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I am bored of this game....


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Read 1.1 patch notes, then come back and edit your comment.


1. I've done several bosses on nightmare mode, same tactics as normal mode, just more hp/dmg. Fights are still bugged and it's kind of early for nightmare since you need a group of people with solid gear for that. It's hard to gear people when loot is randomly given to someone in normal mode so we only have hardmode to gear in.


2. Why would anyone want to get to rank 60 in PvP in its current state? It's barely playable until they fix several things, and valor 60 is only about time input, I don't have that kind of time to waste on something that isn't even playable.


3. Why would I want to gear my companions out? I've never used my companions after level 49. Besides from crew skills of course, but they don't need any gear for that.


4. Three weeks after launch "level an alt", lol'd.


1. Congrats its the same way in wow. Get used to the gear grind.


2. Thats a matter of opinion. Pvp is more than playable atm. Time input? You're playing an mmo... rofl


3. Not my fault you don't leave the city and go do stuff. There is quite a bit of content I bet you still haven't completed yet.


4. Why not? The story is quite good in this game.

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1. Congrats its the same way in wow. Get used to the gear grind.


2. Thats a matter of opinion. Pvp is more than playable atm. Time input? You're playing an mmo... rofl


3. Not my fault you don't leave the city and go do stuff. There is quite a bit of content I bet you still haven't completed yet.


4. Why not? The story is quite good in this game.


It's not the same way in WoW, why you compare the two games I fail to understand.


PvP is not playable, ability delay, overall warzone delay and playing with <50s.


What content? Collect datacrons? Done, explore planets? Nothing to explore.. what else? World bosses? Done.. World pvp? There is none.. What else? Oh no that's it I think.


As for leveling an alt, yeah sure, the class story is good but it's such a small part of the leveling process, I don't think anyone feels like doing the same quests you just did again, only to have another level 50 you can do nothing on anyways.

Edited by zolthie
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I think the major problem is lack of imagination.


In Vanilla wow, you didnt get rewards for every little thing you did, Infact me and my buddies / guildies often did things just for the shear fun of it. And isnt gaming all about fun and entertainment?


Before wow was turned into a grind hamsterwheel (where you get rewarded just for participating), people did tons of stuff (and server wide fun as well) just for the sake of laughter.


If you have nothing to do at lvl 50 its because you lack imagination.


You have tons of planets, tons of visual fun, probably tons of friends or guildies.


Use your imagination whilst Bioware devs spend their valuable work hours to please you. That way we will both be happy :)


And if the game sitll doesnt please you may I suggest you play World Of Warcraft? its the perfect grind hamsterwheel. Now you will have tons of stuff to grind for ingame until the next big patch comes!


Not all people enjoy the constant rush for "gear".

ALot of people enjoy leveling alts.

Alot of people enjoy using their imagination to create "fun".

Not all games are ment for you.

Not all games are the same. If this game is not what you are looking for, Im sure pressing escape isnt impossible :)


And the most important one:


Please give the BioWare devs time to work. You cant expect them to juggle work and IRL and please your needs at the same time, let alone in such a short time :)



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Already did that a week ago.


so then why you posting on the forums? Do you think your vague suggestion is something the community needs?


hint.... Its not. No one cares you stopped playing at 40.. Go play Rift, Wow, AOC, GW or any other MMO you feel is better and leave the SWTOR enjoyment to us.

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It's not the same way in WoW, why you compare the two games I fail to understand.


PvP is not playable, ability delay, overall warzone delay and playing with <50s.


What content? Collect datacrons? Done, explore planets? Nothing to explore.. what else? World bosses? Done.. World pvp? There is none.. What else? Oh no that's it I think.


As for leveling an alt, yeah sure, the class story is good but it's such a small part of the leveling process, I don't think anyone feels like doing the same quests you just did again, only to have another level 50 you can do nothing on anyways.


Yea, you are right it's not the same as wow. You don't get everything handed to you on a silver platter. Other than that heroic mode vs nightmare are handled pretty much the same way.


Ability delay and warzone lag, I'll give you those. Its something they're aware of. Level 50 brackets are getting put in on the 19th. Other than that pvp is playable and quite fun.


Your server must suck then. Loads of world pvp on my server.

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Does anyone else feel it would be good if they focused on end game content, to keep the hardcore players who play 16 hours a day playing? That is a suggestion. Id be surprised if this thread gets locked because I have an opinion and suggestion about the game.



fixed that for ya.


Sorry for the dose of sarcasm, but your comment that only those who level to 50 FAST are the only GOOD players really made me quirk a brow and chuckle.

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The reason that people focus on endgame is because we like the characters we built. When we get to level 50 we finally have all of our abilities and want to use these abilities. And become more than the story allows.


I hear people say the game is meant for casual leveling and playing for a couple hours a day. ***? I listened to every cut scene and still managed to get to endgame in a week. All bonus quests, side quests, datacron collecting, crafting. My biggest problem is that if I only want to play casually, I am better off playing Skyrim. At least it doesn't charge me $15 a moth to play.


My guild in SWTOR has only 30 members, but we all agree that we will probably move on to Secret World, or GW2, or the next new MMO. SWTOR is fun the first couple stories. But like any M<MO it gets too repetitive.


In my opinion, which is worthless, the only reason that endgame is meh, is because players cannot have a real investment in the game at this point. I cannot customize anything or build anything that makes me feel like my character is a static part of the world.


In crafting everything is class specific. This means that whatever I make really only matters to me, because anyone who might need the things I do will craft them themselves. Besides, there are very few items that are crafted which are better that those items gotten through game vendors and loot drops. The Galactic market is only good for buying crafting materials.


For most class lines, your companion that is your romantic interest can only gain affection for your through gifts. That is because as a dark side character, most often than not your romantic interest is the opposite alignment as your faction. Hell, only one Imperial class actually allows you to CHOOSE what alignment your companion will be.


Look at gear drops. If you are Imperial then most of the good loot will be for Light side characters. If you wear light armor, drops will be for medium and heavy most of the time. Perhaps this encourages economy and trading, but is is a terrible way to go about it.

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Instancing. The game feels dead because of it. I barely came across other players, maybe the odd one or two who happened to have the same quest as me. But they didnt seem to want to party up along with me.


And dont go "oh join a guild". That isnt the answer to everything.


Honestly I was looking forward to the story in this game, but unfortunately the need for me to level up overpowered the need for me to listen to the story.


You pretty much answered all your own questions there. Join a Guild. I can see you don't want to but it makes a world of difference and who knows, you might make a friend. You also have a desire to level fast as noted by your above comment. Ever worked for anything and had the satisfaction of attaining it in the end or was everything just handed to you? I suspect the latter. Lastly, I see people everywhere all the time. What game are you playing again?

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Why wouldn't we? We need to spread the word to people thinking of buying this game about how terrible it really is. Anyone expecting an MMO should NOT buy this.


Guys, stop feeding this sad sad troll . Just ignore it. They don't got better things to do .

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If your bored do something else. Do things that are boring is reserved for school and work. It's called "playing" a game because it's playing.


I play the heck out of this game but somedays I don't play it because i don't feel like it, would be weird to play a game when i didn't want to.


This, right here, is what gamers need to understand more than anything.

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You're 40 and haven't even tried the endgame content, but you seem awfully sure there's not enough to keep you around.


Already in 1.1 they're adding more - jumping to conclusions a bit too quickly there maybe?




Adding new content and they haven't even fixed the first batch...I'll pretend to have high hopes despite the fact.

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Guys, stop feeding this sad sad troll . Just ignore it. They don't got better things to do .


Trolls will be trolls out for the trolling, like trolls love to troll the best way they know how to troll.

Edited by Frankhorn
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I will write my opinion as constructively as possible without hating on the game (as hating isnt allowed on these forums, but opinions are).


I reached level 40, and thought to myself, "What is making me play this game?". I soon came to realise I had no reason to play anymore, because of the lack of endgame content, and I know many others feel the same because of this. Therefore I shall put forward a suggestion to add more and more end game content every month or something, to keep the players playing. I have only 10 more levels until max level, then I really have no idea how I will enjoy myself. I wont make another character, because it will just feel the same, in my opinion.


In my opinion, I think this game was made for the casual player; look how quickly people levelled to 50, look at the lack of end game content. I know someone who is about level 20, and has been playing since release, and they say they love the game, because obviously they are playing it slowly.


I, along with others tend to spacebar a lot, because in my opinion I think a lot of the side quests are the same, therefore I find it difficult to just sit there and go through every one, when I just wanted to level up and see more content.


Now it has come to the point where I really cant be bothered anymore. And Im not hating on the game. But I have included suggestions that will make myself and a lot of other players with the same opinion happy, and will continue playing.


Does anyone else feel it would be good if they focused on end game content, to keep the better/hardcore players playing? That is a suggestion. Id be surprised if this thread gets locked because I have an opinion and suggestion about the game.


No - hard core players tend to make up a very small % of the entire player base.


It's not their fault you skipped most of the content which was the major selling point for this game. :)


Guess what - end game in other MMO's is just as boring - repetitive daily missions, resource gathering, faction grinding, auction housing, etc.... or just sitting in a major hub and using the game as a 3d chat program.

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