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Probably the most antisocial MMO yet.


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Ive played many MMO's from EQ to TOR all the way through the ranks and have never met a more antisocial crowd ( Don't care if you don't want to hear that ) <-- see what i did there?


Ive seen numerous people in game asking for help ( which i do help a lot ) but nobody else even responds let alone helps.Its sad that a game that could have a great sociable factor,is so behind in being actually social.I can't say this on every server but its especially the case on the server i play on.Give the little low levels a hand and stop being so selfish.You were a low level once too you know ( a noob to those who like to use that word ) And peeps,don't take the word noob literally,everyone calls everyone it at some point in the game and although it has no dictionary entry,it should be taken as such ( a none existent word,and doesn't mean squat )


just my little entry


have a nice day =]


I think mmo's in general are very anti-social with the current generation of online worlds.


Back in 99 and up in the days of "hardcore" mmo's such as Everquest and Dark Age of Camalot, the game design "forced" players to interact in order to move forward.


You about stopped soloing as a warrior (for example) in Everquest at around level 18 or so when the weakest monsters you could get experience from could now kill you in a one on one fight.


It boggles my mind when people continue to support, even demand the idea that all players should be able to solo experience content. Solo experienced content is what single player games like Knights of the Old Republic is all about.


There should be constant player to player interaction. No locations should be instanced, enemies should be contested and the interaction of players in the same areas you're in should impact you, even when you're not grouped.


Players should be able to interact both positively and negatively with one another in relationship to content. Players can choose to hog content, or to share. Players can choose to help others less fortunate than themselves, or not to. Players should be able to make mistakes and have those mistakes impact others around them (trains come to mind).


These are all things that nearly FORCE interaction and in many instances, cooperation.


Instancing does not, I'm sorry. The vast majority of flashpoints, instances, dungeons, or whatever label you want to slap on them--are started up with strangers who often don't even say a single word to each other through the instance, then disband seconds after the instance is finished, never to speak again.


Some time last year I started playing an Everquest emulation server called P1999. It was emulated to reflect old EQ pre expansion during the release of 1999. I had more friends on my friends list within my first 20 levels of play than I had in my first 70 in WoW, or my first 30 in TOR. In fact, in TOR, I have 3 people on my friends list; two real life friends and my brother, and I love being social.


I've helped people finish heroic quests when I didn't need them. I've run instances when groups have needed a tank even when I didn't need/want anything from said instance. I've also often tried to converse with people but the entire dynamic of not only TOR but all current gen mmo's funnels players into playing by themselves.


Everything around you makes you want to play alone. If you can get away with it, you're better off in many of the flash points to not even have a full group. If you can solo a heroic 2+, you probably will. If you can duo a heroic 4, you probably will. If you can make money without assistance, you will. If you had somebody ask you if they could join you to do some questing (doubtful), you're probably going to first judge if they're on the same missions you are (and because of how many quests are in these games now days (errands?) I'm sure they aren't), then kindly refuse their request because it would take you too long to run them through missions you've already done before you can start to benefit from doing missions together.


Plus on top of that, there is no ultimate pro to teaming up with someone to do solo missions, and even if there were, the game is so fast paced that there's virtually no time to sit and talk to anyone to get to know them either way.


This isn't a direct blow to TOR mind you, it's just the way of the mmo these days. The true mmo's that made the genre famous (Everquest fairly being the godfather of the mmo) focused through the game's core mechanics to strongly influence players to interact. Now days because of the demand from casual gamers to be epic without putting in as much time and energy, you have solo play that reaches level caps, double experience through resting, token systems that let solo play obtain group loot, and even group token systems that allow group play obtain raid loot.


Now before I finalize, stop looking at this idea from the point of casual versus hardcore, because that's not the underlying problem. The underlying problem is requiring (or not requiring) a player to interact with other players to experience (to accomplish) content.


Gamers aren't different than anybody else in any other medium; we all gravitate to the path of least resistance. If I have to solo to get an upgrade or group, I'll solo because it's less work. If I have to solo to level or group, I'll solo to level up. If I can run an instance solo and get tokens to buy raid loot (assuming all other things remain equal), I'll never raid--and very few of you would either.


Now I'm not saying there shouldn't be solo content. I'm not saying there shouldn't be new ideas such as companion characters. I'm not saying that all instancing can be bad or that all contestable content is good. What I'm saying is current generation mmo's are geared to direct players to play solo for the VAST majority of its content.


And that really is the problem.

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It's the wow mentality, it's spread to here. Combine that with the lack of LFG or any other methods to communicate properly (chat bubbles), it's only going to get worse.
WoW was more social than this game is.


Stop scapegoating WoW. I know it's sucked since BC, as Blizzard embraced the same philosophy which plagues this game.


But classic WoW, 1-60, was great content. So great that it enabled the reroll fad which allowed WoW to transcend the genre. They somewhat captured the feel of it in the starter zones, but even those are too heavily instanced, and it's quickly lost as soon as you step off your capital planet.


and even group token systems that allow group play obtain raid loot.
I'm actually comfortable that, perhaps because I prefer group content over raid content. At least you're actually socializing, right?


You're spot on assessing most of the social issues this game has. I think you give WoW a poor mark; before 1-70 there was 1-60, and 1-60 was far more sociable than this is. If you didn't start playing WoW until 1-70, I imagine most or all of that time leveling was in a ghost town, but what would you expect when leveling in a mature MMO.

Edited by Ansultares
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WoW was more social than this game is.


Stop scapegoating WoW. I know it's sucked since BC, as Blizzard embraced the same philosophy which plagues this game.


But classic WoW, 1-60, was great content. So great that it enabled the reroll fad which allowed WoW to transcend the genre. They somewhat captured the feel of it in the starter zones, but even those are too heavily instanced, and it's quickly lost as soon as you step off your capital planet.


That doesn't make a lot of sense. Most of the zones are built with the same principle as the starter zones. In fact, most servers don't have instancing anymore.

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Ive played many MMO's from EQ to TOR all the way through the ranks and have never met a more antisocial crowd ( Don't care if you don't want to hear that ) <-- see what i did there?


Ive seen numerous people in game asking for help ( which i do help a lot ) but nobody else even responds let alone helps.Its sad that a game that could have a great sociable factor,is so behind in being actually social.I can't say this on every server but its especially the case on the server i play on.Give the little low levels a hand and stop being so selfish.You were a low level once too you know ( a noob to those who like to use that word ) And peeps,don't take the word noob literally,everyone calls everyone it at some point in the game and although it has no dictionary entry,it should be taken as such ( a none existent word,and doesn't mean squat )


just my little entry


have a nice day =]



Usually I ask what they need help with. If I already done that missions and soloed it without much difficulty, I will tell them how I did it.


I find it kind of sad when I see I need help with inquisitor story line. It is solo chain and they can't figure out how to kill 1 elite.

Edited by Magnijung
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Never said it was a crime, but I choose to help people who help themselves.


The old "teach a man to fish" analogy comes to mind.




Are MMO's some kind of a character-building exercise or something?


Or is it just possible that you take yourself WAY too seriously. I mean, I get it, if you've got some noob asking question after question in /1, eventually you tell them to click open their codex. But it sounds to me like you've got a stick lodged somewhere that kind of needs to get pulled out so that you can enjoy life more, know what I'm saying?

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Wow has changed the attitude a lot, thats true. But you see this not only at MMO´s, also at other games people act rude and selfish.


Our luck so far is, that there are no addons or a LFG tool - so there is still hope that the community at Tor might recover some day. The first days the most people were very friendly, but lately I noticed a very rude behaivour too in WZ´s, where some people insult others a lot.

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I would actually disagree with this topics idea that people aren't social ingame. I've been playing MMO's for quite a while [AO, EQ, EQ2, EQ:FF, FF11, L2, RF:O, CoH, DCU, AoC, Rift, WoW, SWG, Aion, WAR] and I would actually say this is one of the more social experiences I've had in recent launches. Generally I've found that when you talk to people they'll talk to you and it's been very easy to start general conversations. I've grouped up on more than a few occasions and I've even helped/been helped finding datacrons on planets and stuff. Unfortunately personal experience means nothing and the seemingly majority consensus is that you guys aren't experiencing a lot of chat, but how many of you guys are also trying to initiate some?
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I just miss my chat bubbles. I had some guy insulting me yesterday while I was trying to figure out which mods/armorings to change. Didn't even realize he was talking to me until he walked off.


I chose to switch one of my mods and kept the armoring btw :)

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Back in 99 and up in the days of "hardcore" mmo's such as Everquest and Dark Age of Camalot, the game design "forced" players to interact in order to move forward.


You about stopped soloing as a warrior (for example) in Everquest at around level 18 or so when the weakest monsters you could get experience from could now kill you in a one on one fight.


I started playing MMORPGs back in 1999 with AC and EQ. When friends/guildmates/the Hubby weren't aren't, I mainly soloed though I joined the very rare PuG from time to time when I was asked nicely to (which is how I still play after all these years). Granted, it took a lot longer, required a heck of a lot of patience and was quite frustrating at times, but I still was able to do it... even with the squishiest of squishy classes...



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You mean anti-social people are often found on the internet instead of outside taking fresh air?




We have to tell the press


LOL! I see conversations going on, I see people all over and I see people looking for groups. I have no idea what half of these people see going on, but I don't see it on my server. I think its all a conspiracy <puts on tinfoil hat> they will never take me the rays are being blocked!

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The chat log is in the wrong place on the screen, and much too easy to ignore.


Personally what I do is log in, and see if I can find someone who is at or near my part of the planet's quest line, and buddy up with 'em. You get an experience and loot bonus for being in a group, and social points from talking to NPCs with them. It is hard to find a like-minded person to do this with though, so I typically keep finding the same couple people after friending them, and we hang out.

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I'm just waint for fanboiz to get in and start defending.

So far it's more unsatisfied customers than the others...

Now you tell me who's crazy here.:mad:


And so what? I am a fan of Bioware and StarWars so? I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. You say it like its suppose to be a bad thing? Please explain why a fan of both wouldn't be here?:rolleyes:

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Heh, been following my guild around on pretty much every game since EQ/WoW, and even in guild it's a social desert.


Noone in vent, it messes with the voiceovers apparently, noone talking at all in guildchat as it was bugged for half our members. It was just an anti-social experience from 1-50, though your mileage may vary depending on your guild. (This was the first game in this guild I had this experience in)

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Ive played many MMO's from EQ to TOR all the way through the ranks and have never met a more antisocial crowd ( Don't care if you don't want to hear that ) <-- see what i did there?


Ive seen numerous people in game asking for help ( which i do help a lot ) but nobody else even responds let alone helps.Its sad that a game that could have a great sociable factor,is so behind in being actually social.I can't say this on every server but its especially the case on the server i play on.Give the little low levels a hand and stop being so selfish.You were a low level once too you know ( a noob to those who like to use that word ) And peeps,don't take the word noob literally,everyone calls everyone it at some point in the game and although it has no dictionary entry,it should be taken as such ( a none existent word,and doesn't mean squat )


just my little entry


have a nice day =]


I disable chat in-game. It's a single player game... why do I need to see what the WoW kids are whining/arguing about? I can live without doing heroics and flashpoints. They're purely optional fluff content anyway.


So yes, I'm one of the antisocial ones.

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So you start with an inflammatory thread title, proceed to posit a personal opinion, follow it up with dismissing everyone else's opinion, and support your argument by saying you see people asking for help and getting none (like that isn't in any other MMO, ffs). Then you conflate not giving people a hand (even if they are halfway across the blasted planet and I've already run that heroic) with being selfish, and then toss in the word n00b to insult people and then claim it wasn't an insult.


*facepalm* You lose the internets, sir.


Being this pedantic in a game forum does not award you points.

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While we do understand that folks can become frustrated with the community at times, discussions revolving around the community, whether on the forums or in-game, are not on topic for General Discussion. We ask that threads made in General Discussion center on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Since this thread is not about the game, we're closing it for being off-topic. Thanks for understanding!

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