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The REAL Reason You Can't Respec Your Advanced Class - A Tactic of Perception from BW


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It's because Bioware is trying to subtly push the narrative that advanced classes are "totally different and distinct classes" altogether. Everyone who views the subject objectively knows this to be totally false, and also particularly disingenuous on Bioware's part, as ACs are simply glorified talent specs, but that's the REAL reason they won't allow AC respecs.


If ACs were able to be re-specialized at will, then the illusion of ACs being separate and independent WHOLE classes would disappear and people would wake up and realize that this game really only has 4 CLASSES. This is the root of the problem as SW:TOR's vastly superior (number's wise) competitor, World of Warcraft, has 10 classes, with another on the way.


Bioware knows it simply can not compete against 10 classes with 4 classes, so they're traveling this route.



Ret paladins = melee with some ranged abilities.

Sith Assassins = melee with some ranged abilities.



Holy Paladins = ranged (~30-40m) with some melee abilities.

Sith Sorcerers = ranged (~30m) with some melee abilities.


Further evidence that ACs are essentially talent spec mirrors.

It's a way to create "twice as many classes with half the work" required to usually do that.




Now, if the community recognized this and woke up, then Bioware would have no further interest in pursuing this path, and they would implement AC respecs, which would ultimately benefit everyone since there's a shortage of tanks and healers momentarily (easier to level DPS than healers or tanks, which is why there's more DPS than the other two roles.)

Edited by Xugos
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I think it's because switching from Druid to Warrior in WoW would be silly and that's what you're asking for here.


They tell you when you choose your AC it's permanent, shouldn't be a surprise.



Play a sage and shadow tell me they play even remotely similiar they don't.

Play a sentinel and warrior t ell me they play even remotely similiar they don't.


The healer remark doesn't make sense either. i'm a commando i levelled as dps and then changed to healer spec. This is already in the game i don't think you understand the mechanics.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I think it's because switching from Druid to Warrior in WoW would be silly and that's what you're asking for here.


They tell you when you choose your AC it's permanent, shouldn't be a surprise.


If you had read the OP, I addressed that. ACs are glorified talent specs, not distinct classes. The difference between a Sith Assassin and a Sith Sorcerer (both from the Inquisitor class) is less than the difference between a Retribution Paladin and a Holy Paladin in WoW, therefore they are actually closer to different talent specs of the same class than different classes altogether.

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Now, if the community recognized this and woke up, then Bioware would have no further interest in pursuing this path, and they would implement AC respecs, which would ultimately benefit everyone since there's a shortage of tanks and healers momentarily (easier to level DPS than healers or tanks, which is why there's more DPS than the other two roles.)


Actually, the further you get in the game, it can be pretty easy to level as a healer because you are almost completely unkillable in PVE unless you do something really stupid. Yes, it's not that hard if you're DPS and when you finally get a healer companion, but leveling as a healer post-35 is significantly easier than a DPS post-35... again, until you get a proper healing companion. Even so, you can still level just fine as any of them.. it's not dramatically slower all around, no matter what you do.. And even when it IS a bit slower, you are /soloing/.


To be honest, the game seems best built around duoing with someone with a couple of companions.. other than some of the ridiculous Heroic 4s, you can do almost anything in the game that way.

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This never ends. It's because AC respec makes the classes not important. In most cases gear is incompatible for some while not for others. Example: Jedi Shadow, and Jedi Sage can share everything except their weapon, where as Jedi Guardian cannot share anything with Jedi Sent. It would imbalance the game in that sense.


There's one reason right there.



Are you suggesting they make major changes that revise all current systems? I think you need to go play a different game.

Edited by EnsignSorrow
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If you had read the OP, I addressed that. ACs are glorified talent specs, not distinct classes. The difference between a Sith Assassin and a Sith Sorcerer (both from the Inquisitor class) is less than the difference between a Retribution Paladin and a Holy Paladin in WoW, therefore they are actually closer to different talent specs of the same class than different classes altogether.


That's delusional


You haven't played an assasin or sorc if you thnnk that's the case.

AS soon as you choose your AC you get a 30m range where the other doesn't.

They play totally different.


your entire post is based on misinformation

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I wholeheartedly disagree with every single point in your post. First of all the advanced classes do play out like very different classes. My sorcerer feels nothing like my assassin, it truly plays like two complete classes. And Bioware has built a game where you truly fell your character grow and define himself(herself) in the universe. Now too be able to completely switch how that character interacts with the world on a whim, would completely pull away from the gameplay and immersion.


I leveled for the most part as a healer. I did the lower levels(the easier part of the game) as a dps to get the feel of the dps class and have some fun with the big boom spells. I actually found the game much much much easier to level as a healer. I have to constantly help dps people do their class quests. I have solo'd every single class quest, every single class elite. So the "there is a shortage of healers and tanks because its easier to level as dps" is complete horse sh*t. There is a shortage because fewer people like/are comfortable in those roles.


I would ONLY be on board with AC changes if it rolled you back to level 10. You get to keep all your loot and credits, and profession levels. That is it.

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That's delusional


You haven't played an assasin or sorc if you thnnk that's the case.

AS soon as you choose your AC you get a 30m range where the other doesn't.

They play totally different.


your entire post is based on misinformation


Ret paladins = melee with some ranged abilities.

Sith Assassins = melee with some ranged abilities.



Holy Paladins = ranged (~30-40m) with some melee abilities.

Sith Sorcerers = ranged (~30m) with some melee abilities.

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Ret paladins = melee with some ranged abilities.

Sith Assassins = melee with some ranged abilities.



Holy Paladins = ranged (~30-40m) with some melee abilities.

Sith Sorcerers = ranged (~30m) with some melee abilities.


That's great but that doesn't actually have anything to do with what i posted and you are missing the point.


Oh well no point in responding, I'm pretty sure the entire playerbase is aware that sages and shadows are much different. that commandos and vanguards are much diffrent, etc.

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No, they are classes. They have completely different playstyles. If you roll a Smuggler, you CEASE to be a Smuggler ever again upon selection of your advanced class. You are NOT a "scoundrel smuggler" or whatever other desperate justification people have tried to come up with for calling a Gunslinger and a Scoundrel the same class.


Your notion of it being a glorified talent spec is not only incorrect, but it's (like I mentioned above) a desperate attempt at coming across as correct, and it's your opinion. your opinion is wrong. I realize that's an invalid statement to make, but in this case I just couldn't help myself.

Edited by Aurinax
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No, they are classes. They have completely different playstyles. If you roll a Smuggler, you CEASE to be a Smuggler ever again upon selection of your advanced class. You are NOT a "scoundrel smuggler" or whatever other desperate justification people have tried to come up with for calling a Gunslinger and a Scoundrel the same class.


Your notion of it being a glorified talent spec is not only incorrect, but it's (like I mentioned above) a desperate attempt at coming across as correct, and it's your opinion. your opinion is wrong. I realize that's an invalid statement to make, but in this case I just couldn't help myself.


You've obviously missed the entire jist of the OP.

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Hey, OP.. we're already discussing this topic. Mind y'know.. jumping in there rather than looking foolish and adding to clutter?




That thread was defined by a very select few who were so hung up on a single interview done over 6 months ago that it was more of a comedy thread on how they could obsess over that single quote. I would have posted there but I felt it was completely pointless given their ridiculous stance.

Edited by Caidox
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You've obviously missed the entire jist of the OP.


A compelling argument and you've firmly explained why I'm wrong and you're right and have therefore put me in my deserved place under your boot.


Oh wait, lol.


Stop dodging all of the people using your post history to remind you of how terrible you are at the internet btw.

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The OP's Post History


Just FYI. Gotta love the Search Function! :)




You've posted negatively on every single aspect of TOR. Doesn't matter the argument, you're there to post negatively on whatever TOR feature that thread is about. After a while people see a pattern (100% of your posts are against TOR) and therefore any argument you make loses credibility.


You won't be missed on the 21st (or whenever you end up leaving). Something tells me this won't be the first or last time people will celebrate your departure.


I hope you enjoy your next game and wish you luck!

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A compelling argument and you've firmly explained why I'm wrong and you're right and have therefore put me in my deserved place under your boot.


Oh wait, lol.


Stop dodging all of the people using your post history to remind you of how terrible you are at the internet btw.


Go read the OP, it literally is a direct rebuttal to what you said.

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Ret paladins = melee with some ranged abilities.

Sith Assassins = melee with some ranged abilities.



Holy Paladins = ranged (~30-40m) with some melee abilities.

Sith Sorcerers = ranged (~30m) with some melee abilities.


Load of crap. Really.


Sith Sorcerer is not simply a healer, like a holy pally is. A lightning sorcerer plays much more like a Mage, and a Madness sorcerer plays more like an affliction lock. A sorcerer doesn't use melee abilities except for overload, in order to get stuff back to range.


An assasin plays entirely differently from any of the sorcerer specs, and yes, plays a bit more like a ret pally. But there are also 3 assasin specs, which all have significant differences from each other.


You're just wrong, man.

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