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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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I like this idea. They stated they do not want hot swapping so make it a repec cost of 400k or something. Or a long cooldown timer.


Hey! More constructive ideas. Sure, make it cost-prohibitive and that way people aren't switching between Flash Points or whatever the gripes where.

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ummmmm to all of you claiming that advanced class is a new class... NO.

Its simply a spec for example sith warrior/juggernaught... the class is warrior the story line is warrior story line not juggernaught story line. yes there are 3 skill trees within the juggernaught spec but these are basically more speciallized specs. in no way is an advanced class a seperate class. its just a specialization.


to the developers i say why should i make a completely different toon just because i decided not to fill that specific role when my class can fill a different role or ( im sure alot of people have done this) clicked the wrong choice by accident when choosing advanced class.also i would like to try both spectrums of the class im playing but i dont think i should have to start a new character to do that because lets face it thats just a redundant way of doing things and im playing this game for enjoyment not work.


basically all you would have to do is simply increase the amount of currency required to change advanced classes. some one who just chose their advanced class could decide the other suits them more such as deciding not to tank they want to dps instead or vice versa.


I am on my first toon and i chose juggernaut and am regretting that choice as there is seemingly no way of holding aggro until higher levels for me so i would rather just dual wield light sabers and go dps and create a different tank toon later.


plz stop giving me reasons to switch back to WoW i really dont want to.

Edited by jimmykowkluck
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Hey! More constructive ideas. Sure, make it cost-prohibitive and that way people aren't switching between Flash Points or whatever the gripes where.


Maybe he's the owner of some chinese credit selling business and wants his profits to skyrocket to mars!


The way it is now i'd rather have it cost prohibitive than not having it at all.


The only way i would NOT want to see it implemented would be as a real money paid service, that would be just low low low.

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ummmmm to all of you claiming that advanced class is a new class... NO.

Its simply a spec for example sith warrior/juggernaught... the class is warrior the story line is warrior story line not juggernaught story line. yes there are 3 skill trees within the juggernaught spec but these are basically more speciallized specs. in no way is an advanced class a seperate class. its just a specialization.


to the developers i say why should i make a completely different toon just because i decided not to fill that specific role when my class can fill a different role or ( im sure alot of people have done this) clicked the wrong choice by accident when choosing advanced class.also i would like to try both spectrums of the class im playing but i dont think i should have to start a new character to do that because lets face it thats just a redundant way of doing things and im playing this game for enjoyment not work.


basically all you would have to do is simply increase the amount of currency required to change advanced classes. some one who just chose their advanced class could decide the other suits them more such as deciding not to tank they want to dps instead or vice versa.


I am on my first toon and i chose juggernaut and am regretting that choice as there is seemingly no way of holding aggro until higher levels for me so i would rather just dual wield light sabers and go dps and create a different tank toon later.


plz stop giving me reasons to switch back to WoW i really dont want to.


5 Stars.


No wait, 9874359837594385743865763254723645 Stars.

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WoW drew the line, as many do, by not allowing class changes for fees. Its fine to change non-game effective things like aesthetics or faction but changing your class is very dramatic to the player.


If you're going to use the WoW model, then you need to realize that more revenue =/= more content. In fact, since releasing paid services, WoW has begun releasing LESS content. They launched Cataclysm with three raids featuring 13 bosses total. The subsequent patch was released with only one raid featuring 7 bosses. The raid after that had 8. On top of this, they went from a four raid cycle in Wrath (Naxx Tier > Ulduar > Crusader > Icecrown) to a three raid cycle in Cat (Bastion/Descent Tier > Firelands > Dragon Soul).


WoW is producing less content over the same time frame with more income than ever. More revenue = more profit, not more content.


There is no line, the line is a lie.


I see less of a dramatic change between Advanced Classes than I do faction swapping to the mirror class. They are 'advanced classes' and I think Bioware could easily get away with a payed ac respec - and be WELL within their rights.


You have proved nothing above, it all sounds like a soap box. More money gives them more resources (and backing from investors) to do more stuff, end of statement. You can't refute that by telling me what the gorilla has done, SWTOR has something to prove.


I think payed AC is a good idea because;


* It would help SWTOR make some extra income.

* It would give the option to players who desperately want it.

* It would limit it's usage.

* It would translate to players better.

* It would put a value on the choices you make.

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ummmmm to all of you claiming that advanced class is a new class... NO.


Yes. Hence the name change, Juggernaut / Marauder. Specs deal with the same skill trees, if you switch skill trees then it is no longer a spec but a separate class. This isn't rift nor was it designed to switch between Advanced Classes. The class system is however Bioware chooses to define it and atm, AC = traditional 'class'.

Edited by Sapphix
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There is no line, the line is a lie.


I see less of a dramatic change between Advanced Classes than I do faction swapping to the mirror class. They are 'advanced classes' and I think Bioware could easily get away with a payed ac respec - and be WELL within their rights.


You have proved nothing above, it all sounds like a soap box. More money gives them more resources (and backing from investors) to do more stuff, end of statement. You can't refute that by telling me what the gorilla has done, SWTOR has something to prove.


I think payed AC is a good idea because;


* It would help SWTOR make some extra income.

* It would give the option to players who desperately want it.

* It would limit it's usage.

* It would translate to players better.

* It would put a value on the choices you make.

I'm against "paid" services, but any option is better than zero option, so I would definitely compromise.

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I am against it aswell.


The things is, the advanced class choice is a class choice. To allow the option to respec it would be like for example in a WoW a class like paladin can respec to a class like warrior.


It just doesnt make any sense. They are common to a class but the advance class themselves are different classes. If this was allowed you would have your character with a possible 6 specs. Next thing we know you are asking for tetra spec aswell instead of dual spec.


No, just no. You should really think about what it means to the game for this to happen and how everyone would lose most of their individuality. We might aswell play all classes in one and all be the same. It just isnt sensible.

Edited by Nemmar
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Though I have been very much against the idea of being able to change your advanced class I would be willing to make a compromise on it. I would accept the ability to do so if...


1) It is very expensive to do so. I would say nothing short of 1 million credits and increasing every time you do it with no cost reset. Not only would this make the player cautious of doing it on a whim the increase in cost would also cover the fact that as the game expands quest rewards and cash drops will increase as we've seen in every other MMO.


2) A long cooldown upon changing. When I say long I'm thinking at least 3 or 4 months. For those economically crafty players or shady guild leaders who use guild money this would prevent them from changing constantly because they have the cash to do so. This would further help prevent people from becoming flavor of the month players as well as gear hoarders.


If these were the conditions for those who wish to change, I would be fine with it being allowed.

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I work 40+ hours a week at a hotel.


When I get home I just want to relax and play my SWTOR, but I have already almost quit (gotten burnt out) by this issue alone.


I have the following characters:

39 Guardian

29 Assassin

28 Merc BH

28 Marauder

21+ Juggernaut

19 Scoundrel

14 Commando


That is 3 Warrior classes alone that I have leveled (Different factions I know but I couldn't switch the marauder over to juggernaut and I wanted to tank.).


If I have to level another bloody alt I am going to gouge my eyes out >_<.


I think after you hit level 50 it should be a legacy thing or something.


Also how do we not have dual spec yet? :(

Edited by Tsavo
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I think there should be no AC swaps. I think Bioware should make it clear at level 1 that you're going to specialise at level 10 and that the choice will be permanent. There are only 8 classes in the game, making AC swappable would reduce the choice to 4.
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The Advanced Classes are unique and different. For example, Commando and Vanguard use different skill trees and learn all together different sets of abilities. They are two completely different classes.


Now let's put this into perspective. In WoW terms you are asking for Rogues to be able to visit an NPC vendor and respec into a Hunter. ("They are both DPS! Basically the same classes lololol.") Or a Priest to respec into a Warlock ("Both casters in light armor lololol.")


No, I strongly vote against this.


I DO want the ability to have dual spec WITHIN advanced classes so I can switch between being a Combat medic and Gunnery commando.

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Very little difference between ACs, especially if both ACs are DPS. Should be a in game cost feature.


Edit: Even the ones that have the tank options, little to no difference. Maybe a change of armor class or a double-bladed light saber instead of a single, or one light saber instead of two. No game-changing differences. Sorry.

Edited by MalignX
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ummmmm to all of you claiming that advanced class is a new class... NO.

Its simply a spec for example sith warrior/juggernaught... the class is warrior the story line is warrior story line not juggernaught story line. yes there are 3 skill trees within the juggernaught spec but these are basically more speciallized specs. in no way is an advanced class a seperate class. its just a specialization.



Rehashing old, dead arguments - fun!


Only 20% of skills are shared.

Smugglers, Agents, Inquisitors and Consulars all feature dramatically different gameplay between ACs.

Three different talent trees and yes - the "shared" tree is different. Similar, but different.

Story is not a valid reason to call them the same class because ALL classes share 80% of the story content. Does that make all classes the same?

Each spec uses varying styles/pairings of weapons.


All these things define a class and the fact that the ACs are so different proves they are different classes. Find some other reason than this. Its been shot down - A LOT.


Please understand, this does not mean I am vehemently against class changes. I think its feasible to allow it on some level but once you hit level 50 REMOVE the changing. It should be used for two reasons only.


1) Testing out the other AC to decide which you like while you level.

2) Give me a Gunslinger at level 10 via the Legacy system when my Operative hits 50.


That's it. Not paid.

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Double-bladed lightsaber and taunts, sniper rifle and dual pistols. Nothing mind blowing.


Double-bladed lightsaber, melee skills, stealth.




Single-bladed lightsaber, ranged skills, no stealth.


Don't oversimplify to make a point, its easily quashed.

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