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I Haven't Played SWTOR in a Week - and here is WHY.


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You don't HAVE to do anything, but you need to understand that MMOs (and entertainment in general for that matter) has a Primetime. Stop being so self centered. This is an MMO, and in MMOs we work with and enjoy the company of other people. If you don't like this, then fine (who am I to judge?), but please stop acting like it's BioWare's fault that your third shift job, and anti-social tendencies prevent you from finding groups at 5 in the morning.




But if you're online at 9pm (hardly a bad time) and nobody wants to do any heroics or flashpoints, and nobody says anything to anyone, how are you going to talk to people?


But you know what, it's good advice someone else posted earlier. Whining here isn't going to solve anything. I'm going to play the game. If it doesn't work out, on to other activities.


PS: Again I think server population might be the problem in my case. If you have 20 people on a planet, the odds of finding 3 other people who want to do the exact same heroics as you are pretty small. You even need the tank/healer combination to continue, so that just makes it worse. So maybe it's not really people being antisocial here. There just aren't enough people around.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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Not the slightest itch has occurred that made me want to start SWTOR up.


I can't find groups to run content with, such as Flashpoints.


I can't complete heroics, no one to run them with.


There's a large disconnect with a significant percentage of players that seem to think this is a single player game and the only interaction should be based on an 'as needed" basis which then would terminate as soon as that function is filled without so much as a 'thanks for the run', only to find them asking for help yet again in 15 mins. Disconnect.


I would like to run flashpoints to accumulate gear/social points/whatever but it's impossible past the very beginning flashpoints because I can not find people to run with.


Even with a guild with a couple of dozen members, this game feels barren and desolate.


This is a MMO. Give us some MMO Tools to engage the single player crowd to make it easier for them to run group content or participate.


If you are having issues finding a group, then it is likely to be a "you" problem. Even when my guild mates are not on, it takes me very little time to find groups. Do I need to put in a little effort to get one going? Sure I do, just like anything else in life that is worth doing.


You can post all the hyperbole on the matter that you want. The fact is, you just do not feel you should have to put in the work to get in a group. You want the game mechanics to force others to group with somebody like yourself.


I don't know you, but i know the type of players that would rather have others forced to group with them. They are the type that will probably afk through most of the run and then /need on everything whether they need it or not. If they pull agro and get killed, they blame the tank or healer and then /ragequit the group.


I hope they never add a dungeon finder.

Edited by Baizak
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This is a MMO. Give us some MMO Tools to engage the single player crowd to make it easier for them to run group content or participate.


He is right , im on a Rp server and even here its hard to find people. Trying to find groups for red reaper and up are almost impossible to find. Luckely im in a awesome guild ( from galaxys ) and i therefor have no need for pug's. But i can imagine that without my friends the game would not be so fun.

If given more tools for interaction as Reztastics says people will have more fun exploring the other stuff besides the storylines. Its not fun having to clear a lower lev FP because at the time you was the right level there where no people to play it with.


So here's my 2 cents


: Implant a decent LFG tool

: Do it across servers

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If you are having issues finding a group, then it is likely to be a "you" problem. Even when my guild mates are not on, it takes me very little time to find groups. Do I need to put in a little effort to get one going? Sure I do, just like anything else in life that is worth doing.


You can post all the hyperbole on the matter that you want. The fact is, you just do not feel you should have to put in the work to get in a group. You want the game mechanics to force others to group with somebody like yourself.


I don't know you, but i know the type of players that would rather have others forced to group with them. They are the type that will probably afk through most of the run and then /need on everything whether they need it or not. If they pull agro and get killed, they blame the tank or healer and then /ragequit the group.


I hope they never add a dungeon finder.


Well, that's nice dear.


I state in the thread the length's I've gone to find groups. It's all very nice that you've been able to find people to group with, but as this is the complete opposite of what I have experienced, I will have to disagree with your assertions.

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I wasted hours of my life waiting for people. Traveling around to different planets, trying different hours, and advertising on the side of my ship.


None of it worked and in the end, all I gained was /played time.


sounds like MMO's aren't for you then.


Even with Dungeon finder in WoW you still spend ages waiting to be grouped, and in the end you get grouped with spastics that end up disconnecting anyway.

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If you are having issues finding a group, then it is likely to be a "you" problem. Even when my guild mates are not on, it takes me very little time to find groups. Do I need to put in a little effort to get one going? Sure I do, just like anything else in life that is worth doing.


Oh what's wrong with having a little sympathy. I'm sure a lot of nice people are having a difficult time finding a group. Rubbing it in their face and calling it a "you" problem when you don't know is not going to help anyone.


Improved tools for a finding a group would help. I'm sure they wouldn't hurt at least (as long as they are not as drastic as WoW's dungeon finder).


sounds like MMO's aren't for you then.


Even with Dungeon finder in WoW you still spend ages waiting to be grouped, and in the end you get grouped with spastics that end up disconnecting anyway.


20 minutes perhaps as DPS (as opposed to SWTOR where you can spend all night looking and find nothing). I had a dual spec (!) and could find a group as a healer in a minute or less.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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Oh what's wrong with having a little sympathy. I'm sure a lot of nice people are having a difficult time finding a group. Rubbing it in their face and calling it a "you" problem when you don't know is not going to help anyone.


Improved tools for a finding a group would help. I'm sure they wouldn't hurt at least (as long as they are not as drastic as WoW's dungeon finder).




20 minutes perhaps as DPS (as opposed to SWTOR where you can spend all night looking and find nothing). I had a dual spec (!) and could find a group as a healer in a minute or less.


My sympathy went out the window after reading a few of the OPs responses.

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My sympathy went out the window after reading a few of the OPs responses.


I respond to questionable posts with another questionable post. I can be reasonable, too. Tea and crumpets?


These be dark waters.

Edited by Reztastic
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But if you're online at 9pm (hardly a bad time) and nobody wants to do any heroics or flashpoints, and nobody says anything to anyone, how are you going to talk to people?


But you know what, it's good advice someone else posted earlier. Whining here isn't going to solve anything. I'm going to play the game. If it doesn't work out, on to other activities.


PS: Again I think server population might be the problem in my case. If you have 20 people on a planet, the odds of finding 3 other people who want to do the exact same heroics as you are pretty small. You even need the tank/healer combination to continue, so that just makes it worse. So maybe it's not really people being antisocial here. There just aren't enough people around.


True. I'll also point out that within my guild we are having many of the same issues, and some of us have been together since DAoC. More than half of us are still leveling, some are still enjoying the "fresh 50 feeling," and some are just happy to reroll and enjoy another story for the time being. "The game won't be new forever. Might as well enjoy it now." is the feeling I get from some of our members.


My previous comment perhaps was a bit too broad. It was really in response to the individual I quoted, and others like him, who have issues joining guilds or groups because they don't want to change their schedule. To this I say fine, but if your schedule deviates to drastically from the normal playtime of others that rolled on that east coast server, then finding groups is going to be difficult.

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There's a large disconnect with a significant percentage of players that seem to think this is a single player game and the only interaction should be based on an 'as needed" basis which then would terminate as soon as that function is filled without so much as a 'thanks for the run', only to find them asking for help yet again in 15 mins. Disconnect.


A) This is the nature of MMOs since WoW raised a generation of solo players in the MMO genre. It has very little to do with this game, other then they made the game such that you could progress solo fairly effectively (as did WoW).


B) This is the nature of playing without friends or guild mates. Same is true for real life. Form friendships and associations with others.


C) Given the high degree of douchebaggery in MMOs today, many people simply don't want the hassle of PUGing since the d-b crowd grief other peoples experiences by their actions.


D) This isn't Facebook.

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A) This is the nature of MMOs since WoW raised a generation of solo players in the MMO genre. It has very little to do with this game, other then they made the game such that you could progress solo fairly effectively (as did WoW).


B) This is the nature of playing without friends or guild mates. Same is true for real life. Form friendships and associations with others.


C) Given the high degree of douchebaggery in MMOs today, many people simply don't want the hassle of PUGing since the d-b crowd grief other peoples experiences by their actions.


D) This isn't Facebook.


What is this face book?

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The sick part of all this.... is that if people spend ten minutes getting to know one another (provided they arent to busy ninja'ing nodes, quest glowies, security chests, or acting lke a general PITA.) they might find... a group of people that play around the same times as them. These people, then might form together.... to create one gigantic super robot called Voltro....wait... scratch that... I meant guild. And this guild, might actually provide them with a steady supply of "friends" they could have fun with, sharing the game.


Of course.

They could also run to the forums and complain.


That works too, I guess.


OK, the Voltron joke made me laugh out loud, I have to admit.

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