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When brackets arrive, should those <50 get a large bonus?


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What I said was that against expertise, you will lose, because that is the mechanics of the game.


Some people were claiming that they could beat level 50s and I said, only when they faceroll their keyboard, because you can't beat mathematics.


I did not say that sub 50 you can never win a Warzone.


Actually you can. It's the reason why Philipe Massa can be beaten by Rubens Barrichello despite having a car that's slower, and has less upgrades.


You are overlooking that most 50s with gear and expertise, don't know their class very well, and can easily be beaten by a lower level character with no expertise. Easily.


If you come up against someone who does know their class, and has expertise, then yeah, duh, they will be better than you, and so they rightly should be.


But this is few and far between really, not to mention you also have 50s on your own team with expertise. You need to be working together. Everybody should be on the same playing field and if someone happens to have better gear than you, then quite obviously are they going to have an advantage that you can still beat if you're good.

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I face lvl 50's all the time.


Why would I do it alone in team objective based pvp?


Your maths seems to apply solely to duels. And that's fine. But in that case stop applying it to other things.





Also, 1 final point, the level 50 characters which I face are controlled by a person. That person has their own level of knowledge & skill, they have their own reaction speed and they prioritise targets in their own order.


Perhaps if the characters played them selves (i.e. I was doing pve) you could use pure math to decide the outcome. But not in pvp.


No it doesn't.


What I have said is that in a situation where you are facing a team of people that have more 50s in expertise...>OF EQUAL SKILL


You lose. You can't accept that, for the reasons I gave earlier in the thread.


You keep pretending this isn't the case, because you are sooooooo leet you can't be beat, because your skill is so great.



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Actually you can. It's the reason why Philipe Massa can be beaten by Rubens Barrichello despite having a car that's slower, and has less upgrades.


You are overlooking that most 50s with gear and expertise, don't know their class very well, and can easily be beaten by a lower level character with no expertise. Easily.


If you come up against someone who does know their class, and has expertise, then yeah, duh, they will be better than you, and so they rightly should be.


But this is few and far between really, not to mention you also have 50s on your own team with expertise. You need to be working together. Everybody should be on the same playing field and if someone happens to have better gear than you, then quite obviously are they going to have an advantage that you can still beat if you're good.




Of equal skill.


Let me put it in a way you may understand.


Could you beat yourself if you added 400 expertise to one character? You have exactly the same knowledge and skill, but one of the players has 400 expertise.


The answer is no.


You people keep relying on the idea that you can beat some fool face rolling his keyboard, as if this was an answer.


As I said earlier, it is because you need to cling to the idea that you are better, when in reality, you aren't, you just want to feel as if you are.

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No it doesn't.


What I have said is that in a situation where you are facing a team of people that have more 50s in expertise...>OF EQUAL SKILL


You lose. You can't accept that, for the reasons I gave earlier in the thread.


You keep pretending this isn't the case, because you are sooooooo leet you can't be beat, because your skill is so great.




Screw it, you're right, you're the best, I was lying to try to impress you. Please tell me what server you are on so I can stalk you because of how cool you are.



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Screw it, you're right, you're the best, I was lying to try to impress you. Please tell me what server you are on so I can stalk you because of how cool you are.




Yeah of course, now turn it around as if I said I was the best.


Despite writing out specifically my acceptance of my normalcy earlier in the thread.


Good try, I give you a 4 out of 10 for effort.

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And the suggestion is merely to balance out this period of farming by allowing those sub 50 to earn more from their Warzones so that by the time they reach the 50 bracket they have at least some equipment to be competitive.




I'm only going to be responding to this portion of the post. Because I feel there is nothing to be gained in discussing the rest ad nauseam.


With the current iteration of the Commendation system, this will do you no good. There is a cap at 1000 commendations. Expertise cannot be obtained at all before lvl 49 (if I am correct?) and only reliably at lvl 50.


Now, of course, you might be able to buy Champion Gear Bags (I haven't tried doing it below lvl 50, so I cannot say if it's even doable) and store them in your Cargo Hold until you reach that level. But that isn't really a solution in my book.


If you actually do save up commendations so you have 1k of both Warzone and Mercenary, then at lvl 50 you can buy 5 bags, together with doing the dailys and weeklies, for another 4. That makes for 9 bags the day you hit lvl 50. That should net you 2-3 pieces on average. You're already on track to becoming a god among men!


What you're suggesting is that people should get more Valor for a less competitive environment. I don't really think that is a good idea. People will then purposefully stay at lower levels to "farm" Valor there, creating the same problem as we have now. Geared pre-mades. The only difference is they don't have Expertise.

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Yeah of course, now turn it around as if I said I was the best.


Despite writing out specifically my acceptance of my normalcy earlier in the thread.


Good try, I give you a 4 out of 10 for effort.


It's not as if random factors can ever have any effect right? I mean, crit's aren't decided by a RNG applied against a modifier, oh... wait...


Maybe you should add the same luck to the same skill?


Otherwise it's mathmatically possible for a lower level to crit more due to dumb luck than a high level with the same crit chance.


The same applies to defence.


And shield.


And accuracy.



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What about all the others on the same team as the lvl 50?


They get the rewards for winning, depending on how many medals they earned.


Given that both pub & imp are likely to have a few 50's by now, I'd say that that low levels on both sides have been carried to easy victories.


I have yet to see a match of 8 x 50 expertise geared vs. 8 x lvl <50.


Ive been in a team where I was lvl 50 with 9% expertise where the next highest in my team where 39 .. we whent up against 7 lvl 50's and 1 lvl 11 ..


I could not sitt for a month ..


many times when I solo que Im the only or one of the few 50s on my team and the enemy team got a premade of 4, 50s . . 1 more reson never to pvp with out a full group as lvl 50..


and yes Ive once been in a huttball where the enemy team had 0 50s and we had 5 .. that was a sad fight -.-

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Of equal skill.


Let me put it in a way you may understand.


Could you beat yourself if you added 400 expertise to one character? You have exactly the same knowledge and skill, but one of the players has 400 expertise.


The answer is no.


You people keep relying on the idea that you can beat some fool face rolling his keyboard, as if this was an answer.


As I said earlier, it is because you need to cling to the idea that you are better, when in reality, you aren't, you just want to feel as if you are.


and as my reply SPECIFICALLY STATED:


DUH! That's how it SHOULD be.


Me beign better has nothing to do with it, nor do I feel a need to pretend to be, I merely answered your ridiculous posts of I will lose every time to a level 50 with expertise when I regularly do the opposite. I wouldn't have mentioned it if you hadn't dangled the carrot and told me I had a 0% chance. It's not possible for your hypothetical situation to actually exist therefore the point is moot. The fact is, you take 10 people, if one of them has put more effort in than you have, he should rightly have an advantage, if you want there to not be an advantage, you need to do whatever it takes to get to his level, if you want to compete. Expecting to compete with someone who has put in more effort than you is ludicrous, as is removing from the equation anybody who is better than you and have them compete somewhere else because you can't be bothered to get to where they are and they make it too hard for you when you try to play with them.

Edited by Zetara
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This is a stupid thread, games get nerfed and buffed all the time as do classes and abilities. just because someone had an advantage at one point in time the OP reckons that everyone else should be compensated! Get real lifes not fair lol stop crying.
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While I agree that it is painful to play below 50 vs geared 50s, it does not mean that you have no chance at all. Depending on the warzone you can very effectively use the inherent skills of your class to still play objective focused PvP. A stealther, no matter his level can always try to ninja cap those turrets. Everyone with a pushback can throw people off high ground, especially useful in Huttball. Do you stand a chance going face to face with a geared 50? Unlikely, but you definitely can contribute. Even a geared 50 will still be stunned or rooted on the fire pit if you fire your cc in the right moment, and it doesnt matter what level you have for that.


On the other hand though, yes ofc there is a mathematical or numerical evidence that the damage output against an expertise stacked player at 50 is quite low, and that in reverse a lvl 50 does a great amount of damage against a low level player with no expertise. Not sure what can be done here, maybe add to the bolstering a flat amount of expertise for low level players that brings them to at least 5% expertise buff?


I know that as a geared lvl 50 healer I can usually ignore the attempts of low level players to attack me and focus on my job. Some classes hit harder though and anyone who plays his class to the maximum of its piotential will give me trouble or at least annoy the heck out of me, therefore keeping me from doing my job. So it's not hopeless but yes, I notice the big gear advantage. And to be honest, if we come up against mostly low level players and win Alderaan with 3 turrets or huttball 6-0 it is not very fun for us either. I love challenges, I love a good intense fight where you have to give it your best, even if it means you los ein the end.


Playing as a geared 50 premade against non 50s is usually a snore fest.

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