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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[VIDEO] Champion Sentinel Solo PvP


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http://www.swtormovies.com/movieview.php?id=979&stream=69 (for german people that can't watch it on youtube)


Level 50 Combat Sentinel solo PvP vid.


- all fights recorded in PvP warzones and Ilum (open world PvP)

- level 50 opponents only

- 1v1, 1v2, 1vx


3/35/3 Combat Spec

Marauder mirror spec: Carnage


If you have any questions, please post them here in this thread or as youtube comment.

Edited by Moldrany
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Apart from the jealousy transpiring in previous posts, I have to give you a thumbs up.


Great job, I like it when someone shows skill, although I would like to ask you for the next videos to extend a bit more each part of the video, if you just kill someone and then cut it and put another kill it doesn't give a good sensation, if you have clips of longer battles (even if you end up dead) it would be nice to put them.

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[swtormovies link] coming soon


Level 50 Combat Sentinel solo PvP vid.


- all fights recorded in PvP warzones and Ilum (open world PvP)

- level 50 opponents only

- 1v1, 1v2, 1vx


3/35/3 Combat Spec

Marauder mirror spec: Carnage


If you have any questions, please post them here in this thread or as youtube comment.


Loved it.

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Great job, I like it when someone shows skill, although I would like to ask you for the next videos to extend a bit more each part of the video, if you just kill someone and then cut it and put another kill it doesn't give a good sensation, if you have clips of longer battles (even if you end up dead) it would be nice to put them.


Thanks for the suggestion, it was my first movie and I didn't really do any special editing.


I agree that I should make the transaction from one clip into another a bit smoother (with some small effect), so it doesn't just look like one scene directly after another scene.


It's also a good idea to extend and maybe show situations against multiple opponents where I end up dieing but take a few of them with me. Will keep that in mind for my next movie.


About editing in general, I wanted the gameplay to be the focus of my movie (solo warzones and open world PvP) instead of editing. There are already other videos with fancy editing and zooming to high crits all the time, but imo unedited is more real.

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Not available in Germany... oh noes :(


Uploaded it on swtormovies.com now so people who are country restricted by movie law are able to watch it as well.


It already got approved, currently it's available in the premium section and the movie should be available for everyone in a few hours.

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not to be a doucher, but all I see in this vid is:


a) marauders can smash low levels and groups of people they outgear in general (because expertise is the worst balanced thing ever)




b) kill people with gear if they play every situation badly (like that sorc tried to knock you back in civil war at a really stupid time that let you win and didn't even attack back until 80%)



granted you played all those advantages to the fullest and did well so you should be commended on that. :)

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Background music+random PVP footage. Really original.


Not to be a true hater, but I just spent ~5 minutes in your livestream and I'll take some crappy rock over whatever pre-pubescent griping was going on in your Ventrilo any day of the week.

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Not to be a true hater, but I just spent ~5 minutes in your livestream and I'll take some crappy rock over whatever pre-pubescent griping was going on in your Ventrilo any day of the week.

That stream has to be the most awkward & bad thing ive ever watched LOL.

Edited by Kodokai
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Sadly Biochem won most of these fights. Not too difficult if you have 1.5 health bars vs an enemy's 1. Numerous fights would have gone the other way without the massive heal.


Fun watching the vids like this, but it just demonstrates why consumables are getting knocked down with the next patch. Current;y the person with the most items in reserve wins, not the person who plays better.

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