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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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Ok so what he basically said is they lied to us, if they are supposed to be classes then they should have their own story and companions seeing as they said themselves that each CLASS would have their own story and unique companions.


That's the difference. In TOR, the "classes" are the "story". The "advanced classes" are the "combat" (i.e. classes as we know them).


Yes, BioWare should have named them differently. But it doesn't change what they really are in practice, and given that advanced classes are classes, there shouldn't be any switching allowed.

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That's the difference. In TOR, the "classes" are the "story". The "advanced classes" are the "combat" (i.e. classes as we know them).


Yes, BioWare should have named them differently. But it doesn't change what they really are in practice, and given that advanced classes are classes, there shouldn't be any switching allowed.



Well if that's the case they screwed up on the game and did a bit of bait and switch which is wrong and will piss a lot of people off...........I will concede on my argument but you have to agree with me on that.

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It isn't your class, see my above post, unless you wish to call Bioware incorrect on their own game.


They are different adv. classes thats why they should not be swappable. There's a reason that Blizzard hasn't offered a "class change" service in WoW, even though they offer faction change, realm change, race change, name change, and appearance change services.

You like it this way?


Talking about BW they are not that stupid to narrow their game from 8 classes to 4 classes in the first probably 2 years of game release. I can bet with everyone who wants that this game will not see AC swap in its first 18-24 months. After that time, probably. Think from their perspective - to make classes 4 when they are now 8, its complete nonsense. And this when the end game is still a mess, they prefer ppl rerolling as much as possible so they have time to fix end game bugs and add more end game content. I'm totally against AC swapping but we will see it after say 1-2 years for sure when most ppl have lvl50 of every Ac they ever wanted and it as not of a big deal as it is now.

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I'm playing both AC for each class per faction. That's 16 characters. Call me an altaholic


although they don't go into specific detail on how each AC plays it's general enough where as a consular it clearly described melee/stealth as opposed to Ranged/healing.


No AC re spec other than 1 oe 2 before 20 as to alleviate the 'I chose the wrong AC crowd.


I don't want players at 50 able to swap back and forth from melee to ranged or vice versa just because they are bored of said AC.


Even though each factions classes are clearly mirrored, Aesthetically they 'feel' different. I can't quite grasp how that is the case. I know it's new stories etc but the animations feel different. I prefer the project animation than shock but that's just me.



BW did a great job with AC diversity. They are Classes much like in AIon where you choose a cleric or chanter they are different but have the same core abilities.

Edited by DarthTenor
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I'm playing both AC for each class per faction. That's 18 characters. Call me an altaholic


although they don't go into specific detail on how each AC plays it's general enough where as a consular it clearly described melee/stealth as opposed to Ranged/healing.


No AC re spec other than 1 oe 2 before 20 as to alleviate the 'I chose the wrong AC crowd.


I don't want players at 50 able to swap back and forth from melee to ranged or vice versa just because they are bored of said AC.


Even though each factions classes are clearly mirrored, Aesthetically they 'feel' different. I can't quite grasp how that is the case. I know it's new stories etc but the animations feel different. I prefer the project animation than shock but that's just me.



BW did a great job with AC diversity. They are Classes much like in AIon where you choose a cleric or chanter they are different but have the same core abilities.



I would say 1 time only usable at any level, if you still aren't happy pick a different main class.

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Well if that's the case they screwed up on the game and did a bit of bait and switch which is wrong and will piss a lot of people off...........I will concede on my argument but you have to agree with me on that.


I don't think it was that, intentionally. But they could have been more clear with naming and terminology.


Because honestly, if they revealed the "Stories" section of the Holonet instead of the "Classes" section, I think this whole kerfluffle could have been avoided :)

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I disagree entirely.

In this game, your advanced classes are entirely different from each other.

The Inquisitor for example, would be switching from a ranged caster to a melee dps (mage to rogue for the wowheads).


You can respec in SWTOR the same way you can in any other MMO, you go to an NPC, he resets your talents and you reassign them as you see fit.


In no other MMO are you able to visit an NPC and say " im tired of being a warrior, i'd like to try being a mage instead ".


There is only one solution across the board for this issue and this is to reroll.


You cannot have an npc change your class, it would be stupid and gamebreaking imo.

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I don't want players at 50 able to swap back and forth from melee to ranged or vice versa just because they are bored of said AC.


Why not? If I get bored with a spec in the same tree I can respec. Thats also a total different

role. E.g. take commando, its either healer or dps. More different it can't go or?

But from Commando dps to Vanguard dps is not possible? Why, where is the reason?

It is just arbitrary.


If I want to swap, because I really don't want to level another trooper, I'm just out of luck.

Or in my case I'm out of the game. Cause if I bored with my AC and I can't respec, it

seems this game is not the right for me.


Regarding AC is another class, why is then there no different story for that "different" class?

I have to hear the same story, play the same quests as the other AC.

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I don't think it was that, intentionally. But they could have been more clear with naming and terminology.


Because honestly, if they revealed the "Stories" section of the Holonet instead of the "Classes" section, I think this whole kerfluffle could have been avoided :)



Maybe not intentionally but I think someone at SOME TIME should have looked and gone "Ah crap guys, this is messed up lets fix it before we piss people off"............it's called quality control :)

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Why not? If I get bored with a spec in the same tree I can respec. Thats also a total different

role. E.g. take commando, its either healer or dps. More different it can't go or?

But from Commando dps to Vanguard dps is not possible? Why, where is the reason?

It is just arbitrary.


If I want to swap, because I really don't want to level another trooper, I'm just out of luck.

Or in my case I'm out of the game. Cause if I bored with my AC and I can't respec, it

seems this game is not the right for me.


Regarding AC is another class, why is then there no different story for that "different" class?

I have to hear the same story, play the same quests as the other AC.


Because classes aren't classes, classes are stories here. Advanced classes are the classes here in TOR.

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Why not? If I get bored with a spec in the same tree I can respec. Thats also a total different

role. E.g. take commando, its either healer or dps. More different it can't go or?

But from Commando dps to Vanguard dps is not possible? Why, where is the reason?

It is just arbitrary.


If I want to swap, because I really don't want to level another trooper, I'm just out of luck.

Or in my case I'm out of the game. Cause if I bored with my AC and I can't respec, it

seems this game is not the right for me.


Regarding AC is another class, why is then there no different story for that "different" class?

I have to hear the same story, play the same quests as the other AC.


Of course the ACs are different classes, if you don't regard an assassin as a different class than a sorceror then i don't know what to tell you.

Did you think BW released the game with only 4 classes on each side???

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Of course the ACs are different classes, if you don't regard an assassin as a different class than a sorceror then i don't know what to tell you.

Did you think BW released the game with only 4 classes on each side???


With the same ferve you could say they have released the game with 4*5 classes, where

5 is the number of different trees each class (not AC) has.


Please explain me, why Commando's Healing and DPS tree is soo much closer together,

then the tank and dps tree of the Vanguard. And why do the so totatly different AC classes Commando and Vanguard share one common tree?


In the end, AC is just a specialization of the classes. Its a nice concept, but no reason, not to allow ppl to switch.

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With the same ferve you could say they have released the game with 4*5 classes, where

5 is the number of different trees each class (not AC) has.


Please explain me, why Commando's Healing and DPS tree is soo much closer together,

then the tank and dps tree of the Vanguard. And why do the so totatly different AC classes Commando and Vanguard share one common tree?


In the end, AC is just a specialization of the classes. Its a nice concept, but no reason, not to allow ppl to switch.


I would suggest you go and write this out again, and get back to me

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Why not? If I get bored with a spec in the same tree I can respec. Thats also a total different

role. E.g. take commando, its either healer or dps. More different it can't go or?

But from Commando dps to Vanguard dps is not possible? Why, where is the reason?

It is just arbitrary.


If I want to swap, because I really don't want to level another trooper, I'm just out of luck.

Or in my case I'm out of the game. Cause if I bored with my AC and I can't respec, it

seems this game is not the right for me.


Regarding AC is another class, why is then there no different story for that "different" class?

I have to hear the same story, play the same quests as the other AC.



Ummmmm Commandos an Vanguards are completely different altogether. Commandos are ranged DPS/healers and mostly stays ranged. Vanguards can be mid-ranged tanks/DPS but they are best in close ranged and have short ranged attacks. Vanguards can take much more punishment than commandos. Even though they have heavy Armour they are still glass cannons.


Commandos trees are for DPS and healing. Vanguards trees are for tanking and DPS


Although I admit it's unfortunate that there is no separate story for each AC but BW clearly said they couldn't do 1 for all 16 AC's.


Changing roles within the AC is acceptable.


Changing from ( ranged) Healing to (Ranged) DPS is fine and is already implemented.


Changing from (melee) Tank to melee DPS within the AC is fine.


Changing form a melee/Tank based character to a ranged based character on the fly is not IMO.

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So reading post til page 85 of the closed thread things got so repetitive i just skipped to last page.


There are lots of meanings about this topic but an argument I hoped someone posted didnt come.


If we allow us to respecc our AC it will mean we only need to level 4 characters to play whatever class we want. There will always be some unbalance between classes which will lead to FOTM fanbois constantly respecc to the most powerfull class. I for one would not want to see 80% of the community play the same class because its the strongest.


If we take wow as an example where we got 10 classes. That makes it a bit hard to always play the FOTM because you have to level all 10 classes to be ready for a patch change. It was the same after a new patch where for example warlocks was unkillable, the server was filled with warlocks. If they had the option to just level 4 classes and switch between all 10 we would have seen alot more warlocks.


Well. im totaly against this, and im also against dualspeccing.

my 2 cents

Edited by Mormelgir
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So reading post til page 85 of the closed thread things got so repetitive i just skipped to last page.


There are lots of meanings about this topic but an argument I hoped someone posted didnt come.


If we allow us to respecc our AC it will mean we only need to level 4 characters to play whatever class we want. There will always be some unbalance between classes which will lead to FOTM fanbois constantly respecc to the most powerfull class. I for one would not want to see 80% of the community play the same class because its the strongest.


If we take wow as an example where we got 10 classes. That makes it a bit hard to always play the FOTM because you have to level all 10 classes to be ready for a patch change. It was the same after a new patch where for example warlocks was unkillable, the server was filled with warlocks. If they had the option to just level 4 classes and switch between all 10 we would have seen alot more warlocks.


Well. im totaly against this, and im also against dualspeccing.

my 2 cents

I'm against the changing of the AC, but dual speccing is nice. Especially if you do PVP, raiding, and soloing.

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You have wasted more time arguing semantics, than you would have re-rolling.


My first Knight was a sentinel. I got to 13 before I realized I don't like the way their combat works. I re-rolled to Guardian.


It took you twice as long to figure it out, that means that up until a certain difficulty point you actually liked how the class played. Then you hit a certain point and realized that the sent can't do something that a guardian can, now you want to just switch...


Like going from Mercenary to Armsman, will never happen.

They will remove the AC idea (like they eventually did in DAoC and EQ2) before they will allow you to change your *class*, despite whatever play on words you try to use to argue your point.


Although I do like the one guys idea. Let them respec, the cost of that respec is to have your character reset to level 10. Just a complete rollback to level 10.

Edited by Keihryon
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If that was a proper english sentence I might undertstand what you just tried to say.


All I got from this is that your making the same tired argument I asked everyone not to refrain.



The irony here is delicious.


As to your original post, and followup complaints..


BioWare has stated from the beginning that AC choices are permanent. There has never been any secret about this. If you chose something you don't like, that's not an error on their part. Chalk it up to PEBKAC, delete the character, and recreate it.


There are valid reasons for not allowing this. Story is one. Gear allowances are another. Some classes use very different gear for their AC's. That's why BioWare took the time to explain this in the story arcs.


Live and learn.

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