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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lotto Bags killed the game


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So you got to rank 58 and didn't even notice 2 of the 4 pieces your missing you could have bought for 200 wargames/200 mercenary commendations...Earpiece/implants are purchase with said tokens as well as champion bag rng :rolleyes::rolleyes:cool story brah.
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Regardless of any fibs in the original post; there is no excuse for this gearing system to exist.


Indeed, but Mythic loves terrible concepts and mechanics that drive players away from their games. Once this game dies they'll just blame EA again and get a pass on another failed MMO.

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One of my guildmates just got level 50 today, and already has full champion set, because since level 40 he has been buying champion bags with all of his commendations, he said he had about 25 bags saved in his bank.
Didn't happen because you can't buy more than one bag at a time and any attempt to buy another bag gets met with you can only have one of these at a time. And you can't open a bag till you are 50, so, you got punkte. He lied to you. I know, I had planned to buy a ton of bags leveling up and was met by that exact statement. Edited by Silverspar
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Regardless of any fibs in the original post; there is no excuse for this gearing system to exist.


Not even a month after launch. You want them to hand over tier 3 PVP gear? Do the dailies, 2 bags right there. Do the weeklies 6 bags right there.


20 bags a week plus ones you buy. Even if its a one in five chance to get gear you get 4 pieces and 48 commendations (at 3 per bag you didnt get gear in and i beleive ou can get upto 5) which can buy a peice. I think thats a mainset or weapon, offhand, implants and earpeice.



5 peices a week just by doing dailies. In 3 weeks you are set with a fully geared toon. I do not see a problem in that.

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1. lady luck doesn't like me very much

2. i like the way they equip system works

3. karma is a *****


compared to the two mmo style games i played (diablo2 and aion), this system actually works best imo.


since diablo is almost a different genre i won't talk much about it, but keep in mind, there were no item vendors where you could buy pvp exclusive gear, most of the stuff you did need were random drops (equipment/charms) and the items that weren't random to obtain were either stupidly hard to get (diablos soul gem or whatever) and/or had random stats on them where it could take almost a lifetime until you got the stats you needed/wanted (torches).

not to mention that ALL equip was randomly generated, so even after you got all your gear you were starting to track down the same items with slightly better stats either thru trading websites, the chat or simply by joining 100 trade games in one afternoon.


aion is a little closer to swtor. in aion you are able to buy pvp gear with a kind of currancy you obtain thru pvp. iirc there were 3 or 4 tiers of pvp armor as well as 3 different level brackets where to obtain. the highest tier got a matching set bonus but you couldn't mix lvl30 tier4 equip with lvl40 tier4 equip to get the set bonus.

and those items were expensive... **** were they expensive. the greens and blues of each tier were allready kind of expensive for what they were offering, but tier3 and 4 were just crazy hard to obtain, they were probably unobtainable for a very huge amount of the casual players, because the other faction was able to hunt you down in the open world and not only would you get some points for winning a fight but you were actually losing some of you currancy when you died, which kept a whole lot of people from ever leaving save zones once they decided to start the grind for pvp equipment.


and thats why i love the way you obtain pvp gear in swtor, once you ding 50 you can start farming goodie bags with either coins for tier1 equip or you get lucky and get a token for a complete piece of tier2 armor, once you reach valor 60 you can start collecting the next set of goodie bags which contain either coins for tier2 equip or a token for a piece of tier3 (soon to be coins for tier3 as well). no hunting for that random drop you try to get for a year and no hardcore grinding for pvp points that you can lose faster than you get them.

again, i'm not blessed by lady luck in any way, i did grind from valor 3x to 56 in less than a week and opened over 50 bags, i got 6 pieces i could use +2 dupes, with all the commendations i bought the missing pieces in tier1 except a relic and the weapon, since relics don't give expertise and i already got the level 40 pvp weapon which allready has expertise.

so i'm not even able to collect the next tier of bags but i'm allmost fully equiped in tier1 and 2 (by the time i hit valor 60 i either got that damn wepon or just buy the tier1 weapon). the way i see it, people just feel they have to get tier2 complete before they hit rank60. but what would be the point of obtaining a full set before you are even allowed to collect the coins for that set?

only thing that bugs me is that they change the system for tier3 now, i would have liked to benefit from it first, people that were playing during beta knew exactly what to do and rushed to 50 asap, grabbed a lot of daily bags and even weekly bags before the large crowd hit 50, then they grinded valor 60 in battle grounds where most of the people were 20-40 level below them, then they started getting tier3 tokens and complained about dupes... now everyone who hits rank60 after the change has to start farming for coins instead of tokens, you have to get lucky a number of times in a row before you can buy your first piece of tier3. wouldn't mind even that when there wouldn't be people running around with nearly complete sets of tier3 already. so please bw remove all obtained tier3 gear and give them the coins they would have goten for those tokens instead, the way it is now, i won't be behind them a week or two and a few lucky bags but instead i will probably be behind a couple of weeks if not months (no clue yet how many coins there will be in a bag) since there is a limited amount of bags you can collect (9/week) this will probably take a while to gear up now -.-



there are way worse ways you could be forced to obtain pvp gear in a game.

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Not even a month after launch. You want them to hand over tier 3 PVP gear? Do the dailies, 2 bags right there. Do the weeklies 6 bags right there.


20 bags a week plus ones you buy. Even if its a one in five chance to get gear you get 4 pieces and 48 commendations (at 3 per bag you didnt get gear in and i beleive ou can get upto 5) which can buy a peice. I think thats a mainset or weapon, offhand, implants and earpeice.



5 peices a week just by doing dailies. In 3 weeks you are set with a fully geared toon. I do not see a problem in that.


Oh you're assuming that you get a useful piece every time! I'm guessing you aren't 50 yet or haven't experienced the joy of getting your 5th offhand in a row (and you can't even use them to gear up your companions unless they use the same stats as you) or a different relic for each day of the week.


Bags will hold either 3 commendations or 1 with a random un-assembled gear token that you may already have. It's completely random so depending on your luck you could literally gear up completely in a week or you could grind up to valor 60 and replace quest gear with battlemaster gear.


If you could pick what you spent your token on then that'd be a step in the right direction. There's plenty of other grindy stuff to do in PVP and the only thing that'd be lost is lucky people won't be able to completely dominate fresh 50s and <49's.

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ahh QQ ppl cant farm the gear they need to get lucky... good its alot better the 'cough' WoWs 'cough' system where ppl can bot and go afk and have thier gear handed to them. u sir are QQing that u cant have everything handed to u.




Bioware u DID stomp blizzard here, keep it up. u can rule the mmo world u just need to try.

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The lotto bags were one of the biggest contributers to me quitting as well. I hate RNG, and to be subjected to it every day just made my life worse off. My wife commented on this, that I was angrier when playing swtor than I was before. So I decided to quit for my mental health's sake:)
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ahh QQ ppl cant farm the gear they need to get lucky... good its alot better the 'cough' WoWs 'cough' system where ppl can bot and go afk and have thier gear handed to them. u sir are QQing that u cant have everything handed to u.




Bioware u DID stomp blizzard here, keep it up. u can rule the mmo world u just need to try.


Enjoy those long queues!

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That's what "random" means. Some people get lucky. Some get unlucky.


If you were told that you were guaranteed, beyond all doubt, that it would take you a minimum of 50 bags to get the full kit, would it make it better than knowing it could take under 10 or over 100?


Yeah, it's not a nice system. But consider the alternative - hordes of no lifers max level and fully geared who quit for lack of things to do. Instead, with current system you get hordes of no lifers at max level still grinding gear like good little hamsters instead of quitting. Guess which one you pick if you are running a business in which you are supplying a product (content) at a MUUUUCH slower pace than your consumers will go through it?


I hear ya ...and I agree it is very frustrating...but lets face it life isn't fair


I have learned to accept that !

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So what is the percentage rate? I am 0 for 11. Pretty commical. Guess we will have to wait for them to fix the gear system, just like they had to do in WAR. This makes me think of early WAR PVE days with the random ***** drops with no smart loot.
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So what is the percentage rate? I am 0 for 11. Pretty commical. Guess we will have to wait for them to fix the gear system, just like they had to do in WAR. This makes me think of early WAR PVE days with the random ***** drops with no smart loot.


Yep, but WAR was pretty comical with the contribution score :) Ppl were doing random stuff, speculating, analysing and it still felt like the game just randomly picked the biggest contributors.

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So what is the percentage rate? I am 0 for 11. Pretty commical. Guess we will have to wait for them to fix the gear system, just like they had to do in WAR. This makes me think of early WAR PVE days with the random ***** drops with no smart loot.


Yeah i know the feeling. I'm at 1 out of 18 so far while a friend of mine is at 4 out of 10 (hauberk on second bag ow yea). Seems pretty "balanced" right?


If only they used a char based formula which decreases/increases odds based on the rewards you get/don't get. But no ... *********** RNG on every single bag.

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I'm PvP rank 53, got 5 belts, 5 implants, 3 relics, 2 offhand.


No weapon. Until rank 50 I had only 1 part of armor set, now 2 parts. Best thing on top of everything is I don't even get mods or enhancements from belts and implants.


Let me trade 3 of my unused implants for a mainhand weapon.



Yes, I'm unlucky, want my response? I don't care, it is frustrating, and I want to spend my spare time with something actually being fun and not frustrating me.

Edited by Rhissa
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Having the same terrible luck as some, guild mate started PvPing, got 4 items in a row before I had even got my first one. 12 bags in, still only got the 1 item while he has opened about 10 and got 5 pieces. Because of the expertise stat you can't compete with the other players to win more games to catch up anyway.


For those that say 'L2P' or 'Get better' its not a case of that. If you have two good players going against each other and one has that much of an expertise advantage based on luck, then you should NOT be able to win the fight.


Huge balance issues aside in the game (some I have no idea how they got through BETA), random is not indicative of a players skill, effort in warzones or time spent playing your game. This system is the worst system I have seen in a long, long time. It needs to go.

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First I would like to start by saying that I realize none of you care, and none of you will ever care, and the devs will never care; however, I am still going to say what I want to say because I'm a little mad right now and this seems like a safe outlet for the anger.


I got level 50 on December 22nd, I started playing pretty early in the Early access, and for the exception of a couple days mainly Christmas eve, and New Years eve, I have done the pvp dailies in Ilum and the warzones every day, I am valor ranking 58.


These Champion lotto bags have been driving me crazy for awhile now, and today was finally the day that made me decide I'm done. I can't count how many champion lotto bags I have opened, but it is probably near at least 100, and I'm still missing 4 peices of gear, chest, implant, weapon, ear peice. Now don't get me wrong, this WOULD be more than okay if everybody was obtaining gear this slowly, but that is not the case. One of my guildmates just got level 50 today, and already has full champion set, because since level 40 he has been buying champion bags with all of his commendations, he said he had about 25 bags saved in his bank. Wow great for him that truly is awesome. However this DOES NOT make a balanced, competitive, or enjoyable pvp experience. I truly don't understand why you would make the decision to make one of the main factors of pvp, gearing out your character with the correct gear, such a luck based occurance.




Champion Lotto Bags, DO NOT make for a competitive, or balanced, or fun pvp experience.


Your guildmate trolled you, you can only have 1 bag saved in bank, and enough commendations to buy 5 more.



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