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Why do you treat us like trash that shouldn't exist ?


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Simple Question, why do you people keep ignoring community, why aren't you answering questions that were asked thounsands of times on this forum.

Why I don't see any activity ?


Why do you treat us like trash that shouldn't exist ?



They are treating you like trash because you use a statement such as "Why I don't see any activity?" They can sense your lack of teeth just like the rest of us.

Edited by WilsonFett
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Seriously there are a enough of this threads so go get your mommy to make you some chocolate milk and get over it.


Do not fret, my friend, for the Forum Gods have decided to grant us fresh, tasty QQs from which we may glut. The Sweater forums are far from starving us of delicious, tasty tears which come from only the most nubile and healthy entitled westerners in the world!

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How is this a bad launch??? They offered UP TO 5 days early access and many people got in 7 days early! Others are getting in 6 days early. In what universe is early early access bad? What exact communication are you wanting - someone to tell you EXACTLY when you will be in? What about the other 999,999 preorders? Do they get their hands held too? If they had an exact schedule they'd probably post it. But since they release waves as server performance (and likely other parameters the community does NOT need to know about), nothing is set in stone.


RELAX. You will be playing on the 20th, you know when the game actually launches, regardless. Stop freaking out.


//end rant


by the time we all get in the other players is already near lv 50, ya...try to pvp them

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People forget to realise, this is the most expensive MMO ever made, its been in development for 3 years, its been through more stress tests than the owner of this thread, its had more bugs than that what starred in the movie "Ants" and they have been fixing them, and just because you pre-ordered the game, it does not guarantee you a spot in early access.

Complaining? Will get you no where.


Quit? go ahead, 1.75 million people have pre-ordered this game, thats an estimated $105,000,000 their not gonna miss $60

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You'll get over it. In less than a week everybody will be playing and you'll find something new to complain about.


I didn't pre-order until December 7th and probably won't get to play until Monday night. Am I complaining? No.


Want to know why? Because I pre-ordered knowing full and well that they were doing a first come, first serve acceptance into EGA.

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they know they have your money, and they dont care


EA is happy to let their games to to the freimum circut


looking at you warhammer,


but now your gonna have a new friend to play with, SWTOR


BIOWARE didnt develope warhammer you moron and anyone who still played that game when bioware took over actually started enjoying the game again. So unless you know what you're talking about, dont begin rattling your sword. Also they don't have everyone's money. 5 bucks and you got BETA access and early game access so really depending when you get in you have 7-4 days of playing a fully complete MMO for 5 bucks.

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People forget to realise, this is the most expensive MMO ever made, its been in development for 3 years, its been through more stress tests than the owner of this thread, its had more bugs than that what starred in the movie "Ants" and they have been fixing them, and just because you pre-ordered the game, it does not guarantee you a spot in early access.

Complaining? Will get you no where.


Quit? go ahead, 1.75 million people have pre-ordered this game, thats an estimated $105,000,000 their not gonna miss $60


There will be more ppl quiting because of that than you think. ppl already started doing it based on the info i got from few ppl i know at game stores.

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