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I Haven't Played SWTOR in a Week - and here is WHY.


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Not the slightest itch has occurred that made me want to start SWTOR up.


I can't find groups to run content with, such as Flashpoints.


I can't complete heroics, no one to run them with.


There's a large disconnect with a significant percentage of players that seem to think this is a single player game and the only interaction should be based on an 'as needed" basis which then would terminate as soon as that function is filled without so much as a 'thanks for the run', only to find them asking for help yet again in 15 mins. Disconnect.


I would like to run flashpoints to accumulate gear/social points/whatever but it's impossible past the very beginning flashpoints because I can not find people to run with.


Even with a guild with a couple of dozen members, this game feels barren and desolate.


This is a MMO. Give us some MMO Tools to engage the single player crowd to make it easier for them to run group content or participate.


this is true there are 50's on my server (myself included) that are not in a guild i geared up my companion and just do solo stuff and usually only group when absolutely necessary and often leave abruptly as soon as its done just like you said.

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Don't play it then, you are in the tiny minority not happy with the game.


I don't know about the OP. But I like the game and I want to play it more. It just seems massively singleplayer to me. I may try out another server and see if it's better there.


I know it's not just me. I often see others spamming for people to join their group for ages. There is a problem.


But I guess maybe the population on my server is a bit low. I see people talking about hundreds in Imperial Fleet. On my server it's something like 30-70. 70 is in absolute peak hours. On higher-level planets, you have maybe 20 people.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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1) Play a healer or a tank

2) Fill your friends list with tanks (if you're a healer) or healers (if you're a tank)

3) Work hard to be competent

I'm a healer and fulfill the other numbers as well.


Sounds like all your problems are solved by getting a guild.

Original post states that I am in a guild.


Don't play it then, you are in the tiny minority not happy with the game.

Ah, I see. I express some measure of dislike and you group me with the "minority".

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well they don't sound very fun :(


The sick part of all this.... is that if people spend ten minutes getting to know one another (provided they arent to busy ninja'ing nodes, quest glowies, security chests, or acting lke a general PITA.) they might find... a group of people that play around the same times as them. These people, then might form together.... to create one gigantic super robot called Voltro....wait... scratch that... I meant guild. And this guild, might actually provide them with a steady supply of "friends" they could have fun with, sharing the game.


Of course.

They could also run to the forums and complain.


That works too, I guess.

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These are some things I follow to make and keep friends online, works in the real world as well. Follow these guides while interacting with people online and you will slowly build up a network of true friends. Be patient as it can take time to build up a network of friends to group with.


1) Listen to people


2) Then ask about what they just said


3) Make sure to remember their name


4) Be excited to see people


5) Treat everyone the same


6) Be that guy who starts conversations


7) Always greet people


8) Take culture into account


9) Lose arguments even if you are right


10) Ask what they like to do and get to know the person behind the character.


11) Don’t appease or confront a friend who is in a moment of anger. Angry people might not be thinking rationally. Wait until you all cool off before you say or type anything.


12) Defend your friend’s honor. Dont let others bad mouth or trash talk your friends.


13) Don’t be efficient with people. Take your time while interacting with people.


14) Treat your promises seriously always follow through with what you say.


15) Be yourself unless you are an ******e or Richard head.


16) Remember birthdays


17) Be ready to help your friends.

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Well.. I reached 50 with a couple of weeks, my guild was a bit slower, but their catching up now. Yeah, it was a ***** to get flashpoints as a fresh 50, so I geared up, eventually your good enough and start getting groups, you make friends, and they start to invite you. Don't expect that just because you reached 50 your done with levelling, spent just as much time gearing up as hitting the cap truthfully.
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Half my Guild from WoW left and came to SWTOR. Having a blast with this. Sorry about your experience not being as fun. It might be the server. I was relatively new to gaming years ago and in one game, I randomly chose a server. I ended picking one that was a different time zone and the prime time was different than my schedule. You might try to find a different server. I started here on one server and migrated three times and setteled where I am. I was in on early access and each wave filled my server so I picked a new one with no que until I landed where I am. Edited by Warjhinn
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You interpreted it as such in your own head and spinned it to suit your overall narrative.


i translated your post into what it most logically meant. if you don't like my interpretation, be more clear in the future. if you can't be bothered to be more clear, don't feign surprise when people call you on your bizarre (and lazy) statements

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I'm a healer and fulfill the other numbers as well.



Original post states that I am in a guild.



Ah, I see. I express some measure of dislike and you group me with the "minority".


Get a new, better guild then. If your guildmates wont run things with you, then its time for a change.

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These are some things I follow to make and keep friends online, works in the real world as well. Follow these guides while interacting with people online and you will slowly build up a network of true friends. Be patient as it can take time to build up a network of friends to group with.


1) Listen to people


2) Then ask about what they just said


3) Make sure to remember their name


4) Be excited to see people


5) Treat everyone the same


6) Be that guy who starts conversations


7) Always greet people


8) Take culture into account


9) Lose arguments even if you are right


10) Ask what they like to do and get to know the person behind the character.


11) Don’t appease or confront a friend who is in a moment of anger. Angry people might not be thinking rationally. Wait until you all cool off before you say or type anything.


12) Defend your friend’s honor. Dont let others bad mouth or trash talk your friends.


13) Don’t be efficient with people. Take your time while interacting with people.


14) Treat your promises seriously always follow through with what you say.


15) Be yourself unless you are an ******e or Richard head.


16) Remember birthdays


17) Be ready to help your friends.


I literally do NONE of those things in game or IRL.... but I still have tons of friends :)

Edited by Liquidacid
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Only missed one heroic and I'am dps and my guild are all at diff levels.

I find if I can't find a grp then I start one, though the times I've been at the fleet it does seem a little on the empty side.

I wish ppl hadn't QQ'ed sooooo much at the start about having more servers to play in because this is what you get

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You can't blame SWtor for the community of MMOs as a whole. Most people in MMOs nowadays (i prefer to think wow was cause, regionwide LFD ftl) don't feel the need to socialise with anyone. However another factor in the MMO comunity that can also cause people to prefer to work on their own is people like you OP. whiners, moaners, QQers, i'd rather quest solo than quest with people who complain and act like 10 year olds.
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i translated your post into what it most logically meant. if you don't like my interpretation, be more clear in the future. if you can't be bothered to be more clear, don't feign surprise when people call you on your bizarre (and lazy) statements


Did you bother to use google translate?

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no... apparently you need help with reading comprehension AND lessons on social interactions... I said to make friends in game the same way you do in real life... not to make friends in real life the way people look for groups in game


This is a game why are you bringing real life into this? In order to get a group most of the time you have to advertise that you are looking for a group...

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You can't blame SWtor for the community of MMOs as a whole. Most people in MMOs nowadays (i prefer to think wow was cause, regionwide LFD ftl) don't feel the need to socialise with anyone. However another factor in the MMO comunity that can also cause people to prefer to work on their own is people like you OP. whiners, moaners, QQers, i'd rather quest solo than quest with people who complain and act like 10 year olds.


How is it acting like a ten year old to point out an obvious flaw? To then, list my complaints arising from the flaw?


I'm actually this many.

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Well I have never tried it but maybe its worth a shot.


...but for reals, why do I need to play this game around others peoples schedules? I work all day long in real life, why do I need to work here as well? Because as it is now getting a group in this game is work.




You don't HAVE to do anything, but you need to understand that MMOs (and entertainment in general for that matter) has a Primetime. Stop being so self centered. This is an MMO, and in MMOs we work with and enjoy the company of other people. If you don't like this, then fine (who am I to judge?), but please stop acting like it's BioWare's fault that your third shift job, and anti-social tendencies prevent you from finding groups at 5 in the morning.

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You don't HAVE to do anything, but you need to understand that MMOs (and entertainment in general for that matter) has a Primetime. Stop being so self centered. This is an MMO, and in MMOs we work with and enjoy the company of other people. If you don't like this, then fine (who am I to judge?), but please stop acting like it's BioWare's fault that your third shift job, and anti-social tendencies prevent you from finding groups at 5 in the morning.


That sentence belongs in the mouth of bill mahr, with some tweaks for hbo.

Edited by Reztastic
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However another factor in the MMO comunity that can also cause people to prefer to work on their own is people like you OP. whiners, moaners, QQers, i'd rather quest solo than quest with people who complain and act like 10 year olds.
Add arrogant, braggarts, elitists to your list and I'll give you a +1. :p For those reasons I prefer to solo.
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