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Auto target SPIN = FAIL


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This is about the dumbest thing I have seen in a MMO with pvp............ BW you really need to turn off the auto control for aiming ranged will spin in circles never losing you as a target and smash buttons!

There is no skill in pvp when the game plays for you! If im good enough to stay behind you then you should have to turn to hit me! AS MUCH as I hate wow atleast they had that part right lol TARGET NEEDS TO BE INFRONT OF YOU not here let the game control your character so you can smash buttons!


Let me guess, you like to play a melee class in most MMO's so you can bunny hop in circles and this feature makes that strategy useless and you don't like it.

Edited by Paralassa
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None of this matters. Why, in all of your theorycrafting, is the ranged person sitting there casting while a melee is on them? If I have melee on me with interrupts and good use of stuns I'm doing something wrong. Kite, kite, and more kite. I only stop if it's apparent no matter what they do my free cast is enough to finish them before they can finish me, which usually means I have a significant advantage in HP.


The only reason I could see this as legitimate QQ would be if a caster can outdps a melee while both cast continuously on each other using their applicable CC as well ... which would be almost obsolete as a caster because caster CC focuses in large part on "the kite" while melee focuses on the control of an in range target.


Am I missing something obvious?

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its so frustrating reading this garbage on the forums. why cant you idiots adjust the way you play the game? nothing is perfect so stop expecting it to be. you have to make adjustments to all games. instead you rather whine and cry and attempt to bring attention to something that is hardly game breaking.


basically when i read these posts its basically. **cry** **cry** so and so isnt like wow. *cry some more* *still crying* THE SKY IS FALLING. *more crying here*.


go back to wow if it made you so happy. wait were you crying on the forums there too ? i've been gaming for a very long time and this is new post wow community is absolute garbage, you kids should be ashamed of yourselves.

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Am I missing something obvious?

You are not missing anything. A good melee player will roflstomp a ranged player when in range, assuming gear of similar level. Most hard hatting abilities for ranged classes needs to be casted. Interrupt (by any mean) is the key. If you are ranged and a melee gets on you, your primary concern is to get away instead of trying to exchange blows. Of course there are exceptions (enemy is lv11 guy with no gear, enemy is almost dead etc.) but that is tied to issues that coused them and not to auto-spin.


I do agree that Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors are a bit on the loose end at the moment but this is mostly becouse of issues with kiting. I believe Bioware already posted that they plan to address this. I am pretty sure snipers/gunslingers and mercs/commandos are not in luxory of standing toe to toe against melee and win. I will not speak about sorcs becouse I never played one and like half of players in warzones I see are sorcs so maybe they are OP? However as a gunslinger, the moment I see a dude with lightsabers sitting on my *** I need to quickly disable him and **** or I am toasted (unless he already came almost dead to me but that is his issue, if I am at 20% HP I will not start to shoot a full HP guy either but instead try to find a safe spot to recuperate).

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Let me guess, you play a melee who thinks that bunny hopping and running through a character and tapping ADADADADADADADADADADADADAD at a rate of 15 times per second is somehow a measure of "skill".


No, just no.



Exactly. Auto target saves us from how silly and idiotic every warzone would become as everyone constantly bunny hops around.

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Being able to use your attacks in an order which works best while at the sametime moving your character to be able to have the most perfect advantage against your target is skill...........Sitting there as a caster while the game follows your target for you even if they run through you to be behind you and smashing buttons is NOT skill... Carebear pvper's love the feature of the game playing their class for them, REAL pvper's know you should have to use your abilities to get away stun the dps....


Look its like this you have a knockback as say a sage or sorc and then an assasin gets on you well you then do your push back nuke till he gets close then when he is in melee range you sit there and smash buttons till he is dead! OK great for you carebears why? cause you got to nuke the melee till he got to you and now have no worries about him being able to get behind you so why even bother moving? If you are dumb enough to sit there and wait till he gets back in melee range you deserver to have to either get away or make sure you are facing the target to hit it!

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This will never happen because snipers and gunslingers are required to sit in cover in order to do pretty much anything.


Well I guess this is where I make you look stupid.... Ok so those classes have to sit and shoot WHO CARES!!!


Let me put you through school ok? Ready pay attention right click your mouse and HOLD it down ...shhh no no no dont let go hold it, K now move it left and right OMG wow see you turnned in the direction you moved the mouse... ITS AMAZING if you cant turn your character to face a target well thats just sad... So enough of the Cry baby excuses for the gunslinger and sniper. Turn your character yourself!

Edited by Paralassa
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Being able to use your attacks in an order which works best while at the sametime moving your character to be able to have the most perfect advantage against your target is skill...........Sitting there as a caster while the game follows your target for you even if they run through you to be behind you and smashing buttons is NOT skill... Carebear pvper's love the feature of the game playing their class for them, REAL pvper's know you should have to use your abilities to get away stun the dps....


Look its like this you have a knockback as say a sage or sorc and then an assasin gets on you well you then do your push back nuke till he gets close then when he is in melee range you sit there and smash buttons till he is dead! OK great for you carebears why? cause you got to nuke the melee till he got to you and now have no worries about him being able to get behind you so why even bother moving? If you are dumb enough to sit there and wait till he gets back in melee range you deserver to have to either get away or make sure you are facing the target to hit it!


but it takes skill for you to walk through someone to los them ? lol


in games where you couldnt auto face, casters had to snare or cc you to give themselves a chance at close range because the "skilled" melee class can walk through them an prevent them from casting. the tables are now turned and you have no idea what to do, but wait if you are a "skilled pvper" this should be a non issue for you..... oh wait...

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THIS THIS 1000 times this!! I hate that range can stand there like tanks and kill people. If you are range then be ranged range should never be able to stand in one place and take the damage like they do now


Sorry, but that's just silly. Right now it's pretty balanced - You can decide to tank/turret, but in exchange for that we have to accept getting our faces smashed in.


While I agree with there not really being a need for auto facing, I will also say that melee are pretty lucky that the maximum casting range in this game is 30 yards for MOST ranged classes, as oposed to the 40 yards in certain other mmo's.


I for one, as gunnery specced Commando, have a tough enough time as is to keep a single melee at range already (assuming the melee is focussing on me). Putting in a deadzone will make it pretty much impossible. Granted, I don't have anywhere near a full pvpset, but I highly doubt it will make me invincible to the point where I'll just roflstomp every melee I run into.

Edited by Arell
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but it takes skill for you to walk through someone to los them ? lol


in games where you couldnt auto face, casters had to snare or cc you to give themselves a chance at close range because the "skilled" melee class can walk through them an prevent them from casting. the tables are now turned and you have no idea what to do, but wait if you are a "skilled pvper" this should be a non issue for you..... oh wait...


in games where you couldnt auto face, casters had to snare or cc you to give themselves a chance at close range


I need say nothing more!

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You are complaining that it takes no skill for the autofacer. But you want it gone because it makes it hard for you. This sounds like a L2P issue, not a mechanic issue. Get some skill, figure out how to do something other than bunny hop. Or go back to WoW, one or the other. Edited by Kelvaris
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I guess I have to spell it out for you dont I, K pay attention cause trying to teach here isnt fun anymore... Ranged have slows cc's stuns and knock backs with all of those utilities atleast make them face the target to fire off the rounds.

Sage throw pebbles knock back throw more pebbles stun throw more pebbles and maybe a big rock... ATLEAST they should have to worry about facing a target.

I wont go on and on with you about this you clearly are not able to understand so enjoy your attempts to troll have failed!

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Let me guess, you play a melee who thinks that bunny hopping and running through a character and tapping ADADADADADADADADADADADADAD at a rate of 15 times per second is somehow a measure of "skill".


No, just no.


The biggest problem with wow pvp has *always* been, to me, the fact that melee could cause miss rates not because of stats, gear, or skill, but because they could hammer movement keys like a frenzied monkey on crack while still pressing 1 and 2.


Start facing your targets like a man. I laugh at the stupidity of melee players I face who still subscribe to this outmoded WASDSASDAWDAS hammering line of thought and I frequently ask them in /say why they are making themselves look foolish.


If you need to backstab, well sure then. If you're trying to set up a devastating knockback, alright. But thinking you should be able to dodge other players abilities by slapping your keyboard like it was your ho? Get out of here.



Nice, a keyboard turner talking about skill.

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being a ranged class used to require skill but now all i have to do is target someone and press buttons. part of the skill cap for being a ranged class was learning how to face the target no matter what but now i can just roll my face on the keyboard to kill someone. i no longer have to use that pesky mouse. i can keyboard turn and backpedal all day long. thank you autoface!
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Another thing that contributes to ranged classes taking no skill to play are the talents which reduce setback.


The percentages on all the talents need to be cut in half at all levels. They make it almost impossible to interupt a ranged class that spams force lightning or tracer missile.


When I see a Bounty Hunter not even try to kite back when a marauder is on them because they dont have to and they just stand there and spam tracer missile something is wrong. A dual wielding melee class should interupt a spammer almost 100%.

Edited by pdubby
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What has made me laugh about this thread the most is how people in this same thread that are attacking the auto-spin are some of the same people who ***** about the lag in warzones and whatnot. Consider for a moment that you are a caster that depends on the whole "face my target" deal, and somebody moving like they are having a seizure, and then they have to match it with lag too. Not that it really matters to me; I play a healer so I don't have to deal worry about facing my targets.
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Let me guess, you play a melee who thinks that bunny hopping and running through a character and tapping ADADADADADADADADADADADADAD at a rate of 15 times per second is somehow a measure of "skill".


No, just no.


The biggest problem with wow pvp has *always* been, to me, the fact that melee could cause miss rates not because of stats, gear, or skill, but because they could hammer movement keys like a frenzied monkey on crack while still pressing 1 and 2.


Start facing your targets like a man. I laugh at the stupidity of melee players I face who still subscribe to this outmoded WASDSASDAWDAS hammering line of thought and I frequently ask them in /say why they are making themselves look foolish.


If you need to backstab, well sure then. If you're trying to set up a devastating knockback, alright. But thinking you should be able to dodge other players abilities by slapping your keyboard like it was your ho? Get out of here.


It's called proper positioning. If this mechanic existed in WoW huntards would roflstomp rogues and rogues would be completely pointless.


Classes that depend on proper positioning should be able to position themselves behind you, along side you, in front of you, wherever. If a melee gets on a ranged class, ranged class should first try to get out of the melee range, not stand there like corusel rotating and shooting you in the face at point blank while you try to position yourself for Shadow Strike or similar attack.


The fact that you are not familiar with the reasons why people try to circle strafe proves that you never engaged in any serious PvP, or you did and for the life of you couldn't figure out why you got obliterated by a rogue with Sprint backstabbing you.


I have an idea, let us give the ranged Auto-Shoot as well, and one more skill called "Fire and Forget". The skill would activate a sequence of skills you configure and will execute the sequence repeatedly until you turn off "Fire and Forget". That way combined with Auto-Face you can just have 1 button in addition to your Tab and show everyone how skillfull you truly are.

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So, Im curious, since you crack addict bunny hoppers want the auto face (Which only works during the channel) gone, how do you propose that ranged classes get a channeled shot off?

Since you can simply leap from the other side of a warzone with a stun/snare, or stealth right up to me, when exactly is a ranged class supposed to be able to shoot at you? Also, once you are there, you can simply walk right through him to break los, since no one can spin rapidly enough to stop that los break. You arent the only one who gets to do damage, you know. With the absolute iability in this game to keep a melee off a ranged, I fail to see what the complaint is.


Also, with the argument of knockback, did you ever notice a gunnery commando specced fully into his knockback will use it, it knocks you back, applies a snare, and he still only has the ability to fire off 1, just one ability before you get to him, simply by walking into his giant cannon? It takes a melee around 2 seconds to close the gap opened by a commando's fully specced knockback. In that time, if I choose to run away, and open the range up, guess what range Im back into...oh thats right, the unstoppable force leap.

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So, Im curious, since you crack addict bunny hoppers want the auto face (Which only works during the channel) gone, how do you propose that ranged classes get a channeled shot off?

Since you can simply leap from the other side of a warzone with a stun/snare, or stealth right up to me, when exactly is a ranged class supposed to be able to shoot at you? Also, once you are there, you can simply walk right through him to break los, since no one can spin rapidly enough to stop that los break. You arent the only one who gets to do damage, you know. With the absolute iability in this game to keep a melee off a ranged, I fail to see what the complaint is.


Also, with the argument of knockback, did you ever notice a gunnery commando specced fully into his knockback will use it, it knocks you back, applies a snare, and he still only has the ability to fire off 1, just one ability before you get to him, simply by walking into his giant cannon? It takes a melee around 2 seconds to close the gap opened by a commando's fully specced knockback. In that time, if I choose to run away, and open the range up, guess what range Im back into...oh thats right, the unstoppable force leap.


Im confused with how this has anything to do with the fact that people should have to keep the target infront of them instead of auto spinning? maybe you are on the wrong post?

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