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Ironic reason why people might cancel subs....


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People might be canceling in favor of another game, and these games are EA's own games and even Bioware's own game! LOL!


Game #1 - Kingdoms of Amalur



Created by Curt Schilling's studio 38 Studios, this project is headed by Ken Rolston who designed Morrowind and Oblivion. Famed fantasy author R.A Salvatore writes the universe, lore. Creator of Spawn, Todd McFarlane does the artwork for the game.


Game #2 - Mass Effect 3



Since this is a bioware game, it will be familiar to any TOR player or any gamer who have played Bioware games. It follows the same setup of TOR, gathering companions, multiple planets, ship, etc. If you have only played TOR, then you'll fit right in.


First one is so far away it doesn't even have a webpage yet


I have ME 1 and 2 and 3 will be just a much a joke as the first two.


Oh I will buy ME3 though 4 months after release when it is for sale on steam for $10.

Edited by Renshei
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Same! I'm sooo hyped for D3 and they're talking like it's coming very soon!



About that, I think the big problem with grouping up outside of FP's is that Heroic 4's require too much coordination. There has to be CC, random group has to be aware that they can't break CC's and do AOE's and have to have proper group composition.


Heroic 2's on the other hand are a lot more lenient because it's easier to select the proper companion to fill the roles (than having to find people) so any composition can clear the quest.


For Flashpoints, people have to go through multiple load screens and a lot of travel (excluding the use of quick travel/fleet pass) and so people would rather keep questing than to go to a FP and possibly get hosed on drops. This is exactly why WoW implemented the LFD and LFR systems. It gets more people playing the game and opens up more access to content than it normally does.



My brother and I level a character together he is a vanguard and i am a scoundrel we walk through heroic 2's like so easy i dont realize they are heroics until we turn them in.


Heroic 4's with us 2 and companions are the funnest thing about this game so far for me.


First one is so far away it doesn't even have a webpage yet


I have ME 1 and 2 and 3 will be jsut a much a joke as the first two.

funny i followed his link and watched combat videos and such. its a console RPG it needs a webpage? Edited by Twixted
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I did. I was almost completed with Skyrim when I decided to go down Deathwing which required me to gear up through Heroics then clear LFR. Afterwards I switched over to SWTOR and haven't stopped playing it since (except for maybe a few AI matches of Marvel) That's just the way MMO's are. Once you start playing it, if you like it, it's the only game you play.


Considering that both MMOs have a sub then yes that is a perfectly valid reason to drop a game with a sub for another game with a sub.


However dropping an sub-based MMO for a single-player game without a sub is not a valid argument in this case.

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Considering that both MMOs have a sub then yes that is a perfectly valid reason to drop a game with a sub for another game with a sub.


However dropping an sub-based MMO for a single-player game without a sub is not a valid argument in this case.


This makes perfect sense. However its possible to not log in to play the subbed game for long enough you wonder why you are paying monthly for it and stop.

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This makes perfect sense. However its possible to not log in to play the subbed game for long enough you wonder why you are paying monthly for it and stop.


True enough - but in this case it's a personal problem with the game: Either you've grown bored of it or have decided to take a hiatus for whatever reason. If you're not using a particular service then why pay for it?


Well they're paying 15 a month for a single player MMO so maybe that want to save some cash


SWTOR is an MMORPG, not a "single player MMO".


It may have certain aspects that you would normally attribute to a single-player game, but that doesn't change the fact that at its core this game is an MMORPG.

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Considering that both MMOs have a sub then yes that is a perfectly valid reason to drop a game with a sub for another game with a sub.


However dropping an sub-based MMO for a single-player game without a sub is not a valid argument in this case.

Well why would you continue paying a sub for a game you are not happy with? That is why there are people planning on cancelling their subs. Now as to where they will go after that happens? These two games are what people might be spending their money on.


Anyways I started watching this video:

good starting point for learning more about the game. Looks very impressive so far and it sounds like this is an RPG a lot of people may have been waiting for.

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Well why would you continue paying a sub for a game you are not happy with? That is why there are people planning on cancelling their subs. Now as to where they will go after that happens? These two games are what people might be spending their money on.


Anyways I started watching this video:

good starting point for learning more about the game. Looks very impressive so far and it sounds like this is an RPG a lot of people may have been waiting for.


As I mentioned before, that's a personal problem with the game itself, now isn't it? If you really don't like the game then don't subscribe to it.


However on the flip-side of that if you do like this game enough to pay for a subscription, then why cancel it to play an entirely different game from an entirely different genre?

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People might be canceling in favor of another game, and these games are EA's own games and even Bioware's own game! LOL!


Game #1 - Kingdoms of Amalur



Created by Curt Schilling's studio 38 Studios, this project is headed by Ken Rolston who designed Morrowind and Oblivion. Famed fantasy author R.A Salvatore writes the universe, lore. Creator of Spawn, Todd McFarlane does the artwork for the game.


Game #2 - Mass Effect 3



Since this is a bioware game, it will be familiar to any TOR player or any gamer who have played Bioware games. It follows the same setup of TOR, gathering companions, multiple planets, ship, etc. If you have only played TOR, then you'll fit right in.


Serious or plain stupid?


Apples and oranges.


You don't quit eating your ice cream because fries just got delivered do you?

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However on the flip-side of that if you do like this game enough to pay for a subscription, then why cancel it to play an entirely different game from an entirely different genre?

It's wasteful to keep a sub to a game that you aren't playing because your time is invested elsewhere. It just makes sense and a LOT of people happen to use the same way of thinking. I've been in the MMO scene for a very long time to see how people come and go, and why they come and go. You just don't know how long you're going to be away from the game. Skyrim for example takes months of gameplay to even see true progress on it's side quests and such.


For World of Warcraft's subscription cancel for example, one of the question they ask you is, are you leaving for another game? If so, which one? The cancel reason is up there because in general, a lot of other people DO leave for other games and you cannot lump them into genres like people leaving one sub-MMO to another f2p-MMO or whatever. Lots of people leave to play different games and believe it or not, cancel their subs. There are a lot of people who left WoW to play Leauge of Legends. Apples and Oranges right? Sure.

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Just go watch a HD video of Guild Wars 2 gameplay on youtube. Check out the huge, epic bosses. Check out the amazing ambiance and graphics. Check out the streamlined UI. Check out the fact that it has no subscription fee and feels more like MMO than SWTOR.


Now, take a good hard look at SWTOR.


I want to /wrist for spending $60 on this crap game.

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Just go watch a HD video of Guild Wars 2 gameplay on youtube. Check out the huge, epic bosses. Check out the amazing ambiance and graphics. Check out the streamlined UI. Check out the fact that it has no subscription fee and feels more like MMO than SWTOR.


Now, take a good hard look at SWTOR.


I want to /wrist for spending $60 on this crap game.

I've seen all that and yes it is quite impressive. But I've been at Guild Wars when it first opened and I leveled through it's content way too quickly. I didn't do any of the expansions but that game left a bad taste that I hope will change when the game finally comes out. I think this will be one of those games where I take a wait and see approach.


The ONLY thing is, Diablo 3 is actually fast approaching release. It is likely to release before GW2 does and when that happens, the only game I will be concerned with is D3. I will farm until it cannot be farmed any more!

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I dont know about unsubbing, but with Kingdoms of Alamur, ME3, and D3 around the corner (go rumors, go!), on top of games I really should be finishing before GW2 comes out (got Batman AC, LA Nior and a few others on Xmas Steam Sale)... I can see TOR falling by the wayside ... well see oh, and 130+ hours in... still gotta finish Skyrim =P Edited by HP_Craftwerk
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Just go watch a HD video of Guild Wars 2 gameplay on youtube. Check out the huge, epic bosses. Check out the amazing ambiance and graphics. Check out the streamlined UI. Check out the fact that it has no subscription fee and feels more like MMO than SWTOR.


Now, take a good hard look at SWTOR.


I want to /wrist for spending $60 on this crap game.

Also check out the fact that the game thinks it's being progressive by removing the holy trinity, even though that will just lead to soulless player characters.


Check out the fact that every MMO that has promised "dynamic" content has failed miserably at it. Dynamic just isn't possible. Those epic boss fights might be random, but that just means the order in which you see them for the 100th time each will be different than the order in which someone else sees them for the 100th time each.


Check out these things. They look ******* ridiculous.


GW2 will bomb because you're doing the same thing to it that you did with TOR. You're a rabid consumer of video games, apparently having no other passions in life, and are never content with anything. You have unrealistic expectations and it will only come back to bite you in the ***. I look forward to you seeing you rag on GW2 on the GW2 forums talking about how some other MMO will be so much better than it.


I don't think GW2 will be a bad game, but I know that you'll ruin it for yourself with your immaturity.

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Also check out the fact that the game thinks it's being progressive by removing the holy trinity, even though that will just lead to soulless player characters.


The holy trinity is a stale dated model holding the genre back in my opinion. Along with the drug addiction of having stats on gear.


When wow runs its course another doing the same thing will not take its place. This game will not take its place. The model will be found dead.


Lore and the gear grind is what keeps games in this genre using you holy trinity going. This game has plenty of lore to live on but the lack of customization will hold it back from ever reaching those levels.


Other models that keep replay value look to CCG elements , think table top army building, card game deck building. I am betting that is the next model to fuel subs in my opinion. A smart company will take this known successful model and apply it to the video game market. It will require some nice LORE to back it up though. Same way this game probably got most its release sales, by stamping the name star wars on it.

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Why would people cancel their sub for single player games again?


Apples and oranges. And I don't believe you actually know what ironic means.


Because those games are released finished and their quality is top notch single player compared to this re-hashed sidequest.

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Only thing that needs to be said about Guild Wars 2 is this...






thats a leaked part of a pvp map.. supposedly.. 1/3 of the 4 WvWvW (World vs World vs World) Maps that will be on rotation


Oh yes.. they are bringing back DAOC style pvp... they had me at hello


omg, ty for that link.


that map looks AWESOME.................FRICKING CASTLE SIEGES ARE BACK BABY!


Here is a dev doing a scenario with a elementalist. My favorite video so far.


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I don't believe you realize BioWare is charging a monthly subscription for a single-player game, to pay for developing it into a MMO.




edit: actually surprised this isnt locked yet. probably because the main links has EA games in it?

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