pvp* Also ship upgrades & customization could be integrated into a Space multiplayer pvp

2) Dual specs for each character

3) LFG cross realm system & raid cross realm system

4) Integrate an auto-attack

5) Greater customization in user interface

6) Fix Later character leveling Bugs (This is kinda redundant as Bioware is working on this anyways)

7) More variety in quests not just the old mmorg kill 15 of these or go retrieve 10 of these.

8) Guild bank & guild leveling options

9) More story in the Flashpoints & operations

10) Character creation could have a few more options for character cosmetics

11) Real time weather changes & day/night changes

12) Tutorial for new players to mmorg’s


I might have overlooked a few things, if so please add in thread.


Thanks & May the force be with you! :mon_trap:

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I compiled an overall list of changes that would make this mmorg even more amazing than it already is.


1) Space combat 3D movement (Xwing vs Tie fighter?) & a few spacecraft maneuvers like roll, strafe etc. *Space multiplayer pvp* Also ship upgrades & customization could be integrated into a Space multiplayer pvp

2) Dual specs for each character

3) LFG cross realm system & raid cross realm system

4) Integrate an auto-attack

5) Greater customization in user interface

6) Fix Later character leveling Bugs (This is kinda redundant as Bioware is working on this anyways)

7) More variety in quests not just the old mmorg kill 15 of these or go retrieve 10 of these.

8) Guild bank & guild leveling options

9) More story in the Flashpoints & operations

10) Character creation could have a few more options for character cosmetics

11) Real time weather changes & day/night changes

12) Tutorial for new players to mmorg’s


I might have overlooked a few things, if so please add in thread.


Thanks & May the force be with you! :mon_trap:


Unfortunately, it has none of these features. Unfortunate for you, unfortunate for me, and REALLY unfortunate for Bioware.


I actually grew up in Austin and this is totally embarrassing. We're supposed to be the southern silicon valley, not the laughing stock of the gaming world.

Edited by monjiay
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player housing beside your ships. be nice to have an instanced zone inside cities, where you could buy your own apartments. perfect place to continue on with the companion romanceable Stories.



totally agree with you about the more char creation options. specially few nicer hairstyles.

been able to change your hairstyles, after your character is already created.


more tools, for inmersion inside cantinas. allow us to unlock new dance styles, add mini games in cantinas, such gambling, etc. would love if cantinas could become the players's hangout place to socialise.

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So turn ToR into WoW? lol


Like a lot of game makers I'm tired of hearing every one say gives us different quest besides kill X or Collect Y. The REASON they give you those quest is by making you kill crap you play your toon in battle, earn XP and loot. What quest would you like go to spot Z press button collect XP n loot. Lets see what quest you can come up with that doesn't involve killing or collecting stuff.

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I compiled an overall list of changes that would make this mmorg even more amazing than it already is.


1) Space combat 3D movement (Xwing vs Tie fighter?) & a few spacecraft maneuvers like roll, strafe etc. *Space multiplayer pvp* Also ship upgrades & customization could be integrated into a Space multiplayer pvp

2) Dual specs for each character

3) LFG cross realm system & raid cross realm system

4) Integrate an auto-attack

5) Greater customization in user interface

6) Fix Later character leveling Bugs (This is kinda redundant as Bioware is working on this anyways)

7) More variety in quests not just the old mmorg kill 15 of these or go retrieve 10 of these.

8) Guild bank & guild leveling options

9) More story in the Flashpoints & operations

10) Character creation could have a few more options for character cosmetics

11) Real time weather changes & day/night changes

12) Tutorial for new players to mmorg’s


I might have overlooked a few things, if so please add in thread.


Thanks & May the force be with you! :mon_trap:


Sadly it will be quicker to wait for a new game with at least some of these things, it could take years for swtor to implement all that if ever..

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I compiled an overall list of changes that would make this mmorg even more amazing than it already is.


1) Space combat 3D movement (Xwing vs Tie fighter?) & a few spacecraft maneuvers like roll, strafe etc. *Space multiplayer pvp* Also ship upgrades & customization could be integrated into a Space multiplayer pvp

2) Dual specs for each character

3) LFG cross realm system & raid cross realm system

4) Integrate an auto-attack

5) Greater customization in user interface

6) Fix Later character leveling Bugs (This is kinda redundant as Bioware is working on this anyways)

7) More variety in quests not just the old mmorg kill 15 of these or go retrieve 10 of these.

8) Guild bank & guild leveling options

9) More story in the Flashpoints & operations

10) Character creation could have a few more options for character cosmetics

11) Real time weather changes & day/night changes

12) Tutorial for new players to mmorg’s


I might have overlooked a few things, if so please add in thread.


Thanks & May the force be with you! :mon_trap:


So... WoW? /10char

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I compiled an overall list of changes that would make this mmorg even more amazing than it already is.


1) Space combat 3D movement (Xwing vs Tie fighter?) & a few spacecraft maneuvers like roll, strafe etc. *Space multiplayer pvp* Also ship upgrades & customization could be integrated into a Space multiplayer pvp

2) Dual specs for each character

3) LFG cross realm system & raid cross realm system

4) Integrate an auto-attack

5) Greater customization in user interface

6) Fix Later character leveling Bugs (This is kinda redundant as Bioware is working on this anyways)

7) More variety in quests not just the old mmorg kill 15 of these or go retrieve 10 of these.

8) Guild bank & guild leveling options

9) More story in the Flashpoints & operations

10) Character creation could have a few more options for character cosmetics

11) Real time weather changes & day/night changes

12) Tutorial for new players to mmorg’s


I might have overlooked a few things, if so please add in thread.


Thanks & May the force be with you! :mon_trap:


I never want to see 3 and 4. For 7, you haev to realize that there are only so many type of quests. Even single player games can be broken down to Kill this, Get that, Go there, carry this. Even in GW2's radically different system they will break down to the same basic quest functions (just saying this as an example). It is pretty unrealistic to expect any thing other than the types of quest we have.

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I compiled an overall list of changes that would make this mmorg even more amazing than it already is.


1) Space combat 3D movement (Xwing vs Tie fighter?) & a few spacecraft maneuvers like roll, strafe etc. *Space multiplayer pvp* Also ship upgrades & customization could be integrated into a Space multiplayer pvp

2) Dual specs for each character

3) LFG cross realm system & raid cross realm system

4) Integrate an auto-attack

5) Greater customization in user interface

6) Fix Later character leveling Bugs (This is kinda redundant as Bioware is working on this anyways)

7) More variety in quests not just the old mmorg kill 15 of these or go retrieve 10 of these.

8) Guild bank & guild leveling options

9) More story in the Flashpoints & operations

10) Character creation could have a few more options for character cosmetics

11) Real time weather changes & day/night changes

12) Tutorial for new players to mmorg’s


I might have overlooked a few things, if so please add in thread.


Thanks & May the force be with you! :mon_trap:


I'd try adding to the list, but frankly, if some of your suggestions were added (I'm looking at you, #3 and #4 and half of #8) I'd have to lower my score from what it is now.


Incidentally, #12 is there already.

Edited by imtrick
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there is no reason to not have dual specs. there is nothing negative about them, they allow for more customisation and makes it possible to switch to a new roll without having to reroll. they give a lot more flexability to the game, and at endgame raiding they also make it easier to maintain a fully covered raid force.


hell, i would go as far as saying give us tri or quad specs. give us more options!


the only things i really disagree with on the list, are the cross server stuff, (it takes away from the community feel you get when your familier with the faces on your server) and the auto attack.

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With the points OP posted to give this game a perfect 10... to me it wouldn't raise it much....


All I want is better fps... like tons of other players with massive rigs to run battlefield 3 on max and high fps.... but not this game..


FPS fix before anything else.... sure, to those of you lucky ones, on even slower machines, you might get better fps.... that doesn't mean the game runs good for everyone even if they have faster machines...

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[bold stuff is my answer, rest is OPs post]


I compiled an overall list of changes that would make this mmorg even more amazing than it already is.


1) Space combat 3D movement (Xwing vs Tie fighter?) & a few spacecraft maneuvers like roll, strafe etc. *Space multiplayer pvp* Also ship upgrades & customization could be integrated into a Space multiplayer pvp

It's only suppose to be a space combat game on rails. It is a cheap "LOOK AT ME!" tactic.

2) Dual specs for each character

This would never happen or else the game would not be as advertised or intended

3) LFG cross realm system & raid cross realm system

takes a while to add to the game

4) Integrate an auto-attack

this game is not designed to have an auto-attack. wrong game.

5) Greater customization in user interface

takes time to add, if the UI is changed at all

6) Fix Later character leveling Bugs (This is kinda redundant as Bioware is working on this anyways)

takes time to fix bugs

7) More variety in quests not just the old mmorg kill 15 of these or go retrieve 10 of these.

i do not understand this as SWTOR has more variety then any MMO I have seen

8) Guild bank & guild leveling options

takes time to add

9) More story in the Flashpoints & operations

the story is fine, i think you want more of them. if not then you are expecting too much

10) Character creation could have a few more options for character cosmetics

seriously? there are like 30 cosmetic options

11) Real time weather changes & day/night changes

this should be in the game, not sure why it is not

12) Tutorial for new players to mmorg’s

awww...poor noobs. no reason not to add this. takes time to add


I might have overlooked a few things, if so please add in thread.


Thanks & May the force be with you! :mon_trap:


It takes time to add so many things that are not alreaddy in. They are not in because the game was pushed out for christmas 2011.

Edited by Aisar
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I compiled an overall list of changes that would make this mmorg even more amazing than it already is.


1) Space combat 3D movement (Xwing vs Tie fighter?) & a few spacecraft maneuvers like roll, strafe etc. *Space multiplayer pvp* Also ship upgrades & customization could be integrated into a Space multiplayer pvp

2) Dual specs for each character

3) LFG cross realm system & raid cross realm system

4) Integrate an auto-attack

5) Greater customization in user interface

6) Fix Later character leveling Bugs (This is kinda redundant as Bioware is working on this anyways)

7) More variety in quests not just the old mmorg kill 15 of these or go retrieve 10 of these.

8) Guild bank & guild leveling options

9) More story in the Flashpoints & operations

10) Character creation could have a few more options for character cosmetics

11) Real time weather changes & day/night changes

12) Tutorial for new players to mmorg’s


I might have overlooked a few things, if so please add in thread.


Thanks & May the force be with you! :mon_trap:


So you want WoW with lightsabers........................


1) Sure 3D combat would be cool, barrel is already there in space combat (it's called the space bar, try it)

2) They already said they would do it, don't know when but it's coming.

3) Waste of time, merge the servers if population gets too low. Hated it in WoW, would never want to see it here.

4) Stop being lazy, auto-attaack is dumb.

5) Would be nice

6) Redundant

7) Silly request, this is what makes up ANY MMO...

8) It's called a Guild Ship, they've already said it was coming, read more update articles, seriously.

9) FP's and Ops are all story... it's what make them MORE interesting than a random dungeon

10) Would be nice

11) Complete waste of time

12) It's called tutorials... you probably turned them off (you sound like a reasonably well experienced gamer) but they do exist for those who want to read them, and oh... they are always in the codex

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1) Space combat 3D movement (Xwing vs Tie fighter?) & a few spacecraft maneuvers like roll, strafe etc. *Space multiplayer pvp* Also ship upgrades & customization could be integrated into a Space multiplayer pvp

2) Dual specs for each character

3) LFG cross realm system & raid cross realm system

4) Integrate an auto-attack

5) Greater customization in user interface

6) Fix Later character leveling Bugs (This is kinda redundant as Bioware is working on this anyways)

7) More variety in quests not just the old mmorg kill 15 of these or go retrieve 10 of these.

8) Guild bank & guild leveling options

9) More story in the Flashpoints & operations

10) Character creation could have a few more options for character cosmetics

11) Real time weather changes & day/night changes

12) Tutorial for new players to mmorg’s


I might have overlooked a few things, if so please add in thread.


Thanks & May the force be with you! :mon_trap:


Add to #1: If guild can get capital ships, add those to space PvP and missions.

The Dev's said #2 will happen in time, I wish not. That's what choices are for, and what happens. To many people want everything, to not have to choose and face the


Please never #3. Meet people. Join a guild. Get friends to join the game.

Meh, on Number 4. And the rest Most should happen. Some needs to happen.

And the big one. Optimize the game!

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I compiled an overall list of changes that would make this mmorg even more amazing than it already is.


1) Space combat 3D movement (Xwing vs Tie fighter?) & a few spacecraft maneuvers like roll, strafe etc. *Space multiplayer pvp* Also ship upgrades & customization could be integrated into a Space multiplayer pvp

2) Dual specs for each character

3) LFG cross realm system & raid cross realm system

4) Integrate an auto-attack

5) Greater customization in user interface

6) Fix Later character leveling Bugs (This is kinda redundant as Bioware is working on this anyways)

7) More variety in quests not just the old mmorg kill 15 of these or go retrieve 10 of these.

8) Guild bank & guild leveling options

9) More story in the Flashpoints & operations

10) Character creation could have a few more options for character cosmetics

11) Real time weather changes & day/night changes

12) Tutorial for new players to mmorg’s


I might have overlooked a few things, if so please add in thread.


Thanks & May the force be with you! :mon_trap:


No to 3 and 4.

Yes to 5 and 10.

11 is an engine limitation as far as day/night cycles, eg probably not possible. There are weather effects on some planets, but they are very muted.

Edited by Qilue
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I compiled an overall list of changes that would make this mmorg even more amazing than it already is.


1) Space combat 3D movement (Xwing vs Tie fighter?) & a few spacecraft maneuvers like roll, strafe etc. *Space multiplayer pvp* Also ship upgrades & customization could be integrated into a Space multiplayer pvp

2) Dual specs for each character

3) LFG cross realm system & raid cross realm system

4) Integrate an auto-attack

5) Greater customization in user interface

6) Fix Later character leveling Bugs (This is kinda redundant as Bioware is working on this anyways)

7) More variety in quests not just the old mmorg kill 15 of these or go retrieve 10 of these.

8) Guild bank & guild leveling options

9) More story in the Flashpoints & operations

10) Character creation could have a few more options for character cosmetics

11) Real time weather changes & day/night changes

12) Tutorial for new players to mmorg’s


I might have overlooked a few things, if so please add in thread.


Thanks & May the force be with you! :mon_trap:


This here, fellas, is pure poetry! This guy means it, these words come straight from the soul. This guy knows what he's talking about.


Therefor I can't do anything else but to agree for 500%. Words of pure Wisdom.


NO >>>----arrow-----> to the knee for you Sir! Respect!!!

Edited by Gehoornde
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