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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The well has run dry


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I have tried to level up.. one LV 31. One LV 50. I have done the quests. Enjoyed the hell out of the journey. But the entire time i felt like it was a 1 player game. I do level appropriate flashpoints. I am a datacron addict and i havent missed one on either toon.


The questing in this game is amazing. Granted it is run of the mill, kill this, collect that, destroy this, but the voice acting, and dark/light choices give it depth. Great questing and story.


Although it feels like a 1 player game. The guild i am in has done the raids. They are fun. but for the most part, my high population server, feels void. It sucks being on the same plannet/zone as a guildmate, but having to group op to be in the same instance.


I find myself logging back into WoW to do raids and what not just to feel like i play an MMO. I am keeping my sub to both, for the time being. I have the feeling like bigger and better things are coming to ToR. Also i WoW has new things coming down the pipe. Whether i like whats coming to WoW or not i have to wait and see. But right now it is pulling me away from ToR, just because no matter what i am doing in ToR it feels small, empty, underpopulated, even on a High pop server.


Just my thoughts. Agree or disagree. It matters not.

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Agree or disagree. It matters not.


Then you wouldn't have posted.


You want to encourage people to agree with you and discourage people who would disagree with you. Or, more likely, incite those that may disagree with you through this passive aggressive closing. Either way, it does matter... to you.

Edited by Gankstah
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It's a bit same for me. Except I'm not continuing to sub. This game will be the same in 6 months with just a bit more of the same content and that is the problem. This game gets boring when you leveled up what you wanted cause then it's just lower quality PVP, dungeons and raids compared to other games. Now they are stressing out new content of same type when the game actually need new kind of content like swoop races and more innovative things.


They made the best leveling experience in any MMO game. Now they need to make endgame the best Theme Park/Sandbox combo ever made. But instead they are making a very lackluster Theme Park endgame that gets old extremely fast.

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I feel the exact opposite. Looking back, everything I did in WoW was so small and insignificant I almost feel embarrassed for myself for doing them. For a recent example, I remember farming groups of bats in Deepholm for hours and hours, power-leveling leatherworking so I could make two epic pieces for entry-level raiding. I probably replaced those pieces a week or two later. It seems absolutely crazy to me now that that is what I considered a good use of my time.


Don't even get me started on how much of a waste hardcore raiding in WoW was. I still cherish my vanilla raiding experience for other reasons, but everything after that I know feel was an absolute waste of my time.

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It matters to me which is why i posted. But your individual opinions are your own.. If you are compelled to respond, please do. Whether i am wrong or right doesnt matter. I am just stating my opinion.


And i agree, ToR is the most fun i have spent leveling in ANY MMO.


My history is... Ultima Online. Everquest. (while still playing Everquest) Anarchy Online, DAoC, The MMO where you could play as a dragon or giant, Asherons Call 2, (Ending Everquest) World of warcraft which is still ongoing, EQ2, Vanguard, Warhammer, Age of Conan, Rift.

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Don't even get me started on how much of a waste hardcore raiding in WoW was. I still cherish my vanilla raiding experience for other reasons, but everything after that I know feel was an absolute waste of my time.


Sane people acknowledge that all recreational activity is a waste of time outside of the joy you create in the moment while doing it. I don't exactly finish a game of monopoly and say "Well now... that was productive!"

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It matters to me which is why i posted. But your individual opinions are your own.. If you are compelled to respond, please do. Whether i am wrong or right doesnt matter. I am just stating my opinion.


And i agree, ToR is the most fun i have spent leveling in ANY MMO.


My history is... Ultima Online. Everquest. (while still playing Everquest) Anarchy Online, DAoC, The MMO where you could play as a dragon or giant, Asherons Call 2, (Ending Everquest) World of warcraft which is still ongoing, EQ2, Vanguard, Warhammer, Age of Conan, Rift.


It's really not an MMO any more than BF3 is an MMO.


People playing on a server together =/= an MMORPG.


This is a coop game that has the cohones to charge you a monthly rate because it has the Stun Wars IP.


But Barnum was right, and this game will survive, as long as there are enough minutes.

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It's really not an MMO any more than BF3 is an MMO.


People playing on a server together =/= an MMORPG.


This is a coop game that has the cohones to charge you a monthly rate because it has the Stun Wars IP.


But Barnum was right, and this game will survive, as long as there are enough minutes.


I'm confused. Either you didn't buy the game (hence, have never played it), or you just called yourself a sucker.


Either way, cool opinion bro.


:wea_03: Lightsaber!

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I don't get why people are saying this feels like a single player game. I'm level 18, and now got my ship and I teamed up lots of times with players for group quests on Tython and Coruscant: "Face Merchants", "Rep's Most Wanted", "Enemies of the Republic" etc. I did the first Flashpoint, and today I'll probably try Hammer Station and Athiss. There are lots of players on my server, I run into them all the time - while questing and in social hubs. The social aspect feels to me like in every other MMO I played. I really don't get it. Edited by Nindoriel
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It's really not an MMO any more than BF3 is an MMO.


Can you support this argument?? BF3 is an MMOA, SWTOR is an MMORPG ... why is this so hard to comprehend?? This has the exact same stuff that WoW has, as so many hurry to point out, and that game is supposedly the king of MMO's ...

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I have tried to level up.. one LV 31. One LV 50. I have done the quests. Enjoyed the hell out of the journey. But the entire time i felt like it was a 1 player game. I do level appropriate flashpoints. I am a datacron addict and i havent missed one on either toon.


The questing in this game is amazing. Granted it is run of the mill, kill this, collect that, destroy this, but the voice acting, and dark/light choices give it depth. Great questing and story.


Although it feels like a 1 player game. The guild i am in has done the raids. They are fun. but for the most part, my high population server, feels void. It sucks being on the same plannet/zone as a guildmate, but having to group op to be in the same instance.


I find myself logging back into WoW to do raids and what not just to feel like i play an MMO. I am keeping my sub to both, for the time being. I have the feeling like bigger and better things are coming to ToR. Also i WoW has new things coming down the pipe. Whether i like whats coming to WoW or not i have to wait and see. But right now it is pulling me away from ToR, just because no matter what i am doing in ToR it feels small, empty, underpopulated, even on a High pop server.


Just my thoughts. Agree or disagree. It matters not.

I agree. I think it's the game engine that's causing it to feel like a singleplayer game. The more I play, the more I don't like the way the game engine looks and feels.


It has no dimensional depth.

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I don't get why people are saying this feels like a single player game.


Every single planet I'm on says there are 9-30 people on the planet. I maybe see 3-5 of them during a 3 hour questing period. The rest of the time I am by myself. Literally alone in a vast environment.


Does that explain things simply enough?


9 People on Corellia during prime-time. No extra instances, just the ONE. I traveled across 2 zones to help someone with their class quest just because 1) I wanted to prove to myself someone else was around, and 2) I wanted to do something nice for someone else who was obviously also completely alone and desperate for help.


After you hit 30+ on my server, everywhere except Republic Fleet is a ghost-town.


That's not an exaggeration. You simply will not encounter many people. Flying around Belsavis by myself. Flying around Balmorra by myself. Flying around Hoth by myself. Good lord that winter wasteland felt isolating.


The server says "heavy" load...I just don't understand where they all are. Maybe Empire-side? Is 200 people a heavy load?

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Every single planet I'm on says there are 9-30 people on the planet. I maybe see 3-5 of them during a 3 hour questing period. The rest of the time I am by myself. Literally alone in a vast environment.


Does that explain things simply enough?


9 People on Corellia during prime-time. No extra instances, just the ONE. I traveled across 2 zones to help someone with their class quest just because 1) I wanted to prove to myself someone else was around, and 2) I wanted to do something nice for someone else who was obviously also completely alone and desperate for help.


After you hit 30+ on my server, everywhere except Republic Fleet is a ghost-town.


That's not an exaggeration. You simply will not encounter many people. Flying around Belsavis by myself. Flying around Balmorra by myself. Flying around Hoth by myself. Good lord that winter wasteland felt isolating.


The server says "heavy" load...I just don't understand where they all are. Maybe Empire-side? Is 200 people a heavy load?


This is a server issue.


The Early Access server are stuffed with people.


Anyways this game is an MMORPG. The Problem is MMORPG doesnt mean Everquest/Warcraft follow the rails theme park.


Back in Ultima Online we didnt have quests, and we couldnt raid because there were no parties.


The combat consisted of right clicking each other.


Guess that wasnt an mmorpg either.

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Also, the game has been out for 3 weeks but that is not the unit of time measurement you should be using.


If 3 weeks to you means 540 hours played, then the game is probably boring for you already.


Skyrim has won numerous awards for being chock full of content, and it cant keep you busy for 540 hours.


Id say Bioware should call keeping you entertained for the same duration as a full time job a success.

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Every single planet I'm on says there are 9-30 people on the planet. I maybe see 3-5 of them during a 3 hour questing period. The rest of the time I am by myself. Literally alone in a vast environment.


Does that explain things simply enough?


9 People on Corellia during prime-time. No extra instances, just the ONE. I traveled across 2 zones to help someone with their class quest just because 1) I wanted to prove to myself someone else was around, and 2) I wanted to do something nice for someone else who was obviously also completely alone and desperate for help.


After you hit 30+ on my server, everywhere except Republic Fleet is a ghost-town.


That's not an exaggeration. You simply will not encounter many people. Flying around Belsavis by myself. Flying around Balmorra by myself. Flying around Hoth by myself. Good lord that winter wasteland felt isolating.


The server says "heavy" load...I just don't understand where they all are. Maybe Empire-side? Is 200 people a heavy load?


This must be the first time you've played a new MMO. My guess is that you jumped into WoW a few years after it had been out awhile.


This is what happens when you out level the majority of the player populations.


On my server, I've been leveling with the pack. I always find it easy to get groups. On the larger planets, there's always upwards of 60 people. You just spacebar mashed through all your quests and now you're QQ because there's consequences.


Tough luck. Wait for the rest of the population to catch up or quit your whining.

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I find myself logging back into WoW to do raids and what not just to feel like i play an MMO.


I don't understand this. WoW's world is completely devoid of players outside of orgrimmar and sw. Everyone's just standing there and waiting for the bg/dungeon/arena queue to pop. Or going on the occasional gathering run. How does questing in wow feel more mmo than here? Especially with all the phasing that's introduced in cata. I'm not saying phasing's bad. In fact I was extremely happy with it. I just don't see how you feel there's more people around you :/

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I agree. I think it's the game engine that's causing it to feel like a singleplayer game. The more I play, the more I don't like the way the game engine looks and feels.


It has no dimensional depth.


Maybe cuz BF3 is a straight forward war game? Do you see instances, raids, heal/tank/dps systems, quests(Hold this flag, or destroy opposing team doesnt count) how could YOU compare??

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Yes, sometime it takes a while to get a group. But I actually like waiting more than to be but into a random instance with 4 rude players I will never see again.


I have yet to meet a situation where i could not do the things I wanted (Heros, FPs) because i couldn't get a group.


This game has every MMO feature. Heroic quests, instances, raids, warzones.

Just because by now we are not all cramped in the same city and the rest of the world is completely dead except for some flower-farmers this is not an MMO?

When you go to the starter planet these days there are 80 - 100+ people there. In 1 shard!

I have yet to see this number in a WoW Zone (except for the first week after expansion-launch).


I slowed my leveling down in the last week, because I have a lot of work and playing an alt. When I log on to my Guardian now, there are way more people on Hoth then when I first got there.


This is an MMO. It has a intensive and prominent SP-like story, yes. But that does not mean it is a coop SP game.

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