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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I do hope they fix the high resolution textures issue - even if all they give us is a simple toggle with a warning that "this might melt your GPU". Having done the tweaking with Inspector to get reflections working, I almost fell over laughing when I saw that the reflection matrices borked themselves.


If they dont within the next 2 months of paid time im out of the door, gameplay rocks, but whats the point of having some mega new armour, if when you examine it, it looks like sh*t or other players come to that.

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...im not sure what you are complaining about. So you can make the game look better than the in game setting will allow, but you shouldnt have to? This seems like an awful stretch for an argument. Yes the high res textures were available in the beta, which by the way was full of disclaimers about being subject to game etc, but there were also tons of problems with textures not loading properly or not at all.


Bioware has already stated that they are working on ways to appease those of us with more high end computers who want more high res textures, but its not going to be an over night addition. If it means that much to you just cancel your sub until they fix the problem... The devs are aware that people want this "issue" fixed, now all you can do is cancel and wait, or play and wait. It will likely take the same amount of time to get settled no matter what you decide to do.


Snag is m8 , it may be many thousands who end up unsubbing.


Star Trek Online went exactly how this is going.

Edited by Urko
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I realise graphics in the PC world have greater precedence then in the console world, but still the amount of QQ over this issue is unbelievable. It's not terribly game breaking is it? Is it not possible to enjoy the game with albeit slightly lower res textures? You people make it look like the graphics is the #1 most important thing about this game, which even in the PC world shouldn't be true.


For an MMO, graphics are one of the most important features.


The sort of textures im used to looking at in my games make this medium setting in SWTOR look like low settings quite frankly.

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I know it's silly but this is easily my biggest complaint. It wouldn't have been an issue until someone pointed it out and now all I can do is stare at my character's back and it's driving me nuts. I'm certainly not going to unsub, but I would just like to add my voice about how much I would like the option to see high res textures on characters. I had no idea certain sets even looked good until I saw them in group cutscenes. The LOD system changes colors, reduces poly count and blurs everything to the point that some armor sets look horrendous. I have yet to find a belt with a back pouch that isn't a blurred mess.


Anyway I just wanted to voice my additional thoughts about this issue. They haven't really stated any reason they can't use the old display methods from beta other than it slows down the client too much in high traffic areas...to which I say they should at least give us an option to scale or turn off LOD settings. I mean, it's all being rendered client side, right? RIGHT?

Edited by Monthigos
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just wanted voice my thoughts on this... BIOWARE please give us hi res textures..Many other MMO have better looking textures that are much older. we as loyal fans deserve them. People with even mid range rigs could easily run them.. please hurry before the high end player base dwindles... thank you.
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I wonder if we'll go another week with no word from a producer or dev. Bioware - I'd like to hear from someone other than a PR rep. In order to keep my subscription:


1. Explain your reasoning for using in game footage with high-res textures in your marketing material when S. Reid says it is impossible to implement in the current client.


2. Give us a more detailed plan of action with regard to how you are going to remedy the situation.

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I wonder if we'll go another week with no word from a producer or dev. Bioware - I'd like to hear from someone other than a PR rep. In order to keep my subscription:


1. Explain your reasoning for using in game footage with high-res textures in your marketing material when S. Reid says it is impossible to implement in the current client.


2. Give us a more detailed plan of action with regard to how you are going to remedy the situation.


Could you at least change my signature that you use?

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Could you at least change my signature that you use?


Woah, bud - I didn't know you started that. I've seen several people using that sig, and was just trying to help spread the word. If you wanna be the only special snowflake with it, that's cool with me.

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Snag is m8 , it may be many thousands who end up unsubbing.


Star Trek Online went exactly how this is going.


No it didnt. Not even by a long shot. I was there for STO. Two years before it even came off the ground I was at conventions asking the devs questions and hounding them when they had no response. STO was a complete and utter mess. They had no giant budget to work with. It was a shallow game with a billion bugs and misspelled quests. It was all over the place.


It was destroyed on the forums, it was destroyed in reviews, it was destroyed on Facebook. It was sad. Atari just made some quIck cash. Then left cyrptic holding the bag.


This is not going anywhere near STO. At all. The sales of this game have been insane, great reviews, forums are at about 50/50 with troll hate posts and fanboy love. On Facebook hundreds to thousands of users praise this game like the second coming. Also this game is backed by EA and Bioware. This game isn't going anywhere. Esp its just a month old.



Plus even STO took two years to become FTP. That's saying a lot. So swtor is gonna be in the game for a long while. No where to go up from here.

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No it didnt. Not even by a long shot. I was there for STO. Two years before it even came off the ground I was at conventions asking the devs questions and hounding them when they had no response. STO was a complete and utter mess. They had no giant budget to work with. It was a shallow game with a billion bugs and misspelled quests. It was all over the place.


It was destroyed on the forums, it was destroyed in reviews, it was destroyed on Facebook. It was sad. Atari just made some quIck cash. Then left cyrptic holding the bag.


This is not going anywhere near STO. At all. The sales of this game have been insane, great reviews, forums are at about 50/50 with troll hate posts and fanboy love. On Facebook hundreds to thousands of users praise this game like the second coming. Also this game is backed by EA and Bioware. This game isn't going anywhere. Esp its just a month old.



Plus even STO took two years to become FTP. That's saying a lot. So swtor is gonna be in the game for a long while. No where to go up from here.


Yeah - as irritated as I am by the texture issue and the dishonesty surrounding it, I have to admit that I am enjoying the game.


All I'm asking for is a little honesty and some detailed plans for a fix.


This game isn't going to die anytime real soon - certainly it will keep me busy until GW2 comes out or until Zenimax comes through with the details for their big MMO.

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Actually there is a way to play with better textures.

Read a topic about it earlier and the game looks a lot better.

That said it isn't going to fix the fact some armors are a bit ugly and low res, but it will fix the colour blur and you can see the patterns.


I've also noticed while following these option I gained a FPS boost and well the game looks better.


All credits to the posters and the source he got it from, worked for me.




This one is for AA with a nvidia card.



Edited by TheHauntingBard
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Actually there is a way to play with better textures.

Read a topic about it earlier and the game looks a lot better.

That said it isn't going to fix the fact some armors are a bit ugly and low res, but it will fix the colour blur and you can see the patterns.


I've also noticed while following these option I gained a FPS boost and well the game looks better.


All credits to the posters and the source he got it from, worked for me.




This one is for AA with a nvidia card.




Thanks for this, but we still need an official solution. Not a band-aid.

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Thanks for this, but we still need an official solution. Not a band-aid.


Yeah I know and it's just stupid you need to play around like this with settings to get non bugged/blurred textures and proper AA support (Ini file AA tweak is meh)

I didn't get it to work with nvidia inspector until I changed this.


Adjusted it both for my rig and my gf's .

Her FPS increased a lot and it looks a lot better when we got it to work.


Wish there was a band aid fix for the terrible UI as well.

It might not be the best but we all know Bioware is not going to fix this at least until March.





Not topic related, when you alt tab do you also get a bit of a weird glowing line at the right/left of your screen.

Getting this while entering the game for the moment the screen is loading.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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Since Gamestop is offering refunds on the game now (just returned my entire CE box) and Tera Online launches on May 1st, I won't be sticking around for a "graphics fidelity improvement" that may or may not happen sometime within the next 3 months.


To those of you who think the graphics are just fine, aren't insulted by being sold a product that they continue to advertise falsely, or just don't care that zoomed in textures look just like Minecraft, more power to you. You can have your "everything in this game is amazing and needs no improvement" party when they start pulling plugs on the servers.

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Since Gamestop is offering refunds on the game now (just returned my entire CE box) and Tera Online launches on May 1st, I won't be sticking around for a "graphics fidelity improvement" that may or may not happen sometime within the next 3 months.


To those of you who think the graphics are just fine, aren't insulted by being sold a product that they continue to advertise falsely, or just don't care that zoomed in textures look just like Minecraft, more power to you. You can have your "everything in this game is amazing and needs no improvement" party when they start pulling plugs on the servers.


I regret buying it through origin, can't send it back.

First and last time I bought with it, also won't touch any BW/EA products for a while.

But ah well, being suckered for 55 euo is not the worst thing out there.

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Thanks for this, but we still need an official solution. Not a band-aid.


FSAA with a bit of sharpen isn't really a fix. It looks good, sure, but in the end all you do is increase the "grainy-ness" of certain textures.


At the very least they could allow for a much larger draw distance on grass. Shouldn't be too hard to implement a fix for that, right? (Wrong.)

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No it didnt. Not even by a long shot. I was there for STO. Two years before it even came off the ground I was at conventions asking the devs questions and hounding them when they had no response. STO was a complete and utter mess. They had no giant budget to work with. It was a shallow game with a billion bugs and misspelled quests. It was all over the place.


It was destroyed on the forums, it was destroyed in reviews, it was destroyed on Facebook. It was sad. Atari just made some quIck cash. Then left cyrptic holding the bag.


This is not going anywhere near STO. At all. The sales of this game have been insane, great reviews, forums are at about 50/50 with troll hate posts and fanboy love. On Facebook hundreds to thousands of users praise this game like the second coming. Also this game is backed by EA and Bioware. This game isn't going anywhere. Esp its just a month old.



Plus even STO took two years to become FTP. That's saying a lot. So swtor is gonna be in the game for a long while. No where to go up from here.


And yet STO was some of the most fun I have ever had in an MMO. (I played Feb 2010). I didnt come across many bugs but yes lots of misspells.

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Since Gamestop is offering refunds on the game now (just returned my entire CE box) and Tera Online launches on May 1st, I won't be sticking around for a "graphics fidelity improvement" that may or may not happen sometime within the next 3 months.


To those of you who think the graphics are just fine, aren't insulted by being sold a product that they continue to advertise falsely, or just don't care that zoomed in textures look just like Minecraft, more power to you. You can have your "everything in this game is amazing and needs no improvement" party when they start pulling plugs on the servers.


Wait? Seriously? This is the greatest news I've heard so far relating TOR.


Whats the catch on returning it?

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I regret buying it through origin, can't send it back.

First and last time I bought with it, also won't touch any BW/EA products for a while.

But ah well, being suckered for 55 euo is not the worst thing out there.



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Oh, one last thing.


Their "big update" in March http://www.computerandvideogames.com/332295/star-wars-old-republic-update-2-will-be-much-bigger/. Notice something they say nothing about?


They were just trying to pacify us with the whole "first quarter" bullcrap they had Reid feed us, nothing more


Thanks for link.


Stunning, the issue not even being mentioned and a gaming community in the bag.

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