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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1 PVP outrage, Bioware Rewarding AFKers with Huge PVP edge


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You seem to lack the latter, but also lack the former two. Theres your problem.


Don't use "former/latter" when you are referring to 3 or more things. Hope that helps.

Edited by Borkoo
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Serious PvPers will do what we have always done: grind it out.


The difference here is that once we're done we're actually done. There's no "next season" and at that juncture hopefully it'll just be warzones against evenly geared 50s or 50s with bolstered Expertise.

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Serious PvPers will do what we have always done: grind it out.


The difference here is that once we're done we're actually done. There's no "next season" and at that juncture hopefully it'll just be warzones against evenly geared 50s or 50s with bolstered Expertise.


The only way to get BM bags is to do your dailies/weeklies so you cannot grind it beyond 3 WZ/day. You will just have to wait a few months to catch up.

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Every afker we've seen on my server has been reported by multiple people and not seen again a few days later.


If you got afkers hanging around after reporting them i'm very sad to hear it, if you haven't tried reporting them though you really should.

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Every afker we've seen on my server has been reported by multiple people and not seen again a few days later.


If you got afkers hanging around after reporting them i'm very sad to hear it, if you haven't tried reporting them though you really should.


This is beside the point, but afkers on my server are definitely not getting punished.

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Nobody in the world is battlemaster through afking right now... As a battlemaster I can tell you that with absolute certainty...


75% of the valor you get is from medals... to afk in warzones would be much slower...


Yes, current battlemasters have a slight advantage if they got lots of gear drops (I did not, only got a relic and mainhand after over 30 bags...


The bottom line is that the new system is better, it isn't RNG and RNG is what most of us are sick of, so yes, current battlemasters who got lots of gear have an advantage, but overall this is better for everyone so stop complaining.

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I won't be renewing my account if this is as it appears to be. I know some others in my guild feel the same, and any serious pvper who hasn't got battlemaster yet is going to be mad when they learn of this.


I'm a serious PvPer and about to hit Battlemaster rank. Yet I'm not mad. Stats-wise, full Champion gear -> Battlemaster gear ain't that big of a gap.


If anything, welcome the challenge (like any serious PvPer would) :p



Serious PvPers will do what we have always done: grind it out.

^ This.

Edited by darthtoph
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You only need valor rank 60 and regardless of how many of these afkers there are, they shouldn't be allowed to retain an edge for months because Bioware turns off the epic spigot only after they cheated.


there's really only one fair way to fix it.. they'd have to implement tier 4 armor on the comm system, and leave bm as rng

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your whole arguement is bad.

the afk problem is more about the low levels doing it for xp not for high levels doing it for gear.

im sorry to say this but a win or loss with 0 medals is worth like 500 valor and 20 comms if that and then you have to think about the fact that just going from 59-60 takes 49k valor points.

at those ratios they are better off medal farming like most do to maximize valor gains.


not really... if you have a bot rockin' and rollin' 24/7, even if your valor is cut in half by afk'ing, unless you're hopped up on redbull and cocaine for a week straight, you're not going to be making more valor.

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LOL as a Battlemaster myself you realize that there is a 4-6 point in stat difference from champion to BM. Stop crying its not as bad as you think. I personally wanted a gear grind in the first place to make people work for it so it separates the men from the boys. Edited by Throne_Senpai
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the way i understand it you will need 1 of the battlemaster commondations for ANY piece of the battlemaster gear, that actually makes it a lot easier to get the pieces you want and will have no effect on the time it takes to get your full set at all...
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Yeah, my account cancels in a few days because of this change too. PVPing for tokens to buy stuff is one thing, PVPing for a CHANCE to get get stuff is *********** insane. Sorry, if I'm going to waste my time gambling I'm going to go to Vegas and get a ****** while I do it.
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I cannot fathom why you guys are so intent on attacking him, they are making a severely grind-fest system harder for those who didn't either A) Have no life or B) Botted. Unless there is a pricing change or a commendations per bag increase, your looking a months to complete a battlemaster pvp set.
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Wut ?!? you mean 3 or 4 lazy AFkers got some stuff, so BioWare modified the game so this doesn't happen again less than a month after release, so these 3 or 4 losers doesn't multiply... and you're not happy ?!?


You don't understand the thread or the way the system works. I'd suggest getting an adult to help you browse the forums.

Edited by Borkoo
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1.1 notes:


"Battlemaster Gear Tokens have been converted into Battlemaster Commendations, which can be used to purchase any Battlemaster gear. This allows players to purchase any piece of gear instead of requiring them to purchase the piece indicated by the token.


Battlemaster Bags now contain Battlemaster Commendations instead of Battlemaster Gear Tokens. They still also contain Champion Commendations."


So, those who got Battlemaster the first couple weeks by afking in warzones 24/7 should have nearly full sets due to random drops from bags. As of the next patch, legitimate new and future battlemasters will get 1 item every couple weeks by getting 6 comms per day. This assumes the commendation prices are consistent with centurion/champion gear.


I won't be renewing my account if this is as it appears to be. I know some others in my guild feel the same, and any serious pvper who hasn't got battlemaster yet is going to be mad when they learn of this.



Its a pve game Bro. No game with Warzones or Battlegrounds is a pvp game. You can yell at me all u want, but it is true. There are no arena and you cant even run a full group of people for some organized pvp. On top of that anyone who is a real pvp would have the gear by now. See you in the next game that does not have pvp but you thing is does.

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I hope all of these "I QUIT because you didn't fix what I want right NOW" people actually do follow up on their word.


Anybody w/o the resolve to stick out the first couple months of a MMO that is 25GB in size is better off doing something else that doesn't piss off all of the mature ppl

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I hope all of these "I QUIT because you didn't fix what I want right NOW" people actually do follow up on their word.


Anybody w/o the resolve to stick out the first couple months of a MMO that is 25GB in size is better off doing something else that doesn't piss off all of the mature ppl


I'm quitting because they are actively breaking something. Also, it shouldn't take "resolve" to continue to enjoy a paid service. Lastly, how have I "pissed of all of the mature ppl?" Do "mature ppl" get really mad when people complain on the forums? Is that the hallmark of mature ppls?

Edited by Borkoo
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