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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Swtor future best mmo.


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While I agree with you, I think most people who bought this game expected something along the same lines as what they're used to (WOW, WAR, RIFT etc) with exciting additions that they've never seen in any other game. Those additions aren't there. Maybe they will be in the future, but as of right now, this game is fundamentally the same at its core as WOW and every clone since.


I realize that classes/levels/instanced pvp/raids is the norm for MMO's for the last 8 years. I get that. But was there some contract that all MMO companies signed that said they wouldn't branch off of the coveted set of MMO rules and make nothing but clones?


Why won't anyone do anything new? Warhammer tried with the RVR which was cool for a minute until you realized that the rewards weren't enough for the effort of riding across the countryside for an hour just to get to a castle, take the castle, rinse repeat. And how many times can you really take a castle, sit there, get your bag, and leave and really feel like it's a good use of your time?


I'm personally just waiting for a game that will break from the norm, give me new "objectives" that I haven't done 6 MILLION times before, and I'll play it.


With the whole space theme of SWTOR they could do SOOOOO much with new planets. Speeder races on tattooine. Warzones with walkers and speeders and troops all fighting for the same land. Rewards that give you something to fight for. Not more points to amass just to get another piece of gear, just to get more points for more gear.






I'll agree on most points, especially that innovation is virtually non-existent in this world we live in. But herein also lies the problem with people regarding how much they dislike this game. This game is it's own, it has no predecessor, we can compare it to other MMOs, but that does it a disservice. People compare this game's endgame to WoW's, but what they fail to realize is this: Comparing the best part of one game, to the worst of another, is unfair at best. It's also unfair to compare everything to the best there is of said thing.


Do we measure how successful a man is by if he's as rich as Bill gates? No (by those standards, Oprah is poor). Do we measure how good of a president every president is, by comparing him to Abraham Lincoln? No (by those standards, every president that has ever existed fails). So while I can see why people miss this feature from that video game, but this is not that video game. It's unfair to come in and say this game is bad because it doesn't have what that game has. Especially since this game has just launched, it's like a newborn babe. Do you expect 10 year olds to be as knowledgeable as 30 year olds? No, they have to grow before they'll stand a chance.

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This game is amazing fun! The complainers will always be here.


Nah we won't we ll be gone on the 20th. And you ll be left to play your favorite game alone. Simillar to what happen with AOC when it came out had a ton of negative feedback on the forums, month went by and forums changed to mostly positive. Now its F2P that noone plays anymore. See a connection?

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Lets get some facts straight now.


Its only been a month since release,

Their are a few flaws and bugs.

Bioware is fully aware of most if not all impurities in the game.

They are working on these it takes time to rewrite code, if you haven't tried then ****

Its true not a lot of end game content is out, but comon on guys its only been a MONTH.

Wow has sent their evil little trolls to sabotage the swtor forums.


So why can't we all quit qq'ing, trolling, yelling, fighting, and give Bioware atleast a 4 month grace period.


I want to let Bioware know that there are some of us out here that truly recognize the hard work and the dedication you guys have put into making SWTOR and you guys have my vote for game of the year and a least a year worth of subscription.


May the Force be with you Bioware.


You know


I get tired of the endless QQ of minor things to


no macros? who really cares

dont like UI? So what, its fully functional

Ability delay? What ability delay?

on and on and on


Yes there is a TON of QQing about minor things that will not adversly afect this game if it takes 1 month or 1 year to change (if changed at all)


But what annoys me also is these people that say


Their are a few flaws and bugs.


LOL, I like TOR and have subbed for 6 months but to say there is only a few flaws and few bugs is probably MORE out of reality minded then those that predict doom and gloom over minor issues most dont care about.


There is ALLOT of Flaws.

But whats worse is those flaws should have never have happened to begin with and were 100% avoidable if Bioware/EA checked their egos at the door and made the best game possible, based on genre history and ENTIRE Genre timeline feedback. Instead they looked at a certain period of time and ignored everything else.


TOR is NOT as good as it should have been, not by a long shot!


Yes its fun

Yes its innovative in some areas

Yes its set the new bar for future MMORPG developers to meet with Storyline, Voice Overs, Companions


But to downplay the amazing amount of completely avoidable screw ups does more damage to this game then those that make mountains out of mole hills.


Why does it have to be all or nothing with you people???

Why does it have to be blind hatred or blaind devotion?


Why cant we just tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth, and leave the stupid agendas at the door?


TOR is the best MMORPG on the market currently and the best MMORPG for the forseeable future, based on what we know is coming out.


TOR is NOT as good as it should have been and will NOT hit the predicted subscriber base and investor post release targets that many (myself included) thought it would during developement because EA and/or Bioware ignored facts and information and decided they knew best on a number of issues and quite frankly, their arrogence screwed the Pooch on those issues. And the game is lesser for it.


Man Id love to log in one day and not see blind hatred fueled agendas at play and also blind fanboi fueled agendas at play!


This game has far far far more then a few flaws and bugs.

Only a few are actual long term subscription affecting issues true.

But a flaw is a flaw and a bug is a bug.

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Even though there are many issues that needs to be ironed out, for a MMO that has just been released it is really amazing. There are some things I miss from other MMOs, but the game works and there are no gamebreaking issues. There are some serious issues sure, but to me this is the best MMO on the market now.


And I could not care less about "end game", Usually it is all just boring raids. End Game for me will just be hard mode flashpoints as it is perfect for me and my friends which fills a full group.


This is my new MMO and it will be so for a long time as I can't think of any MMO comming out that is going to have any real story to it or anywhere near a awesome setting as Star Wars.

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Especially since this game has just launched, it's like a newborn babe. Do you expect 10 year olds to be as knowledgeable as 30 year olds? No, they have to grow before they'll stand a chance.

It's a cruel world out there...you fail, you are dead faster than a blink of an eye.

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The complainers will always be here. They are on every forum for every game. Some of these people will eventually leave to other communities and do the same garbage there but we will always have them.


And then there is the ardent fanboy, who has little to add to a discussion.. so instead tries to to belittle those with genuine grievences. Yep they're usually about in every game too, although this game appears to have more than it's fair share.

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Those disappointed expected too much from a game right at launch. My expectations are tempered with experience. I've been in MMOs at launch before. The fact that the systems are there, they work, and the devs have said that they are working to improve them is enough for me.


Sure they could have held the release back while they improved those things, and we'd all be waiting until 2013 for the game to come out. By then, the "basic MMO components" would have evolved, and we'd have the same issue. The game is playable, and enjoyable IMO, in it's current state. There's nothing in it that suggests it's not an MMO.


You are easily satisfied. I feel like the specific areas of dysfunction for the listed areas of the game were things that shouldn't have happened in the first place. I based -that- assumption on the fact that the developers had played MMO's themselves. I can't imagine how anyone could think the hollow shell that is the GTN was functionally complete, that queueing players for random battlegrounds without letting them at least down-vote certain ones was a good idea, or assume that guild support would be covered by a mere list that allowed players to set ranks and created a joined chat-channel.


But really, I don't think the game would have needed another full year of beta-testing to clear out some of these issues. A month seems to have been all they needed if the 1.1 notes were any indication.


And honestly, I wouldn't be nearly as critical of the game if these were my only issues with it.


TOR is an MMO, and I would never contest that. I'm just not sure if it's core design is beneficial to the genre-market it's trying to compete in.

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Even though there are many issues that needs to be ironed out, for a MMO that has just been released it is really amazing. There are some things I miss from other MMOs, but the game works and there are no gamebreaking issues. There are some serious issues sure, but to me this is the best MMO on the market now.


And I could not care less about "end game", Usually it is all just boring raids. End Game for me will just be hard mode flashpoints as it is perfect for me and my friends which fills a full group.


This is my new MMO and it will be so for a long time as I can't think of any MMO comming out that is going to have any real story to it or anywhere near a awesome setting as Star Wars.


Get to lvl 10 then we ll talk.

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Yes but they haven't anywhere near met their own timetable.. i,e launch date!


What goal did they not meet before launch date? It may not be as complete at launch as you want it to be, but name one MMO that was complete at launch.



Because end game stuff can't be part of the story.. oh yeah, now why didn't I see that; it was that OBVIOUS! :rolleyes:


Clever, but at the same time useless. By story (you should know, everyone else does) I mean the story through the leveling process. Story and Endgame are not one in the same, that much is obvious.



There's bugs, and then there's bugs on top of an unoptimised game engine, in a game that has scant little in terms of game systems (other than a good story arc).. and it makes a difference if it appears the Devs are fixing stuff and listening. There's stuff still bugged in this game that were bugged way back in beta, and reported by countless testers..

I'll agree on their engine not being optimized, but once they made their choice they couldn't exactly go back. I hope they can fix it in the future, and I bet they will. But we don't get to choose what issues they fix, there are tons of issues reported back in beta that were there BEFORE but have been fixed, just because some haven't doesn't mean they aren't paying attention.


Aside from it's lack of 'lore' and deep story Bioware's devs could do worse than take a sneaky look at Rift, and their Dev team..

I'm going to disagree wholeheartedly with lack of "lore", and I'll say that it isn't the deepest story but it's certainly not shallow (remember we're talking video games, not books or TV shows, judge it fairly).

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If you don't improve, evolve, learn from mistakes of others..you will fail!


And they did learn from the mistakes of others. I remember not being able to play WoW for days at a time at release, because the servers were down. In fact, there was something like 22 free days credited within the first 90 days of WoW. I'd call TORs launch a VAST improvement over that.


They made improvements on the leveling game, with story and voice over. They learned from the mistake of AoC not to leave it half done. I will say, though, that if you don't care about the story and VO, perhaps this isn't the MMO for you, and that's fine. Doesn't mean it's not an MMO, however.


They made improvements to the crafting game, allowing you to do it in the background while you focus on other things. No more are we leashed to a crafting station.


Moddable gear is an improvement. It could be argued that an a-tab could achieve the same result, but it could be called an evolution of the a-tab.


Just because they didn't improve where you feel they should have doesn't mean they haven't. And they are improving in those other areas post launch, as they've said.

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People are angry because they feel cheated.

I know I do.

"If you don't like it, juste leave"

Well I'm sorry, but the problem is not that i don't like it in the way that you might buy food and then realise you don't like the taste of it, it's more like i bought food and found mould when I opened the box.

People keep using the argument that it's just been released, it's ridiculous. Here are a few issues that could be acceptable with a just released mmo :


Server crash due to high population (Yes, I'm actually pretty tolerant and could understand such a thing to happen, you can't predict for sure how many people will play the game and on which servers they'll spread so this can happen at launch)


Class imbalance (especially in a pvp context)


Lack of end game content (has to be fixed quickly enough though)


These issues, I would have been able to accept. What I do not accept though is being sold a product by a company that KNOWS it is unfinished.


I am absolutely appalled by the fact entrance to warzone is still so severly bugged, after a month! How can they let that happen?

This game is just messy, just look at how the items from the vendors are organised, they're just thrown in there randomly.


I think that's why people feel the need to express themselves before they leave the game.

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Launches 5, 10, 15 years ago are different than launches today and those tommorow.

If you don't improve, evolve, learn from mistakes of others..you will fail!

This is not about bugs, about fixes, content and everything that is "normal" for a MMO game.

It's about the whole missed concept.



you are right with your claim. the thing is 15 years ago nobody except a few 'chosen ones' played online games (hell I didn't even have internet access 15 years ago)


10 years ago it wasn't normal to have 'online content' for video games


5 years ago it wasn't normal that half of a game's worth is 'online content' and every second game is thrown out half-finished with the first patches released hours after box sales starting, DLC following a few weeks later (usually for not-exactly-justified prices)


am I saying this is a good developement? oh absolutely not. but we have to deal with it. the gaming industry .is. changing. it's the price to pay for no longer being that 'weirdo' in the class room nobody talked to because you actually know that Zelda is not the little guy in the green outfit

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TOR is the best MMORPG on the market currently and the best MMORPG for the forseeable future, based on what we know is coming out.


This is the only sentence I feel I significantly disagree with in this regard. I don't think it deserves to be called the "best". Best in some areas. Worst in some areas. Because to call it the best, for me, is tantamount to patting the developers on the head, giving them a cookie and telling them they did a good job after bringing in a barely passing grade and expecting praise.

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They don't deserve 4 extra months after release with the absurd amount of "closes/open alpha/beta testing" they did.


this game is an complete step backwards for the genre. less sandbox, more rails. great decision.


care to explain why sandbox = better?

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Not that I am concerned about the money in the least bit, but I am paying them for a service and have already shelled out the pre-order money. So I expect more than a announced patch after 1 month that addresses A FEW of the issues.


And the tin foil hat comment about WoW trolls sent here to sabotage the forums makes me laugh. I want this game to blow away WoW, but until then I suffer with the rest of the disappointed still playing this game.


u dont hve to suffer no one is holding a gun to ur head if u dont like it and u are not injoying the game there is no obligation for u to keep playing or spending money on it tht is ur choice and ur choice alone so if u r suffering playing the game it is no ones fault but ur own and it dosent mean it necessarily a bad game becuasee it all comes down to personal preference anyways like mos things in this world so stop playing if u dont like it there is nothing wrong in tht and go play something u do enjoy and good gamming to u

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care to explain why sandbox = better?

because i enjoy open and expansive worlds with several options i can pursue at any given moment.


this game completely lacks that choice and only presents a thinly veiled illusion of choice. in the end... you'll still see the game the way the developer wants you to see it (and damnit, you'll LIKE IT because we spent our entire budget on it).


Unbelievable how EVE still sets a bar that people with AAA budgets can't even attempt to reach for.

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I want to let Bioware know that there are some of us out here that truly recognize the hard work and the dedication you guys have put into making SWTOR and you guys have my vote for game of the year and a least a year worth of subscription.



It doesn't matter if there are some of you that feel this way, there are a lot that don't, there are a lot of people that play MMOs for challenging content, and there are others that play MMOs for fun PvP.


This game has none of those, they will lose business, you can say it is my fault for buying a game that is story based and not content or gameplay driven. This is true, I was hoping that there would be good content and gameplay in addition to the story.


In all honesty I would have been entertained if this was an exact reskin of WoW with adding the story, space and companions.


If I had known SWToR was just gonna be bad gameplay with bad content and a fun story, I probably wouldn't have bought it and they wouldn't be losing my business, because as far as I can see, they have no intention of fixing the issues I have with the game.


As one of my friends that happens to be one of the most casual players I know put it, "I wish I was playing the game 2 years from now."


And now I get threads like this saying that I should stop giving feedback, because bioware works hard, I have never once claimed they didn't work hard, I ahve just voiced my opinion on the direction iw ould like to see them go, but no that is apparently just QQing, and asking for improved game play or improved content is just too much.

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because i enjoy open and expansive worlds with several options i can pursue at any given moment.


this game completely lacks that choice and only presents a thinly veiled illusion of choice. in the end... you'll still see the game the way the developer wants you to see it (and damnit, you'll LIKE IT because we spent our entire budget on it).


Unbelievable how EVE still sets a bar that people with AAA budgets can't even attempt to reach for.


I think that's the point the other person was trying to make :p (see Bold/Underlined words above).

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This is a great mmo with a bright future, I saw somebody say this game is like WoW earlier. The only thing similar is the point and click game style and some of the UI features (Which by the way isn't original to WoW either.) I haven't had a single, and yes I said a -single- issues with this game yet as far as bugs or lag or ANY of that. As i'm typing this, bugs have been patched alot already with a big patch coming soon that is taking care of a few lingering problems. Just enjoy the game, and focus on what you do got instead of what you will have later. :)
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Having configured my system to run this game to the best of my system's capabilities (still not optimized), I must say, I love this game.


I will not deny that there are issues: yes, there are. But the vision that was developed years ago has finally come to fruition.


I agree that as players and fans, we must give BW some time to fix their issues. Be patient, as the world cannot and does not revolve around your desires. BW had a release date and they stuck to it. The game is not perfect, but constructive criticism is the way to help, not ************* and moaning about your problems.


Virtuous patience is.

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It doesn't matter if there are some of you that feel this way, there are a lot that don't, there are a lot of people that play MMOs for challenging content, and there are others that play MMOs for fun PvP.


This game has none of those, they will lose business, you can say it is my fault for buying a game that is story based and not content or gameplay driven. This is true, I was hoping that there would be good content and gameplay in addition to the story.


In all honesty I would have been entertained if this was an exact reskin of WoW with adding the story, space and companions.


If I had known SWToR was just gonna be bad gameplay with bad content and a fun story, I probably wouldn't have bought it and they wouldn't be losing my business, because as far as I can see, they have no intention of fixing the issues I have with the game.


As one of my friends that happens to be one of the most casual players I know put it, "I wish I was playing the game 2 years from now."


And now I get threads like this saying that I should stop giving feedback, because bioware works hard, I have never once claimed they didn't work hard, I ahve just voiced my opinion on the direction iw ould like to see them go, but no that is apparently just QQing, and asking for improved game play or improved content is just too much.


Were it only that everyone could be as calm, collected, and rational in their posts as you. This coming from someone who disagrees with you entirely.

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What goal did they not meet before launch date? It may not be as complete at launch as you want it to be, but name one MMO that was complete at launch.


Launching a full featured, modern MMORPG worthy of something released for 2012?

Again, I'd say Rift was a slick complete and polished package at launch..


Clever, but at the same time useless. By story (you should know, everyone else does)


Oh, clever and useless just as your response is?.. we're all SUPPOSED to know what YOU mean?


I mean the story through the leveling process. Story and Endgame are not one in the same, that much is obvious.


So there's the levelling process, etc etc.. as great as it is.. you're telling me Bioware decided that's what the game is about, and endgame is an after-thought? You really think they'd launch on that basis.. just how the hell do you propose they'd keep subs going once that 'levelling story' runs dry?



I'll agree on their engine not being optimized, but once they made their choice they couldn't exactly go back. I hope they can fix it in the future, and I bet they will. But we don't get to choose what issues they fix, there are tons of issues reported back in beta that were there BEFORE but have been fixed, just because some haven't doesn't mean they aren't paying attention.


The fanboy is strong in this one...

Keep patting them on the back, the fact is their bug fixing is painfully SLLLLLOOOOOOWWWWW, and they don't give the impression they're listening at all..


I'm going to disagree wholeheartedly with lack of "lore", and I'll say that it isn't the deepest story but it's certainly not shallow (remember we're talking video games, not books or TV shows, judge it fairly).


Yep now I know you're bonkers if you can tell me Rift was full of deep lore, let alone a story... Rift is a great game as far as their whole ecosystem goes. But story/lore nah.. it's only just started to nit all that kind of stuff together.

Edited by Swampson
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This is a great mmo with a bright future, I saw somebody say this game is like WoW earlier. The only thing similar is the point and click game style and some of the UI features (Which by the way isn't original to WoW either.) I haven't had a single, and yes I said a -single- issues with this game yet as far as bugs or lag or ANY of that. As i'm typing this, bugs have been patched alot already with a big patch coming soon that is taking care of a few lingering problems. Just enjoy the game, and focus on what you do got instead of what you will have later. :)


People say they don't notice any issues with lag or w/e. All I can say is tehy must not be playing at a high level, becuase every high level player I know that is playing this game that was a 2k+ PvPer or in a top raiding guild, has the exact same complaints, the controls are sluggish or sometimes unresponsive, sometimes having to wait anywhere from .1 to 1 second to fire.


This should not be. This is terrible. It is the most frustrating thing I have ever encounterd in an MMO, I will be running at 60+ FPS and sub 100 ms and my ability will take half a second to fire.

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