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I Haven't Played SWTOR in a Week - and here is WHY.


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PS: Again I think server population might be the problem in my case. If you have 20 people on a planet, the odds of finding 3 other people who want to do the exact same heroics as you are pretty small. You even need the tank/healer combination to continue, so that just makes it worse. So maybe it's not really people being antisocial here. There just aren't enough people around.


I rerolled on a new server on launch day, after having played on an early access server. It is by not means one of the highest populations servers (east coast RP PvE), yet as I progress my characters through the planets, I see a healthy and productive community in /general on each planet forming short term groups for heroics. I don't see people in /g whining or unable to get groups at all. Usually within 5-10 minutes they have what they need and are off and running. So I'm not sure there is really a population problem, even though people are pretty spread out across the planets now at various stages of leveling.


I get that people sometimes feel the worlds are empty, but they really are not. It's just that the worlds Bioware made (which are their "zones") are so huge that you do not get that tight closed in compact feel that most other MMOs have offered (even WoW in many cases). Pesonally, I think that is they way the Star Wars universe was intended to be, massive, spread out and lightly populated except at major gathering points. I don't see the problem when you have /general to connect. Sure, more social channels and abilities for groups would be convenient (and yeah, people ARE lazy in this age of Facebook on the social aspect), but I'm sure this will come with time.

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You can't blame SWtor for the community of MMOs as a whole. Most people in MMOs nowadays (i prefer to think wow was cause, regionwide LFD ftl) don't feel the need to socialise with anyone. However another factor in the MMO comunity that can also cause people to prefer to work on their own is people like you OP. whiners, moaners, QQers, i'd rather quest solo than quest with people who complain and act like 10 year olds.


Hahaha. THIS.


I solo most of the time. I've teamed up with others in some quests and I've even dropped what I was doing to help another player if they said in chat "I need help with this tough boss". But until recently I didn't generally group up to run heroic missions. But someone was looking for a dps for heroics one night so I decided what the hell.


Misery. Team leader was a bit of a jerk, two players quit in the middle of the mission. I told the guy that since we're obviously not getting along well I was gonna bail, and that I hoped he found some players that would do a better job and that I hoped he had an enjoyable evening. No snark, I sincerely meant it. But I was having a better time fun wise without the group.


...and another player from that group sent me a whisper later saying they appreciated the fact that I didn't start arguing with the guy and was straight up polite and would I like to join their guild. I normally solo, but I did join. Because you catch more flies with sugar than ya do vinegar....and better guildies by acting like an adult.

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Not sure where you coming from with the 'can't find a group for Heroics' bit, although I suppose it could be down to your server pop. Personally, I continually see people asking for groups for Heroics, on every planet I go on, its one of the most common things said in General Chat.


I think I can honestly say, the longest I have had to wait to find a group for a Heroic is probably somewhere around 1 - 1.5 minutes.

Edited by Loxion
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Not the slightest itch has occurred that made me want to start SWTOR up.


I can't find groups to run content with, such as Flashpoints.


I can't complete heroics, no one to run them with.


There's a large disconnect with a significant percentage of players that seem to think this is a single player game and the only interaction should be based on an 'as needed" basis which then would terminate as soon as that function is filled without so much as a 'thanks for the run', only to find them asking for help yet again in 15 mins. Disconnect.


I would like to run flashpoints to accumulate gear/social points/whatever but it's impossible past the very beginning flashpoints because I can not find people to run with.


Even with a guild with a couple of dozen members, this game feels barren and desolate.


This is a MMO. Give us some MMO Tools to engage the single player crowd to make it easier for them to run group content or participate.


Individual server forums would be a start


( http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=3500 )

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Some ways to make friends


1. Offer to help others before asking them to help you.

2. If you see a player in trouble help kill off the greyed out mobs or toss them a heal and or buff. After the fight tell them you thought they might have needed some help and you did not think you had time to ask before you jumped in and killed some mobs. Then ask them if they need some help on a mission or to group up.

3. Hand out low level gear/stims to players on the starter worlds and offer them some advice such as links to helpful sites on the game. Offer to start a new character to help them learn the ropes and to show them around. (Vendors, speeder routes, datacrones)

4. Continue to talk with and help out the people you have met. Maintain the contacts you build from being a nice person.

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Some ways to make friends


1. Offer to help others before asking them to help you.

2. If you see a player in trouble help kill off the greyed out mobs or toss them a heal and or buff. After the fight tell them you thought they might have needed some help and you did not think you had time to ask before you jumped in and killed some mobs. Then ask them if they need some help on a mission or to group up.

3. Hand out low level gear/stims to players on the starter worlds and offer them some advice such as links to helpful sites on the game. Offer to start a new character to help them learn the ropes and to show them around. (Vendors, speeder routes, datacrones)

4. Continue to talk with and help out the people you have met. Maintain the contacts you build from being a nice person.


The real problem is that most of the people who complain about not being able to find groups or complete content, simply can't be bothered to actually try and make friends. See the guy a handful of pages back (couldn't be bothered to quote, sorry) who popped in to agree with the OP, but then goes on to say he doesn't want to join a guild because he shouldn't be forced to play according to other people's schedules.


Now, I'm not knocking anyone who chooses to play this game - or any MMO really - solo, but do realize that by making this choice you are limiting yourself to the content you're going to be able to experience. Why pay 15 bucks a month to play a game you KNOW requires other people to complete a large portion of the content with? That's like buying a deck of cards and getting angry because you can't play Texas Hold 'Em by yourself. If you want to try and defeat that by saying that this game is still largely playable by yourself (leveling, class content, etc) then let me remind you that with a deck of cards you can also play Solitaire; doesn't mean you're going to have as much fun or even remotely the same experience playing Solitaire by yourself as you would playing Texas Hold 'Em with a group of 3-5 people.

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When I play i just don't bother with other people in the game at this point. Game feels more like a SP and i'm happy about it. Tho If this is how the game is I wont be sticking around full time. Will but just a game I sub for here and there cause it is fun to play.


This game is to single player minded but for the most part it's cause i'm sure many people are like me. Playing in their own story line and don't want to really get involved with other players. Even if they want to PvP, raid or w/e just seems like a waste to group at this point.

Edited by Ishikawa
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Not the slightest itch has occurred that made me want to start SWTOR up.


I can't find groups to run content with, such as Flashpoints.


I can't complete heroics, no one to run them with.


Of course you can't. You'd have to log in to do those things.

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Pro Tip: Being forced to play on another persons schedule is not fun.


I have logged off in complete frustration more then once because its just such a pain to get a group


Pro-Pro Tip: If you don't want to play with others, you probably want to play single player games. Get it, SINGLE player games?!?

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When I play i just don't bother with other people in the game at this point. Game feels more like a SP and i'm happy about it. Tho If this is how the game is I wont be sticking around full time. Will but just a game I sub for here and there cause it is fun to play.


This game is to single player minded but for the most part it's cause i'm sure many people are like me. Playing in their own story line and don't want to really get involved with other players. Even if they want to PvP, raid or w/e just seems like a waste to group at this point.


I can agree with you to an extent; I used to be really weird about doing my class stuff alone and so on. However, since I started running with a group of 3 (me and 2 other guildies) regularly, I have to say I rather enjoy being able to share content between us, as we are all different classes and experience different parts of the main story.


Also, I wouldn't really call it a "waste" to try and run flashpoints or raids; PvP is debatable, but then again I just don't really care for it much in general myself. Still, some of the best content in this game is tucked away inside Flashpoints and the end-game Operations; to pay your 15 bucks and miss out on these is what I would consider a waste. It'd be akin to paying 50 or 60 bucks for Mass Effect 3 and then purposely only playing half the game, before putting it away forever.

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@ the people that say that a guild fixes everything; what are you smoking? I want some of that. lol


Everyone knows that in guilds people are generally different levels, so running Heroics and Flashpoints is not an option before endgame. You must be thinking of Guild Wars 2 where players can be downranked and do earlier level content, so your level does not matter. Yeah, this is not GW2. Stop saying that things work a certain way, when they dont.


Why is your guild so broken that folks won't help others? You can't help lower level folks quest or gear up?


It seems when people say they want groups to play with, what they mean is they want groups to finish their quests or carry them to better gear.

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Why is your guild so broken that folks won't help others? You can't help lower level folks quest or gear up?


It seems when people say they want groups to play with, what they mean is they want groups to finish their quests or carry them to better gear.


I haven't heard of any guilds doing runs to gear people or "keying" people for maelstrom.

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