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Hey gabe, thank you for all the pvp stun!


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Stuns and mezzes ARE tactics

I came from a game called Rift. The PvP was awful. DR was massive. There was barely any slows, stuns, snares, or mezzes. You just went in a WZ and did dps, or did healing. It was awful.

Every class having a stun adds a great deal of strategy and timing to killing healers.

Please don't judge it off of your low level of experience, because that isn't giving it a fair chance. Of course you are going to die to 50's, and the game isn't balanced around that.

Wait for level 50 brackets.


Not at this level, which is what the OP was posting about.


Good to see we are back on topic.


This amount of stun means that it is INEVITABLE that you will spend some time stunned, it just is, the whole way you use resolve is to eat one stun before you use your CC.


You eat a LOT of stun in this game, far more than any other game I have ever played in PvP.


Sitting there looking at your screen waiting for stun to wear off is not fun.


Yes Stun can be a tactic, you can use it skillfully, but not when it is so abundant that every single character has it and the only mechanic to combat it is completely rubbish.


This detracts from the fun aspect.


I would rather abilities that countered abilities, that you could learn, use against opponents, have them used against you and learn from that to counter the counter. Not just be stunned and sit there doing nothing.


If it was JUST about balance, as I said, we could all have 1 ability, call it Killshot, it kills your opponent at 50 yards.


The tactics and skill would be goading your opponents into the 50 yard radius and killing them before they kill you....


But just how much fun would that be?


I don't think it would be a lot of fun.

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Wait for level 50 brackets.


Let me Just point out the obvious here: Stuns get WORSE when people level up, not less.


So a level 50 bracket will have more stun than there is now.


And do not kid your selfe: the only tactic in PVP atm is who to chain stun and kill, sp you can get the number advantange agaist the rest.


This is not enjoyable in my book, even if I am on the "Winning side".

Edited by Zilliztra
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4 and/or 8 seconds isn't an eternity, /facepalm

That's a perfect amount of time for you to strategically stun your targets to kill healers

Having a fair fight with everyone having strategic opportunities to take down targets is FAR more important to fun than someone's impatience at being stunned for 4 seconds or mezzed for 8 seconds.

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4 and/or 8 seconds isn't an eternity


Well ok, then I want to be totally immune to damage while CC'ed




Any damage should break the stun


Come on man. 8 sec IS an Eternity if you are getting nuked at the same time..

Edited by Zilliztra
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4 and/or 8 seconds isn't an eternity, /facepalm

That's a perfect amount of time for you to strategically stun your targets to kill healers

Having a fair fight with everyone having strategic opportunities to take down targets is FAR more important to fun than someone's impatience at being stunned for 4 seconds or mezzed for 8 seconds.


The thing is you are using an argument that works in OTHER mmorpgs, to justify the state of THIS mmorpg.


For instance.


You reliance upon healing....but Bioware have said already they don't want heal bots, they don't reward healers in PvP and people are learning and changing because of that.


Heals are also 30% lessened in PvP due to the Trauma buff while in combat.


You don't NEED to deal with healers like you do in Rift and WoW.


So why are you relying on an argument that fails when talking about THIS mmorpg?

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For the record.


I am not saying....NO STUNS.




Sure some stuns is fine, but when every character has them and many have more than 1 (or mezzes) it is just too much.


You can replace a stun with an interupt and kill healers....you don't need the stun.

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The thing is you are using an argument that works in OTHER mmorpgs, to justify the state of THIS mmorpg.


For instance.


You reliance upon healing....but Bioware have said already they don't want heal bots, they don't reward healers in PvP and people are learning and changing because of that.


Heals are also 30% lessened in PvP due to the Trauma buff while in combat.


You don't NEED to deal with healers like you do in Rift and WoW.


So why are you relying on an argument that fails when talking about THIS mmorpg?


A 4 second stun from one player is not an eternity unless you're an incredibly impatient five year old. If you get stunned for 8 seconds, that would require 2 people, and your team must be AFK to not be dealing with it.

lol, and yes you need to kill healers in this game. Your inexperience is showing.


Actually, showing how hackneyed your argument is, in other games not everyone has a stun. Your rhetoric is not applicable.

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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A 4 second stun from one player is not an eternity unless you're an incredibly impatient five year old.


Look, Cupie. No reason to call people names ok? Chill and have an adult decussion. Now go read my aswer to your "eternity" above, and you will understand why this is an issue.


Beeing stunned for 8 secs = dead = no control = no fun. What part of this needs clarification on your part?

Edited by Zilliztra
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A 4 second stun from one player is not an eternity unless you're an incredibly impatient five year old. If you get stunned for 8 seconds, that would require 2 people, and your team must be AFK.

lol, and yes you need to kill healers in this game. Your inexperience is showing.


The point is not whether it is an eternity or not.


The point is, is it fun to sit at your keyboard, unable to do anything, while you die?


No that isn't fun.


Sure it can happen once in awhile, stuns for specific characters that have other deficits but it is not fun when every character can do it.


Please don't argue that you won't die in a 4 sec stun to any character, when Warzones are about group play. When you are facing 8 players, many with AoE and sometimes getting hit by more than 1 player at a time, 4 secs is a very long time in which to take damage.

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A 4 second stun from one player is not an eternity unless you're an incredibly impatient five year old. If you get stunned for 8 seconds, that would require 2 people, and your team must be AFK to not be dealing with it.

lol, and yes you need to kill healers in this game. Your inexperience is showing.


I agree that a 4 sec stun isn't over the top; however, being insta-stunned immediately afterwards for an additional 4 sec, rooted, snared, kb'd, kd'd, and/or pulled in a chain succession is ridiculous. Resolve is iffy at best and lasts for far too short of a time considering how many cc's there are. Why they went with resolve over a proven system of diminishing returns is beyond me.

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The point is not whether it is an eternity or not.


The point is, is it fun to sit at your keyboard, unable to do anything, while you die?


No that isn't fun.


Sure it can happen once in awhile, stuns for specific characters that have other deficits but it is not fun when every character can do it.


Please don't argue that you won't die in a 4 sec stun to any character, when Warzones are about group play. When you are facing 8 players, many with AoE and sometimes getting hit by more than 1 player at a time, 4 secs is a very long time in which to take damage.


PvP is based around group play. If your team is not picking up the slack when you are stunned by two people, you will die. Working as intended.

You say that you don't want there to be no stuns, and yet you complain about the existence of any stun of four seconds duration.

What if only one class had a stun? What if there were two of them that you faced, and you got stunned twice in a row?

You would still complain. You are talking about the existence of stuns. You can cover it up all you want, but it's pretty obvious that you don't want that level of strategy in this game at all.

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Force Stasis


Range: 10m

Subdues the target, stunning it while the ability is channeled and dealing 792 kinetic damage every second. Builds 1 focus per second.


if you would compare that stun to say the one that consular/inqs have then you would see that a sentinel/marauder doesnt have a real stun besides Awe wich also breaks on damage.


its a 3 second channeled stun wich means during that time we cant do a thing to them cause that damage itself isnt really that great.

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if you would compare that stun to say the one that consular/inqs have then you would see that a sentinel/marauder doesnt have a real stun besides Awe wich also breaks on damage.


its a 3 second channeled stun wich means during that time we cant do a thing to them cause that damage itself isnt really that great.


I agree that Stasis isent a "real stun" (well for defense specced guardians it is), but your teammates can still beat the crap out of the helpless victim, wich is one of this points beeing dicussed here.




I actually think that your resolve bar should fil INSTANT, if you take any damage while stuned.


That would fix the issue.

Edited by Zilliztra
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The PvP on this game is the best PvP I have ever played in any MMO.


What I like to do is go in with a team of all stealthers and sorcerers, this is no problem because I play Empire and 90% of the player base plays these classes.


Anyways, so we go in and just click the same skills over and over. Usually, we can lock a player into stun until he is dead. Most times before he gets off the ground.


So mathmatically and logically and other over used words on this forumlly...


There is nothing wrong with getting into Warzones that have 20 sith sorcs and assassins spamming stuns ,stealth and CC abilities.

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The PvP on this game is the best PvP I have ever played in any MMO.


What I like to do is go in with a team of all stealthers and sorcerers, this is no problem because I play Empire and 90% of the player base plays these classes.


Anyways, so we go in and just click the same skills over and over. Usually, we can lock a player into stun until he is dead. Most times before he gets off the ground.


So mathmatically and logically and other over used words on this forumlly...


There is nothing wrong with getting into Warzones that have 20 sith sorcs and assassins spamming stuns ,stealth and CC abilities.


I like this guy! The irony is stong in you :cool:

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I agree that Stasis isent a "real stun" (well for defense specced guardians it is), but your teammates can still beat the crap out of the helpless victim, wich is one of this points beeing dicussed here.




I actually think that your resolve bar should fil INSTANT, if you take any damage while stuned.


That would fix the issue.


Knockbacks are part of resolve.

This would be a MAJOR nerf to gunslingers and snipers, knockbacks are our primary way to gain range.

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Then someone will start a thread saying "Hey gabe, thank you for all the pvp knockback!"

You just can't please everyone.


I have no idea what you are talking about. We are dicussing stuns here, not knockbacks. But feel free to start a thread about that, if you feel there is to much knockback in the game.

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The thing is you are using an argument that works in OTHER mmorpgs, to justify the state of THIS mmorpg.


For instance.


You reliance upon healing....but Bioware have said already they don't want heal bots, they don't reward healers in PvP and people are learning and changing because of that.


Heals are also 30% lessened in PvP due to the Trauma buff while in combat.


You don't NEED to deal with healers like you do in Rift and WoW.


So why are you relying on an argument that fails when talking about THIS mmorpg?


Yeah, i definitely get the feeling that Gabe chased one too many droods thru BG's, only to be laughed at, and then the drood realized he could just stop running altogether and punch Gabe's DPS toon in the face while out healing his damage.

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Some classes have multiple stuns and snares. Also, resolve doesn't kick in quickly enough to be of any benefit.


But I agree with the OP. I don't feel like I'm being stunned or snared enough in PvP, nor do I believe the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior knockbacks send my flying nearly far enough to be enjoyable. Please improve these as well. Nothing is more fun than not being able to control my character or being moved as far as possible from my objective.




My most enjoyable moments were when I got knockbacked and snared at the same time on the same ability. If a stun follows this from the same player, it means I'm having the most fun I could ever have. Not being able to control myself for 8-10 secs is great fun and a product of a brilliant design.

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A 4 second stun from one player is not an eternity unless you're an incredibly impatient five year old. If you get stunned for 8 seconds, that would require 2 people, and your team must be AFK to not be dealing with it.

lol, and yes you need to kill healers in this game. Your inexperience is showing.


Actually, showing how hackneyed your argument is, in other games not everyone has a stun. Your rhetoric is not applicable.


you do realise that stuns need DR cause you can get Stunlocked to death without be able to do anything ? and your post shows how ignorant you are telling him your team must be AFK when for eg you are at hutball carrying the ball and get chain stunned,and have absolute no chance even to pass the ball to a friendly target.

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PvP is based around group play. If your team is not picking up the slack when you are stunned by two people, you will die. Working as intended.

You say that you don't want there to be no stuns, and yet you complain about the existence of any stun of four seconds duration.

What if only one class had a stun? What if there were two of them that you faced, and you got stunned twice in a row?

You would still complain. You are talking about the existence of stuns. You can cover it up all you want, but it's pretty obvious that you don't want that level of strategy in this game at all.



No I don't complain of "any stun of four second duration"


what i complaint of is the sheer amount of stun, mez, knockback, knockdown etc that every character has.


Stop building strawman arguments.


I play Rift and I played WoW never did I really complain about stun, because it was situational, some characters had it and it was on a diminishing return.

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