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Will SWTOR ever become an e-sport?


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I've played CoD since MW2 and there is little comparison. Sure, you get people who suck at CoD who think it's just kids running around with no skill. I and millions of others know differently.


That's not to say MMOs don't take skill. You need to keep track of your skills and a major part is to try to guess the other player's likely rotation in order to match your skills to theirs, all the while moving to get behind them or out of sight, and coordinating with a team...so yeah MMOs definitely require some strategy, but they'll never match CoD or Starcraft for intensity.


Throw in gear and it's no longer a question of skill. And if it's not about some kind of skill that resides inside of some actual person's skull, rather than pixels on an avatar, then it's not a sport, IMO.


My XBL is RnK Chainsaw got MW3 few days early got 10th 80 very fast in around 6ds 11hrs used guns such as UMP most of the time rank 50 for Search and Destroy got so bored of dominating people on a gamely basis switched to the M60E4 at 8th prestiege still same **** dominated people went to M16 with Javelin same **** most. Simply on MW3 I was the best person I knew I was never challenged when it came to Search and Destroy I feel I hit the games Skill Cap within my 8 days total play time so I stopped playing it. Compare this to my WoW I play Rogue highest I have got is 2.3k in 3s and 2.2k in 2s and I have played 80days on the game and Proud Troll this comment if you want but arena is much harder than COD nuff said.

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Definitely not. For it to become an e-sport it has to be as close to perfectly balanced as possible. WoW failed in that aspect as well.


In addition, game has to be smooth as silk without stupid glitches, lags, and other things.


I wouldn't bet on it becoming an e-sport, but definitely a big and successful game if they can root out the issues people are complaining about early on. Otherwise it will become just another box on the shelf of many gamers.

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I must sadly agree with a lot of people here.


As it looks right now, there is no chance this game will even sniff to the competitive pvp aspect of electronic sports.


However, it has possibilities. If all the PvP related bugs gets fixed within a month, 2 latest, FPS issue gets resolved and proper PvP Warzones where skill matters more than luck(playing 8v8 and having 4 randoms to rely on wont work). Then perhaps, and its a big perhaps lol.


I was trying to improve competitive play in SWTOR, but with so many bugs, flaws, ability delay and FPS issues. This just wont happen, at all.


Sincerely hope it gets fixed soon, but somehow i doubt it.

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O'Dear Kid someone cant play his class and after all the years im guessing you put in


In arena, it isn't really about knowing how to play your class. It is easy to do that. You just need fotm class combinations and you can get 2400 rating easily.


Also you can know how to play your class but if you don't spec for fotm skill tree in arena, it is an uphill battle.

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No, not at this time. And unlike others I'll provide reasons.


1) The combat system is slow, unresponsive, and clunky. There is simply too much lag between the time the button / action is pressed to when the animation is seen and the damage or heal is recorded. Big turn off to anyone including pros, who depend on lighting fast responsive control, and this game lacks it big time.


2) Lack of UI customization, combat logs. macros, etc. This game simply lacks the tools hard-core pvper's and pros use in this type of environment.


3) No current arena, ladder, or controlled warzone environment. WoW didnt start getting e-sport status until a controlled arena system was introduced, where a true, unbiased 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 environment was created for high-level competition in mind.


4) Combat from a spectator's point of view is painfully boring. Not that watching a WoW arena tournament is extremely fulfilling, but it's tolerable and interesting, as opposed to watching swtor's below average combat animations and effects.


If some of these issues are addressed, then there maybe a future for swtor pvp, but in it's current state, not a chance. In all likelihood, swtor's subscription and pvp base will rapidly decline as there are simply better options to those who enjoy, engage, and even earn a living in high-level mmo competitions.



You had me drinking your kool-aid until u said this:


2) Lack of UI customization, combat logs. macros, etc. This game simply lacks the tools hard-core pvper's and pros use in this type of environment.


Add-ons and macros carry bad players and makes for an uneven playing field. Its basically who has the better cheats do better. True pvpers don't need handicaps.

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In arena, it isn't really about knowing how to play your class. It is easy to do that. You just need fotm class combinations and you can get 2400 rating easily.


Also you can know how to play your class but if you don't spec for fotm skill tree in arena, it is an uphill battle.


Do you have any idea how many geared "FOTM" comps are stuck in the 1500's?

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You had me drinking your kool-aid until u said this:




Add-ons and macros carry bad players and makes for an uneven playing field. Its basically who has the better cheats do better. True pvpers don't need handicaps.


More accurately, bad players don't use every aspect of a game to their advantage.


It isn't hard or complicated to go to a site like Arena Junkies and copy macros... I heard Curse requires a monthly subscription and payment too... :rolleyes:

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A more competitive pvp upgrade should be an option, imo. Not arenas mandatorly but it would be a start.


As for now, the only motivation a player can find in PvP (besides the PvP game experience itself ) is to get all geared up and high valor so he can go back and play against lvl 10's who haven't picked they´re AC yet.


At least creating a lvl50 only WZ in the future would be acceptable, as welcome in fact.


Thats my opinion, if you dont like it and you´re about to nerd-rage me and shout WoW fan-boy, save your keyboard. I couldn´t care less.


Dux, Sith Assassin

The Shadow Runner ( EU )

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More accurately, bad players don't use every aspect of a game to their advantage.


It isn't hard or complicated to go to a site like Arena Junkies and copy macros... I heard Curse requires a monthly subscription and payment too... :rolleyes:



3 rd party programs and add-ons aren't a part of the game. Your using essentially a cheat on the combat log to track other ppl's cds, instantly verify classes before initial contact, and programs that tell you when to hit your buttons when you forget to.


Yeah, that's pro. You might as well have someone holding your hand during the whole fight.


The best part of this game is all these rough and tumble "gladiators" are showing how bad they really are now that they have to pvp for themselves without being carried by add ons.



Edited by Nyghoma
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MLG stopped fielding WoW 3v3 arena a good while back and that was the closest any MMO has gotten to e-sport.


Ability delay alone in TOR makes a mockery of the idea, even if MMOs in general are uninteresting as an e-sport from a marketing PoV because high level arena (etc) require such a high level of metagame understanding to actually enjoy watching which reduces the audience to a niche.


High level play in games like CS/whatever the current big tournament FPS is, SC2 or HoN/LoL are way easier to understand (especially when stuff is explained to them by the commentator/shoutcaster) for someone who is familiar with the game in question but isn't necessarily any good at it.


edit: The addon debate is completely pointless in this matter because you don't make it to tournament level play, or anywhere close to it, without being good enough at the game irrelevant of whether you're useing addons or not on live realms or whatever.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect ~~~~~~~~~~feelhitmejts

Edited by Izichial
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LOL op. GW2 maybe, but not this pve game.


you will get competitive pvp when the big scale rvr campaign starts with guild warbands being fielded, and the obligatory 4-6man groups. Doubt zergbusting will be a viable tactic like it was in WAR though, so whose to say.


Skill in MMO's is 90% coordination with teammates. If they are noob, YOU are noob. Thats how it works.

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No, not at this time. And unlike others I'll provide reasons.


I agree.


In future we will see gaming being even more acceptable then it is now and it will be come alot bigger with virtual reality and so forth, hence why making e-sports a big thing. But at least not for next 20 years.


Regarding TOR, probably not but Huttball is pretty nice if you ask me. They just need to make more engaging, less RNG Warzones.

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3 rd party programs and add-ons aren't a part of the game. Your using essentially a cheat on the combat log to track other ppl's cds, instantly verify classes before initial contact, and programs that tell you when to hit your buttons when you forget to.


Yeah, that's pro. You might as well have someone holding your hand during the whole fight.


The best part of this game is all these rough and tumble "gladiators" are showing how bad they really are now that they have to pvp for themselves without being carried by add ons.




Keep blaming 3rd party addons (pretty sure you are whining about Gladius) for your failures. ;)

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E-Sport for SWTOR I think not. It's got about as much chance of going in that directions as a Republican has of being President in the next election. The question should be is SWTOR going to even survive as a mainstream MMO alternative outside of a year. I'd bet dollars to donuts that SWTOR subscription base will fall to sub 250k within 6 months. Hardly the numbers required for a vibrant e-sport.


Like a Hutt this games PvP has no legs. No self respecting Pro gamer wouldn't be caught dead playing this convoluted, poorly planned and poorly executed train wreck that is SWTOR PvP. We all can thank EA and Bioware's management for rushing this game to market way to soon just to make their 4th quarter earnings and hit the "Strategic launch window" with a haphazard, incomplete mess of a game. 300 million just dosn't go as far as it used to I guess.

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3 rd party programs and add-ons aren't a part of the game. Your using essentially a cheat on the combat log to track other ppl's cds, instantly verify classes before initial contact, and programs that tell you when to hit your buttons when you forget to.


Yeah, that's pro. You might as well have someone holding your hand during the whole fight.


The best part of this game is all these rough and tumble "gladiators" are showing how bad they really are now that they have to pvp for themselves without being carried by add ons.




I'm taking it that you think you have some sort of skill playing this excuse for PvP that swtor has to offer, no combat logs, no scoreboard, so no one knows that you are kicking thier *** till after the WZ cuz you attack with 3 or more everytime. I've done that too. Topped damage and heals with no one on the other team ever finding out who was doing what. Got MVP too :)


I question your intelligence as well as your "skill" (hitting buttons at the right time = skill lol) if you think that this game has any viable PvP content whatsoever. As someone who only enjoys PvP, I cancelled my sub as soon as I saw no option to turn off the camera auto-pivot. This game wasn't designed for people who enjoy player versus player content.


Also, I don't need add-ons either but I don't mind if you have them cuz it won't help you. That is hard core PvP. Not crying about how another person's add-ons and combat logs are "cheating".


People who enjoy PvP in this game are super-noob PvPers and not very good at the obvious. If you like PvP, then SWtOR doesn't give a duke about you. So obvious.

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E-Sport for SWTOR I think not. It's got about as much chance of going in that directions as a Republican has of being President in the next election. The question should be is SWTOR going to even survive as a mainstream MMO alternative outside of a year. I'd bet dollars to donuts that SWTOR subscription base will fall to sub 250k within 6 months. Hardly the numbers required for a vibrant e-sport.


Like a Hutt this games PvP has no legs. No self respecting Pro gamer wouldn't be caught dead playing this convoluted, poorly planned and poorly executed train wreck that is SWTOR PvP. We all can thank EA and Bioware's management for rushing this game to market way to soon just to make their 4th quarter earnings and hit the "Strategic launch window" with a haphazard, incomplete mess of a game. 300 million just dosn't go as far as it used to I guess.


I agree, I don't think it'll even take 6months, thanks EA another potentially great game ruined. EA's got the dim muk

Edited by Everblaze
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I'm taking it that you think you have some sort of skill playing this excuse for PvP that swtor has to offer, no combat logs, no scoreboard, so no one knows that you are kicking thier *** till after the WZ cuz you attack with 3 or more everytime. I've done that too. Topped damage and heals with no one on the other team ever finding out who was doing what. Got MVP too :)


I question your intelligence as well as your "skill" (hitting buttons at the right time = skill lol) if you think that this game has any viable PvP content whatsoever. As someone who only enjoys PvP, I cancelled my sub as soon as I saw no option to turn off the camera auto-pivot. This game wasn't designed for people who enjoy player versus player content.


Also, I don't need add-ons either but I don't mind if you have them cuz it won't help you. That is hard core PvP. Not crying about how another person's add-ons and combat logs are "cheating".


People who enjoy PvP in this game are super-noob PvPers and not very good at the obvious. If you like PvP, then SWtOR doesn't give a duke about you. So obvious.


You are right... the skillcap in this game is damned close to the floor. Makes the worst players feel they are doing well - when what it really means is that everybody is doing equally bad. It's my feeling that Bioware has intentionally created a "safe haven" for the super casuals who were beat down in other games to hide in and convince themselves they finally found a game where they suddenly developed "skill".

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