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3 big problems with SWTOR


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SWTOR is like wine: sip it and it is very satisfactory and enjoyable; chug it fast and you just make yourself sick.


You want to blame the wine, but the problem is all in how you (ab)use it.


I don't think it's how fast you play through the content necessarily. IMO many people will come to the same realizations once they hit the same amount of time played/progress in the game. There just really isn't a lot to do at the level cap, and it's far too fast and easy to reach the level cap.

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3 Biggest problems with SW:TOR?


1: people who whine on the forums about things already in the pipeline to be fixed (like animation delays)


2: people who come from sandbox games expecting this to be a sandbox game even though its been stated for years now that it is a themepark game.


3: peope who rush to lvl 50 and then whine that there is nothing to do.

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I don't think it's how fast you play through the content necessarily. IMO many people will come to the same realizations once they hit the same amount of time played/progress in the game. There just really isn't a lot to do at the level cap, and it's far too fast and easy to reach the level cap.


There was rumored to be about 400 Voice over hours or something similar per class questline. You managed to hit 50 the first week. I'll let you in on something, there is only 168 hours in a 7 day course. So in turn, you did rush and cut your own throat on enjoying what they clearly set out to do, which was produce a story driven game.


If they didn't want people to listen and become engaged they would have skipped the VO completely, went with short text and given you quests like "go pick up 15 poo's from over there" if you can catch my referral.


I play 3-5 hours a day, mostly 7 days a week and have only hit 44 on my BH. Granted 1 or 2 nights was helping the wife with some of her questing, but being literal, 1 to 2 nights, the rest was me questing/following story.


Also, while there may not be a lot to do at level cap the first week an MMO is launched, lol seriously man, more content is under way. Also, unless your guildies power leveled through thinking there was going to be server firsts or something, there was minimal people there at the top to do anything with anyway.


Sorry you rushed. No joke, you missed a lot.

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The MMO factor:


First off, please learn of the definition of MMO, then get back to me. I has nothing to do with grouping or socializing.


Sharding. Necessarry for to prevent lag. If you haven't noticed, the game is mesh heavy. For better or worse, that makes it very pretty, but unable to support huge amounts of toons in one location.


Too much phasing. I think its perfect. I was in two Beta and that question was posed in the beta forums by developers both times, and in both cases it was nearly universally supported.


Low server caps. How do you know what the server cap is? Please enlighten us


Overly lage planets. This makes me lulz. I can't count the amount of copius complaining there has been about how small the worlds are, now you come along saying they are too big. Hilarious. I've know for a long time that you just can't please everyone. MMOs are a unique genre that many people from other games, with their pre-concieved notions of gaming fun enter into. That's makes them a nightmare to create I'm sure.

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Lol, I didn't rush at all, and I didn't skip a single cutscene on my main. I certainly didn't get powerleveled.


Just because they recorded X amount of hours of voice acting doesn't mean you are going to hear anywhere close to all of on a single character. I didn't hear and of the republic dialogue which is roughly half of whatever they recorded, I didn't hear the dialogue for the other 3 classes, I didn't hear every option of every 'conversation tree', I didn't do every single flashpoint (while leveling) etc. etc.


I guarantee you I didn't skip any of it though (on my main) and I didn't purposely try to blitz my way to 50. It just happened, pleeeeenty of people are 50, it just really doesn't take that long (especially if you've had a lot of vacation recently).


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It took me 12 game days to reach 60 in vanilla wow. It took me 7 game days to reach 50 in SWTOR. In the scheme of 6 years of WoW playing, is that really all that much? I do my daily hard modes, daily pvp, daily dailies, and that's about all the playtime I have time for in a given day. It's really no different than when I played WoW.


Wednesday, clear ICC 25 on main. Thursday, Friday, do dailies. Saturday, clear ICC 25 on alt. Sun, Mon, Tues, do dailies, hang out, maybe pvp. That's it. Same Sh*t different mmo. Some of you have such expectiations there is no way you'll ever be satisfied.

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"-Too much phasing: There is FAR too much phasing in this game. Almost every quest leads to a phased area. I understand this is done to speed up questing, but it too has far too many cons.


Phasing itself is NOT the problem, in fact it has many benefits. The problem arises when you use it TOO MUCH."


It's cool because we don't have to wait on respawn rates for quest npcs and more importantly we don't keep saying hi to that important character we killed last week.

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I think this game will do fine, sure there are a few bugs, but lets give it a couple of months and then see where things are. I have seen some pretty major bugs go live before in other MMO's (remember the 15 minute loot bug in WoW before TBC).


As for end game, every single MMO I have ever played at startup had very little end game in it (WoW and Rift). Also, I think to reach more people devs are beginning to realize that end game doesn't always mean raiding. Look at the pet collecting for WoW and individual instances in Rift.


I do miss an individual activity like fishing, and I wish we could have decorated our star ships and invited people aboard them.


I am sure that there will be lots of endgame within a few months.


Space Fishing would be awesome. Carefully open the airlock, flick out the line and haul in tasty aliens / fish

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1) Responsiveness:


SWTORs character responsiveness is pretty bad. With things like ability delay and animations having to finish before damage takes effect, it makes SWTOR combat / responsiveness VERY clunky.


The problem is not only with combat, but generally everything from mounting up and using quick travel. There seems to be a 0.5 second or so delay on abilities taking effect. This is a SERIOUS issue and needs to be looked into immediately.


i even notice this with my speeder. it's .5s cast but takes 1.5s to actually complete.

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"-Too much phasing: There is FAR too much phasing in this game. Almost every quest leads to a phased area. I understand this is done to speed up questing, but it too has far too many cons.


Phasing itself is NOT the problem, in fact it has many benefits. The problem arises when you use it TOO MUCH."


It's cool because we don't have to wait on respawn rates for quest npcs and more importantly we don't keep saying hi to that important character we killed last week.


Yeah, it has many benefits.. but I feel SWTOR uses it way too much.

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-Sharding: Why does this even exist? All it does is prevents players from seeing eachother / communicating with eachother. Both being VERY big factors to an overall MMO feel.


-Too much phasing: There is FAR too much phasing in this game. Almost every quest leads to a phased area. I understand this is done to speed up questing, but it too has far too many cons.


Phasing itself is NOT the problem, in fact it has many benefits. The problem arises when you use it TOO MUCH.


Low server caps: This is quite simple, and doesn't need much explaining. The server caps just far too low. There needs to be a much bigger server cap (something like WoWs) which will mean more players. More players = MMO!


Overly large planets: Planets are far too big. This spreads players out way too much and makes the place look like it's empty (add to that the other factors, and it probably IS empty).


sharding is if used corectly quite effective however it's the how it's used part that makes it work or not, if we were all on the same server like eve but sharded then it would be viable.


phasing is a newish tech in mmo's and it can be done wrong over use of it kinda ruins emersion and no company not blizzard not anyone has done it right to date, one day perhaps but it's something that should be used sparringly to make the best use of it.


low server caps...i don't know how big you think some servers are in wow......they ain't that big either, differences are no shards in wow so you see everyone, nothing to do outside of cities so half the population is actually visible to you already...granted swtor caps do need to be raised but by how much is a difficult balance to get right.


size of planets...frankly i found some to be to small, i find them a little restrictive due to that as well but thats because of the lack of open world rather than there actual size, so thats a perception opinion on your part and mine.


all of those are aspects that require a certain amound of balance to do and some see it differently to others, so one see's to much phasing the other sees not enough, who is right? striking a balance is perhaps harder than most aspects of creating the game world.

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