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Waiting NINE minutes to respawn is RIDCULOUS


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I agree, but surely the biodrones will defend this amazing innovation of MMO and video games alike, surely who would think having to wait 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute 30 seconds then 9 minutes would be a bad thing?? Game innovation at its best.


This jump does seem a bit unreasonable. It's like BW is forcing you to return to the medcenter when they have cleary said in interviews that having to redo all the content in order to get back to the place where you died is not fun. Just cap it off at 4 minutes or so.

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I agree OP, many people do. The trolls will try to derail with the die less comments, but nothing you can do about forum trolls. The 10 minute time out (anything over a minute) is just overkill considering the ridiculous repair cposts in the game.


It's a slap in the face, and is one of the bigger reasons I likely won't subscribe. Why would I give a company money to watch a timer before I can play? Thanks for the repair costs, the lost time, and the "time out". Seems Bioware feels a nice "finger twist in the bullet wound" after you die is necessary.


No waiting, go back to the Med Center, problem solved.

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I think the perfect soloution is: If you throw yourself on the spear 10 times straight, you should automaticly get pick of the litter from the zone's loot table, because to content is too hard for you, and wastes all that valuable time trying to skip through to the end.
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LOL yeah this thread is priceless.


This game has like the most forgiving death penalties ever. Go play UO when you die you have to corpse run and be lucky if nobody loots all your stuff. Play Meridian 59 again you will probably lose all of your equipment + 1 hp + spell and skill %


Or you can go play Everquest. Die and you have to spend 10 minutes + running back to corpse, or summoning your corpse just so you can use the Resurrect spell and save the HUGE chunk of EXP you just lost.

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As a person who has never died more than twice on anything after getting to 50 and beating my class quest, I do think that that res times of 10+ minutes are getting a bit ridiculous. People play a game so that they can play, not so that they can sit there watching a timer run. Death would suck if there was zero penalty whatsoever, because you still can't get past the content if you can't kill it. And then there is gear repair added onto that, and that's fine. And there's small timer as well, and that's not too bad. Having to wait 5-10% of some people's playtime away because of a string of bad luck is not okay and I don't blame people for complaining about it. I sure as hell don't want to get stuck on a hard story boss at an exciting moment and then have to wait my life away to play the game. It just ruins things for the sake of people who want others to not have fun.
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Wow, people are actually complaining about the amazingly easy-mode medical probe?


OK...remove it entirely, then. Let's have the regular 'die, go to rez point' like every other game has.


Beat me to it. +1


also, for those who dont want to pay to wait, lose exp when you die. then you can enjoy the leveling process which you ARE paying for all over again.


or maybe youll make an effort to avoid death...

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This thread makes me wonder. Are res times different for different classes? Does the time span between deaths make a difference? I'm always the type that likes stretching my limits so I often tackle fights somewhat beyond my capabilities. So I've stubbornly tried to win fights beyond my station on a jedi knight and a sith assassin. In every case 3 deaths=10 min. res timer. Peeps seem to be saying that's not the case for them. So are they just full of it, or is there really a difference?
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There are no more corpse runs in EQ. You respawn with all your gear. Just xp losses. You can also summon your corpse to the guild lobby now. EQ is on easy mode :(


Indeed. Unless you bind right at the guild lobby it will still take more time summoning your corpse. You didn't mention the fact that you have to run all the way back to wherever you died to continue playing.


It consumes much more time than this game

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I gotta agree with others, if someone is dying so much that they end up with a 10 minute wait for a med droid, then perhaps that person should be considering the possibility that they aren't ready for that encounter.



Save yourself some credits and time, go and level up doing something else in the game (e.g. other missions that are outstanding) and then come back to that encounter later on.

Edited by Tarka
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This thread makes me wonder. Are res times different for different classes? Does the time span between deaths make a difference? I'm always the type that likes stretching my limits so I often tackle fights somewhat beyond my capabilities. So I've stubbornly tried to win fights beyond my station on a jedi knight and a sith assassin. In every case 3 deaths=10 min. res timer. Peeps seem to be saying that's not the case for them. So are they just full of it, or is there really a difference?


the res timer is the same for all classes.


I am relatively certain that the time span between deaths DOES matter, but I'm not sure of the math involved. I do know that I've never seen a 9 minute respawn timer, and I've had a couple heroic 2+ that I died a quite few times soloing w/ my companion.

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I think it's great you are all really great at the game and never die, never see a long timer, and faceroll everything. You win.


Why then, do you care if there is a death penalty at all? After all, you blah blah game from 15 years ago pros will never see it applied to you right?


No, it's just a bunch of people on the internet bragging about how good they are.:rolleyes:

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uhm, it's like 3 deaths = 10 minute cooldown on the probe


Yeah, on the probe, maybe. It's not the only option.


This game has, hands down, the most inconsequential death penalties I've ever seen in an MMO. I find it hard to believe someone could find something to complain about.

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This plus (if this was truly old-school MMO) having to do the corpse run naked and retrieve your gear.... Talk about incentive to stay alive


hey you could always have hired a rogue to drag your body for you or a necro with a coffin to summon it.

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Back in my day we used to lose 10% of all xp we gained in that level AND had to walk back from our home-point (which could be very far away if we forgot to update it) or we could take a res, lose slightly less xp and take a 10-minute (I think it was 10 minutes?) resurrection sickness.


de-levelling was possible


qq moar

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