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My harsh criticisms of this game and why I feel cheated


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The only VO and "story" I payed attention to and actually participated in past level 10 were the class quests. I really did not need full VO for random wold quests. I really ended up putting my thumb on space bar and my ring finger on "1" and pressing both as fast as possible.


This is obviously not the game for you.


The stories and voice overs are what keeps this game from becoming another tedious level grind. They give you something to look forward to after fighting mob after mob and hunting down quest items. They make my toon feel more then some generic nobody plowing through generic quests just to get to level cap so I can experience the "real" game. Not that there is any problem with players who like those games, to each his/her own, and just as I stated before that this is not the game for you, those others are not the game for me. So I don't play them, simple. You are not entitled to enjoy something just because you paid for it.



Not everybody can be pleased with every purchase. I have a shelf full of games, console and PC, that I thought I would enjoy but did not due to various reasons.


I personally don't feel that the game is incomplete (in the sense of it wasn't ready for release). It runs well, I have encountered zero game-breaking issues from level 1 - 49, and although the game may be lacking in end game content, I still have 7 other storylines to play through before I even need to worry about it.


Thread after thread is posted on this forum about what's wrong with this game, or how the game was released incomplete and broken, and how they are unsubbing until a later date (or forever).


Nobody that is enjoying the game cares about what you think, or how you feel. Your post will not magically change their opinion if they are having fun.


So the game is not for you, s**t happens.

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I've been playing since MUD's and games have come a long way since then. That doesnt mean every new game that comes out "only had to be better than MUD's" to be "good".


The launch itself went great, much better than games before.


The problem wasnt the launch, the problem was WHAT was launched.


I disagree, i enjoy the game. It's what i was looking for.


Luckily we are all adults and can have different opinions right?

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This is just another "I'm not re-subbing" thread so if all you have to say is "Can I has your stuff?",



Really can I have your stuff? How about your account? I'm assuming since you made this mile long post you played to 50 right? Really I want you stuff send it to me please.

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I felt cheated too, and it's for an entirely different reason.


Bioware sold this game to me on the basis of it's story. So I was willing to let them set the goal posts on this one, and was willing to overlook the fact that there were graphical problems, and some stuff wasn't working at launch, and stuff wasn't balanced, and basically that it seems like they changed stuff at the 11th hour. I would judge the game on the story, because thats what they said was their main goal.


And then the story ignored me.


My choices had no impact on the outcome of the quests. My choice of companions barely changed the way conversations flowed. The main questline and my class questline not only didn't interact at all, they seemed woefully ignorant of each other (races I had met in the class storyline were presented as something I had never seen before in the main, etc). It really hit home during a quest where, in a single player game, I would have had to make a choice about who lived and who died on my crew. Except I knew it didn't matter, because the game was not going to take away one of my companions, because that would be a choice that would forever change how my character played.


Simply put, this game was /made worse/ by the fact it was an mmo, and not a single player game. It basically feels like a single player game that I would have to pay 15 bucks a month if I wanted to play. Thats not just sad, that's downright offensive.

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My choices had no impact on the outcome of the quests. .


Fuuny, i had quests where i could choose to take out my target or i could take his money instead and lie to the intial quest giver,


I had choices to spare peoples lives or not.


I had choices on almost every single quest that let me choose how i wanted to finish the quest, Unlike collect 10 boar tusks for my soup and return them


I don't see how you can say that,

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The more interesting question is... if it is so frustrating to you, why do you read them and then take the time to post a reply?


I can understand people wanting to vent their frustration over the game. Many waited for a very long time, with great anticipation, for release only to find a broken and poorly implemented game. People paid for this game and now no longer have an interest to play because of the issues... I can certainly understand their frustration and desire to vent a little of that frustration on the forum.


You asked the OP why doesn't he "just go"? Well, I ask you you the same question; if these types of threads bother you, just move on and allow the people who want to talk about their frustrations do so!


The answer is simple. "I am quitting post" serve no purpose. I do not want to see a forum, of a game I like, filled with useless venting. I want to see constructive criticism. I do not go to games, that I do not like, and post that the game was a let down, that I quit, and the game will of course die because I personally don't like it. Maybe, just maybe, I can get through to one person that everyone's time is better spent on well thought-out criticism and not keyboard smashing angst-filled "I quit" essays. This is very obvious if you actually spend time to think about it, instead of mindlessly supporting everyone who supports your opinion on why this game is a let down.

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Listen, I don't know you and I'm not mad or crazy or anything. Why don't you just go? I don't understand why all you people write these long dramatic essays on your feeling. Sadly I know it will always be like this. 2 years from now I will read the same kind of poodoo.


People invested lots of time and hopes into this title, only to, in the end, to see that it turned out to be a pile of dung. so we are voicing our dissapointment... that's pretty much all.


i have a suggestion for you tho, why don't you just go and play the game?

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"It's only been a month." isnt an excuse. When you buy something, you expect something complete. When you invest in something, you expect something to be filled out or completed later. Instead of feeling like i've bought a game, I feel like i've become an investor into something "to be completed later". I feel like i've bought pieces to a puzzle.



Im sorry but this is a valid point.


And yes you have invested into this game, by definition all MMO's are a "working progress" otherwise there would be no new content and all MMO's would die whithin 6 months.


You appear to be comparing ToR to a single player game where you buy the finished product, play it, complete it then move on to the next game. If this is the case then maybe you shouldnt play MMO's at all.


Give the game a chance "Its onle been a month" :)

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1) It's clear this game wasnt ready for release. It's clear that the "polishing" that they've been repeating in the last year of development was really just trying to get something "releasable" and not something polished and complete. What we have here is just a basic framework and isnt complete at all.


"It's only been a month." isnt an excuse. When you buy something, you expect something complete. When you invest in something, you expect something to be filled out or completed later. Instead of feeling like i've bought a game, I feel like i've become an investor into something "to be completed later". I feel like i've bought pieces to a puzzle.




I played the beta for a long time and it was very stagnant as far as development goes, nothing was really changed or fixed compared to the numerous other betas I took part in. Bugs were allowed to be released despite players submitting their reports and posting on the forums about them. The Biodrone fanboi's were out in force then too:


"Don't worry they have a year to fix this and add features the game needs."


"Don't worry they have six months.."


"Don't worry, they have a solid three months for patches.."


"Surely the patch before release will have ALL those features much needed like UI customization. They're just sitting on it as a surprise!"


And now that the game has released we hear:


"Its only been out a month! Give it a break!"

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Fuuny, i had quests where i could choose to take out my target or i could take his money instead and lie to the intial quest giver,


I had choices to spare peoples lives or not.


I had choices on almost every single quest that let me choose how i wanted to finish the quest, Unlike collect 10 boar tusks for my soup and return them


I don't see how you can say that,


here, repeat after me: "choices" in this game do not matter. the bogus choice you make is relevant only within the scope of the current conversation. It has absolutely no bearing on any future development.NONE.

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Fuuny, i had quests where i could choose to take out my target or i could take his money instead and lie to the intial quest giver,


I had choices to spare peoples lives or not.


I had choices on almost every single quest that let me choose how i wanted to finish the quest, Unlike collect 10 boar tusks for my soup and return them


I don't see how you can say that,


Because, at the end of the day, whether you saved those people or not did not affect how the world viewed your character. Other characters down the line did not treat you as anymore of a hero or villian because of that choice. Once you made that choice and got the reward, that choice effectively vanished from the universe.

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I agree with OP.


Tell you fanboys why we cant just quit without making this kinda post? Because we feel like cheated, and I just want to encourage ppl who read this to quit as well!


What if I want sell you something faulty, and tell you: "Oh I will fix it in the near future, in the mean time, deal with it one way or another." Will you buy it?


The production quality is just terrible, the worst MMO I have ever played.:mad:

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I agree with OP.


Tell you fanboys why we cant just quit without making this kinda post? Because we feel like cheated, and I just want to encourage ppl who read this to quit as well!


What if I want sell you something faulty, and tell you: "Oh I will fix it in the near future, in the mean time, deal with it one way or another." Will you buy it?


The production quality is just terrible, the worst MMO I have ever played.:mad:


Interesting. So basically, because you don't like the game, you want to tear it down as you leave? You desperately want to make your one little opinion a "reality" by attempting to kill the game. Why else would you waste time posting in a video game forum of a game you hate?

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This is obviously not the game for you.


The stories and voice overs are what keeps this game from becoming another tedious level grind. They give you something to look forward to after fighting mob after mob and hunting down quest items. They make my toon feel more then some generic nobody plowing through generic quests just to get to level cap so I can experience the "real" game. Not that there is any problem with players who like those games, to each his/her own, and just as I stated before that this is not the game for you, those others are not the game for me. So I don't play them, simple. You are not entitled to enjoy something just because you paid for it.



Not everybody can be pleased with every purchase. I have a shelf full of games, console and PC, that I thought I would enjoy but did not due to various reasons.


I personally don't feel that the game is incomplete (in the sense of it wasn't ready for release). It runs well, I have encountered zero game-breaking issues from level 1 - 49, and although the game may be lacking in end game content, I still have 7 other storylines to play through before I even need to worry about it.


Thread after thread is posted on this forum about what's wrong with this game, or how the game was released incomplete and broken, and how they are unsubbing until a later date (or forever).


Nobody that is enjoying the game cares about what you think, or how you feel. Your post will not magically change their opinion if they are having fun.


So the game is not for you, s**t happens.


Why do people say this? I don't need some alien creature going "CHA CHOWA WONGA MEESA JAR JAR BINKS!" for 20 minutes just for the game to tell me to kill 20 droids and use a computer. If anything it adds to the already stupid and repetitive grind. The bonuses attached to quests are equally dumb. Kill 10 droids. Okay, did that. Step 2: Kill...20...more...droids?


There is absolutely no reason to listen to any of the other NPCs outside of your class ones if you want to play for story. None of them add anything to it in the end. Your choices dont make a difference, regardless if you play light, dark or neutral. You simply get a different ending that was obviously slapped together in 30 seconds.


Republic and Empire mirror eachother far too hard. I'll go ahead and make a WoW comparison here. In vanilla Alliance had Paladins and Horde had Shamans. As the game progressed things were homogenized. However SWTOR simply started out that way, and because everything is nearly identical with the exception of the timing on several abilities, it makes for very stale gameplay knowing that everyone does the exact same thing. I just don't feel as if there's a whole lot of variety.


90% of the issues that still exist in the game, have existed throughout the last 6+ months of beta. The game is just in an incomplete state, and Bioware should feel ashamed to allow themselves to be bullied by EA into pushing for a Christmas release. EA is an AWFUL parent company.


If you had low expectations going into the game, it was probably a fine product for you. However if you followed the game since it was announced, which I'm sure a lot of people did, it simply isn't what it was laid out to be.


It's terribly obvious the game was built on the chassis of a single player game. It is disgustingly linear for a MMO.

Edited by Beckwin
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Jesus, these forums are fail incarnate troll caves as every other mmo and gaming forum. I wish I'd burn the place down. Sometimes makes me wonder if gaming companies actually creating these hellholes only to attach trolls out of game.
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Jesus, these forums are fail incarnate troll caves as every other mmo and gaming forum. I wish I'd burn the place down. Sometimes makes me wonder if gaming companies actually creating these hellholes only to attach trolls out of game.


Forums, by their nature, attract 2 types of people:


1) Those who have strong opinions about the game and want to express them.


2) Those who like to watch people with strong opinions make fools of themselves.

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