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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Swtor future best mmo.


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I didnt call the player a fanboy.. reading comprehension 101...


I said the fanboy was strong in that paragraph...

As an aside if the person concerned had an issue, then surely he/she should have reported it or taken it up with me. Rather than your flagrant and rude interjection!


True, this jedi business is carrying over to real life. Sorry swampson, no foul intended. :)

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It is a deal breaker for me, and if it doesn't get fixed with in the first 3 months, yes I will play this game a bit longer, I want to give it a fair chance, since I love SW so much and I want this to succeed. But they will be losing my business if it doesn't get fixed to my satisifaciton.


I can't see going longer 3 months if this game has nothing but story that I enjoy.


Honestly, i've played every mmo that's out right now at a fairly decent length. None of them meet everyones standards. Maybe just lay off mmo's in general for awhile and play console? I did that for awhile until came out, and so far swtor has brought back my love for mmos.

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I was just using the color of the gear to illustrate a point. The fact that you have to raid and pvp to get the gear is ALSO a similarity. The fact that some of the classes have the EXACT same moves is a similarity.


The only thing different in this game is the option to watch a movie (which I personally don't prefer watching, but many do so i can just space out of it and move on) and the space combat which is boring after you've done all of the missions a couple of times.


Colts fan. *Sigh* :p haha jk

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I've just noticed a lot of poorly thought out criticisms from you that's all. It's pretty clear you are simply tired of the genre, you keep listing standard conventions as a reason you don't like the game. It's like going on the Battlefield forums and talk about how shooting guys is lame.


"A lot of poorly thought out criticisms" such as?


Now I'm curious. Because I now remember your post from my other thread, and all I could take from that was that you weren't understanding anything I had intended to convey in my thread.

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"A lot of poorly thought out criticisms" such as?


Now I'm curious. Because I now remember your post from my other thread, and all I could take from that was that you weren't understanding anything I had intended to convey in my thread.


The thread where you listed a bunch of things that are standard in the genre as reasons why this isn't a good mmo and then talked about how much you liked WoW even though it contained all the same "flaws"?


Yeah I remember that too. :)


If you want to preach double standards that is your prerogative but people are going to notice. Luckily your month will end soon and you won't have to endure this game anymore.

Edited by Gohlar
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Honestly, i've played every mmo that's out right now at a fairly decent length. None of them meet everyones standards. Maybe just lay off mmo's in general for awhile and play console? I did that for awhile until came out, and so far swtor has brought back my love for mmos.


I haven't played everyone MMO out there, but I have played quite a few. None of them stack up to WoW in terms of pure game engine and game design, I can live with that, but they need to at least be in the ballpark.


I want them to be able to make challenging raid content, but without the engine to support it, they won't be able to make the raid content too difficult, because you will also be fighting the UI and the Engine.


I don't play consoles anymore, I am sticking to League of Legends, Skyrim and SWToR for my gaming for the immediate future.

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I haven't played everyone MMO out there, but I have played quite a few. None of them stack up to WoW in terms of pure game engine and game design, I can live with that, but they need to at least be in the ballpark.


I want them to be able to make challenging raid content, but without the engine to support it, they won't be able to make the raid content too difficult, because you will also be fighting the UI and the Engine.


I don't play consoles anymore, I am sticking to League of Legends, Skyrim and SWToR for my gaming for the immediate future.


Coolies. Loved skyrim, I dropped like (and i'm ashamed to admit this) like 100 plus hours into that game lols.

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Rift wasn't bad, and was perhaps better than this, but I wouldn't say slick, complete, or polished. It's also worth noting that game is nothing compared to what it once was :/.


How's so? The only thing it isn't is as packed as it once was.. they've developed it nicely since launch. It's biggst fault being the lack of depth in the world imo..


No, my response couldn't have been useless because it was to clarify what I meant by your response. Your response was either completely (don't take offense, it really isn't intended) ignorant, intentionally or otherwise (everyone knows story and endgame are two different things).


Whatever fella, story and endgame HAVE been different things in other games.. but you're telling me it's not possible to mix the 2? LoTRO has done it for years and Rift is attempting it (with what little story it has).. it perfectly IS possible to have the 2 intertwined.


Yes, I really do. The evidence is that... it... did lol. I never said it was the correct way to launch, but that is the way that it DID launch, so my facts are completely straight.


In your opinion they are.. you are not privvy to what Bioware's plans were any more than anybody else on this forum. My opinion is that if you think they launched this game to be just about the story (and endgame in your terms doesn't form part of that story) that they're not going to concentrate on endgame, then in MY opinion you're somewhate deluded. If what you say is true the game will fail simple as, people will not hang around without stuff to do..


Ad Hominem... Furthermore their patching has been LIGHTNING fast (Once a week they're releasing patches with anywhere from 5-100 bug fixes and then they've got content being added and then they've got balancing being done.


In your opinion again they're lightning fast, in mine they're not.. again going back to Rift, the pace here is a crawl in comparison to those guys pumping out fixes and content.


Please play about a dozen MMOs, then come back and comment on how slow Bioware is (I've played WELL over a dozen, I've been in max level in more than a dozen I bet).


Firstly you have no idea how many MMO's I have played, am I supposed to be in awe at your MMO prowess? Or the fact that is appears you dont hang around any of them all that long?


Thought we were talking about SWTOR lol. I only played Rift for like 3 days at launch so I have no idea about Rift.


See my last paragraph...

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To me this all comes down to innovation. This game had the potential to be very innovative and yet still be familiar. I really want to enjoy this game and while I was leveling, I did. The problem is that there's really just nothing special about it after that first leveling experience ends.


The story is the main selling point. If the story ends after you hit max level, why is it that leveling is so fast? Why does the class story consist of just a handful of 3-5 quests on an entire planet? This results in people who roll alts repeating the same "story" from the side quests.


What about the combat system? The animations are nice, I give them that. Still it lacks anything new. Guild Wars 2 is coming out somewhat soon and that is attempting to get rid of the trinity (tank, healer, dps). That is something different from what everyone is used to and it sounds interesting. Secret World is removing classes completely. Other games have done this in the past. It was fun and I'm glad to see another company attempt it again.


Crafting was another part they just dropped the ball on. Sending companions out is great. Until you realize that for the most part, crafting is pretty worthless at max level. It's something they'll fix in the future, but this was all brought up in beta and should have been dealt with earlier.


The one thing I really do give them credit for is the companions. I really enjoyed having a group of companions to choose from and it made the game better in many ways. What bugs me is that at 50, they become almost worthless. Between Operations, Flashpoints, and Warzones (all end game stuff), you don't use them. They could have found a way to always have companions be an important part of your character and totally done something new here rather than just fall back to what other games have done.


Like I said, I really want to enjoy this game and it has a lot of potential, but with the budget and the time spent developing, I guess I just expected more.

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True, this jedi business is carrying over to real life. Sorry swampson, no foul intended. :)


Apology accepted :)


I'm not a complete git about things usually.. but I've had more than my fair share of problems with this game, and it's starting to grate somewhat.. :(


if that wasn't obvious ;)

Edited by Swampson
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The thread where you listed a bunch of things that are standard in the genre as reasons why this isn't a good mmo and then talked about how much you liked WoW even though it contained all the same "flaws"?


Yeah I remember that too. :)


If you want to preach double standards that is your prerogative but people are going to notice. Luckily your month will end soon and you won't have to endure this game anymore.


I'm actually just pretty sure you lack reading comprehension. Because I'm pretty sure listing things like empty-seeming worlds due to small server populations, an actually useless crafting system, the complete lack of tropy gear, broken PvP, imbalanced classes, and several incomplete in-game systems combined with gamebreaking issues at endgame don't indicate some sort of hate of the genre.


Combined with the fact that you couldn't take my wow-references in context, I'm more convinced that the only person who seemed to believe I hate MMOs was you. To get something clear, TOR has a good foundation (noted in my original post) but small flaws and gaps in areas of design add up to a game that gets stale fast and doesn't significantly motivate me to play.


And the reason I still post is to both share my opinion and lend support to good suggestions that might make the game playable for me further down the line.


You seem to have an excessive fascination with demonizing me as some sort of extreme hater of TOR. Good luck with that.

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