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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR has ruined other MMO's for me.


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I logged into Warcraft after about three weeks being gone and now fully understand why Blizzard is the Grand Daddy of them all.


I played WoW for two hours...long enough to re-clear the last 4 bosses of Deathwing's raid...and decide it wasn't worth farming the heroics again.

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This is the only MMO that has actually made me miss WoW and I haven't touched it in years. Recently I have one of those 7 free days promotion from Blizzard and figured I'd give it a try just to see how the game changed.


You know what? I'm enjoying that game much more than this one. The combat and character controls are fluid and responsive. The traveling is so much easier and the world is wide open. I haven't tried PvP yet so I can't really comment on it but I'm sure that no matter how good or bad it is, at the very least I won't have to deal with the ability delay. The UI is fully customizable and with mods I can set it up exactly how I want.


I'm not sure if I'm going to re-subscribe to WoW, probably not, but it has become apparent to me that BioWare, for all their WoW praise and attempts at emulating it, missed the mark.

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I played WoW for two hours...long enough to re-clear the last 4 bosses of Deathwing's raid...and decide it wasn't worth farming the heroics again.


I understand where you're coming from. My question to you is why you feel it is acceptable to do the same thing here? Is it the Star Wars skin? The voice overs? What is it?


If you're truly tired of farming content for gear so that you can then farm content for better gear, you need to put your money where your mouth is and demand change. I was hoping this would be something different (or at least offer more than another loot treadmill)... I am sorely disappointed.

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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.


Really? SWTOR ruined theme-park MMOs for me. I won't ever play another "on rails" game like SWTOR. Sooooo boring and so linear. I enjoyed the playthrough the first time - great story. Fantastic single player game. But as an MMO? Bleh! Playing through my second character and I'm bored. Seeing the same stuff I saw last time. Doing 95% of the same quests I did last time.


Gimme sandbox MMOs or don't bother..

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I just don't get the hate -- whether it's against SW:TOR, WOW, or some other MMO.


Play what you like. Games are meant to be enjoyed. If you don't like Game 1, then try Game 2.


I haven't played WoW in a few years, but I truly enjoyed it for a time. For game mechanics, it's easy to see why it's considered "King." The game played great, but my issue was I just wasn't interested in the lore or the world. I didn't read the quests because I didn't care, I just skipped to whatever I was supposed to kill or retrieve.


SW:TOR is different because, being a Star Wars fan, I'm already invested in this galaxy. This is compounded by the story and the voice acting. I love my BH Merc, and I plan on leveling other classes, eventually.


All that said, every MMO I've ever played, I've eventually quit (it's true for a lot of things). So it's only important that you enjoy what you're playing now, because it will be something else in the future.

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time will simply tell. I'm older than most I presume,...forgive me if wrong on that. WoW came out and it catered to a wider audience...how? By simplifying the mmo mechanics. to this day I am amazed that WoW players consider themselves hardcore. Imo it's elite mmorpg with training wheels.


Mmorpg have always been a low subscriber and scarce following since it was due to the number crunching and "real life devotion" that was involved. WoW comes out and draws ###millions. do the math.


mainstream ftw.


I dont want to argue and I'm stating only my opinions...which mean natta but to only myself.


Take care though and I hope to see some of u in game.


5 years from now while we're all subb'in :p


SWTOR is even more simplified. Only thing that makes it harder is the unresponsive gameplay. But if that was fixed it would be easier than most content in WoW.

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along with the amazing PvP

PVP and balance is utter ****. They are fixing so the level 50s gets their own bracket but this very second PVP is so horrible its even worse than twink BGs. The team with the best level 50 or most level 50s always wins.

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You have no freedom of speech on their forums running on their servers. This is not a public place, it's their private forums they let you use.


That said, I love SWTOR's story delivery. Best in class, IMO.


Actually, these are NOT private forums. They ARE public, because you can google them and the threads will pop up. You can click on the links and view them right there. if this was truly a "private" forum everything would be blocked off from public view, requiring you to create an account just to be even able to VIEW the threads. Something similar would be how myspace allows users to make their profile private, so that only their "friends" can see what is on their profile.

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Actually, these are NOT private forums. They ARE public, because you can google them and the threads will pop up. You can click on the links and view them right there. if this was truly a "private" forum everything would be blocked off from public view, requiring you to create an account just to be even able to VIEW the threads. Something similar would be how myspace allows users to make their profile private, so that only their "friends" can see what is on their profile.


Private, as in privately owned. You have no freedom of speech here.

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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.


Er, all that Swtor does while leveling that is different from other MMOs is read the story to you rather than have you read it. And amazing pvp? I...don't know what to say to that. Swtor pvp is horrible.

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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.



Not sure if serious, how is the leveling process any different besides voice acting?


Stories are the same as other mmos, pvp is TERRIBLE in this game.

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Obvious troll


Have you stepped in end game PVP on WoW these past few months? Arenas above 2k are completely broken.


At this point, I'd take ToRs PVP.. even if they lack any true competative feature.



I can't play WoW anymore, I've tried and standing around the capital city with everyone else is boring, no one leaves it anymore.


At least you don't feel lonely in WoW.

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Have you stepped in end game PVP on WoW these past few months? Arenas above 2k are completely broken.


At this point, I'd take ToRs PVP.. even if they lack any true competative feature.



I can't play WoW anymore, I've tried and standing around the capital city with everyone else is boring, no one leaves it anymore.


At least you don't feel lonely in WoW.


WoW PVP is much smoother and responsive, that alone is why WoW pvp is much better.

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WoW PVP is much smoother and responsive, that alone is why WoW pvp is much better.


I wasn't talking about the smoothness and responsiveness, my rig plays it just fine.


The balance in arenas are atrocious right now, you don't have to believe me, but venture onto the WoW Arena Forums/DD forums or ArenaJunkies to see that games PVP is completely broke right now.


All the things blizzard "promised" to deliver for cataclysm PVP completely failed.

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Have you stepped in end game PVP on WoW these past few months? Arenas above 2k are completely broken.


At this point, I'd take ToRs PVP.. even if they lack any true competative feature.



I can't play WoW anymore, I've tried and standing around the capital city with everyone else is boring, no one leaves it anymore.


At least you don't feel lonely in WoW.


At least in WoW there is a way to separate people by skill level. And standing around cities? It's the same as standing around the fleet. People only leave to do their dailies, then stand around the fleet while the wait for warzone queues or spam general for a group for a flashpoint.

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hmm, i not a fan of rift

but have to admite Rift is a masterpiece.



Raid content=do not like this very much, still

10 man dungoens, 5 man dungoens

really a lot of class's, for instance you are a Mage, you can be a healer switch to dps.

graphics, are decent for a MMO


their is just so much TOR is missing, for a new released MMO it's almost joke.

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Well I for one never really liked the WoW art style. It works for WoW, i just do not have to be a big fan of it. Now while Blizzard struck gold with WoW, and they have done it the best, Bioware has them on missions / questing. The professional voice acting for missions / quests gets me all sucked into the story lines. The standard read the text like WoW does works for a while for me, then I find myself just clicking through really fast to find the objectives and off I go. Professional voices actors are the whip s*&t!!!
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