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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Forcing a no exit till MVP vote


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How bout just take MVP votes out entirely because in literally 95% of games it goes to the wrong person because no one can tell from the stat screens who was really the MVP, because premades always vote for themselves and because the rest of people generally can't be bothered anyhow.


Or keep it in but have it have no effect on anything.

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There's matches where I do 500k healing, 100k dmg, etc...and get no mvp votes. Why would I vote for randoms who won't vote for 500k healing?


There are some games where I score 5 of the 6 points in huttball and not get one vote.

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I've had matches where I got top healing by throwing dots on people as I ran that healed me slightly. Its a broken system. They just need to automate it. Who ever gets top heaing should get something, top damage, top kills, and so forth and so on. Hell, who ever DIES the most should get a small bonus because, well, lets face it... they need the help.
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I find that usually 2-5 people for for MVP.


I usually vote for whoever has the highest healing, or highest protection. If there is no one with an impressive amount of that then I'll just vote for whoever is 2nd place in damage


Alot of time people dont vote for the right because they dont remember who did what. I know I played alot of games and can't remember people's names after the game. Sometimes there will be that certain healer who saved your *** and let you destroy a group of enemies, but you cant remember which of the 3 healers he was :(


Also, in Huttball the objective points seem way off. Last night in one game I scored, also threw a TD pass, killed the enemy ball carrier a couple times....did everything. Got 0 objective points.

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The MVP system isnt to award the top dps/healer/tank. It is to provide an additional bonus to someone who helped you out personally, or who you thought did a good job. There isnt one MVP, each vote just adds more valor/comms/xp just like medals do.


If I thought the top healer did an excellent job, then maybe Ill give him my vote, or maybe the level 20 who stuck by my side and healed me the entire time will get it, or even the person who capped a turret while I tanked the 2 guys guarding it and pulled them away from the controls.

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I get overlooked for MVP plenty of times when I think I deserve it. I've played Voidstar, bombed every door, opened every bridge, and tagged the data console while still doing decent damage and not gotten one vote for MVP because I wasn't the guy with the most medals.


It makes me appreciate the games where I do get a vote from someone. It means they were paying attention. And I did win it once. But it tends to go to the level 40-50 Trooper with the highest damage.

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The MVP system isnt to award the top dps/healer/tank. It is to provide an additional bonus to someone who helped you out personally, or who you thought did a good job.


I like that! There have been many games where i see someone knock a ball carrier off the bridge in Huttball away at the last second, or helped stun someone that was coming after me when i was trying to cap a door in Voidstar, and i will totally remember their name for the votes. While i could see the point that overall that might NOT be considered "mvp" of the whole game, i like to throw a thumbs up to someone i saw do something awesome.


And yes I also agree that sometimes, there are games when no one really deserves a vote, so if Bioware does decide on something like the OP suggest, there should be a little checkbox that says "vote for no one." (that might defeat the purpose though :o)


Edit: added NOT

Edited by Savesthaday
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MVP votes I think after a warzone a forced system that only lets you exit after you cast an mvp vote.


nah, just change it so players wont recieve MVP bonus if they dont vote. or give them a small bonus just for voteing.


You should never force players to do anything, rather you should give them incentives utilize it.

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MVP votes I think after a warzone a forced system that only lets you exit after you cast an mvp vote.


Terrible idea. Everyone already just choses the guy ontop (with most medals) or the one with most healing done if they pick an MVP. I only give out MVP perhaps 1/10 games because I only give MVP if someone did an excellent job like great passes in huttball for example, or did an amazing job keeping me alive.

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  • 3 weeks later...
How bout just take MVP votes out entirely because in literally 95% of games it goes to the wrong person because no one can tell from the stat screens who was really the MVP, because premades always vote for themselves and because the rest of people generally can't be bothered anyhow.


Or keep it in but have it have no effect on anything.


Aye that, MVP votes are given by premades guilds friends etc,,,, I have yet to receive one vote on any of my characters. Highest damage over and over and several scores with the huttball in any given game. MVP votes are no fair and should be changed or better yet taken out of the game. Try to make it a system given vote not player which means fail, I've yet to meat an honest person in my life. :mad:

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As a Sorc I can either not play the game properly and rack up damage and healing or I can assist and have low scores across the board. When I want my team to win HB I do stuff like put a bubble on the ball carrier, purge them of negative effects, pull them across obstacles or to the goal line, throw a Whirl Wind on an enemy in the way, etc.. Not one of those things give me good scores yet helps the team a lot. Guess what? When I assist I generally get no MVP votes and my valor gain is super low. Edited by Tanngnjostr
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I like that! There have been many games where i see someone knock a ball carrier off the bridge in Huttball away at the last second, or helped stun someone that was coming after me when i was trying to cap a door in Voidstar, and i will totally remember their name for the votes. While i could see the point that overall that might NOT be considered "mvp" of the whole game, i like to throw a thumbs up to someone i saw do something awesome.


And yes I also agree that sometimes, there are games when no one really deserves a vote, so if Bioware does decide on something like the OP suggest, there should be a little checkbox that says "vote for no one." (that might defeat the purpose though :o)


Edit: added NOT


Right on.


Vote for who you like. I've had middling games where I only get 4 or 5 medals and do only fair dps, but because I put guard on a shadow I'll get an MVP vote...

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