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Best launch in MMO history, everyone by 15th!


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Looks like things are going great, as big as the invites are today, I have a very good feeling everyone will be in by tomorrow and get a full 5 days of access, much better than starting on the 15th as originally planned eh? Great job BW, best launch in MMO history!


Best launch? No, but a good one.


Will everyone be in by the 15th? Not likely.

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Sorry NO, everyone would be in on the 20th... it's the 14th derp.


The co-founders of BioWare disagree with you...


This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you.




Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk


Co-Founders, BioWare

(Emphasis added)
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Looks like things are going great, as big as the invites are today, I have a very good feeling everyone will be in by tomorrow and get a full 5 days of access, much better than starting on the 15th as originally planned eh? Great job BW, best launch in MMO history!


I agree, they basically went from July 27 to the end of September today. Which means tomorrow they should go from the end of September to the end of November. However, it would be cruel and pointless to leave two weeks of December for the following day. I have a feeling they will finish all the preorders off by tomorrow as well.

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Worst launch ever in mmo history. Every other mmo ALL people would be in,


Yeah... I agree! I sooo much want to experience another WoW launch... you know, when the servers melted and were taken off line for 3 days?


Yeah, that sounds great. Let's do that again!

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For all the people whining, it would be pretty ironic if everyone is in by Dec 15th. That being said, if it happens, they will be the same ones who whine about server lag and queue's due to high populations...


You just can't hug every cat.

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That's why you under promise, then over deliver. Doing that builds customer loyalty.


If the plan was to have everyone in by the 15th, then put out the timeline showing the 17th. That way if everyone is in early they win.


Thats how Scotty did it on Star Trek. He would tell the captain it would take 7 days then get it done in 7 hours. Never tell someone how longs its really going to take. Thats how you get a reputation of being a miracle worker.

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They went through end of July-August and to 9th Sept in 3 waves. If they finish up Sept in the next wave it makes sense for them to try and fit the rest in tomorrow. I agree with OP, it looks like they are trying for it at least. If they do as well tomorrow as they did today it looks like they will finish up.
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Looks like things are going great, as big as the invites are today, I have a very good feeling everyone will be in by tomorrow and get a full 5 days of access, much better than starting on the 15th as originally planned eh? Great job BW, best launch in MMO history!


your utter fanboy blind me

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Worst launch ever in mmo history. Every other mmo ALL people would be in,


Yeah but this is the biggest mmo launch in history so you cant really compare lol... That and based on the people in game everything is running awesome... looking back at what some consider to be the Great WOW it had a week of server downtime after launch... looking back at other MMO's long 24 hour que, server crashes, downed login servers... I will take this over a week or two of headaches. considering if you took all the players and try to log them in at once on any server it would choke... if there is roughly 3mil pre orders that would be like a DOS attack lol...

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Worst launch ever in mmo history. Every other mmo ALL people would be in,


...sitting staring at a load screen


...taking one step every 30 seconds due to massive lag


...watching 100 other players camp the same spawn


Stop complaining. This is turning into one of the best prelaunches in history.

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they are into late September already. I would not be surprised if they do finish up tomorrow. I hope so. That way the crying folks can hush up and play the game.


I wouldn't count on it. This is an MMO. The crying is only beginning.


Wait until "real" bugs are found. Or the discussions about balance. If this community cries against 6 month old CLEARLY posted facts, it's going to be a nightmare when they finally get in. At least we'll know who to ignore before the launch date.

Edited by Krookid
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Currently waited over 1 day in this queue.. in any other mmo I would be in hours ago.


Ya, you would have been in queues for hours then have to deal with the not being able to kill mobs, your stuff being ganked constantly, massive lag, I think everyone will be more than amazingly pleased once they log in by tomorrow.

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they are into late September already. I would not be surprised if they do finish up tomorrow. I hope so. That way the crying folks can hush up and play the game.


I don't know. There was a HUGE increase of pre-orders from September to November. I do hope you're right though. It seems they pushed a ton of people in today. If they can get through September today, they will have regained my trust.


Come on Bioware, give us another "bonus" wave! ;)

Edited by Darth_Alki
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if they really manage to get everybody in by 15th, then i only have 1 question:


Why did they not take the risk of telling us that?



I mean did they fear so hard, anything could break, that they really had to hold back this information... imagine how many tears could have been saved the last hours, by just giving a little more hope to everyone... just sayin.... :o


Because of the 'Entertainment' and 'Community building' value of the forums QQ

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Great launch so far. A+


Piss poor Customer Relations. D-


Not telling anyone when they will get in until they are in is a bad way to run things. They should have at least put out a time line so people didn't keep going to the launcher and email boxes hoping they would find out they were in.


Agreed. poor communication. this is what has been irritating me. Just tell when I can expect to have access so I can go on with my life...lol

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