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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I sometimes get texture pop-in on initially loading after logging in, but on max settings with forced AA (in-game AA doesn't work for me), there is not a single texture in the game that looks like what he posted, for me. Even in the gear preview window.


He was using it troll. If others are having an issue with their textures looking like that on max settings, then they should be over on the technical support forums discussing it.


If the textures are fine for you, why are you even in this thread?

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Wait wait wait.. Let me try to understand this.


So a massive "explanation" was given by Bioware.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but all in all in comes down to this.

"Because there are there are too many players, the server or system cannot handle

high res graphics."


Once again correct me if I'm wrong..

on an even shorter summary..

"Working as intended."


I'm not trying to hate on the game, but the explanation is nothing but an excuse.

Because honestly, WOW had better textures, so did many others in terms of

character models.

Right now I am worried we can NEVER get high res textures, because HeroEngine

might as well be renamed to zeroengine, it is a mess.


On a side note, my browless Twi'lek Jedi upon Dark 3 onwards grew eyebrows, they changed the entire complexion that I originally used.. What is up with that?

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Wow so we will never get high res textures. Im ok with it because the game looks good to me but this does kinda suck, even though I dont really care.


Do not be worried. We will. But before we do they fix their backbone, server farm, bandwidth infrastructure. Don't listen to someone posting here and also take my word with a grain of salt as I just hope and nothing else like all of us.


Thumbs up. They won't let this die, but only DO or SAY something once they have 100% figured it out at BioWare. I would be the same or risk to be flamed for not knowing what I do. This is a complex matter. One thing is sure-BioWare made mistakes and now try to correct them. IF they manage to fix them soon they get away with murder-if not the masses will murder the game. Simple as.

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  • Our texture options are High / Low. We are planning an additional setting for character textures, closer to the quality seen in cinematic scenes, which is under development right now.


Why only close to the cinematic quality and not full on like in the beta or promotional videos?


This is basically saying "No, you will not never ever have high rez textures like in our advertisements but we just can't write it out like this"

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Seems like not many people are taking interest in this thread no more. I remember two weeks ago it was on fire. What happened? Did everyone just /unsub? Take that BioWare!


Think most have just given up. I know I got tired of "begging" Eaware for things that should never have been issues to start with. And especially after their last "helpful" address to us customers http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=252808, which has managed to piss off even some fanbois finally, it's all about letting the sub tick down now. There won't be any further money from my wallet to EAware's, so I really don't care what they do or don't add now.

Edited by Zorvan
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Seems like not many people are taking interest in this thread no more. I remember two weeks ago it was on fire. What happened? Did everyone just /unsub? Take that BioWare!


Oh I unsubscribed and I fully plan on demanding my money back for the two box purchases I've made if Bioware does not give us 100% of the graphical quality that they show in their advertisements.


I will go so far as to contact my credit card company and have the charges reversed.


I'll play the game. I'll even pay the monthly fee. But I refuse flat out until they give me everything I see in their ads, period.


In fact, and this isn't even in the least bit a stretch of the truth, not only have I unsubbed, but so have two of my friends and a family member. On top of that, I know two people who simply didn't buy the game but were planning on it simply due to this.


Every good business knows that every customer loss is bad for business. Lose one and you're bound to lose more. Not only that but a successful business also understands that word of mouth through bad customer experience will also hinder potential future customers from becoming customers.


All in all it's a lose/lose situation for Bioware. Even if they get this fiasco fixed completely, it was still a huge fiasco. They will NEVER have as successful of a game as they could have had; they've already tainted their potential.


Now, no matter how hard they try, this game is never going to live up to what it potentially could.

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Seems like not many people are taking interest in this thread no more. I remember two weeks ago it was on fire. What happened? Did everyone just /unsub? Take that BioWare!


Theres not really much to say, we are all waiting for March to see what they come up with.


If its only close to cut scene quality Im unsubbing. I want what was in beta/advertised.

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Hey look at that, a gameplay video from beta. It seems compressed, but there is no difference in texture quality between gameplay and cinematics. Also nice ambient light and reflection effects on the character.




Are we being trolled or what?

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Wow, hutta looks amazing in that video. ***? It's not just textures, looks like post processing and particles too.


Yes, but notice how sluggish the game runs.


At the time people thought it was because it was so early, yet now many people run even worse while having a game look worse as well.


It's such a pity, I really want this to be a successful game.


Bioware just need to get their act together, as they're busy killing this game.

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Yes, but notice how sluggish the game runs.


Agreed, it does lag considerably. And they probably would have used as powerful a machine as possible in the first place.


Still, looking at those textures, the global lighting and the shadows ... oh my the shadows.


It makes you weep for what would have been possible :(

Edited by twackeroo
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Lose one and you're bound to lose more.


This is a ridiculous statement. Even the most successful companies in the world lose some customers. It is impossible to please everyone, especially in a game where the perception of the value received is so subjective.

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This is a ridiculous statement. Even the most successful companies in the world lose some customers. It is impossible to please everyone, especially in a game where the perception of the value received is so subjective.


Sorry there, buddy. Nothing ridiculous at all about the statement.


For every one person who tells you they quit, there's most likely 5 who didn't say **** and just left.

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Guys, I filed a complaint with the BBB for Bioware's false advertisements and received this response:


On January 27, 2012, the business provided the following information:

Dear (consumer's name removed),


Thank you very much for contacting us with regards to your concerns about the advertised graphics for our game, Star Wars: The Old Republic.


We understand your concerns regarding the graphics in the advertisements as opposed to those in-game. We can confirm that the graphics advertised do appear in-game in certain modes of play but not all, due to technical and performance issues. We would be happy to go into detail on the reasons for this today.


The developers for Star Wars: The Old Republic initially decided to have different graphical settings for general gameplay to optimize the game's performance. The graphics in conversation cut scenes is slightly higher, as only a small number of characters are displayed and this is easy for the client to process smoothly.


The general graphics may appear to be slightly lower and this is intentional from the developer's point of view. They initially tested the game with the conversation cut scenes' graphical settings and found that even the most powerful computers and graphic cards suffered severe performance issues when a large number of players and textures were onscreen at once. Simply put, there is more data for the client to render during conversation cutscenes, and when there is a large number of players in one place, there is too much data for the graphics card and process to render. In order to maintain optimum performance levels, the developers have created textures, which contain less parts needing to be generated by the client during regular gameplay.


The advertisements for the game contain the same graphics as in the game, that is, a mixture of both regular combat gameplay and conversation cutscenes. The videos would have been captured on a computer with the latest graphics cards to ensure that the game runs as smoothly and as beautifully as possible. In order to experience these graphics, you can open your preferences window in-game and set the graphics options to ''High''. Before doing this, we would advise you to please ensure that you have a graphics card that can process high end games, otherwise you may experience some video performance issues.


Our developers are constantly working to improve the game and the graphics have only improved since the testing phase. We hope to continue to improve our game to ensure that it provides our customers with as much enjoyment and interest as would be expected of BioWare.


For more information on this topic, as well as more detailed technical explanations for the graphics settings, please see Stephen Reid's post in the forum: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1478869#edit1478869


We are very grateful for your feedback on the game's graphics and we are glad to assist you with your concerns. If you encounter any issues while playing or require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again and we will be more than happy to help out. We hope you have a very pleasant day and enjoy the game!




(Name removed)

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


The portion in red makes me lol the most.

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