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Probably the most antisocial MMO yet.


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Ive played many MMO's from EQ to TOR all the way through the ranks and have never met a more antisocial crowd ( Don't care if you don't want to hear that ) <-- see what i did there?


Ive seen numerous people in game asking for help ( which i do help a lot ) but nobody else even responds let alone helps.Its sad that a game that could have a great sociable factor,is so behind in being actually social.I can't say this on every server but its especially the case on the server i play on.Give the little low levels a hand and stop being so selfish.You were a low level once too you know ( a noob to those who like to use that word ) And peeps,don't take the word noob literally,everyone calls everyone it at some point in the game and although it has no dictionary entry,it should be taken as such ( a none existent word,and doesn't mean squat )


just my little entry


have a nice day =]


I have seen this said on the forums a few different times. I believe is a server issue. I play on a High pop Server and every planet I am on is full of chat and grps being formed.


But thats also because I play the Emperial side which is high pop to begin with..

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I help people when I notice them asking.


Keywords: when I notice



The UI is so bad most of the time I don't notice when someone is trying to talk to me. Half the time, I don't even notice it when friends send me whispers. :(


As for helping newbies - I've actually gone to the newbie zones a few times with the intention of helping people out, but each time have left almost immediately because I didn't want to wade through the disgusting and usually profanity-ridden conversations. If you want to insult people, insult the ones who make general chat unusable by filling it with racial slurs, insults, and profanity.

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There also seems to be a lot of players that ninja quest objectives. I can't count the amount of times I've been killing mobs just near the quest objective and someone else comes in and activates/takes the quest item. I find it really rude and really annoying.


Maybe it's me that is too polite? I generally help them kill the mobs or at least wait for them to do what they need to do with the quest objective.


I suffer from that too. If I see someone going after the same quest item as me, and they were there first, I generally hang back, watch their progress, if they are having a hard time of a fight I help out, and they get the item. Then I hang around for the respawn. It's just common courtesy. But heck, the fact that the same very rarely happens to me when I'm the one who was there first does start to get annoying after a while.


On Coruscant, there's a very, very early gold star you have to kill for a bonus quest. He has a very long respawn time. I was waiting, and waiting, for the respawn. Another player got there after me, stood around behind me waiting. Just as the guy respawned, a 3rd turned up and grabbed the kill. If it hadn't have been for the long respawn, it probably wouldn't have been such a problem, but I'm back to waiting another 10 minutes, not wanting to wander too far in case other people start lining up as well. The other person and I grouped up to kill him in the end, so that was a nice bit of community spirit, I guess.


Just one of those little things that gets rather irksome after a while.


Also, fwiw, if I haven't quit /general because of immature slanging matches or idiots spamming, I often give help if people ask for it.

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TOR's player base is creepy.


When MMO's first came out the entire value to making them was that "you could play online with hundreds or even thousands of other people!"


So the people who started playing MMO's chose to play them because you could play online with hundreds or even thousands of other people." This opened up all kinds of opportunities that didn't exist in your standard SPRPG:


1. Player vs. Player.

2. Forming guilds and/or alliances.

3. Cooperating with other players to take down obstacles.

4. Role-playing.

5. Socializing.

6. Crafting things for other players (creating something within the game world.)

7. You can have a complete, virtual economy.


These are things that simply aren't possible in a SPRPG, and should differentiate an MMORPG from a SP game. If your game isn't meant to feature (put in the spotlight) at least a couple of those things, why bother making an MMORPG in the first place?


If you're left to wonder why the game was made as an MMO, and the only answer that makes sense is, "MMO's charge a recurring subscription to play them," then you have a serious problem with the design of the game.


Bioware did it back-asswards. They created a huge SPRPG, and then tried to attach systems to support the above 7 things apparently as an afterthought. But those 7 things are specifically designed in such a way as to be completely optional and, therefore, beside the point. Bioware has marginalized the MMO-features of its own MMO.


This creates a community of SPRPG enthusiasts (not surprising for a Bioware title) who have never chosen a game for any of the 7 things that set an MMO apart from a SPRPG. This, in turn, creates a creepy atmosphere where you have hundreds of players running around on a server playing the game while oblivious to those around them, only grouping up when they deem it necessary, and otherwise avoiding other players.


So doesn't that make the MMO part of this game pretty much moot? For the community to work, it needs to consist primarily of players who want to play a game with other players. That doesn't mean everyone needs to be an extrovert, or that no one can solo, but when a community consists primarily of solo introverts, as this one apparently does, it makes you start to wonder if the MMO part of this game will ever succeed no matter what Bioware does.

Edited by Mannic
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Ive played many MMO's from EQ to TOR all the way through the ranks and have never met a more antisocial crowd ( Don't care if you don't want to hear that ) <-- see what i did there?


Ive seen numerous people in game asking for help ( which i do help a lot ) but nobody else even responds let alone helps.Its sad that a game that could have a great sociable factor,is so behind in being actually social.I can't say this on every server but its especially the case on the server i play on.Give the little low levels a hand and stop being so selfish.You were a low level once too you know ( a noob to those who like to use that word ) And peeps,don't take the word noob literally,everyone calls everyone it at some point in the game and although it has no dictionary entry,it should be taken as such ( a none existent word,and doesn't mean squat )


just my little entry


have a nice day =]



I agree 100 percent with you man. That is because someone in their infinite wisdom thought it would be a good idea to creat 120 servers. All I see are 7 people normally on each planet. Really sucks!

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Other than heroic quests I haven't found anything that needs helping with, and for heroic quests most of them can only be done once a day. It's not that hard to find 3 other people who want to do it.


But I guess the guy complaining about an "anti-social game" would like to have some UI that lets him group with random strangers who don't say a word to each other the entire time. Because that's social.


It's like when you go to the bank and there are 10 people waiting for the bank machine while 3 tellers stand there twiddling their thumbs.

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There also seems to be a lot of players that ninja quest objectives. I can't count the amount of times I've been killing mobs just near the quest objective and someone else comes in and activates/takes the quest item. I find it really rude and really annoying.


Maybe it's me that is too polite? I generally help them kill the mobs or at least wait for them to do what they need to do with the quest objective.


Same here i seem to be one of they few who wait or move on if someone is killing a mob to get a quest item.


Had a fair few ppl take the item while i was killing it's guards i have just started adding said ppl to ignore as i have no intrest in ppl that rude and unhelpfull.

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I have experienced the opposite of everything you said. Lots of helpful replies when asking a question, people whispering to join a group for a heroic or flashpoint, chatting by the banks.


Maybe you're the problem.


White Knight credo: Anything you don't like about the game is your own fault.

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I help people when the question they're asking isn't answered in their quest log, or on their wold map.


So many people are not using the tools BW provided to find quest objectives.


So? Is that really such a crime?


Maybe people just prefer actually communicating with other human beings rather than the purely solo act of reading their Codex.

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I agree 100 percent with you man. That is because someone in their infinite wisdom thought it would be a good idea to creat 120 servers. All I see are 7 people normally on each planet. Really sucks!


And yet in the week of early access and the first week of live, this forum was filled with people screaming about queues and demanding that BW open up more servers or they would, by golly, cancel right now...


So yeah - damned if you do, damned if you dont...

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Ive played many MMO's from EQ to TOR all the way through the ranks and have never met a more antisocial crowd ( Don't care if you don't want to hear that ) <-- see what i did there?


Ive seen numerous people in game asking for help ( which i do help a lot ) but nobody else even responds let alone helps.Its sad that a game that could have a great sociable factor,is so behind in being actually social.I can't say this on every server but its especially the case on the server i play on.Give the little low levels a hand and stop being so selfish.You were a low level once too you know ( a noob to those who like to use that word ) And peeps,don't take the word noob literally,everyone calls everyone it at some point in the game and although it has no dictionary entry,it should be taken as such ( a none existent word,and doesn't mean squat )


just my little entry


have a nice day =]


You must have rolled on a bad server. I find TOR to have a middle-of-the-road community. General chat is not as bad as that in WoW nor as good as the community in Lotro. When using General chat to find a group for a flashpoint or heroic, I have found most of the people I've grouped with to be nice. It isn't a bad community at all. I do see the behavior you describe in General, but I also typically see an equal number who help. I just put the losers with the bad attitude on "Ignore" and whisper the newbie to suggest they do the same. No big deal.

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Next time you feel like the chat is dead, try making this statement in general.



"George Lucas really screwed up the Star Wars saga with the crappy prequel trilogy."


We had an hour long conversation on Korriban about this yesterday. Heck. Taris held a Trekkie convention a week ago on my server that lasted most of the night because one person compared some minor feature of the game to STO.


It's not that the game is anti-social. People just need a catalyst to get the party started.

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Ive played many MMO's from EQ to TOR all the way through the ranks and have never met a more antisocial crowd ( Don't care if you don't want to hear that ) <-- see what i did there?


Ive seen numerous people in game asking for help ( which i do help a lot ) but nobody else even responds let alone helps.Its sad that a game that could have a great sociable factor,is so behind in being actually social.I can't say this on every server but its especially the case on the server i play on.Give the little low levels a hand and stop being so selfish.You were a low level once too you know ( a noob to those who like to use that word ) And peeps,don't take the word noob literally,everyone calls everyone it at some point in the game and although it has no dictionary entry,it should be taken as such ( a none existent word,and doesn't mean squat )


just my little entry


have a nice day =]


Thank games like WoW that give player little "make me a group" buttons so they don't have to actually interact with folks. Way to many people don't care to do something unless it directly benfits them.

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I agree 100%


I joined a large guild on an extremely large server in this game and no one even spoke in guild chat.


Everyone is busy soloing quests, stuck in some story mode, or sitting on fleet solo spamming warfront.

Edited by QQRagequitQQ
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And yet in the week of early access and the first week of live, this forum was filled with people screaming about queues and demanding that BW open up more servers or they would, by golly, cancel right now...


So yeah - damned if you do, damned if you dont...


Yeah, and some of us actually warned Bioware not to bow to those queue complaints for exactly this reason.


Oh, and by the way, part of the problem isn't normal queue times, either. Bioware was obviously balancing their server loads in such a way as to compensate for their horrible client that can't display more than 10 players with dropping to 20 FPS. So part of it is on Bioware for their sub-par client. Other MMO's have been allowing for dozens or even scores of players in a town or city without completely destroying client performance. Hell, Rift could actually put you amidst hundreds and hundreds of players at once and the client would hold up because it dynamically adjusted to objects in your locality. TOR, for whatever reason, has major issues with that and it looks to me like Bioware's absurdly low sharding numbers are specifically to counter their own client.

Edited by Mannic
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Ive played many MMO's from EQ to TOR all the way through the ranks and have never met a more antisocial crowd ( Don't care if you don't want to hear that ) <-- see what i did there?


Ive seen numerous people in game asking for help ( which i do help a lot ) but nobody else even responds let alone helps.Its sad that a game that could have a great sociable factor,is so behind in being actually social.I can't say this on every server but its especially the case on the server i play on.Give the little low levels a hand and stop being so selfish.You were a low level once too you know ( a noob to those who like to use that word ) And peeps,don't take the word noob literally,everyone calls everyone it at some point in the game and although it has no dictionary entry,it should be taken as such ( a none existent word,and doesn't mean squat )


just my little entry


have a nice day =]


No such problem here on Lord Calypho (EU RP-PVP) Very busy and "typical" chat with people asking questions and having them answered.

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Yeah, and some of us actually warned Bioware not to bow to those queue complaints for exactly this reason.


Oh, and by the way, part of the problem isn't normal queue times, either. Bioware was obviously balancing their server loads in such a way as to compensate for their horrible client that can't display more than 10 players with dropping to 20 FPS. So part of it is on Bioware for their sub-par client. Other MMO's have been allowing for dozens or even scores of players in a town or city without completely destroying client performance. Hell, Rift could actually put you amidst hundreds and hundreds of players at once and the client would hold up because it dynamically adjusted to objects in your locality. TOR, for whatever reason, has major issues with that and it looks to me like Bioware's absurdly low sharding numbers are specifically to counter their own client.


Horrible client?


More like they added sharding because of all the horrible computers and computer newbies who can't get a simple game to run.

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