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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thank you BW for quick action on exploiters


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I let my issues with this game be known, so I will do the same for the positive side of things.


Lately there has been a ton of threads from people who got banned for exploiting the vendor stacking issue... You guys are deleting these threads, which I get, but you should just lock them instead so everyone can see that you guys DO take this seriously.


For something that could have easily torn the economies apart (and still will have an impact), it's great to see the ban hammer come down on these folks. Looks like they are getting 7 day bans which I think is very fair of you.


Thanks BW for addressing this immediately and sending the right message to your player base that this is not tolerated.

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I'm sure they tried, but recovering credits that spread throughout the market is a tough thing to do.


I think 7 is very reasonable. Indefinite ban would be uncalled for just because it was originally a mistake left in the game by BW, and people took advantage. Not really the same level of "cheating" in my eyes, as say using 3rd party software etc, that deserves total ban IMO.

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I'm sure they tried, but recovering credits that spread throughout the market is a tough thing to do.


It's easy to track - just see how many times he accessed the vendor, then multiply by x amount of creds.


Then take that amount and a bit more just to be sure.

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It's easy to track - just see how many times he accessed the vendor, then multiply by x amount of creds.


Then take that amount and a bit more just to be sure.


It's not that simple. Think of all the AH stuff that was purchased from legit players with these credits. What are you going to do? Take credits away from an innocent player because it's laundered dirty money? Not viable/fair.


They can roll back the credits that are still ON these characters, or even vendor purchased stuff... but trying to roll back purchases via trading/players would be nearly impossible. I'm sure that leaves some "bad laundering" via mail, trade to friends etc in there... but what are you gonna do?

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they should have gotten a 7 day ban and had the toon they did the exploit on deleted


I have absolutely no problems breaking rules/laws but when you get caught you should man up and take the consequences like you have a pair... not post QQ I got banned but I swear I didn't do nothing" threads I've seen (BW deleted them too lol)

Edited by Liquidacid
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Pretty sweet deal. A week off for unlimited creds you get to keep (as far as I know anyway).


Yeah this is sounding like a decent deal. Might as well exploit the hell out of the next big thing cos what's so bad about a 7 day ban?

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I let my issues with this game be known, so I will do the same for the positive side of things.


Lately there has been a ton of threads from people who got banned for exploiting the vendor stacking issue... You guys are deleting these threads, which I get, but you should just lock them instead so everyone can see that you guys DO take this seriously.


For something that could have easily torn the economies apart (and still will have an impact), it's great to see the ban hammer come down on these folks. Looks like they are getting 7 day bans which I think is very fair of you.


Thanks BW for addressing this immediately and sending the right message to your player base that this is not tolerated.


7 day ban? LOLOLOLOL They haven't even deleted the credits off of those characters, Multiple threads on reddit that the characters still have hundreds of millions of credits on them.


Quick action? They are failing hard core.

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What about the damn people who've been unjustly banned for doing nothing? I put a post on one of these banned threads, so I'll just say it again here. My friend did absolutely NOTHING, you know if he could come back after a week with a few million credits in his inventory I'm sure he'd be fine with it, but he's just getting absolutely screwed. HOW, is that fair at all? It's not.
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7 day ban? LOLOLOLOL They haven't even deleted the credits off of those characters, Multiple threads on reddit that the characters still have hundreds of millions of credits on them.


Quick action? They are failing hard core.


How do people know they still have if they are banned?

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Yeah this is sounding like a decent deal. Might as well exploit the hell out of the next big thing cos what's so bad about a 7 day ban?


A 7-day suspension (it's not a ban if it only lasts a week) is fine for a first offense. I know people are annoyed about this exploit, but the punishment is perfectly appropriate. If they keep exploiting? Sure, boot their butts out the door.

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A 7-day suspension (it's not a ban if it only lasts a week) is fine for a first offense. I know people are annoyed about this exploit, but the punishment is perfectly appropriate. If they keep exploiting? Sure, boot their butts out the door.


The point of the discussion that was made, then deleted afew times is that people that did not exploit and still somehow got caught in a "ban net" that has gotten out of control

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7 day ban? LOLOLOLOL They haven't even deleted the credits off of those characters, Multiple threads on reddit that the characters still have hundreds of millions of credits on them.


Quick action? They are failing hard core.


Surely they have had their credits deleted. It stands to reason.


Do you have any proof/links?




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If they keep exploiting? Sure, boot their butts out the door.


Keeping exploiting is when they accessed the mail more than two times or so.


They knew they were exploiting - so take all their sploit loot as well as that ban.

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A 7-day suspension (it's not a ban if it only lasts a week) is fine for a first offense. I know people are annoyed about this exploit, but the punishment is perfectly appropriate. If they keep exploiting? Sure, boot their butts out the door.


Your thinking is flawed, Bioware should FIX THE ISSUES, instead of having to ban players for abusing them, why put a cookie in front of an infant and tell him not to eat it?

Edited by Subvertive
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I'm getting a good laugh out of this. logic is really lacking in this forum post.


Exploiters who get caught don't make a big deal of it, they accept punishment and move on. People with 100 million credits don't make a forum post on it they accept it and move on.


This is because if you do make a big deal of it, you are more likely to move from a temp ban to a permanent ban, or have their 100 million credits removed.


Logic dictates that these players are not "lying" but rather they have legitimately been unjustly banned. More then less likely Bioware is deleting these posts to hide the enormous amounts of unjust bans that have been handed out.


Use your brain, put the pieces together, get smart.

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I can't believe players exploiting this credit bug didn't have their accounts banned. They knew exactly what they were doing. There are no victims here beyond the players who didn't cheat, yet are stuck dealing with the aftermath.


Bad job, Bioware. You're sending the wrong kind of message for future exploits.

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I'm sure they tried, but recovering credits that spread throughout the market is a tough thing to do.


I think 7 is very reasonable. Indefinite ban would be uncalled for just because it was originally a mistake left in the game by BW, and people took advantage. Not really the same level of "cheating" in my eyes, as say using 3rd party software etc, that deserves total ban IMO.


Are you kidding? It most definitely should have been an indefinite ban. It's about the worst exploiting you can do other than installing a third party program. You cannot accomplish the exploit without knowing instantly that what you're doing is incredibly wrong.

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