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How are people bored already?


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this past week, i've notice the average population on my server has decreased slightly. it's not a heavily populated server but the decrease on population is noticeable. not sure if the players left to another server; more populated, or has quit the game.
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He doesnt want to see the game improve he already hates it. At this point in time he's just openly trashing the game because he has extra subscription time left over.


You are in this thread to trash talk everyone who dosn't like SWTOR, yet you have nothing good to say about this game. Why's that? I can tell you. This game sucks so much that it makes you furious, mad even. You had so high hopes on this game and now it failed you. Don't worry, Guild Wars 2 and Diablo 3 are around the corner...

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I agree. I'm tired of telling people the above and have them label me as a troll for saying it. People don't realize too that even planets like Taris are copy/pasted from Republic to Imperial side IN THEIR ENTIRETY. Then, they just take off the imp flags and put up Republic colors and change the NPCs around. Sure, instead of saving refugees on the Republic world, you're gassing them with nerve gas on the imp side. Same damn content, same fluff progression.


It doesn't matter if you're a Sith Warrior or a Bounty Hunter... it's the same. If you have leveled 1 toon to 50 and another to 30... you will have seen what I mean. I don't care if you compare a Jedi Sentinel to an Imperial Agent. Your side quests are the same. 1 quest will be a kill quest to kill 10 NPCs. The next one will be to loot 3 items, then the next one to kill 5 things and use a special item.


The other class will be identical. The dialogue will sound different but you will be doing the exact same thing in the exact same order as your other 2, 3 4 or 7 alts have had to do them.


To the person who said we can go somewhere and do something else.... you have the wrong game. We're led around by our noses here. We can't go somewhere and do something else. We have the choice of the HIGH LEVEL planet that's above our current level and the LOW LEVEL planet that's almost a waste of time. Aside from those, you have PVP... and nobody does FPs anymore unless its high levels farming BT/Esseless for social points. So no... there is nothing to do that the game doesn't force you to do.

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this past week, i've notice the average population on my server has decreased slightly. it's not a heavily populated server but the decrease on population is noticeable. not sure if the players left to another server; more populated, or has quit the game.


I think it's called post-holiday family, school, and work.

Edited by Solar
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I'm going to split the "this is not an MMO" crowd into two camps (because I like doing this!).


1) Those who enjoyed WoW: don't like it because they find the MMO functions of this game are not as well implemented WoW's and they see SWTOR as an inferior product.


2) Those how hate the WoW model: don't like it because the MMO functionality is a copy pasta of a previous WoW expansion and it sucks.


Either BW needed to copy and improve on WoW's mechanics, or they needed to break away and do something completely innovative. They have done neither.


No. There is at least a third option. Bioware could have designed the game they wished to create and done everything they could toward that end, without attempting to imitate a different game. I think that no game can be an imitation WoW and be satisfactory.


I see the problem differently than you. I think those who dislike SWTOR have a self-contradictory idea of 'play': They want 'efficient play'. Play by its nature is inefficient. Work is rightly efficient, play is rightly play.

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what does not technically an mmo mean , it is an mmo. Swtor is mostly 4 player. I admit the non-persistant gameplay made for a harder grind , but the areas still moved onto the next , unless you repeated missions over and over , hence the grind. You'll tell us phantasy star online was not an mmo next. Anyways not sure what your point is.


Hang on its 6 player mate , troll ? The reason why we liked psu and pso was because it was an mmo version of gauntlet and the world does indeed carry on from one place to the next , have you even played it ? pso was 4 player.




Disagreeing with your opinion does not make me a troll. No, I do not consider a multiplayer game that only supports up to 4 (or 6) players existing in a non-persistent gaming space to be an MMO. Neither did many reviewers.


Sorry if I'm stepping on the toes of your favorite game of all time, or something, but I call it like I see it.

Edited by Apax
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see sig please:


Swtor Hater=You wanted swtor to be the wow replacement but it doesnt live up to your standards. Now you're stuck in the unenviable postion of hating wow AND swtor so you're mmo-homeless and angry about it.


Haha! That is not only funny but it is probably true for some.

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BW spent way too much time on the conversations/voice-overs. Once you start to skip them you realize that... there really isn't that much going on.


But to be fair this is the same in all mmos. When was the last time you actually read a quest in any other mmo? I only read one if i for some reason get forced to do it because the quest isn't showing up on the map or requires some ridiculous mechanics to complete. I'm not saying that mmos were better before they started show up on the map because that isn't true. Having to read the encrypted messages ie quest log to try figure out what the hell they meant was just frustrating in most mmos.


Then again nowadays you pick up a quest skip the reading head over to the location complete, return and cash in. They don't even need any text tbh, nobody reads it anyway.

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I think many people are disappointed because the novelty of story within TOR eventually degrades.


I know that once I finished the first two planets (both Republic and Empire), I quickly became bored of the story elements. Story and dialogue are incredibly lackluster in the game. As several posters have pointed out in this thread, the story elements merely create the illusion of choice and meaning. After the player is repeatedly subjected to this illusion, seeing it for what it actually is--a shallow, poorly-written attempt at a decent RPG story--he is left to wonder if all the money put toward developing story was a good decision.


Considering the areas of the game that suffer--environmental immersion/realism, community interaction tools/design, endgame content, engine refinements--it seems that the money Bioware spent on what many consider to be a failed story experiment would have been better spent on enhancing the previous game features.



And for those who insist on using the 'player wanted a WoW clone' argument: many players wanted something different from WoW. What they received was a poorly designed WoW clone with an equally poor story-driven system tacked on.

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Disagreeing with your opinion does not make me a troll. No, I do not consider a multiplayer game that only supports up to 4 (or 6) players existing in a non-persistent gaming space to be an MMO. Neither did many reviewers.


Sorry if I'm stepping on the toes of your favorite game of all time, or something, but I call it like I see it.


It is an mmo sorry to say , but not sure were you are going with this rant so ill leave you to your own devises. There are masses of people online in many lobbies , you create a party and play in missions which move on to other lobbies. In fact its one of the main reasons why I bought swtor , i prefer guns , lasers and sorcery. shame you havent played it. No its not my favourite game of all time bubble bobble is.


Anyways on topic as this guy's lost in reading reviews of games.


I see someone said they moslty enjoyed the solo parts of swtor ? I don't see the need to solo any of the game , better in a party , as long as you play with them regularly. Also some people are bored and haven't even tried a different faction. The dark side story ends up on the same planet as the light side story but the quests and places are completely different. Granted some parts you go backwards through a part but the creatures are diferent and the job you are doing are different.


I can understand if someones reached 50 on light and dark and have maxed items etc could get bored but , when you are maxed surely theres a few things to do ? If not then yeah maybe bioware need to add some new end game method or content. I have been in the category of playing on many characters at once , started badly , but now we have 3 characters each at 20 and over , theres 3 of us in my team. I can see that its hard to work out were you will next go with your class missions in parties but I'm getting good at predicting if player a does this class part we should all end up at point b etc.


I havent rushed the game and enjoy all the speech and stories , with the grind mostly removed it does flow from one class story with side story missions and i don't ever feel like I must be levelld up now!! I don't care I'm just enjoying the game , I think they've made a very good game.


Hope everyone who has become bored can work out what they want changed in the game , when I reach 50 hope im not bored , well have to see...



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We were expecting something other than WoW, but instead we get a lesser variant of WoW.


No, you came to SWTOR and tried to play it in exactly the same way as you played WoW.


Why are you surprised that it reminds you of WoW? Why are you surprized it doesn't work as well as WoW when you play it as if it were WoW?


This is the flip side of L2P: If you aren't enjoying it you are doing something wrong. Instead of assuming the worst of us who are trying to point out that this is a different game intended to be played differently, consider: we are enjoying the game and you are not. We are playing it differently thn you. Put it together for yourself if you won't listen to us.


We gain nothing in offering you what we have learned. You won't be tarnished by listening to what we are saying.


Efficiency is for work. Play is for play.

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As much as I agree with this, sadly WoW does some things MUCH better. Specifically for me: alts.


I have a TON of options in how I can quest/where I can quest/etc. Yes, the questing part isn't on the same level as SWTOR (terrible "bring X to Y", "kill X number of Y", etc), yet it gives you FREEDOM to go where you want. SWTOR is MUCH more on rails: "go to X planet", do these quests, THEN your class quest, THEN go to your ship to get told which planet to go to next. There is NO choice in the matter.


I hate to step into this but I am going to have to say that this game has PLENTY of options.


I have two characters 40+, one is 50.


Character A) Did starter world, Did BT to 14, then Did Dromund Kaas, Did first half of Balmorra, skipped all but Corellia sector on Nar Shadaa, Did most of Tat, skipped all of Alderaan, Did Taris, Did class only on Quesh and did all of Hoth, Did half of Belsavis, Did Voss, Skipped Corellia.


Character B) Did starter world, Did BT to 16, Did half of DK, Skipped all of Balmorra, Did all of Nar Shadaa, Skipped Tat, Did Alderaan, Did All of Taris, Did all Quesh, Did half of Hoth, Skipped most of Belsavis, Doing all of Voss, doing all of Corellia.


Both characters did numerous flashpoints, did all of the Heroics on planets they wanted to do, PvP'd a good bit and neither of them felt repetitive.





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. No its not my favourite game of all time bubble bobble is.


DAMM YOU....Now I'm going to have to dust off my massively outdated primitive computers from where they are stored and play that...Now THAT game was genius, and after I thought I'd put my addiction behind me.....

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this past week, i've notice the average population on my server has decreased slightly. it's not a heavily populated server but the decrease on population is noticeable. not sure if the players left to another server; more populated, or has quit the game.




Last night all the servers were Full, Very Heavy, or Heavy with a few PvE servers as "Standard." There was also a few servers with Queues for the first time in weeks. I'm not seeing a huge population shift.

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DAMM YOU....Now I'm going to have to dust off my massively outdated primitive computers from where they are stored and play that...Now THAT game was genius, and after I thought I'd put my addiction behind me.....


LOL , have you a 360 ? In the arcade section taito have brought it out with an extra 100 levels and you can buy 2 packs of 50 levels , thats 300 levels for your addiction :) . I bought a fighting arcade stick to play it :). He he.


Ohh and radiant silvergun is there too.


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I bought this game over BF3 because, well, I like mmos and thought this would kill my spare time effectively.


I leveled, that was kinda cool, though mundane at times. Im not big into story. I felt like I was pushing to get to end game because in my experience thats when all the exciting stuff starts. though pushing is lightly used as it took a good amount of time for me to get through it. and honestly the leveling has been the best part. the end game has been....well not so great.



meh not particularly interested in seeing my assassin do medicore dmg in a raid environment. tanking? maybe down the road. i do like tanking but not particularly satisfied with assassin tanking, feels artificial, like im only a tank because of some random ability, not because im a particularly tough toon with massive armor or what have you. yea thats a lil RP, sorry.



the melee that is fleet chat is so disconcerting that i haven't even really tried running any end game flashpoints. besides, being unguilded and non-raiding, what do i need with FP gear? i hate admit my laziness but the lack of an easily accessible, ingame, loot-table is also demotivational.


so that leaves.....



yes theres a whole forum dedicated to this so i won't get too indepth. but the whole system is quite boring....i used to rage, but now im just accepting of it. my sin does mediocre dmg, is squishy and predictable. my level 24 merc does better dmg and is slightly more fun, but the action is still predictable. the gear system is aggravating and unaccomplished. there is no feeling of "yes i have enough to get that piece!" predictability is a major issue here, among others.


ilum is a joke on my server....literally pubs and imps just sit there letting each other kill walkers with no conflict. not that i want that really considering the respawn system there. gear (or should i say rng) farming.


where is the excitement in this game? i know there are flashes of it, but generally it seems there isnt much.


is anyone else as entirely as bored as i am?

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Idk... I was really looking forward to this game and all, but the end game seems really under-tuned...


I didn't rush to 50 (I have been 50 a week and the game has been out over a month now)...


But I have like nothing to do... My guild is already 4/5 hard mode after one single night of raiding for 3 hours... And the only reason we didn't kill the Infernal One in hard mode was because our fight kept glitching and the traps would persist between pulls and we would like automatically get sucked into them as we began and there were invisible electric balls just randomly one shotting people because we couldn't see them to avoid them...


I am already almost fully decked in Champion PvP gear... I did the Ilum weekly twice (once right when I reached 50 at the end of last week and at the beginning of this week)... Just doing that plus both dailies every day for the whole 6 days I have been 50 has given me almost full Champion from the random tokens... Which has thus far even been better than the hard mode gear drops and made hard mode flashpoints not worth doing at all... Not that I can find anyone that wants to do them anyways because no one in my guild wants to do them and my once full server with 30 minute wait times is dead (80 people on the Republic fleet at peak hours... ***)...


I really enjoy PvP and all that, but I am gaining literally nothing from it at this point other than slowly going up valor levels...

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Because people had very high expectations. Never have high expectations of a newly launched MMO ;)


The people who bought the game to play through the storylines and/or have less time to play and/or take their time levelling are still meandering their way through the levelling. They are mostly enjoying themselves because so far they have been given the game they wanted.


The people who bought the game for the MMO experience and/or who are competitive, efficient levellers and/or are not interested in the story are disappointed because the game did not meet their expectations and they do not have the game they wanted.


I fall into the latter catagory. The only difference is I love to roleplay (i play a male 49 sith jugg and a female 26 healing operative).


I like story a lot, infact World of Warcraft lore and history are well cemented in my brain. This game is too often boring and bland story wise and there are too many cutscenes. When you stuff the game completely with cutscenes it gets old. Chocolate will also get really old if you sit and eat a piece every 10 minutes.

Edited by Aisar
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