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Any Actual females not female characters play this game?


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Really surprised by this thread as a whole.


First, I'm a female gamer.


Second, I've been playing MMOs for about six years and I've run into almost as many women as men. I play primarily on PVE (sometimes PVP) servers, and I raid. The guild I was in on Rift had a female majority, and we were highly progressed.


Third, the reasons for playing same or opposite sex are often having to do with what makes sense for the TYPE of character you want to play as well as the STORY you envision (if it's a very story driven game). One gamer did a great study of this, I'll post the link here:




If you aren't running into female gamers, I suspect you aren't keeping an eye out for them, or you're socially not making room for them. I've bailed on groups before that freak out over my gender (OMG a GIRL!) I also know female friends who have left guilds because some men assume that a woman in a guild is either there because her boyfriend wants her to play, or because she is single and therefore free game and should be flirted with heavily. Some of us just want to play.


From every statistic I've read, the gaming population is nearing 50/50. Usually the percentage of female players is around 45% or more.

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Really surprised by this thread as a whole.


First, I'm a female gamer.


Second, I've been playing MMOs for about six years and I've run into almost as many women as men. I play primarily on PVE (sometimes PVP) servers, and I raid. The guild I was in on Rift had a female majority, and we were highly progressed.


Third, the reasons for playing same or opposite sex are often having to do with what makes sense for the TYPE of character you want to play as well as the STORY you envision (if it's a very story driven game). One gamer did a great study of this, I'll post the link here:




If you aren't running into female gamers, I suspect you aren't keeping an eye out for them, or you're socially not making room for them. I've bailed on groups before that freak out over my gender (OMG a GIRL!) I also know female friends who have left guilds because some men assume that a woman in a guild is either there because her boyfriend wants her to play, or because she is single and therefore free game and should be flirted with heavily. Some of us just want to play.


From every statistic I've read, the gaming population is nearing 50/50. Usually the percentage of female players is around 45% or more.


Interestingly enough, I just did a playtest over at Blizzard and I was the sole female that showed up for any of the groups that day. I was in the second group of the day, so I caught a glimpse of both the first and last groups as I was arriving and leaving. That being said, game companies sorely want a female opinion as that means that they can appeal to more people. It's interesting to think how highly they'll value my opinion simply because I happened to be the only female to show up.

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So, I've read a great deal of this thread in search for someone posing this question or some implication but couldn't find it (haven't read the whole thread though). So I'll be bold and ask it.


A friend of mine wanted to conduct a research on female gamers and it also got me pondering about. If you don't mind answering some/discussing some.


1. What faction do you roll? Evil ('Empire') Good ('Republic') although I hate thinking in such terms, some people root for the 'Empire' IRL but want to be the good guy in MMO's (my point of view).



2. SW:TOR based, what choices do you make during the story? (good/evil) being light/dark.

Also depending on the conditions? eg. reaction towards Vette, the twi'lek female ('female' being key) as a slave the choice of shocking her and keeping her as a slave.



3. What role do you take on mostly? Healer, support, tank, dps, etc. ...



I think most men, including myself think (and want?) MOST female gamers to be more of a 'good person' in game, filling in the support/healing role, all in all 'the mother archetype'.


Also wonder about the age difference and generation in all these choices. But that makes it all too complicated.


1. Empire

2. Light Side all the way with my main, despite that she's a Sith Warrior

3. Usually I'm melee dps, I just love it. I tried out healing in LotRO (with a male toon, nonetheless) and it was pretty fun, but I prefer carving hides.

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I'm a female gamer who play as a female toon most of the time, but from time to time I will play as a male toon. My guild know i'm Female but to them i'm one of the "guys". I never had problems in mmo as a female gamer other when I was playing WoW (one of the reasons I stopped playing).


I will play as a Male Jedi Knight simply because he is voiced by David Hater and that I love his voice, same as i will play the male bounty hunter because he has wolverine's voice. I mean give me a character voiced by Paul Newman and he'll likely become the only toon i will play. I also noticed that the romance for male player characters are often sweet and give me the "awwwwww cute" reaction.


The romance for female player character often fall short it's like all the best writers went for the other side while we got the left overs(No offense to bioware writing team).


So my choice for playing as a male toon has to do with the voice and "gasp" the romance story :p

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Guy gamer here I just wanted to say I don't have anything against girl gamers I would fully welcome you into any group or guild I am in, as long as you are a decent player and that gose for guys as well. I don't care what you have in-between your legs as long as you play well.



Now on a side note yes you have sexy voices and I would much rather here a females voice them some big buhbuba dude. :)

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My game play and how good I can play has always been judged on what I have between my legs. But I've played in alot of top guilds in the past in many games and mainly that's because I let them see me play and shizzle before I made my gender known.


Likewise. :)

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Just wanted to drop a line and let you know that we have quite a few females in our guild, and also several husband and wife players (myself included). We actually migrated from WoW (where I joined) and before WoW we were in LOTRO. We are not a hardcore guild by any means and know that people have lives outside of the game (and we completely understand real life comes before our life in-game). If you are looking for some all-around friendly, helpful, and awesome people, look no further.


You can check out our website here: http://dsswtor.guildlaunch.com


We are on The Jekk'Jekk Tarr server and our guild name is <Dragon Snacks>. Tell them Galaxy sent you =)

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So, I've read a great deal of this thread in search for someone posing this question or some implication but couldn't find it (haven't read the whole thread though). So I'll be bold and ask it.


A friend of mine wanted to conduct a research on female gamers and it also got me pondering about. If you don't mind answering some/discussing some.


1. What faction do you roll? Evil ('Empire') Good ('Republic') although I hate thinking in such terms, some people root for the 'Empire' IRL but want to be the good guy in MMO's (my point of view).


2. SW:TOR based, what choices do you make during the story? (good/evil) being light/dark.

Also depending on the conditions? eg. reaction towards Vette, the twi'lek female ('female' being key) as a slave the choice of shocking her and keeping her as a slave.


3. What role do you take on mostly? Healer, support, tank, dps, etc. ...




I think most men, including myself think (and want?) MOST female gamers to be more of a 'good person' in game, filling in the support/healing role, all in all 'the mother archetype'.


Also wonder about the age difference and generation in all these choices. But that makes it all too complicated.



1. Faction? I've a few of both. My first characters were Republic; my favourite right now, though, is an Imperial Agent. I adore the character, who's neither irritatingly gung-ho (yes, I'm glaring at you, FemTrooper) nor attention-cravingly evil ("I can't wait to start killing!"). She's a strange, blithe thing, amused by the pretensions of both 'sides' and happily ruining the lives of Sith when the opportunity arises... :D


2. What choices? Plain good or evil doesn't interest me; story shines when it can explore the grey spaces between the extremes. My Marauder is an obscene little monster of black allegiances, who has almost accidentally stumbled across an opportunity for selflessness: coming to the aid of a brainwashed, helpless jedi. It startled her; her story's become one of redemption. That's more interesting to me than unwavering allegiance to codes or amorality. I choose the choices that seem to prove interesting -


or, sometimes, just plain brutal. Oops. :o


3. My role of choice is DPS. Ka-boom Ka-boom, baby. :D Although to my surprise, tanking with the Marauder turned out to be enormous fun during flashpoints! When our guild's running Republic flashpoints and operations, I bring my Trooper along as a healbus - because we needed a healer, and I like the hectic struggle of keeping everyone functioning during extended, chaotic battle. It's a fun challenge.



One thing, though:


I think most men, including myself think (and want?) MOST female gamers to be more of a 'good person' in game, filling in the support/healing role, all in all 'the mother archetype'.


LOL! No, wait, seriously? Oops. Wish I'd known that before I ruined our first Esseles run. With the airlock, y'know? Because my Trooper's dark-side, and the opportunity was too much fun to resist anyway, and the howls of dismay over teamspeak were delicious.... :p

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1. What faction do you roll? Evil ('Empire') Good ('Republic') although I hate thinking in such terms, some people root for the 'Empire' IRL but want to be the good guy in MMO's (my point of view).


2. SW:TOR based, what choices do you make during the story? (good/evil) being light/dark.

Also depending on the conditions? eg. reaction towards Vette, the twi'lek female ('female' being key) as a slave the choice of shocking her and keeping her as a slave.


3. What role do you take on mostly? Healer, support, tank, dps, etc. ...




I think most men, including myself think (and want?) MOST female gamers to be more of a 'good person' in game, filling in the support/healing role, all in all 'the mother archetype'.

Point 1-

I play both sides. I feel like I have more fun with the story on the Empire side of things, but most of my friends play Republic.


Point 2-

It depends on how I feel my character is. My trooper? A "lawful chaos" chick who takes her job a little too seriously. My jedi knight? Naive, still coming to grips with the fact that yes, there really are terrible people in the world and she wants to get rid of them all. My sith inquisitor? As the saying goes, "Murder and mayhem await."


Point 3-

I usually play tanks. My inquisitor is a healer in case I feel like a break, but I've always enjoyed tanking in other games and it gives my friends wiggle room to play the roles that they want to play without having to delegate tanking to someone who doesn't want it.


As for your last statement,

I disagree. You see, there's just something about having the enemy unload everything they have in their arsenal on you and still being able to come back from it nearly unscathed. Then, while they scramble to deal with you, your friends come up from behind and BAM! He didn't even see it coming c:

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1. What faction do you roll? Evil ('Empire') Good ('Republic') although I hate thinking in such terms, some people root for the 'Empire' IRL but want to be the good guy in MMO's (my point of view).


I've started as Empire, but with my guild we decided to re-roll Republic. I'm usualy playing good character. I planed to have a "evil" Imperial Agent, ended to have neutral at best. Im' super carebear IRL, but I don't think it's related to my gender.


2. SW:TOR based, what choices do you make during the story? (good/evil) being light/dark.

Also depending on the conditions? eg. reaction towards Vette, the twi'lek female ('female' being key) as a slave the choice of shocking her and keeping her as a slave.

With my Imperial Agent it was depending of the situation. I had half/half light and dark answers, slightly more dark though. With my Consular Sage, I'm full Light, naturaly.


3. What role do you take on mostly? Healer, support, tank, dps, etc. ...

Healer or/and support.

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I am a female but not on your server sorry :(. I've been gaming for a long time and while there are a lot more women gamers now, I'm used to the gaming world being dominated by males.


I don't feel the need to hide that I'm a woman but I also don't offer that info automatically. Most people assume I'm a guy when they talk to me and I don't correct them lol (I find it entertaining being referred to as "dude" or "bro"). If I'm asked I tell them and of course if I end up being on vent with people they figure it out pretty fast :p.

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Why would women want to play Star Wars? The Old Republic era isn't so bad (at least you have the Exile), but look at the movies. Every female character needs to be rescued by a man (some will bring up Leia or Padme using a blaster rifle but when push comes to shove they are damsels in distress). In this regard Star Wars is barely better then Twilight when it comes to strong female rolemodels. Edited by RocNessMonster
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So, I've read a great deal of this thread in search for someone posing this question or some implication but couldn't find it (haven't read the whole thread though). So I'll be bold and ask it.


A friend of mine wanted to conduct a research on female gamers and it also got me pondering about. If you don't mind answering some/discussing some.


1. What faction do you roll? Evil ('Empire') Good ('Republic') although I hate thinking in such terms, some people root for the 'Empire' IRL but want to be the good guy in MMO's (my point of view).


2. SW:TOR based, what choices do you make during the story? (good/evil) being light/dark.

Also depending on the conditions? eg. reaction towards Vette, the twi'lek female ('female' being key) as a slave the choice of shocking her and keeping her as a slave.


3. What role do you take on mostly? Healer, support, tank, dps, etc. ...




I think most men, including myself think (and want?) MOST female gamers to be more of a 'good person' in game, filling in the support/healing role, all in all 'the mother archetype'.


Also wonder about the age difference and generation in all these choices. But that makes it all too complicated.



1: I roll both factions but I tend to choose the "darker" factions. Empire might be considered evil but the Republic has corrupt senators and backstabbing politicians as well.

Reason why I like empire because I like "darker" surroundings and a bit more sinister storyline. My atm only republic active char is a sarcastic scoundrel, she might do good things but demands a pay for it and will moan if she aint getting any and my operative while being an imperial agent decided to whipe out a big part of the empire worlds just to get a bigger pay. Nah, for me in this game I'm a real woman, I need money for shopping dudes. I will kill ya for it if I need too. :D


2:Totally depends on my class/faction/outcome. My imperial agent is pure evil to the core to the point she cares about no-one. Even my little sith sorc has more honor in her bones and sometimes let ppl live. I choose actions that fit the outcome I want and sometimes I am in a bad mood. Also note : light choices in this game are not always good. Spoiler

Letting the captain in the Black Talon live (100 lightside points) results at him being tortured for the rest of his remaining life while killing him (100 darkside points) is pretty much showing him mercy and end his suffering. Bioware is not really clear in this game.


3:Im pretty much here the stereotype. Yes my first char in a game will always be healers. However not because I'm a motherly type. In most games healers or classes that heal are simply not depending on others to get the job done so it's also easier to walk trough the game. My second char is always a dps after my healers are done (geared).

I will however never roll a tank, I hate tanking pretty much because I hate playing "leader".

Edited by Kirameki
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Why would women want to play Star Wars? The Old Republic era isn't so bad (at least you have the Exile), but look at the movies. Every female character needs to be rescued by a man (some will bring up Leia or Padme using a blaster rifle but when push comes to shove they are damsels in distress). In this regard Star Wars is barely better then Twilight when it comes to strong female rolemodels.


Because the movies don't define the game and I'm not a feminist. I enjoy a game because it's a good game. Likewise, I enjoy a movie because it's a good movie. Why in the world would I miss out on a good thing simply because the women in the movie had a slight damsel in distress tilt to them? Big deal.


That's like saying Disney is corrupting young girls into thinking they need to find their prince charming to rescue them because the Princesses will do anything for love in their movies. They're kids movies. Let children be children and be done with it.

Edited by Brosephiine
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I'm female IRL and my main is a big, beefy male Twi'lek. I don't think it's weird, just a preference. My alts are all female, though.


I don't feel the need to run around on the game announcing it or whatever, I think most people probably think I'm just a gay man from the conversations on general anyway :D


For me, the gender of the player isn't as important as the personality of the player. Our guild has a lot of real life ladies, and a lot of dudes. So long as people are respectful of one another, I'm cool with it.


Oh, and re the poll. In that other MMO that shall not be named, I tanked, and swore I would never heal. In this MMO, well, I heal on one toon and DPS on the other.

Edited by artyewok
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So i had this problem when i ployed lotro that i could never find any girls that played the game, i mean my entire guild on lotro are boys, the entire guild on here are boys... is there no other girl on the face of the planet that plays swtor on my server (Telos Restoration Project) I feel so alone... not to mention that boys who have girl characters are kinda weird... on lotro i had a male character and i had to delete him because it was to weird lol...a not that i care but its kinda dissapointed when you think your talking to a girl and it turns out tht the person behind the character is a dude,,nywayz just wondering, no need to get in a hater mood i was just asking


I love You = girl + dude= big saber = collar + fun times = huttball


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And, re the poll:


1. What faction do you roll?


Empire, because of my friends. I thought I would be kind of uneasy with it, but it's fun to be a bad guy. I also have a republic alt.


2. SW:TOR based, what choices do you make during the story? (good/evil) being light/dark.

Also depending on the conditions? eg. reaction towards Vette, the twi'lek female ('female' being key) as a slave the choice of shocking her and keeping her as a slave.


I wouldn't torture Vette, that doesn't sit well with me. My main is evil to the core, but I do choose some lightside options if they seem more conniving. I also flirt with any flirtable quest giver, especially if it gives me dark side points. My Bounty hunter, to counter this, is pure light. because I like Mako and wish I could have romance options with her as a female toon :(



3. What role do you take on mostly? Healer, support, tank, dps, etc. ...

Healer or DPS

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