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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Repecting Others Opinions


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Let me start off by telling you what this is not. This is not a thread for discussing if TOR is a good or bad game. This is not a thread to post features you would or would not like changed. This is not a thread to come in and troll. This is not a thread to call every poster who you don't agree with a troll.


In this thread I want to talk about an issue I've seen with the community. Some of you may not agree with me on this and think of it as a non issue. You may even post about it. That is perfectly fine.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Even if their opinion is not fact based and your opinion is.


The major issue I've seen on these forums is people not respecting one another's opinions. I've seen far to many people who think TOR is a great game go into a thread posted by someone who dislikes the game and say something like this.

“How can you say that? Its impossible for anyone to dislike that feature. I don't understand why you hate TOR. You are just a hater!!!”


Likewise I've seen many people who dislike TOR go into a thread made by someone who enjoys the game and say something like this.

“How can you say that? Its impossible for any to like that feature. I don't understand why you like TOR. You are just a fanboy!”


Look folks, it's about respecting other people as human beings. TOR is going to have varying opinions about it. Every game does. What I'm just pleading with you people to do is to respect others.


People who dislike TOR, how does it affect you if someone enjoys the game? Can you honestly tell me that it is somehow detrimental to you if someone likes a game you don't like? Its not a bad thing for you to dislike it, or even to voice your dislike for it, but when you try to force that belief on others it creates problems.


People who enjoy TOR, how does if affect you if someone dislikes the game? Can you honestly tell me that it is somehow detrimental to you if some dislikes a game you like? Its not a bad thing for you to like it, of even to voice your enjoyment of it, but when you try to force that belief on others it creates problems.


This disrespect for other people also applies to many other areas of life. Now obviously it doesn't apply to every area. For instance the murderer example. “Well it was my opinion I should kill him” <---The person who said that should not have his opinion. respected but remember this is a game. Its not going to affect your real life in significant ways if someone has a different opinion on it than you.


So people who enjoy TOR, if you find a thread posting an opinion you don't agree with. Don't post in it. If you really want to correct something you found wrong in said thread or you just want to post your opinion, Post your own thread.


People who dislike TOR, if you find a thread posting an opinion you don't agree with. Don't post in it. If you really want to correct something you found wrong in said thread of you just want to post your opinion, Post your own thread.


I believe that if we follow these rules, we will all feel better and not have so much anger at each other. If you disagree with my opinion posted in this thread feel free to post a reply telling your opinion I will respect them and you as fellow people. Also if any moderators read this and don't think its appropriate for the forums, take it down. I understand.


TL;DR Respect others opinions.

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People know all of what you have typed already. The simply troll etc because it's a growing habit. It has come from the forums of a game I won't mention where copycats grew and the germs became a full on virus.


Swtor got it on the first week.


People in the comfort of their own home at a keyboard behind an avatar will not have manners or respect of others, because for them it's simply not entertaining and no fun if they do.


When a child on the bus too young to be on their own get tired cranky and bored they wind the parent up and act up. Same thing here.

Edited by stylernaku
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Not commenting on someone's opinion doesn't mean respecting it. This is a discussion forum. People come here to discuss. That's what the internet is for, as long as they respect the rules of the forum.


You make a very good point Abriael. It is proper for people to comment on others threads even in a negative light. However it seems that when they do so it cause trouble and does more harm than good. At least that my perception. Anyone have a solution to this?

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In my opinion others' opinions don't count.


Am I doing this right?


Thats an ok mentality honestly as long as you don't try to force what you believe on others. If you think everyone else's opinions shouldn't be acknowledged then so be it, just don't hate on others for thinking differently.

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Thats an ok mentality honestly as long as you don't try to force what you believe on others. If you think everyone else's opinions shouldn't be acknowledged then so be it, just don't hate on others for thinking differently.


I was joking, but a thread titled "Respect others' opinions" kinda leaves little room for discussion.


Yay, I like the game but it has major problems and if my the time MoP is out it's the same, then I'll shed a tear and be out.


About sums it up for me.

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I was joking, but a thread titled "Respect others' opinions" kinda leaves little room for discussion.



You do make a good point. Its probably doesn't leave very much room for discussion. I had hoped for it to have more impact on the community as a whole as opposed to replies. But maybe thats hoping for too much.

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Yep. There is such thing as someone being a fanboy or a hater. Opinions without any factual basis should not be respected.


Problem is, reading through these forums, you are either a fanboy or a hater, that is all. IF you have something good to say? "Fanboy" You have something negative to say? "Hater" Doesn't matter what you say, whether factual or not, or reasonable or not, you either a fanboy or a hater, nothing in between.

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Some people's opinions are better than others. You should not respect an opinion unless it's a good one.



There's a definite difference between not agreeing with another person's opinion and outright treating them like dirt for it. The former can be done respectfully. The latter cannot.

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There's a definite difference between not agreeing with another person's opinion and outright treating them like dirt for it. The former can be done respectfully. The latter cannot.


This is exactly what I was saying in my original post kabjat. Disagreeing is fine. Voicing your disagreement is fine. Treating someone else badly because you don't agree with them is not.

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This is exactly what I was saying in my original post kabjat. Disagreeing is fine. Voicing your disagreement is fine. Treating someone else badly because you don't agree with them is not.



I think this is where the ugliness gets out of control at times. You have people on either side of the argument, reacting from their emotions and really nothing else. Instead of keeping things civil, both sides tend to blur any actual CONSTRUCTIVE debate or discussion with insults and psuedo-intelligence.


It usually turns into a contest, everyone endeavoring to show how sharp, clever and caustic they can be and to underscore how self obsessed they are with their own intellect and opinion. The words of others don't matter. We are all in our own bubble on the internet. It makes me sad....probably because I have a few times stooped to anger on the forums, when I should have just flagged the post that offended me and moved on. >.<

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Thats the worst part isn't it Kabjat? Knowing that you've done the same thing. So many times I've just shut others out and thought only of myself. It makes me sad.


As a heads up, I think calling someone an idiot for being an idiot/feeding into emotions and saying they're right with no proof (darkside), is NOT the same as they're doing.


They go:




And I go:


"This is the math. *Math* Go be bad and give me free kills."


They're both insulting, but I feel I'm not exactly being obtuse.

Edited by Paralassa
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One sentence stands out

The major issue I've seen on these forums is people not respecting one another's opinions.


I was going to respond, but then, I relized...turn on the news, go to a school yard, walk into your local shops...


People dont respect each other period.

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As a heads up, I think calling someone an idiot for being an idiot/feeding into emotions and saying they're right with no proof (darkside), is NOT the same as they're doing.


They go:




And I go:


"This is the math. *Math* Go be bad and give me free kills."


They're both insulting, but I feel I'm not exactly being obtuse.




It's never ok to be insulting. :D There's no law against it, but it never helps any situation.

Edited by Paralassa
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One sentence stands out

The major issue I've seen on these forums is people not respecting one another's opinions.


I was going to respond, but then, I relized...turn on the news, go to a school yard, walk into your local shops...


People dont respect each other period.


Haha yeah. I wish I could've gotten the point across more that this is everywhere. Not just here.

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